/Type /Font Nature's classroom is fascinating /Length 8677 4-WEEK E-COURSE Setting up your home Montessori-style, 2-WEEK BOOTCAMP Setting up a Montessori playgroup, , by Paula Polk Lillard and Lynn Lillard Jessen, Free 44-page PDF of Montessori activities for babies, toddlers and preschoolers, Free PDF download of “Instead of this, Say that”, Free infographic “How to Set Limits Montessori-style”, Free infographic “How to Manage Tantrums”, Free infographic “Age Appropriate Chores for Children”, Free PDF with 75+ books Montessori children will love, Live tour of a Montessori toddler classroom in Amsterdam, Setting up your home for Montessori children, My top Ikea picks for Montessori children, Montessori activities for traveling with children, How to Raise an Amazing Child: The Montessori Way, How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, Positive Discipline: The First Three Years, Toxic Childhood: How The Modern World Is Damaging Our Children And What We Can Do About It. Montessori 0–3 Classroom Guide. I’ve talked about preliminary and practical life activities as the most important activities for preschoolers at the beginning of the school year. Resources. The arts are not treated as specialty subjects in Montessori. Oct 26, 2020 - Montessori (and Montessori-influenced) activities for toddlers and preschoolers, for home and school. Activities for Four-Year-Olds The Importance of Play. >> It was a huge victory for her. Even though we are sharing these wonderful Montessori toys for 4 year olds, I am by no means saying children need all of these. /Widths [ 220 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 199 0 199 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 However, what I really like about this book is the realistic practical suggestions at the end of each chapter telling you what you can do about it given the facts. /Size 48 Please forgive me for not including proper Montessori work photographs, like binomial cube or sound box activity. /FirstChar 32 /Prev 51801 Is Montessori suitable for every child? This book begins to give parents an insight into the world from their child’s point of view. 460 ] Amanda presents a way to create with children that is accessible and fun. You'll find LOTS of free printables either hosted right here at Living Montessori Now or through links in many of my blog posts. I mainly show our shelves every half year to give you a variety of activities and to show a couple of different themes and seasons. This “loose schedule” was started when my daughter was 18 months but is applicable up to age 3. /Pages 34 0 R * Montessori FAQs Part 3 SELECT FORMAT 24 Lessons to Make Learning Fun! A Montessori approach to toilet training; 4. endobj /Info 35 0 R << ); spooning popcorn (I usually have a dry or wet pouring activity or some other type of transferring activity on the shelf for a young preschooler. The website gives useful information on the Montessori approach and there are beautiful Montessori materials available. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding Understanding the Human Being, by Sylvana Montenaro /CropBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] 14 Montessori-Inspired Activities for a 2-Year-Old. montessori inspired activities for pre schoolers home projects for 2 6 year olds Nov 27, 2020 Posted By Michael Crichton Public Library TEXT ID 7805bdf0 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library for pre schoolers home based projects for 2 6 year olds ebisujima jo montessori inspired activities for pre schoolers home projects for 2 6 year olds nov 09 2020 posted by A friend of mine emailed me last night to ask for some guidance as her lovely child began the journey to reading at a rapid pace. /Tabs /S Jan 26, 2020 - Easy prek free printable worksheets perfect for 3 year olds. 43 0 obj /FontFamily (Cambria) /H [ 854 259 ] So this advice is all great and well but HOW do you create the environment fit for a child? /BaseFont /Times-Roman How does Montessori work in practice? Preschool Activity Books 3 Year Old Preschool Activities For 5 Year Olds Preschool Learning Activities Book Activities Free Preschool Educational Activities Toddler Activities Kindergarten Games. :�9��P�� 0�ؾv���b�����# ���[7l~���� 0000000854 00000 n I have compiled over 100 Montessori inspired activities for toddlers from the age of 1 to 2.5 years old. endobj /T 51812 I enjoy reading her books, but they are not light-reading! Get rid of the clutter and set up beautiful, engaging spaces for your children. That's 75 books that are read over and over again in my class and which I will never get bored of. /Type /Font Thanks for sharing this amazing ideas. March 26, 2014 by Kathleen Quiring 11 Comments. /Filter /FlateDecode A great introduction for parents how to apply Montessori principles in the home. Montessori activities at home environment for toddlers, children 0 - 3 years old. << * Montessori FAQs Part 1 She had been watching, practicing (and failing) for 18 months! 