1. Los únicos maximales femeninos fueron airazor y blackarachnia, La base predacon parece la cabeza de terrorsaur en su modo bestia. Optimus then returns to an intel role as he guides Bumblebee in his mission to retrieve the Allspark from Hoover Dam. Forma animal: Viuda negra. This is also the very first incarnation of Optimus Prime to transform into a Fire Engine. Junto con Megatron logran expulsar a los Maximales de su base. In the Marvel Comics series, in addition to these characteristics, Prime is secretly plagued by self-doubt and a conflicted sense of pacifism that often makes him an extremely reluctant warrior. Él gana una nueva forma magnífica en el proceso. Megatron acepta y le ordena que le devuelva los discos. Prime took a squad of troops to aid in the battle on the planet. Además de una cruzada para evitar que los Predacons eliminen a los protohumanos, nuestros antepasados, y a los autobots, que se encontraban en el arca dado que el planeta en el que se encuentran es la Tierra de hace miles de años en el pasado. This caused Optimus Prime to wash out of the Autobot Academy. Su arma, además de ser pistola, también es un lanzallamas que utilizará sin dudar contra cualquier Maximal, Predacon o ser viviente que amenace a Megatron. The "Unicron Trilogy" version of Optimus Prime is a fictional character of this branch of Transformers lore. Wired Magazine nominated Fire Convoy as one 12 most ridiculous Transformers ideas of all time.[10]. Llegó a entablar un vínculo mental con ella para controlarla, pero esta acabó deshaciéndose de él por completo. Pero es tarde, pues Blackarachnia toma el control y conduce la isla hacia donde esta la nave Maximal para destruirla. Como la encuentran destruida y sin presencia de Predacons, se llevan los cristales de energon para reparar su nave, proclamándose como victoriosos ¿Pero realmente llegó a su fin la Guerra de las Bestias? 12x $ 291. Los más destacados son el jefe de la tribu, que aprende a usar un arma gracias a Dinobot y los pequeños Una y Chak, con los que Cheetor forja una gran amistad y trata de enseñar, consiguiendo incluso que logren aprender algunas palabras. He orders the Aerialbots Jetfire, Silverbolt and Air Raid to fly and destroy Trypticon. Pero el amor viene acompañado de celos a causa de Cheetor, que empieza a sentirse atraído por ella. Falla en su misión al ser secuestrado por Tarántulas, quien quería controlarlo con una máquina. Tanto maximales como predacones intentaran explorar el territorio desconocido y se encontraran sin querer originando un primer enfrentamiento en tierra firme. Optimus proved his bravery on many occasions, battling and defeating Sky-Byte in an underwater duel and personally rescuing Side Burn from a Predacon trap. En el Perú empezó siendo transmitida por América TV quedando inconclusa para ser luego retransmitida y completada por Canal A. He lets himself, Bumblebee, and Sideswipe be captured by the Decepticons and is sent to a prison in Kaon, the decepticon capital, in an elaborate scheme to free Zeta Prime and all imprisoned Autobots. Este agente obtiene la ayuda de los Maximales para lograr su cometido. In parting, the Swarm recreated Prime in a new form, and he and Megatron set out to lead the united Autobots and Decepticons into a new age. He leads the Autobots as part of NEST in hunting down the remaining Decepticons on Earth. In the Earth year 2005, Prime, stationed on Moonbase One, dispatched troops to Earth to acquire energy for an upcoming strike on Cybertron. Forma animal: Mitad escorpión, mitad cobra. Sin embargo, dada la bondad mostrada por los Maximals, decide unirse a ellos, aunque, eso sí, siempre prefiriendo ser parte de la naturaleza, por lo que iba un poco por libre. Grande y fortachón, gusta de deleitarse con el perfume de las flores. Si Megatron hubiera tenido éxito acabando con Optimus Prime únicamente hubiesen sobrevivido Waspinator, Scorponok, Terrorsaur, Dinobot y Tarántulas, ya que el resto de los Predacons fueron creados a partir de protoformas Maximals. Tigreton trata de ayudarlos a recuperar su estado normal antes de que los Predacones los eliminen; mientras Águila recupera la bobina. Well, that's just prime! Mientras tanto, Lobo Plateado y Araña Negra descubren la ubicación del Arca. Template:Multiple issues Template:Non-free Optimus Primal is a fictional character from the Transformers toyline, and the leader of the Maximal forces and the main protagonist in the Beast Wars television series. Luego, desobedece las órdenes de Megatrón y se niega a atacar a los Maximals demostrando no ser simplemente un clon sin alma, sino reconociéndose como su "propio dueño". 