It’s not meant to be a 101 of demonology because freedom and deliverance comes from focusing on Jesus Christ. Satan drops an evil thought into our minds and if it is not rejected. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God... , Eadie's best-selling account of her near death. People. Induction. Introduction to Spiritual Warfare Printer friendly PDF version Today a walled city is mostly outdated, modern warfare has made the walls useless. Negative fear is satanic in origin. Jesus also says within a human being is a house, which can be occupied by a demon and this demon is known as the strong man. 'knowledge,' and applied to a body of heretical teaching. We are Spiritual Beings and we partner with other spirits. defends false doctrines, servant of corruption, contentions, I John 4:5 says to beware of people that try to apply the terminology of the world to the things of God, ", "  Those of the world's system speak in worldly, ..Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savorest not the things that be of God, but, Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of, this world, that come to nought: But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which. _ Matt. In Mark 3:27, Jesus said, “No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. "Now, instead of "binding" symptoms, we can attack the sixteen strongmen or demonic spirits mentioned by name in the Bible! The growing interest, The Luciferian Initiation used to Entrap People, The New Age Movement is trapping people by using visualizations and other esoteric (spiritual) experiences. Lucifer, who tries to portray himself as an angel of light. It is a clear counterfeit of God's beneficent loving order and authority intended for mankind. Jesus teaches us in the Gospel of Mark 3 v 23-27 that we have to bind the strongman. Unfaithfulness/Adultery, Spirit/Soul/ or Body Prostitution, Love of money, Excessive appetite, Fornication, Chronic dissatisfaction, Being critical is accusing, judging, or questioning the motives of others. Therefore, in prayers of Spiritual Warfare we have to first bind the strongman, because it is the strongmen who are Satan’s generals. Says that there are 16 biblically named demonic spirits. Bella Orsi. To a certain, The State of Man under Grace (the Born Again Believer), As a born-again believer we have a covenant standing with God. physically, mentally and spiritually for life. Displace the Enemy! The Washington Monument is an obelisk built by the Freemasons who, by the way, reveal at the 33rd degree that Lucifer is god. According to Dr. Jerry Robison in his book, "Strongman's his name… What's his game?" Daily Prayers of Consecration 8. Daily Prayers of Consecration 8. This helps to point us in a general direction but is hardly specific for the types of spiritual issues faced by social work clients. Download "List of spiritual strongmen listed in the bible:" Download Document. List of spiritual strongmen listed in the bible: Spirit of Divination - Acts 16:16-18 Manifestations - Fortuneteller-Soothsayer, Warlock-Satanist-Witch- Wiccan-Druid-Pagan, Stargazer-Zodiac, Horoscopes, Rebellion, Hypnotist-Enchanter, Drugs (Greek. This means the spirit of arrogance, pride, and self-sufficient independence, that does not, recognize God as Lord or His Word as final authority. According to the Hebrew writer, people who have an obsessive fear of death are in bondage to Satan. Pray the Lord will show you the strong man that’s holding back salvations, healings, deliverances, and finances. Jesus in this scripture is talking about us, His born-again believers being the ‘strong man’ because we are in Him. present modern age this includes the desire to entertain oneself by viewing pornography, violence, ungodliness, and immorality in the theater, television, movies or magazines (Genesis 3:6; Joshua 7:21; II Samuel 11:2; Matthew, 3)  "The pride of life." (Psalms 111:10). God has given each believer the right and the privilege to bind and loose. 12 DEMONIC STRONGMEN. 1 According to Dr. Jerry Robison in his book, "Strongman's his name What's his game?" SPIRITUAL WARFARE:  The Sixteen (16) Strongmen listed in the, There are sixteen (16) Strongmen (Demons) listed throughout the Bible. How long is it ago since this came unto him? IT IS TIME CHURCHES START PREACHING THAT SIN KILLS, , that people are going to hell if they don't get right with. How Does Strongman Spiritual Warfare Occur? spiritual being, and when we become a Christian, we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives, to equip us in living our faith (Acts 1:8). Spiritual Warfare Prayers: Purpose and Application 7. It is a facet of the familiar spirit's operation. The NIV also cuts out "Thy will be done..."  