3. Shiba Public Library TEXT ID 88057894 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library wilhelm rated it it was amazing these are montessori inspired activities tray ideas so that you can do montessori at home with your children alot of these activities you can An indispensable informational companion for the other six curriculum manuals. * Get rid of the chaos and set up cosy spaces at home Positive Discipline: The First Three Years, by Dr Jane Nelsen Two YEAR OLD CURRICULUM 24 week by week lesson plan full of sensory activities to learn pre-k readiness concepts. /ToUnicode 45 0 R Montessori also likes to cover holidays from different cultures. Montessori toys Amazon, Montessori toys for preschool, Natural Toys, Montessori Learning toys, Best Montessori Toys, Montessori Gifts, Montessori Toys for Preschool, Montessori Activities and Montessori Games >> This is a new website based in Belgium with a lovely selection of furniture and materials. Our Montessori Inspired Year of Play: For 18 Months to 3 Year Old. Lots of nice projects and ideas to do with your children. Montessori often gets criticized for too much structure or a lack of joy. DIY Montessori, Montessori 3-5, Practical life, Preschool. Here are some great ideas for the holidays. I like this author a lot and recommend his other books too, for example, “One Step Ahead”, his blog, and his “Happy Kids” e-newsletter. /CapHeight 667 /FontName /ANNLKT+Cambria-Italic free montessori resources - Enjoy these free Montessori resources just for you to help you bring Montessori principles into your home today. 47 0 obj /S 193 Every week I aim to create activities that encourage concentration, fine motor development, sensory development, encourage work of hand and hand-eye coordination. Montessori Inspired Activities and Games For 3-year-olds. Nature's classroom is fascinating Bring back the calm and joy into parenting your children. /Rotate 0 /LastChar 121 Summer Camps. This list of Montessori Sensorial Materials is for ages 2.5 to 6.5 years … I found this to be a really valuable book that puts it all into perspective. Ages are to give an indication only. montessori inspired activities for pre schoolers home projects for 2 6 year olds Nov 24, 2020 Posted By C. S. Lewis Ltd TEXT ID 88057894 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library based projects for 2 6 year montessori inspired activities for pre schoolers book home based projects for 2 6 year montessori inspired activities for pre schoolers book pre My Montessori [Planner] Organizer for three- to six-year-olds is designed for moms who are beginning their journey into incorporating Montessori in their home environment! DIY Montessori Inspired Activities and Games for 3 – 5 year olds | montessori preschool .. | educational activities for 3 year olds printable pdf “Basically with both programs, our aboriginal antecedence is advancement chain of agreeable engagement,” says Jenny Woodruff, Savannah Music Festival administrator of apprenticeship and association engagement. << Follow your child. Child's work is their play. However, that is not the case at all. Montessori Toys for 4 Year Olds. They bring wisdom to an age-old problem – siblings fighting. Montessori is ideal for this child! 3 thoughts on “DIY Montessori Inspired Activities and Games for 3 – 5 year olds.” Bhama. endobj This book gives details into Dr Montessori’s life and how she came to be a renowned educator. This is the book I recommend most to parents. See more ideas about toddler activities, montessori, montessori activities. How does a child transition to a traditional school after being at Montessori? /PageLayout /OneColumn At around age four and even younger, many children start exploring the idea of independence. Just a few days ago, Mackenzie, 3 years 10 months, successfully tied her first bow. * And more... © 2014-2021 The Montessori Notebook for Jacaranda Tree Montessori. %PDF-1.5 A weekly outline of our Montessori at home preschool plans (2.5-6 years). The Montessori method offers such a wide range of amazing experiences for children. I would like to share with you snapshots of our day in the Montessori classroom. Is that true? I’ve heard Montessori schools are very strict and children are not allowed to play around. Principle 3: Rewards and Punishments are not used in a Montessori environment. This is an easy book to read with nice big type – great for tired parents! I really like his chapter on children and his conclusion. Outdoor learning activities and games are trendy among children, especially during the summer holidays. Plus, links to practical life skills, Montessori materials list, and free printables! BUY 4. Montessori Primary Curriculum (2 1/2 to 6 years of age) Primary Program Benefits . Activities for Four-Year-Olds The Importance of Play. Don’t forget, you can now order my book The Montessori Toddler! endobj Follow your child. 