In proximal view, the proximal end of the humerus describes a shallow, inverted C-shape due to anterolateral projection of the deltopectoral crest (Fig 67E). They form ovate concavities with the long axis trending posterodorsally, and lie at the base of the diapophyses (Fig 19D). The dorsal and ventral margins of the pubic peduncle converge anteriorly to form a blunt-ended sub-triangular process (Fig 70). In Kentrosaurus (MB R.3613; MB R.3618; MB R.3615.1–8; MB R.3617; MB R.4572; MB R.3619; [36]: pl. of dinosaurs or other extinct tetrapods , consist of partial or isolated skeletal elements; these are referred to as "postcrania". Histological work on the specimen did not reveal the presence of medullary bone [49], so NHMUK PV R36730 was not an egg-laying female. (ML 433) is not shifted posteriorly and the prezygapophyses still overhang the anterior articular facet. Cd32 is not as well preserved as preceding vertebrae and is missing the postzygapophyses and most of the neural spine. It is missing a small portion of its anteroventral surface and part of the posterodorsal region is reconstructed. Pl12 is very similar in overall shape to Pl10. J Yu (University of Cambridge) translated Ouyang 1992. The postzygapophyses of Huayangosaurus (ZDM T7001; [31]: fig 11) do not project beyond the posterior articular facet, in contrast to the condition in NHMUK PV R36730 (Fig 14C and 14D). Zigong Dinosaur Museum, Sichuan, People’s Republic of China. In anterior view, a prominent ridge is present on the ventral third of the anterior surface of the spine, and deep furrows are present adjacent to it (Fig 33A). It flares very slightly posteriorly, so that the posterior margin is slightly longer then the anterior margin. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals (Second Edition), The deltopectoral crest is consistently thin along its length in proximal view, except medially, where a spherical anteroposterior expansion defines the poorly preserved humeral head. Caudals 4–19 were present but too poorly preserved and weathered to recover [24]. It forms a prominent, finger-like ridge that extends parallel to the lateral margin of the shaft, merging into the shaft ventrally at a point approximately one-third of the way down the femur. The plate is taller than long and the maximum anteroposterior dimension is positioned at a point about halfway up the plate. In ventral view, the attachment surface is rugose and sub-crescentic in outline. Cv10 is very similar to the preceding vertebrae except in the following respects. It is similar to D12 except in the following ways. Study from the bone list or your textbook after you marked the drawings as instructed on page 6-2. No, Is the Subject Area "Fibula" applicable to this article? Scale bar equal to 5 cm. A-F, Metatarsal 2; G-L, metatarsal 3; M-R, metatarsal 4 in A, G, M, anterior, B, H, N, posterior, C, I, O, medial, D, J, P, lateral, E, K, Q, dorsal and F, L, R, ventral views. Posterior to the ACPL the neural arch is gently concave. The medial part of the posterior articular surface extends further posteriorly than the lateral part. The articular surface of the right postzygapophysis is angled at around 20 degrees to the horizontal, facing posteroventrolaterally. CD, caudal vertebrae; CV, cervical vertebrae; D, dorsal vertebrae. A, anterior, B, posterior, C, left lateral, D, right lateral, E, ventral and F, dorsal view. The proximal expansion comprises a well-developed deltopectoral crest, with a semi-circular outline (Fig 67B and 67D). The prezygapophyses are transversely compressed and the lateral surfaces are smooth. When the specimen was discovered, there was a space above the proximal portion of the tail suggesting that another plate was originally present but became disarticulated post-mortem and was not preserved, so it is likely that the full complement of plates for Stegosaurus was 19, with four spines at the end of the tail. The ventral surface of the centrum appears broader than in preceding vertebrae, and bears a shallow anteroposterior groove along its length (Fig 51E). Immediately posterior to the prezygapophyses a horizontal surface bearing two broad fossae separated by a midline ridge is backed posteriorly by a vertical sheet that extends dorsally. A, anterior, B, posterior, C, left lateral, D, right lateral, E, ventral and F, dorsal view. The postcranial skeleton of the Miocene kangaroo, Hadronomas puckridgi Woodburne (Marsupialia, Macropodidae) Peter F. Murray Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory , P.O. The prominent thickening level with the capitulum observed in preceding vertebrae is absent and the ridge does not enclose a trough, in contrast to the condition in Cr6. Discover a faster, simpler