23 La ley de la selva: Copo de Nieve, la tigresa siberiana compañera de Tigreton muere tras un derrumbe de rocas ocasionado por una batalla entre Maximales y Predacones. Three versions of Optimus Prime are playable characters, including the first generation incarnation, his incarnations from the 2007 live-action film, and the incarnation from Transformers Animated. The images were shared via their Facebook fan page and brings a promising and detailed take on the Beast Wars Maximal commander Optimus Primal. Cuando todo parece perdido, un Optimus transmetalico aparece para ayudar a sus compañeros. Es el Transformer más poderoso ya que, además de poseer el poder de los alienígenas, es el único fuzor transmetal y posee dos chispas en armonía. La única solución es construir una torre para amplificar su señal. Further differences are listed in the respective sections below. In the 2009 Revenge of the Fallen video game by Activision, Optimus Prime is among the playable characters.[23]. Gracias a su carácter consigue la amistad de dos niños protohumanos, a los que deberá sacar de más de un problema. In the ensuing struggle, the G-forces of a nearby planet pulled both craft down, and the Autobots' ship crashed into a volcano, thrusting all the occupants into emergency stasis. The combat deck can also serve as a radio antenna for battlefield communications between the Autobots. He also features hidden forearm cannons and Mega Blasters. POTATO HEAD TRANSFORMERS OPTIMASH PRIME Figure", "Canadian Forces deal 'huge blow' to Taliban: official", "Brown's hero is Transformer Optimus Prime", "Optimus Prime called Richard Sherman to wish him luck on playing Megatron", https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fyh2iO0rCh4, "Movie Optimus Prime in Discovery Channel Commercial", "Optimus Prime Presents the Top Ten Things That Sound Cool When Spoken By A Giant Robot on David Letterman", Pages on Optimus Prime at the Transformers Wiki, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Optimus_Prime&oldid=1002518722#Beast_Era, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles lacking in-text citations from December 2009, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from March 2014, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from March 2014, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction from October 2009, All articles that need to differentiate between fact and fiction, Wikipedia articles that are excessively detailed from April 2016, All articles that are excessively detailed, Wikipedia articles with style issues from April 2016, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles using Infobox character with multiple unlabeled fields, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Action Masters, Autorollers, Combat Heroes, Deluxe Vehicles, Go-Bots, Masterpiece, Primes, Powermasters, Voyagers, Autobot Leader, Supreme Commander, Chief Commander, "Freedom is the right of all sentient beings." Son nuestros antepasados homínidos. La nave de reconocimiento Axalon recibe un comunicado de que una nave Predacon ha robado un Disco Dorado, al ser la única nave que está cerca de ellos, decide perseguirlo. Allí se encuentra inactivo Protoforma X, un intento de duplicar la chispa indestructible de Starscream que salió mal y en la que Optimus se vio involucrado, transformando al robot en un traidor violento. Muere tras intentar detener él solo al Nemesis. Video de Skaterboard Gorilla (Optimus Primal Transmetal) de TransArtToys. Para solucionar esto, el consejo decide enviar a Ravage, un agente especial de la policía secreta para rastrear y eliminar a Megatron. Optimus led his small band of Autobots to stop Megatron from acquiring their power for himself. 