41 0 obj >> >> Free 44-page PDF of Montessori activities for babies, toddlers and preschoolers; 3. Montessori Madness, by Trevor Eissler That is at least a years worth of fun hands-on learning play ideas! Books for Montessori-children: I have been working on something special for you all - a guide to choosing books for Montessori children PLUS a list of all my favourite books in my school library. In Montessori classrooms, we have bow-tying dressing frames to teach children how to tie bows. /Length 169 March 18, 2013 at 8:26 pm. great science activities, I'm going to … There are loads of Montessori inspired activities for one-year-olds. 42 0 obj /N 11 >> These unit studies can be used for homeschool or after school fun activities to supplement learning. 0000000017 00000 n I love the way Amanda Soule writes and the pictures in the book are beautiful and inspiring. My very favourite books for 3 year olds - applying Montessori principles and also beautiful enough you will also want to read them over and over. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /Subtype /TrueType endstream The guide is broken down into activities for babies up to 6 months, older babies from 6 months to 14/16 months, toddlers from 14/16 months to 3 years, and 3+ years. Jun 16, 2015 - I would like to share with you snapshots of our day in the Montessori classroom. Montessori at home and positive parenting training, e-courses and webinars for busy parents with an AMI teacher. Why don’t Montessori schools have homework? These are all the activities that Little Bee and I have done over the last year. Reply. Jan 26, 2020 - Easy prek free printable worksheets perfect for 3 year olds. Please forgive me for not including proper Montessori work photographs, like binomial cube or sound box activity. montessori inspired activities for pre schoolers home projects for 2 6 year olds Nov 27, 2020 Posted By Michael Crichton Public Library TEXT ID 7805bdf0 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library for pre schoolers home based projects for 2 6 year olds ebisujima jo montessori inspired activities for pre schoolers home projects for 2 6 year olds nov 09 2020 posted by I have compiled over 100 Montessori inspired activities for toddlers from the age of 1 to 2.5 years old. /BaseFont /Times-Bold Books and Printables , DIY Montessori , Fine Motor , Hands-on Activities , Homeschooling , Montessori 3-5 The Montessori method presents such an incredible amount of learning experiences for a child. Montessori Method is an internationally acclaimed system of children education developed by Dr. Maria Montessori.The Montessori method has been in existence for over 100 years. ``C|��?,�� w@��㱱��9P�:��7���� j��&6� ���s��`�6~�h������o�]�Uw)'��DzqKl�x�i�%ؾe��9;v�v=�@[/�ߺ}|�ȵo�� ����g0@F� � Rܤ�̟`=�dm,��t�>��_6� �_�V�"0`�[��d��n`�A�-��{T��̆CV�$� ��,;b�82)j��A6B΁�p>�[S)�;տ�DZl�����z/�_�C�é'�4����}�K�e�%��s�>�Ե^�Q��z3�u��� �!R�]:�}�᥿���ԛ��`Oݚ�opP4�H^2{�乙�1. /FontStretch /Normal A parent’s comprehensive guide to raising your toddler in a Montessori way. Language Activities for 2 & 3 Year Olds Outdoor learning activities and games are trendy among children, especially during the summer holidays. And this book gives practical examples of what to do and say instead to back up the book’s theory. I’d love to help you apply the Montessori approach in your home through one of my online courses. Siblings without Rivalry, by Faber & Mazlich /Lang What if my child avoids an area? So many ways to play! /FontWeight 400 See which activities keep their attention; remove those that … Very well balanced and a good reminder to us all to slow down and enjoy. #prek #preschool 6-9 Year Olds. www.nienhuis.com Enjoy these free Montessori resources just for you to help you bring Montessori principles into your home today. It gives detailed advice to parents for babies from 0 to 3 years including setting up the home environment, breastfeeding and weaning, and the role of the father. /Type /Font This did not happen overnight. 36 0 obj Above ... 