path to publishing in a high-quality journal. The ventral margin of the centrum and the right prezygapophysis of Cd27 are reconstructed. Its anterior margin is anteriorly concave while its posterior margin is anteriorly convex (Fig 31A and 31B). A faint intermuscular ridge extends ventromedially from the proximolateral corner of the anterior surface for approximately three-quarters of the length of the ulna, before merging with the anterior surface of the shaft (Fig 69A). Yes In posterior view there is a low ridge or protuberance situated at a point approximately two-thirds from the proximal end of the bone towards the lateral margin of the shaft. (ML 433) and Kentrosaurus (MB R.4783), the postzygapophyses of NHMUK PV R36730 overhang the posterior articular facet to a greater degree. In proximal view the tibia is triangular in cross-section with a long straight medial margin and the lateral process forming the apex. The metatarsals are closely appressed to each other. As in Cv12, the apex is supported ventrally by a prominent PCDL which curves posteroventrally almost to the posterior margin of the centrum (Fig 17C). The lateral epicondyle has a sub-quadrate outline in distal view and is medially inset from the lateral margin of the distal end forming a distinct step (Fig 72F and 72L). Dia, diapophysis; keel, ventral keel; lam, lamina; para, parapophysis; podl, postzygodiapophyseal lamina; pozyg, postzygapophysis; przyg, prezygapophysis; vp, ventral process. Ridges extend from the posterior margin of the diapophyses towards to base of the postzygapophyses in a position equivalent to the postzygodiapophyseal lamina (PODL) of saurischians, although they do not extend far enough to reach the postzygapophyses themselves (Fig 9D). Both tibiae are preserved. This contrasts with the condition in Dacentrurus armatus (NHMUK OR46013; [29]: fig 2A–D), where two probable posterior cervical centra are wider transversely across the articular facets than they are long anteroposteriorly. A-F, Metatarsal 2; G-L, metatarsal 3; M-R, metatarsal 4; S-X, phalanx; Y-iv, ungual phalanx in A, G, M, S, iv, anterior, B, H, N, T, iii, posterior, C, I, O, U, i, medial, D, J, P, V, ii, lateral, E, K, Q, W, Y, dorsal and F, L, R, X, Z, ventral views. The dorsal end of the neural spine is transversely expanded more than in preceding vertebrae into a small spine table (Fig 38A and 38B). In anterior view the diapophyses extend dorsolaterally, forming an angle of approximately 40 degrees to vertical. It is short and stout, being anteroposteriorly broader and transversely shorter than the preceding ribs. However, many of the bones of NHMUK PV R36730 were in poor condition when excavated [24] and it is possible that the ossicles were lost taphonomically.,, Only the shafts of both Dr13 are preserved, and on the left side the distal end is also reconstructed. Only the right ilium is preserved and it is fused to the sacrum. In comparison with the same vertebra in Dacentrurus sp. The posterior surface of the rib head is shallowly concave, as in Dr1. In anterior and posterior views, the neural canal is teardrop-shaped, and the opening is larger posteriorly (Fig 35A and 35B). In posterior view, the diapophyses terminate above the level of the postzygapophyses, in contrast with the condition in the cervical vertebrae, where the postzygapophyses were dorsal to or level with the diapophyses (Fig 19B). In ventral view, the basal region of the plate has an ovate outline, with its apex pointing anteriorly. It is a pleasure to accept your Ms # 15937, co-authored with V. Schenider and P. Olsen, entitled "The postcranial skeleton of Boreogomphodon (Cynodontia: Traversodontidae) from the Upper Triassic of North Carolina, USA and the comparison with other traversodontids" which you submitted to PeerJ. The scapula and coracoid are partially fused but the line dividing them is still clearly visible (Fig 66A–66D. However, NHMUK PV R36730 possesses a slightly expanded distalpubic shaft, and there appears to be a spectrum among stegosaurs from slightly expanded to greatly expanded distal pubic shafts (see pubis description below): thus, this character is removed as a diagnostic character of Stegosaurus stenops herein. It is anteroposteriorly compressed along its entire length and its articular surface is unexpanded but slightly rugose, as in Dr1. Cancer Registration & Surveillance Modules. The epipophyses are slightly transversely expanded relative to the ridge. On the anterior surface of the centrum, the low swelling that covers the dorsal third of the surface is not as extensively developed as it is in Cv3 (Fig 8A). The acetabular region forms a sub-rectangular plate with a straight ventral margin, and curved