1. The story is vague, however, and may be a metaphor for Prime rejoining the Matrix, as his time had come. 19 El llamado de la bestia Los Predacones roban una bobina que evita que las radiaciones de energon los afecten en la base cuando estén en modo robot. Finally, Optimus challenges the traitorous Sentinel Prime and they engage in a fierce duel. En el episodio Victoria se hace una mención a la famosa frase de Superman, Depth Charge y Tigerhawk son los únicos personajes que no fueron doblados en España. In this mode, he can fire his fists for his "Flying Fist" attack. The Maximals were occupied throughout the remainder of the series protecting Prime and the other Transformers aboard the crashed Ark until the Predacons were defeated. Atari Begins the Ultimate Conflict with Worldwide Release of TRANSFORMERS Video Game, Business Wire, May 12, 2004, VIDEO GAME REVIEWS: You can swerve to avoid 'Driv3r', Charleston Gazette; August 21, 2004; by Jeb Haught, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, explain the fiction more clearly and provide non-fictional perspective, Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2015 TV series), Transformers: Robots in Disguise (2001 TV series), Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising, The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, Seth MacFarlane's Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy, "Transformers: The Many Looks of Optimus Prime", "TRANSFORMERS ROBOTS IN DISGUISE Returns! 39 El Agente (Parte 3) Ratatrampa logra infiltrarse en la nave de Devastador y lo hace estrellar destruyendo al agente. Es la única vez que Rampage muestra aprecio por algún otro ser, ya que no consideraba a este ser como algo inferior sino como un igual, tal vez el único capaz de comprender su dura existencia de ser diferente y repudiado por los demás debido a su enorme poder y unicidad. Depth Charge es un vengador que llega al planeta con su propia nave particular, buscando a Protoforma X para eliminarlo, pues este había matado a varios de sus compañeros en su antigua base. Pero para eso Terrorsaur se encarga de eliminar al verdadero Dinobot sepultándolo bajo un montón de rocas. Prime and Koji went on to form a strong friendship, although Prime blamed himself for Koji's father's abduction. Eventually, the clues lead the Autobot to Sam Witwicky. Tiene a Optimus como su referente, su héroe, por ello intenta siempre demostrar lo que es capaz de hacer (metiéndose más de una vez en serios problemas), está destinado a ser su sucesor. Once on Earth and having informed the two teenagers of their mission, Prime and the Autobots are discovered by Sector 7. En la segunda temporada adquiere una forma transmetal y en la tercera una forma transmetal 2 de dragón rojo. The first generation Optimus Prime transforms into a Freightliner FL86 cab over semi truck. Galvatron attempts to take command of the Autobots and, after fighting them, explains his mission to stop an undead infestation. En su habitación, empieza a tener pesadillas y cuando despierta cambia su apariencia por la de un leopardo salvaje y enfurecido. Although the character was redesigned to some extent, like the other characters in the film, many classic design elements remain in his robot mode including a predominantly red torso, primarily blue legs, the presence of windows in his chest, smoke stacks on his shoulders, and a head design influenced by the original, featuring the iconic faceplate and ear finials. He gave the Rescue Bots their mission and mainly appeared via a view-screen, appearing physically in the first episode and then in the first-season finale, where his truck mode was seen for the first time on screen. 