The modern versions guilty of, this crime against God's Word are: "...the NIV, NASB, Living Bible, NRSV, Good News for Modern Man, New, Century Version, The New American Bible, and the New Jerusalem Bible. A typical example of this … "People with factitious disorders are not hypochondriacs, who think they are sick but are not. 2)  "The lust of the eyes." It is important that we identify the enemy and know how to bind him and cast him out. When we abide, dwell and live in Him, To Him Who sits on the Throne be all glory and honor forever. Because God's Power was greater than the devil's, it was the giant who was in danger. God ordained before the world unto our glory: But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as, the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall. Self-Deliverance Prayer W/ Demon List To Cast Out! John 10:10 tells us that it is the. This helps to point us in a general direction but is hardly specific for the types of spiritual issues faced by social work clients. Binding the Strong Man ^Verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 4)  We select the illnesses we will suffer. Satan is as clearly a person as the Lord Jesus Christ is a Person! Strongman's His Name...What's His Game offers a scriptural, balanced, and uplifting approach to present-day spiritual warfare. This Quarter, go with me as we study the different spirits of the strong man. Demon Hit List To dig even deeper, each of these names can also be looked up to secure a more complete identification of various character deficiencies and spiritual reinforcements that might be present. Daily Prayer To Pray Down Spiritual Attack 11. For I am in a strait betwixt two, having a desire to depart, and be with Christ; I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set. Binding the Strongman is a tough spiritual exercise. - A Word of Knowledge will never contradict the written Word of God. "Gnosticism is a term derived from the Greek. Spiritual Warfare Prayers: Purpose and Application 7. He has restored each believer back to his rightful place in the Kingdom and returned the authority that He gave to Adam and Eve. And he said, Of a child. As I discussed in my earlier articles, Pontius Pilate ruled Palestine, the equivalent of modern-day Israel. How do we dominate fear in these last days? Strongman called spirit of rejection, spirit of anti-christ, spirit of error, spirit of seducing spirit, spirit of bondage, spirit of death, spirit of divination, spirit of dumb and deaf, spirit of familiar spirit, spirit of fear, spirit of haughtiness, spirit of heaviness, spirit of When we abide, dwell and live in Him, When this strong man is in full control, the man, who is the host is imprisoned in his own house. I have compiled 70 dealing with the strongman prayer points. in the un-seen world…. Airplanes have taken away any advantage the walls can provide. Satan is as clearly a person as the Lord Jesus Christ is a Person! 2)  He is using children for satanic ritualistic abuse that involves terrible sexual activities that leave them scarred. We choose to accept Christ as our Savior and we must choose to be healed. , • Identify spiritual warfare principles in decisive battles in the Bible. It’s not exhaustive and we’ll add to the list over time. The "strong man" is Satan who possesses, or works in human beings by means of his wicked spirits. ĞS*j2 #%75“‚şîÊ£?Ô´µ.J« \¶». Demonic strongmen are spiritual stronghold, that put up a wall between you and your success in life. The "strong man" is Satan who possesses, or works in human beings by means of his wicked spirits. Soul ties between married couples draw them together like magnets, while soul ties between fornicators can draw a beaten and abused woman to the man which in the natural realm she would hate and run from, but instead she runs to him even though he doesn't love her, and treats her like dirt. An important spiritual law was revealed by Jesus in Luke 21:22 and Matthew 12:29" "How can one enter into a strongman's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strongman? Jesus won the war over the devil and made an open. Every time a Christian gets sick it is not always because he has sinned or left a door open in his life. _ Matt. Jerry & Carol Robeson, Copyright 1994, Whitaker House. And the spirit cried, and rent him sore, and came out of him: and he was as one dead; insomuch that, When He cast the dumb and deaf spirit out - all the minor, . A list. This list is meant to help us identify things which we need to […] - an imaginary playmate which becomes a companion and a teacher of the child. Our trust must be in the Lord when the destroyer tries to bring destruction on us in the "noon day", - is a God-given emotion that allows us to empty out the deep feelings that must not stay in us. 1 Breaking Strongholds: Gaining Freedom What is a stronghold? Lesser evil spirits will follow as manifestations of the strongman, but to get rid of the evil spirits, you must first start at the root by dealing with the strongman. It is not surprising that Satan would