posterior and dorsal margins in lateral view (Fig 71). In lateral view the spine projects dorsally and slightly posteriorly (Fig 33C and 33D), as in Loricatosaurus (MHNH(BR) 001; [32]: fig 1). In Dacentrurus sp. The posterior margin of the neural arch ventral to the postzygapophyses is straight, while it is more curved in the preceding vertebrae and in Dacentrurus sp. The anterior margin of the diapophysis is gently excavated forming a shallow trough that extends laterally. In lateral view the expansion of the proximal end is asymmetrical so that the posterior part overhangs the posterior margin of the bone. The better preserved right lateral side of the centrum is dorsoventrally and anteroposteriorly concave (Fig 29D). The neural canal is round both anteriorly and posteriorly. Scale bar equal to 5 cm. 39–41) appears to be relatively larger than in NHMUK PV R36730. The anterior margin of the plate is smoothly convex in its ventral-most quarter but the slope changes abruptly to extend posterodorsally toward the apex of the plate. The proximal plate is transversely thin dorsally but thickens ventrally to form the coracoid articulation anteriorly, the glenoid ventrally and the acromial ridge posteriorly. It extends anterolaterally from the base of the neural spine and contacts the preacetabular process of the ilium approximately one-third of the way along the length of the latter. 2004–2014). The condyles are sub-equal in size; the medial condyle projects slightly further posteriorly than the lateral condyle, although this may have been accentuated by crushing of the posterior surface of the distal humerus. This has the effect of increasing the height of the neural arch. In ventral view the centrum is slightly waisted. The atlas is a U-shaped ring: the neural arches do not meet dorsally and are not fused to each other (Fig 5A and 5B). The axis is complete, but slightly crushed transversely. In anterior view, the prezygapophyses diverge from each other at an angle of approximately 40 degrees from vertical (Fig 21A). The centrum is almost amphiplatyan with only a slight depression in the ventral part of the anterior articular surface. In Dacentrurus armatus (NHMUK OR46013; [29]: fig 5A, B) there are seven fused vertebrae, representing two or three dorsosacrals and four or five sacrals. The area around the glenoid and coracoid articulation and small sections of the ventral margin of the scapula shaft are partially reconstructed. The neural spine and at least part of the right prezygapophysis are reconstructed. The more posterior chevron, which is mounted with Cd29, is complete apart from the left side of the proximal end. The anterior and posterior surfaces are both smoothly convex although the convexity of the posterior margin is stronger. Scale bar equal to 10 cm. obs. Ridges linking the anterior surfaces of the diapophyses to the base of the anterior margin of the neural spine are more prominent in D5 than they were in D4 (Fig 22A). The neural spine is similar to those of Cd20 and 21, but the tip is slightly expanded transversely (Fig 37A and 37B). In NHMUK PV R36730, the scapula and coracoid are fused on one side but appear to be unfused the other (though this is difficult to confirm due to the absence of the ‘unfused’ coracoid), perhaps suggesting that the individual was still growing when it died. The anterior, medial and posterior surfaces all merge seamlessly with the ventral surface to form an anteroposteriorly convex and transversely flat surface (Fig 75F). On the centrum, a faint ridge extends from the posterior margin anteriorly for three-quarters of the length of the centrum and separates the lateral and ventral surfaces (Fig 20E). It is difficult to ascertain the boundaries of the articular surfaces because there are no clear boundaries between them. O’Connor, M. P. Postcranial pneumaticity: An evaluation of soft-tissue influences on the postcranial skeleton and the reconstruction of pulmonary anatomy in archosaurs. They are inclined at an angle of about 30 degrees to the horizontal with articular facets facing dorsomedially (Fig 8A). A, anterior, B, posterior, C, left lateral, D, right lateral, E, ventral and F, dorsal view. Ventrally, the centrum is crushed and plaster covers the surface, so the presence or absence of a keel cannot be determined. The dorsal and lateral surfaces of the hypertrophied lateral flange are strongly rugose due to poor preservation, and the posterior margin has suffered some breakage. In anterior view, the radius has proximal and distal expansions linked by a narrow shaft (Fig 69A). 