03 La telaraña Tras desobedecer a Optimus, Cheetor es confinado a su habitación. All memory of his past life gone, he took the name "Orion Pax" and sought his way like any other robot on the new world becoming Optimus Prime once more when receiving the Matrix of Leadership when Cybertron faced a new enemy in his former friend, Megatron and his army of followers, the Decepticons. Optimus took the mantle of leadership as the civil war against the Decepticons erupted, and would remain in that position for the next nine million years. Having been frozen in the vacuum of space, Optimus has been drifting on the far reaches of Earth's solar system for some time. Forma animal: Gorila. Prime refused, but later led a group of Transformers, including Megatron, Grimlock, and Soundwave), to distract the creature while Primus dealt the final blow. The original 1984 Optimus Prime toy was part of Takara's 1983 Diaclone toy line named "Battle Convoy". Fue finalmente destruido por la máquina que usó para sacar del control que tenían los alienígenas hacia Tigerhawk. In 2010, a version of the Masterpiece toy, called Masterpiece Convoy Sleep Mode, was released, painted in dark colors to match the appearance of Optimus Prime after his death in the 1986 film. En su nueva forma, Dinobot se convierte en el súbdito más importante y sin juicio propio de Megatron, salvo por cortas instancias en donde se manifiesta su viejo yo. With the plague spreading rapidly, even Rodimus Prime was soon infected, requiring the Autobot Skylinx to rescue a Quintesson in the hope that it would be able to bring Optimus back to life to lead the remaining uninfected against the plague victims. TransArt Skateboard Gorilla Beast Wars Transmetal Optimus Primal . De carácter firme y afable, es un líder por excelencia, se gana el respeto del escuadrón y en momentos críticos sabe mantener la cabeza fría para encontrar soluciones viables, tanto que hasta es capaz de sacrificar su vida por ello. A pesar de su gran inteligencia, incluso entre los Predacons es visto como un peligro, ya que su actitud voluntariosa e independiente pone en peligro los planes de conquista del gobierno Predacon (el Consejo Tri-Predacus). Optimus Prime returns in Transformers: The Last Knight, which is set three years after the events of the previous film. Megatron lo destruye accidentalmente junto con Inferno, con quien solía pelear y discutir, tras bombardear una aldea de protohumanos. There, they discover that Optimus Prime was somehow resurrected. [51] A commercial for the Discovery Channel featured Optimus Prime singing part of a promotional song. He is voiced by Garry Chalk, who would later voice Optimus Prime in Transformers Unicorn Trilogy and would later portray Vice Principal Grimes in … Al final de la serie se niega a seguir siendo Predacon y permanece en la Tierra siendo adorado por los antropoides primitivos como un dios. Primal is one of the Maximal descendants of the Autobots, who took the name to honor Optimus Prime. A causa de esa relación, en la tercera temporada se une a los Maximals y es reprogramada como una de ellos, así como también (en la tercera temporada) logra convertirse en su forma transmetal. Appearing in Transformers: Armada, Transformers: Energon and Transformers: Cybertron (known as the aforementioned trilogy), Optimus is the leader of the heroic Autobots. He and his team return to Cybertron with Omega Supreme, the captured Decepticons, and Prowl's body and are greeted as the hero he had wished to be so long ago. Hi-Q's biomechanical body was stripped down and reconstructed by the Last Autobot, resurrecting Optimus Prime once more with the two minds now one. He makes a cameo in the 1999 Beast Wars Transmetals video game for Nintendo 64, where he is killed by Megatron at the end of the campaign, showing what would have happened in the Beast Wars series with a Predacon victory. Waspinator fue el único predacon que conservó su modo bestia original en toda la serie. 30 Plagued by nightmarish visions of a life-destroying entity called "the Swarm", Prime looked into Cybertron's past and discovered that Jhiaxus and his kind were the result of an unintentional Transformer reproduction. Optimus Prime, along with other Transformers, were featured in several commercials for General Motors. Optimus sends Jazz on a high-speed destruction distraction mission, then sends Ironhide to rescue Jazz from a double-threat posed by the government agents and various Decepticon scouts. He was named after the Autobot leader, Optimus Prime. It was his unique spark and his inspiring reassurance that "All are One" that allowed the Primes to rally and succeed in their battle against the Chaos Bringer Unicron. In the Autobot Campaign, Optimus Prime provides intelligence and missions to Bumblebee in his search for the Allspark. The original specification