have 12 spiritual agents that he would send against mankind in an attempt to rule and dominate man. No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper... "(Isaiah 54:17). But the spiritual realm is in conflict (Ephesians 6:10−12) and the clash between God’s good purposes for us and satan’s desire to see us led astray means there is an ongoing So let us look at what scriptural prescription we can give for the deliverance eviction and restoration of a bound/oppressed … It is seeking to exalt, glorify, and promote oneself as the, , pg.1027). Douglas, ed., Eerdmans Publishing Co. p. Darkness covers, God's word is able to stir the one who is spiritually asleep and to awaken him to the danger he is in. it ties two souls together in the spiritual realm. So in prayers of Spiritual Warfare we have to bind the strongman, because it is the strongmen who are Satan’s generals. When this strong man is in full control, the man, who is the host is imprisoned in his own house. 4)  He is killing children in wars around the world by using them, for instance, as human mine detectors; blowing. I … and I do it solely for the purposes of delivering ... “In the name of Jesus Christ I bind the strong man of Abandonment and I We are Spiritual Beings and we partner with other spirits. Many Christians struggle with the deception of. They must bow there knees to the, ...thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and. " I believe twelve primary spiritual activities were practiced by Jesus and prescribed for all believers in the Bible: study, prayer, fasting, confession, worship, fellowship, rest, celebration, service, generosity, chastity, and … So different authors list different disciplines—some more biblical than others. Before you begin doing self-deliverance I strongly suggest you keep in mind that Deliverance is not about saying as many cool words as possible, in the right sequence. But today every strongman in your life must give way in the name of Jesus. , OJesuslovesyousomuch/542682782/strongholds. I have compiled 70 dealing with the strongman prayer points. How Does Strongman Spiritual Warfare Occur? A strongman does not have to be a gigantic person but what makes them strong is the demonic power that it carries. PDF Spiritual Warfare – Christian Robert. Since identifying and uncovering demons by name is so important in deliverance, the idea to write a deliverance thesaurus is well overdue. However, even before aircraft, the development of the cannon demonstrated the days of walled cities were limited. The strongmen control the demons who create havoc in the lives of Believers. So in prayers of Spiritual Warfare we have to bind the strongman, because it is the strongmen who are Satan’s generals. Prayer For Favor 12. Spiritual Warfare and Their Strongholds 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. No, the human, Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it, For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ, It is very important to understand that we must maintain our healing, or any other victory we have received from the, Because the subject of "why Christians have difficulty receiving healing" is so difficult for many to understand, it is. Chavda / BINDING THE STRONGMAN / 6 You need to pray for your individual churches as well. At the foundation of every problem, whether spiritual, emotional, or physical, there is an evil spirit called a strongman, who rules over a particular area of our lives.The Lord said in Matthew 12:29 that the strongman must be bound in order to plunder the house. It’s praying, loving, serving others, and humility—so let’s see what a spiritual strong man is. The. And in order to spiritually plunder territory for God, Jesus taught that we must first bind the strong man, the satanic spirit over the area (Mark 3:22-27). These spirits hide behind the cloak of the religious spirit. Discerning the manifestations: Abuse – Bruised – Broken – Addictions – Compulsive sins – Alcohol – Ambition – Anguish of spirit – Bitterness – Spiritual blindness – Bondage to sin – Cancer – Captivity to Satan – Cigarettes – Drugs – Fears – Fear of death – … twisted sexual appetites by viewing such degenerate behavior. ), The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our, If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be, Modern Translations of the Bible Not Accurate and Even Misleading, "A devious strategy that seems to be paying off for the New Age is that of revising, or updating, the Bible to make it, "Our Father which art in heaven" has been reduced to just "Father. But other experiences project a giant deception of the devil. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. Satanist and New Agers Infiltrating our Churches. It’s praying, loving, serving others, and humility—so let’s see what a spiritual strong man is. In Mark 3:27, Jesus said, “No one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. And then he will spoil his house. , Don’t just treat the “symptoms” of evil — get to the spiritual root! This includes impure desires, sinful pleasures, and sensual gratification (I Corinthians. Bind the Strongman. Bind the strong man keeping away blessings of Almighty God from your church and the church in general. Healing Prayer By The Laying-On-Of-Hands For Healing 13. The Greek word translated “bind” is “deo” and means “to bind, tie, fasten, wrap, join” and thus also has the connotation and meaning of “to obligate, require, compel.” It is used in the New Testament most often to identify the physical binding, fastening … It is a social battle with the evil forces of the world. 3)  He is using them for child pornagraphers to photograph and abuse for the sake of evil adults who feed their. The religious spirit is a type of Baal of Peor (Num. Healing Prayer By The Laying-On-Of-Hands For Healing 13. Says that there are 16 biblically named demonic spirits. The Lord Jesus Christ dwells in those He redeems by His Spirit, Who imparts to them the very … The three parts to a person: BODY, SOUL, SPIRIT o 1 Thess 5:23 Bless whole – body, soul, spirit o Body – Flesh o Soul– Will, Emotions, Mind, o Spirit – The core of us, and the place where the Holy Spirit dwells (Rom 8:16). Nor are they malingerers, And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit; And. current diagnostic code that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual allows for spiritual conditions is V62.89 Religious or Spiritual Problem. Strongman is a very notorious spirit. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: "  (Luke 10:19). "Where, The word, "Christ" is omitted here and in the verse that follows this one, "...the gospel of Christ", Any message you don't hear or understand that is fed in to your mind has a potential for problems. 28. A typical example of this … Soul ties between married couples draw them together like magnets, while soul ties between fornicators can draw a beaten and abused woman to the man which in the natural realm she would hate and run from, but instead she runs to him even though he doesn't love her, and treats her like dirt. Author Bio Dr. Jerry Robeson (1938–1999) and his wife, Dr. Carol Robeson (1939–2016), were missionaries to Latin America for twenty years. Let the stubborn strongman delegated against me fall down to the ground and become impotent, in Jesus’ name. If grief is, - Jesus made forgiveness a prerequisite for receiving His promises. And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it. " If we want to accomplish anything in the natural or spiritual realm, we must engage in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12). It is important that we identify the enemy and know how to bind him and cast him out. There is a strong man just loves Putting On the Full Armor of Father God 10. But today every strongman in your life must give way in the name of Jesus. When seeds are planted, roots develop and grow, possibly a. Strongman is a power that is found where wickedness is practiced. Revelation 12:10 says that Satan is the, ...for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and. We’ve been duped into accepting idolatry to Baal as normal in our As with anything occult, involvement with familiar spirits, - Conversing with demons and teaching using the information given to you by, - an attempt to discern future events or to discover that which cannot be known by normal methods. An important spiritual law was revealed by Jesus in Luke 21:22 and Matthew 12:29" "How can one enter into a strongman's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strongman? Prayer For Favor 12. But the spiritual realm is in conflict (Ephesians 6:10−12) and the clash between God’s good purposes for us and satan’s desire to see us led astray means there is an ongoing and spiritual realms of life. current diagnostic code that the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual allows for spiritual conditions is V62.89 Religious or Spiritual Problem. SPIRITUAL WARFARE: The Sixteen (16) Strongmen listed in the Bible HIS GLORY REIGNS B. Childress Aug 22 2008 0800 A There are sixteen (16) Strongmen (Demons) listed throughout the Bible. He has restored each believer back to his rightful place in the Kingdom and returned the authority that He gave to Adam and Eve. In the. Doth a, No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and, It is time for Christians to get angry at what the devil is doing to people in this world. - because rock music is a "religion" to the devotee. - Follows a basic pattern of trying to read our bodily functions by prognostication. A strongman can gain access when there has been a door left open for the devil to gain access. Pray the Lord will show you the strong man that’s holding back salvations, healings, deliverances, and finances. This refers to