15+ Montessori Inspired Explorations for Three Year Olds. This page will include Montessori activities from birth thru elementary. /Linearized 1 endobj At this age they speak in sentences and carry on two-way conversations. >> /MarkInfo << /Marked true >> 0000001356 00000 n Follow this easy Her pedagogical approach is explained clearly and with a lot of information, for the passionate learner. How to Raise an Amazing Child: The Montessori Way, by Tim Seldin All a young child (0-6 years, arguably) needs is to play and to explore on his own and at his own pace. >> #prek #preschool - NOW AVAILABLE IN AMAZON AND ANY BOOKSELLER -. 3 years. Here are where you can find the printables: Exclusive Free Printables for My Email Subscribers (a new themed pack on the 15th of every month)! Principle 2: Montessori schools accommodate an extended period of uninterrupted self-chosen activity – a period during which children can choose their own activity and work undisturbed for a minimum of three hours. /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] This website or its third-party tools use cookies which are necessary to its functioning and required to improve your experience. Culture is part of Montessori's inclusion of writing and reading skills. Click here to find out, “Which course should I follow?“. Great to read in combination with “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk”. This book takes a look at the big picture of parenting – how to instil values into your children, how to live as a family, and how to make your children resilient. See all the available packs in my resource library and sign up here. /Parent 34 0 R Note: Shelves for a 2½ year old, 3 year old, 3½ year old, and 4 year old might be very similar. PLEASE NOTE: 1. Montessori sensorial activities are those which refine the five senses – tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory, and gustatory senses. See more ideas about montessori activities, montessori, montessori toddler. 40 0 obj /StemV 84 Principle 4: /Resources << /Font << /TT0 39 0 R /TT1 40 0 R /TT2 41 0 R /TT3 42 0 R >> >> * Montessori FAQs Part 2 The catalogues they produce are a great resource themself, “The Joyful Child” for children 0-3 years and “Child of the World” for children 3-12 years. Jan 19, 2021 - Awesome fun ideas for 3 year olds. The Montessori preschool classroom emphasizes spoken language as the foundation for all linguistic expression. Specialised tips for children under 3 years. /StructParents 0 Interesting blog posts about the Montessori approach. 36 12 Both these websites offer a wide selection of Montessori materials and useful child-sized materials such as wooden trays, glasses, and aprons. 44 0 obj /Subtype /Type1 I would love to share with you a set of DIY Montessori Inspired activities that’s been on the shelves of my 2.5-year-old daughter. /ID [] Culture includes geography and science. As many of you know, toddlers learn best through experiences that utilize all of their senses.Below are a few examples of activities inspired by the Montessori Method that you may choose for your own 2-year-old child or other children of this age who you are teaching.. One to One Matching Activities. That is at least a years worth of fun hands-on learning play ideas! /FontBBox [ -1105 -279 1222 1047 ] Yet, nothing could be further from the truth! 526 0 0 0 457 292 522 530 271 0 0 267 0 535 507 0 0 407 382 345 0 0 728 0 Instead, art and music activities are viewed as: ... 3-6 Year Olds. Montessori sensorial activities are those which refine the five senses – tactile, visual, auditory, olfactory, and gustatory senses. Another book from Faber & Mazlich. 37 0 obj For those wanting detailed information on all aspects of the Montessori approach for the youngest children, this book is worth a read. 1. Thriving, by Michael Grose 39 0 obj The book discusses the theory and the practice, with many examples given. /O 38 /FontDescriptor 43 0 R Other activities which are important to emphasize early in the school year are sensorial activities. 38 0 obj Resist Painting – Toddler & Preschool Activity [2020] Montessori Black Friday Deals [2020] The BEST Gift for 8 to 12 Year Olds; Teaching Kids Compassion – Pay It Forward; The Best Board Games for Kids, Homeschoolers, and Families Chil-dren can first sort or match by one rule (such as by color), and then immediately switch to a new rule (such as by shape). From this understanding your child is able to develop confidence and a joy in learning. We are going to present some activities of the Montessori method that you can apply from home and in children from 0-3 years old. Additionally, Montessori activities have the opportunity to span a wide age range. Montessori often gets criticized for too much structure or a lack of joy. Easy to read for busy parents but covers every question you’ve ever had. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding /Length1 16944 Montessori children find great joy in work and often their “play” is their “work”. Children benefit a great deal from spending time outside exploring and adventuring in the green outdoors. >> What should I look for in a Montessori school? endobj Like many parents, you might assume that Montessori activities are too involved for one-year-old children. DIY Montessori Inspired Activities and Games for 3 - 5 year olds. May 11, 2015 - Simple math explorations suitable for two and three year olds. Nov 25, 2019 - Explore Simple Living Mommy | Frugal l's board "Montessori for 3 Year Olds", followed by 20632 people on Pinterest. So why choose a Montessori school? Get your free Montessori routine cards; 2. /Type /Catalog /Type /Font 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 523 792 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /Type /FontDescriptor The Absorbent Mind, by Dr Maria Montessori If you are new to Montessori and are wanting to incorporate Montessori materials into your homeschool environment, this list will be helpful. Fun Summer Activities for Kids with 3 Part Cards ~ Free Montessori Printables. x�c```b``c`f``+a�c@ >V �x���°y���u��� �ʙ�[|�p�ڽj��������G@�1��9��:�����1� �,8Ab=J^ӎ�|�����D3#� ���R�m�4'��1�1��\n�a���՘��¡���������}�j fu7� If you would like to tackle one of Dr Montessori’s own books,The Absorbent Mind is a good place to start. 0 0000011577 00000 n ACTIVITIES FOR 3- TO 5-YEAR-OLDS Quiet games and other activities n Matching and sorting activities are still fun, but now children can be asked to sort by differ-ent rules, promoting cognitive flexibility. Save for later or share with your friend. Culture is introduced through puzzles, classified cards, nomenclature and 3-part cards. You can see most of the moon-themed activities in my free moon printables and Montessori-inspired moon activities post.During the month, I added a solar system puzzle (one that’s a bit too easy for Zoey now but that is a good visual of the solar system), the book Margaret and the Moon, a Spielgaben rocket-building activity, the beautiful moon phases puzzle (too simple for a 4 year old as … startxref Montessori: Bringing Montessori Education (0-3) To Your Home What Is Montessori 0000000709 00000 n At around age four and even younger, many children start exploring the idea of independence. /Subtype /Type1 The Montessori approach allows children to learn through understanding, rather than through being told. Bring back the calm and joy into parenting your children. April 15, 2016 at 11:33 am. These activities are the home runs! << However, that is not the case at all. It’s really becoming your one-stop shop for Montessori materials in Europe. Children benefit a great deal from spending time outside exploring and adventuring in the green outdoors. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, by Faber & Mazlich Welcome to the Living Montessori Now Free Printables Page! montessori inspired activities for pre schoolers home projects for 2 6 year olds Nov 21, 2020 Posted By Ry?tar? I love this book so much, I run parent workshops based on this book as well. In Praise of Slow, by Carl Honore << Written by a Montessori parent, this book gives an accessible overview of the fundamentals of the Montessori approach. Toxic Childhood: How The Modern World Is Damaging Our Children And What We Can Do About It, by Sue Palmer Do you want to develop skills and competences in your children from a young age? Article from childhood101.com. One of the most popular Montessori-inspired toddler toys that packs a conceptual punch—these colorful wooden cups and balls teach colors, numbers, and spacial skills, along with developing fine motor skills. Secondly, magic and fantasy play important role in teachings and activities. Sorting skills. Ages are to give an indication only. It is not a scientific review of the slow movement but a personal account from the author as he explores the art of slow with regard to children, food, sex etc. Montessori from the Start, by Paula Polk Lillard and Lynn Lillard Jessen The Creative Family, by Amanda Soule www.absorbentminds.co.uk / www.montessoriservices.com Very accessible and very practical. Easy to read and digest, with photographs to further explain the concepts. It is over 90 pages long, printer-friendly, black and white text, easy to use, go at your own pace, and created by me, Lisa Nolan, a trained Montessori teacher, and mom! Together with storytelling and make-believe play, the child develops their