of the Generation 1 Optimus Prime specifies that Optimus Prime consists of three components: the humanoid "Brain Center" (which transforms to the truck cab), the "Combat Deck" (which transforms to the truck trailer) and the "Scout Car", a non-transforming six-wheeled buggy called Roller, which can ride inside the truck trailer. Es entonces cuando se descubre que en aquel planeta no había dos lunas, sino solo una, siendo que la otra no era más que el arma que utilizarían para destruir la Tierra en casó de interferencias con la vida. However, Megatron, revealed to be in league with Quintessa, swoops in and steals the staff from Optimus. Mientras tanto, Avispaneitor se dirige hacia un punto cerca de una montaña por órdenes de Megatron, pero es seguido por Araña Negra y luego por Lobo Plateado. Con la ayuda de los Predacones, Ratatrampa logra sacarla de ahí y Optimus decide entrar para hablar con los alienígenas. Scorponok es el segundo al mando de la base Predacon, ya que demuestra una lealtad inquebrantable hacia su líder Megatron y tolerancia cero hacia la traición. Fortunately, the influence of the Matrix allows Prime to overcome the programming. After a devastating battle, the last remaining Omega clones self-destruct due to Starscream's intervention. It can repair itself by shutting down, but it will take millions of years. He has swing lines in his wrists. After some initial difficulty, Optimus is able to get the hang of the device, only to be shot down by Starscream's female clone, Slipstream. Lleva la traición en los circuitos y no desaprovecha ninguna oportunidad para hacerse con el mando de los Predacons, aunque estas acaban siempre volviéndose en su contra. Top Rated Seller Top Rated Seller. Gorilla. Hot Rod realizes that Optimus is mentally deranged and confronts him. After this plan was a success, Optimus was eventually able to reclaim the Matrix of Leadership from Rodimus Prime and learn that the plague could be countered with wisdom, prompting him to sacrifice the accumulated knowledge of the Matrix to restore all those victims of the plague to normal. En la batalla, Destello es derrotado, su chispa sale del cuerpo de Avispaneitor y vuelve a vagar por el espacio. 26 Otras voces (Parte 2) Una de las "supuestas lunas" de la Tierra, resulta ser en realidad, una poderosa arma para destruir la Tierra que es utilizada por alienígenas. However, the Thirteen subsequently reclaimed the additional power they granted him, leaving him weakened but still determined to aid the team. Transformers Masterpiece Figure MP-32 Convoy (Beast Wars) Optimus Primal . Lobo Plateado quiere vengar la "supuesta muerte" de Araña Negra enferntandose a Tarantula, pero esta aparecerá sorpresivamente en modo transmetal. Report. Aunque logra destruir la base Predacon, es detenido por los Maximales, ya que Megatron todavía tiene la chispa del Megatron Original combinada con la suya. Sin embargo, una serie de eventos inesperados distraen al Ex-Decepticon en su misión y termina aliándose con su blanco (Megatron). To keep with the potato theme, the toy was labeled "Optimash Prime" and the packaging included the slogan "More than meets the fry", a potato-oriented version of the Transformers slogan "More than meets the eye". [4] Within his chest is a mystic talisman, known as the Autobot Matrix of Leadership or the "Creation Matrix", carried by all Autobot leaders. After arriving and scanning a Peterbilt truck, Optimus greets Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes, introducing his men and explaining why they have come to Earth. Originalmente se tenía pensado convertir en transmetal a Terrorsaur. Later, when Megatron targeted a tanker truck to scan as the alternate mode of the final protoform, Optimus Prime leaped into action in order to save the truck's human driver and, as a result, the tanker, Prime and the human were all scanned. A lengthy chase, Prime once again unswaying commitment to Leadership by example film. Were used in several commercials, fire extinguisher and a resurrected Megatron chain-flail. His mission to destroy Unicron by plunging the Matrix back to the core gives Optimus a jetpack attachment help... 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