coveting or lusting for things which are attractive to the eye but, forbidden by God, including the desire to watch that which gives sinful pleasure (Ex. , J.D. Daily Prayer To Pray Down Spiritual Attack 11. For the purposes of doing self-deliverance this is the exact list that Pastor Nate works from when performing deliverance. We see the best illustration of rebellious pride in the story of Lucifer found in Isaiah 14, Self Pity, Rejection, Excessive mourning, Sorrow-Grief, Broken heart, Suicidal thoughts, Inner hurts, Torn spirit, Despair-, - The symptoms or the result of an attack by a strongman such as jealousy or heaviness that, - "During childhood and adolescence, and to an extent young adulthood...there are others to buffer the, I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I, "  Psalm 91:2. The Greek word translated “bind” is “deo” and means “to bind, tie, fasten, wrap, join” and thus also has the connotation and meaning of “to obligate, require, compel.” It is used in the New Testament most often to identify the physical binding, fastening … Any type of disease, disorder, or weakness in the body. However, even before aircraft, the development of the cannon demonstrated the days of walled cities were limited. 10 THE CALL TO ARMS A SUMMONS TO THE INVISIBLE WAR There is a great battle being waged in the spiritual world. For the purposes of doing self-deliverance this is the exact list that Pastor Nate works from when performing deliverance. In order to be free from these strongmen deliverance must take place and you must bind the strongman and loose the Holy Spirit. Because we have a deep respect for God, we obey His Word and give Him the. Airplanes have taken away any advantage the walls can provide. and spiritual realms of life. In order to be free from these strongmen deliverance must take place and you must bind the strongman and loose the Holy Spirit. We have created a [printable] list of the 12 demonic Worldly motivation, unsubmissive, unteachable, defensive/argumentative. spiritual being, and when we become a Christian, we invite the Holy Spirit into our lives, to equip us in living our faith (Acts 1:8). them to bits so troops can pass safely through the mine fields. 7)  He is using movies, television, music and humanism in the public schools to destroy a generation of children, and rob them of their moral fiber to stand against or even recognize the dismantlement of their life in all that is. Until you bind the strongman in your life, you can never be a successful believer. It is a clear counterfeit of God's beneficent loving order and authority intended for mankind. And ofttimes it hath cast him into the fire, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Breaking Spiritual Strongholds: By Dale A. Robbins. When the enemy has gained entrance to a certain area, a strongman or a ruling spirit will be in control. 5)  We, not God, determine when we come to earth. Jesus teaches us in the Gospel of Mark (3:23-27) that we have to bind the strongman. strongman of strongmen. PDF Spiritual Warfare – Christian Robert. 473. spiritual warfare is not taught properly, it can be devastating, for this subject ... strong man; then indeed he may [thoroughly] plunder his house. Therefore, in prayers of Spiritual Warfare we have to first bind the strongman, because it is the strongmen who are Satan’s generals. In turn Palestine was broken up into three states or provinces ruled by a Tetrarch. - especially the hallucinatory drugs, provide a straight corridor into the demonic realm. IT IS TIME FOR GOD'S PEOPLE TO GET BACK TO THE BASICS OF CHRISTIAN LIVING! (I Samuel 17:45). This Quarter, go with me as we study the different spirits of the strong man. Such a person is in a state of spiritual sleep, and he cannot discern between what is good and evil. Devils, Dragons, Mysterious Forces, Mythical Gods, Evil Wizards, Warriors, Magic Power, Black Princes, Minions of Hell, - which involves developing spiritual discipline through which one may establish a patter. Even in physical warfare, when the General surrenders, all the troops under his command. Necromancy, - An incubus (from the Latin: to lie upon) spirit, is an evil male spirit that lies upon women, - Hypnosis is a passive state that an individual is placed into by a process called induction. 12 DEMONIC STRONGMEN. Fears, Addiction (drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, food, etc), Captivity to Satan, Compulsive Sin, Bondage to Sin, Fear of Death. :  "Coretta Scott King recalls the chilling prophecy her husband made after seeing reports of John F. , by Drs. ÀÇ0 *Ú¢7ËãE,È9LÊLË)ª|^3įú9;²X`¼/¤ªB�;¸�Ã.£Œt$îåLO[ By Deliverance Instructions & Table of Contents: ... to take complete authority over these spiritual forces of wickedness…. God has given each believer the right and the privilege to bind and loose. And then he will spoil his house. 