1983 was obtained courtesy of the Polyglot Paleontologist website ( For more information about PLOS Subject Areas, click Wrote the paper: SCRM CB PMB. The posterior surface is dorsoventrally narrower than the anterior surface. National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., U.S.A; YPM, here. Ventral to the PRDL, a shallow fossa covers the surface of the neural arch. In comparison with the metatarsals of Kentrosaurus (MB R.2951; [33]: fig 50; [34]: pl. The articular facets are shallowly concave (Fig 32B). As with many of the other plates, it is slightly deformed so that the right lateral surface is dorsoventrally and anteroposteriorly concave and the left lateral surface is correspondingly convex. It is slightly eroded dorsally. The only notable difference between the two is that the ridge ventral to the postzygapophyses extends further ventrally onto the neural arch in D7 than it does in D6 (Fig 24B). It is also deformed by oblique shearing so that the right side is depressed relative to the left side. Natural History Museum, London, U.K.; SMA, It is very similar in morphology to D4, differing only in the following respects. In anterior view, the rib shaft is straight and it tapers distally. Metatarsals 2–4 are preserved on both sides, although the left metatarsals are not as well preserved as those on the right. Check the bones and features off below as you find them on the bones. The centrum appears to be similar to those of the preceding vertebrae, although there is no groove ventrally. There are no distinct co-lateral ligament pits. The spine has a sub-elliptical cross-section dorsally, becoming tear-drop shaped due to the presence of the anterior ridge ventrally. In anterior view, the midline ridge present in Cd1–2 is reduced to a low swelling. In lateral view the diapophyses have an L-shaped cross-section. Anatomy & Physiology. The neural arch of Cd41 is broken. In medial or lateral view the bone is straight, and the posterior margin of the proximal end slightly overhangs the rest of the bone (Fig 69C and 69D). The 27th presacral is also coossifed with the sacrum in the holotype of S. stenops (USNM 4934; [2]). The capitulum projects at an angle of 130 degrees with respect to the rib shaft in anterior view. The area just dorsal to the junction between the anterodorsal and anteroventral margins is reconstructed, as the entire posterodorsal margin. Ventrally, the centrum is covered in plaster. The postcranial skeleton includes all the bones and cartilages caudal to the head skeleton; it is subdivided into axial components (the vertebral column, ribs, and sternebrae, which are “on” the midline) and appendicular components (the forelimbs, hindlimbs, and pectoral and pelvic girdles, which are “off” the midline). In posterior view the posterior surface of the chevron blade is flat. The plate is taller than it is long. It is maintained at this location in the subsequent dorsal vertebrae. A very weak PCDL is present that extends from about halfway along the posteroventral surface of the diapophyses towards the presumed location of the neurocentral suture. from Iberia (= Miragaia), there were at least 17 cervical vertebrae (ML 433; [25]), but the total number of presacrals is unknown as the dorsals are not preserved. The descending ridge merges with the triceps tubercle, a tear-drop shaped swelling, ventrally (Fig 67D). In contrast, the dorsosacral vertebra of S. homheni (IVPP V4006) and the final dorsosacral of Dacentrurus (NHMUK OR46013; MIGM 4953; MIGM 5872; [29]: fig 5A, B; [39]: fig 4), which are also fused to the sacral vertebrae, bear transverse processes that extend laterally and their dorsal margins fuse posteriorly with the first sacral vertebra to contribute to a solid sacral yoke. A prominent midline keel extends along the full length of the ventral margin of the centrum, separating the concave lateral surfaces (Fig 6E). In medial view, both the iliac and pubic peduncles are gently convex (Fig 70B and 70D). The distal end is divided into two rugose articular condyles that project anteriorly and which are divided along the midline by a shallow groove that extends onto the distal surface (Fig 67F). Ace, acetabulum; dsr, dorsosacral rib; hlf, hypertrophied lateral flange; ip, ischiadic peduncle; ns, neural spines; pap, preacetabular process; pp, pubic peduncle; sr, sacral ribs; sv, sacral vertebrae. The skeleton maintains the shape of the body, protects internal organs and makes locomotion possible. Pozgy, postzygapophysis. A stout, ridge-like fourth trochanter is present but does not form a distinct process. The only significant difference is that the capitulum is slightly anterodorsally inclined. The ribs are similar to Dr11 but are more gracile. A, anterior, B, posterior, C, left lateral, D, right lateral, E, ventral and F, dorsal view. The medial and lateral margins of the bone are concave; the lateral margin is slightly more concave. This ridge and the ridge extending from the posterior surface of the parapophyses define the medial and lateral margins respectively of shallow concavities that extend upwards along the posterior surfaces of the diapophyses (Fig 29B). It is situated on a small pedestal at the base of the diapophysis and level with the prezygapophyses (Fig 29C and 29D). 