imagination in a magnificent way. *  Free 44-page PDF of Montessori activities for babies, toddlers and preschoolers – with Montessori activities suitable for children up to 6 years old, * Free printable Montessori language cards, * Free PDF download of “Instead of this, Say that”, * Free infographic “How to Set Limits Montessori-style”, * Free infographic “How to Manage Tantrums”, * Free infographic “Age Appropriate Chores for Children”, * Free PDF with 75+ books Montessori children will love, * Live tour of a Montessori toddler classroom in Amsterdam, * Setting up your home for Montessori children, * Watch a show from the archives of The Montessori Show where I join Jeanne-Marie of Voilà Montessori to answer all your Montessori questions, * A Montessori approach to toilet training, * My top Ikea picks for Montessori children, * Montessori activities for traveling with children. x��{y|[ŵ�6K�fI�}e���[|m˶��J��[�8��8EJ�b;q�����4�� Activities for 2-Year-Olds. Don’t worry about the exact age. << A soft doll Montessori Toys 3-Year-Old Kids Will Love Turn playtime into a fun teaching moment with classic, colorful Montessori toys for your tot designed to stimulate, promote creativity and … I aim to dedicate at least one hour each day to support my daughter is working with activities from our learning shelves. montessori inspired activities for pre schoolers home projects for 2 6 year olds Nov 27, 2020 Posted By Yasuo Uchida Media TEXT ID 88057894 Online PDF Ebook Epub Library ebook epub library library starting them off with just two or three colors at a time until they learn montessori inspired activities for pre schoolers home projects for 2 6 year 9-12 Years Olds. /Subtype /Type1 ACTIVITIES FOR 3- TO 5-YEAR-OLDS Quiet games and other activities n Matching and sorting activities are still fun, but now children can be asked to sort by differ-ent rules, promoting cognitive flexibility. * Find alternatives to time out and help them become responsible humans * Learn to understand your toddler better This seems to be a common Montessori activity … Skip to content. Middle shelf: a window washing tray with a Montessori Services squeegee, which Zoey loves (I always keep these on our shelves. stream Dealing with tantrums 0000002105 00000 n These are all the activities that Little Bee and I have done over the last year. Montessori Curriculum: Holidays & Observances during the Calendar Year {Free Printables} There are a lot of options for Montessori toys for a 1-year-old. Our Montessori days become more and more filled with learning and exploration. << Worth reading. 0000001571 00000 n Have always been a huge fan of organizing and planning solve their own problems visual,,! Materials, www.mariamontessori.com Interesting blog posts about the Montessori method that you can apply home. Can be found on this book gives practical examples of what to do with your too... Share ; Pin ;... 8 thoughts on “ Montessori classroom 's 75 books that are read over over! 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With nice big type – great for tired parents for Kids with 3 Part cards ~ free Printables! Summer activities for toddlers, children 0 - 3 years very well and! Back up the book are beautiful Montessori materials available this is a new montessori activities for 3 year olds pdf! From home and in children from a young age doll activities for babies, toddlers and preschoolers ;.! Really like his chapter on creating rituals with your children prek # preschool Jun 16, 2015 - would! 3-5 year olds. ” Bhama gets criticized for too much structure or montessori activities for 3 year olds pdf of... Montessori sensorial activities are too involved for one-year-old children # prek # Jun! Around age four and even younger, many children start exploring the idea of.!, that is not the case at all Montessori FAQs Part 3 I ’ heard. Bring wisdom to an age-old problem – siblings fighting and more filled with learning and.. 0-3 years old s comprehensive guide to raising your toddler in a Montessori?! ; 3 jan 19, 2021 - Awesome fun ideas for home and school ve talked about preliminary and life..., Games, and gustatory senses - now available in AMAZON and ANY BOOKSELLER - a way to with. Create learning activities preschool activities Kids learning maths activities for Four-Year-Olds the Importance of play to functioning! Interesting blog posts ; Pin ;... 8 thoughts on “ Montessori classroom Montessori 3-5 practical! Printables page positive parenting training, e-courses and webinars for busy parents with an AMI teacher your in. And materials many Montessori Inspired exercises that can be used for homeschool or after school fun activities to learning!