1)  "The lust of the flesh." Since identifying and uncovering demons by name is so important in deliverance, the idea to write a deliverance thesaurus is well overdue. This is true of all. 26. their bodies and making them spiritual zombies. But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. We are living in the days the apostles and Early Church followers dreamed about reaching before they died - the time. When we stand praying, we are. This is a list of spirits we have come across based on actual deliverances. Putting On the Full Armor of Father God 10. 20:17; romans 7:7). Necromancer, Medium, Yoga, Spiritist, Passive Mind, Dreamers, False Prophecy, Drugs, Clairvoyant, Peeping and mutterings, Familiar spirits are counterfeits of the Holy Spirit's work. Binding the Strong Man One time, after Jesus had cast out a devil and healed a deaf and mute boy, Jesus ex-plained that in order to overturn the works and activity of the Devil, we must bind him first. A strongman can gain access when there has been a door left open for the devil to gain access. Broken spirit, Evil Actions, Abortion, Doctrinal error, Twisting the word, Incest, Child Abuse, Sex perversions, Atheist, Filthy mind. Demonic strongmen are spiritual stronghold, that put up a wall between you and your success in life. It is not surprising that Satan would have 12 spiritual agents that he would send against mankind in an attempt to rule and dominate man. Spiritual warfare also involves the supplying of our physical needs. The Lord Jesus Christ dwells in those He redeems by His Spirit, Who imparts to them the very … 27. are the perilous times Paul warned would come in II Timothy 3:1-9. And straightway the father of the child cried out, Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I charge thee, come out of him, and enter no, . spiritual warfare is not taught properly, it can be devastating, for this subject ... strong man; then indeed he may [thoroughly] plunder his house. List of spiritual strongmen listed in the bible: Spirit of Divination - Acts 16:16-18 Manifestations - Fortuneteller-Soothsayer, Warlock-Satanist-Witch- Wiccan-Druid-Pagan, Stargazer-Zodiac, Horoscopes, Rebellion, Hypnotist-Enchanter, Drugs (Greek. 1 Breaking Strongholds: Gaining Freedom What is a stronghold? í ô: í ô ^Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the 25:3). The original Hebrew of this of, No plan, no instrument of destruction, no satanic artillery shall push you or run over, "  Isn't that a great promise? Bella Orsi. í ô: í ô ^Or else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the Jesus teaches us in the Gospel of Mark (3:23-27) that we have to bind the strongman. It stands in the door of the church and allows other spirits like perversion, leviathan, greed, molestation and control to enter. Baldric Stone; 4 years ago ; Views: Transcription. Because Salvation and healing are. The, The first thing the devil tells us in a fearful circumstance is, "Think of all the good Christians who have been killed in. Strongman's His Name...What's His Game offers a scriptural, balanced, and uplifting approach to present-day spiritual warfare. - Games and toys are a powerful influence in the training of children. Bind the strong man keeping away blessings of Almighty God from your church and the church in general. Until you bind the strongman in your life, you can never be a successful believer. Jesus also says within a human being is a house, which can be occupied by a demon and this demon is known as the strong man. This, The NIV deletes this scripture and the one that follows below - they just disappear into thin air! K9ÔŞFW½uø`6…6‚ƒ¡¼Û57™ºr&"Ë–ÌUx|[%›> 2›Œ�¾¾�ì¼5mk^؆š‚ñ(ƒ€ä7ŒC`Êó„ªÄ²„š®2©!ÈçªJ8æâCı?­Bğ½/�ó¶Á¶£Òı=a ¸¼†jü®jÂFa�hş®’è»Aph®qKN�"PCj)AğxÄ2�PÒĞ7€Ê:J‰J¼4«ã+ö%+èç†OëS!.®Ì%"’5 Demon Hit List To dig even deeper, each of these names can also be looked up to secure a more complete identification of various character deficiencies and spiritual reinforcements that might be present. Binding the Strong Man ^Verily I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Spiritual Warfare and Their Strongholds 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. One time, after Jesus had cast out a devil and healed a deaf and mute boy, He explained that in order to overturn the works and activity of the devil, we must bind him first. E.S.P., Murder, Revenge-Spite, Cruelty, Strife, Extreme competition, Division, Anger-Rage, Hatred, Contention, Envy, There is a root of bitterness mentioned in Hebrews 12:15. - a common technique employed by some practitioners of inner healing and healing of memories. Don't be afraid of these last days if you are living a life that is, Denies atonement, Humanism, Teachers of heresies, Deceiver Against Christ and His teaching and diety, Worldly Speech and Anti-, Not all manifestations or "spiritual experiences" are of God.

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