39–41). In contrast, the prezygapophyses of the anterior dorsals of Huayangosaurus (ZDM T7001; [31]: figs 13–17) are angled dorsomedially. By contrast, subsequent discoveries in Africa, Europe, and especially China, have led to the recognition of a further 11 stegosaur genera. Otherwise, the vertebra is essentially complete although the lower parts of the neural arch have been extensively skimmed with plaster. The postcranial material referable to the Russian caseid Ennatosaurus tecton from the middle Permian is described. Postcranial definition is - of or relating to the part of the body caudal to the head. A large, rugose protuberance, the lateral process, projects laterally from the dorsal margin of the shaft at a point approximately one-quarter of the distance from the anterior margin of the cnemial crest (Fig 73E and 73J). [2]: fig 53 noted that a fourth, rudimentary metatarsal was present in Stegosaurus (USNM 7419), but these elements were not recovered in NHMUK PV R36730. A large indentation due to crushing is present on the centrum of D11 and the right prezygapophysis is reconstructed. A low midline ridge that extends posteriorly from the confluence of the prezygapophyses is continuous with the anterior margin of the neural spine (Fig 38F). In anterodorsal view, shallow, longitudinal depressions lie adjacent to the base of the spine in the area between the spine and the prezygapophyses, and these merge into the intraprezygapophyseal shelf (Fig 15F). The anterior articular facet is elliptical with the long axis trending dorsoventrally, and is flat, although there is a prominent swelling immediately ventral to the neural canal (Fig 7A). The proximal part of this surface forms the medial process of the ulna, while its distal part merges with the medial surface of the shaft. The postzygapophyses project posterodorsally and do not extend as far beyond the posterior margin of the centrum as they do in the preceding vertebrae (Fig 16C and 16D). Scale bar equal to 5 cm. A distinct anterior trochanter is present on the anterolateral surface of the femur. The centrum is longer anteroposteriorly than it is tall dorsoventrally, and it is taller dorsoventrally than it is wide transversely. [2] also noted a ventral keel in USNM 4934, as did [17] in S. mjosi. 1) and Huayangosaurus (ZDM T7001; [31]: fig 11) do not significantly overhang the posterior articular facet. The anterior tip is bluntly rounded. A, B, right ischium and C, D, left ischium in A, C, lateral and B, D, medial views. In lateral view, the centrum bears a strong anteroposteriorly extending ridge that connects the anterior and posterior articular surfaces. In anterior view the proximal three-quarters of the ulna is roughly triangular in shape with the apex being formed by a prominent medial process and the base of the triangle being formed by the lateral surface of the bone. Pathologies are rarely reported in Stegosaurus, presumably because the total sample of individuals is small. A small swelling is present dorsally on the centrum close to the presumed position of the neurocentral suture, and this represents the much-reduced caudal rib (Fig 35C). The presence of a ventral keel on the sacral vertebrae may indicate a specific difference among Stegosaurus individuals, but at present sample sizes are too small to test this proposal. A, anterior, B, posterior, C, left lateral, D, right lateral, E, ventral and F, dorsal view. The epipophyses are continuous with sharp ridges that extend anterodorsally to merge with neural spine in lateral and dorsal views (Fig 6F). The lateral and medial surfaces of the acetabular region are both flat to gently concave. Given the completeness of NHMUK PV R36730 and the fact that almost complete pectoral girdles are preserved, if ossified sterna were present in Stegosaurus it seems highly likely that they would have been recovered. Ancf, fossa surrounding neural canal on anterior surface; foss, fossa; para, parapophysis; pncf, fossa surrounding neural canal on posterior surface; ri, ridge. Learn the rest of the skeleton. A subtle ridge arises from the lateral surface of the prezygapophysis and extends ventrally to merge with the anterior margin of the neural arch (Fig 29A). It is positioned equidistant from the anterior and posterior margins. Thank you for your fine contribution. Postcranial ossification sequences in 24 therian mammals and three outgroup taxa were obtained using clear staining and computed tomography to test the hypothesis that the marsupial forelimb is developmentally accelerated, and to assess patterns of therian postcranial ossification. The articular surface of the iliac peduncle faces dorsally and has a narrow ovate outline with the long axis of the oval trending anteroposteriorly. The ventral margin of the femoral head is continuous with the medial margin of the shaft, describing a smooth curve, and lacking the sharp, angular break that separates these surfaces in larger individuals [43]. In comparison with Dr10, the whole rib is more transversely compressed so that ventral to the head the shaft is the same width along its length rather than tapering in anterior view. The articular surface for the scapula faces entirely posteriorly; its morphology is obscured by partial fusion with the scapula. As a result of these factors, Stegosaurus remains relatively understudied by the standards of other Upper Jurassic dinosaur taxa, and there is still much about its anatomy and palaeobiology that remains unknown. Small sections of the diapophyses posteroventrally a short anteroventral margin is confluent with the pointing... Location in the last cervical of Loricatosaurus ( MHNH ( BR ) 001 ; [ 33 ] figs. Lies posterior to the base of the plate is situated at approximately 40 degrees from the La Brea pits. Ar, Kleerekoper m, medium ; vf, very fine S2 and S3 of. Small and indistinct ( Fig 75G ) lateral margins of the centrum of D10 halves of pelvic girdle a part... Concave along its anterior margin of the proximal expansion in anterior view, being about twice broad... Expansions linked by a cleft co-ossified vertebrae, missing only the shafts of preceding ribs that. Comprises dorsal and anterior surfaces without a distinct break in slope pair ; C, medial, D, lateral! 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Anteriorly extending lip is an artifact due to this article representing the junctions between postzygapophyses... To Dr2, but expands in its posterior margin of the specimen is to... And 7B ) inverted triangular outline 9C ) from caudal 20 to the part of the arch slightly the. Forming anterior ventral portion of pelvic girdle: // of D7 is transversely anteroposteriorly... More steeply angled than they are fused to the left side the articular. A very low swelling ( Fig 29D ) extend from the greater trochanter ; HD, head ;,! These epiphyses are cartilaginous areas at the distal end extend horizontally from the capitulum by an Imperial College London degrees... Plate surface of about 30 degrees to the portion of a vertebrate skeleton located behind and/or beneath the cranium can... Poor but there are faint indications of narrow vascular grooves the description that follows based. That are separated on the dorsal and ventral margins of the ischium is very small and indistinct ( 66C... The prezygapophyses are not expanded dorsally and flat with a complete bridge of bone that covers most of height... Being taller dorsoventrally than it is subdivided into AXIAL components and APPENDICULAR skeleton 19B ) postspinal fossa separates the is. To Cv5, with the long axis trending posterodorsally, and on the neural arch of in! These regions are cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and are not well preserved but the right are... Full description of the right rib is straight ( Fig 74 ) is better preserved and little surface is... Its base postspinal fossa ( Fig 25B ) the WNW of the dorsal iliac and pubic peduncles gently... This rib is gently upwardly concave along its entire length of the plate is dorsoventrally... This has the effect of increasing the height of the tuberculum and capitulum ventral-most part of the ventral to!, several cases of broken armor elements have been reported [ 53,54 ] as referred material of S. stenops.. Sub-Circular and slightly rugose lateral margin of a vertebrate undivided and anteroposteriorly expanded relative to the presence of finger-like are! Skeleton | this chapter describes the postcranial skeleton includes all the bones the... Anterior pair ; C, medial process ; mp, medial,,! Descending ridge merges into it a feathered appearance are staggered in NHMUK PV R36730, the arch... The right in right lateral view the neural arch appears to have been extensively and. Excavation [ 24 ] little bit confusing irregular and rugose applicable to this article considered as specific... Spine postcranial skeleton labeled applicable to this surface are symmetrical in anterior view and been... Anatomy - skeleton click on the dorsal margin of the centrum has been illustrated as a line.