Story telling is a powerful tool. Many Jedi knights were killed by common droids. However, if we stick to the continuity and the duel was Grand Master Luke Skywalker vs Anakin Skywalker from Revenge of the Sith, I believe Luke would be able to easily defeat his father. Your feats are irrelevant when dealing with this kind of story telling. Go look them up, I'm not doing that for you. In new canon, Luke is clearly intended as the greatest Jedi in the galaxy. Mace is still more impressive than Canon Luke. May The Force Be With You - check my other videos and be sure the subscribe and leave a STRONG like!! Feats aren't needed when one character simply is in a different weight class. Here's a clue: it links back to an infamous scene from the prequels. Sure, both Luke and Anakin were expert pilots, techy experts, and skilled in the ways of the Force but could anyone actually claim that Luke was better at wielding a lightsaber than Anakin in his prime? Anakin may have been Luke's father, but he barely got to spend any time with him in that capacity. They are exactly the same to Jedi. this is how return of the jedi should've ended LOL I was bored so i retextured obi wan episode 3. with luke's episode vi texture. He hunted down the remaining Jedi, but there nothing saying he went around soloing them. I don't need to make a feats based argument when one character in the grand scheme of things operates on a larger more powerful scale. In terms of raw strength he would easily beat Luke. Feats are not the only thing that define a characters power level. He even managed to defeat Anakin Skywalker in single combat, although he didn't have the heart to finish him off. Star Wars clearly implies Luke is a more powerful character. Luke defeats Windu because he's more powerful in the force. Unless you think Windu beating a pre prime agenda driven Palpatine somehow scales him as a top tier force user. Imo, the EU made Luke way too OP, he was almost infallible and could defeat almost anybody he was put up against. However, if we stick to the continuity and the duel was Grand Master Luke Skywalker vs Anakin Skywalker from Revenge of the Sith, I believe Luke would be able to easily defeat his father. Which, Windu only has one major one anyway. Anakin fathers Luke, and they regularly battle through most of Luke Skywalker’s adult life. Either Luke or Vader solo. in other words, the average jedi likely does not have the force augmented strength necessary to cut straight through the darktroopers like they can cut through CIS droids. 0 0. 8. share. darktroopers are armored with blaster impervious metal. The fact that Luke was able to fodderize them is a massive feat for him, not a weak feat for them. The childish insult towards a very obvious typo of "simply" tells me enough to end my debate with you. Luke at this point simply scales above Mace Windu. I was watching some clone wars today and just seeing Anakin lead the troops in battle got me thinking just how powerful he really was (ik that’s obvious he’s the “chosen one”). Anakin had not reached his full potential by 19 B.B.Y. ... the only real difference is that there was slightly more of it since Anakin and Obi-Wan were Jedi in their prime, while Luke in the OT was just a novice. Mace is just flat out better in Sabers. He just does. Instead, most of Luke's interactions with Anakin occurred while the latter was still Darth Vader, and the franchise has clearly stated multiple times that Vader and Anakin were essentially two different people. Mace wins pretty comfortably, based on what we have seen of Luke. A lack of combat feats due to lack of material does not eliminate his obvious superiority. Perhaps your passive insult at my intelligence dismantles my argument and my capabilities in a debate in your mind, perhaps such a reach is cool with you, but to me it isn't. We will have to wait but I would be surprised if he doesn’t get some crazy stuff sooner or later. 8. share. Feats are not the only thing that define a characters power level. Star Wars #5 reveals an unlikely different between Anakin and Luke Skywalker. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ... Luke beat him fair and square while being way less trained/powerful than E3 Anakin. You can read the back of a novel and see that they say Darth Maul is the greatest sith lord ever, then you see the exact same on a Bane novel the "narrative" means nothing it's the actual feats you are literally wanking off Luke and have zero evidence to back anything your saying up. Because we all know damn well that if this fight were to happen somehow in canon, who wins. Mace is superior to canon Luke, especially if we go strictly by shows/movies. Luke Skywalker vs Yoda in his prime Partially inspired by /U/GimmieDemWaffles. He does not lose to Mace Windu. Arguably we haven't seen Prime Luke yet either. ... Sign in Account & Lists Sign in Account & Lists Orders Try Prime Cart. He wins comfortably. Anakin Skywalker in his prime vs Darth Vader in his "prime" R1: Arrogant anakin R2: Anakin lost some arrogance. We are talking about "who wins if they fight" not "who has more feats". They both seem to be a relatively … Prime Luke vs Prime Anakin General Discussion I was watching some clone wars today and just seeing Anakin lead the troops in battle got me thinking just how powerful he really was (ik that’s obvious he’s the “chosen one”). They are metal that easily gets sliced through, slow, stupid, and utilize blasters. The only time they fought was when Kylo got humiliated by a force image of out of prime Luke. Luke was good at attacking, but everything he could have done would be blocked and counterattacked! Boomstick: Yeah! OT canon GM Luke has done nothing so far to make me think he could beat Mace. Luke is simy a more powerful force user, defeated someone more powerful than Windu. You disagree. you probably need savage opress+ strength to do that. Merry Christmas dude. luke has one of the highest physical (force augmented) strength in the verse, on par with or greater than vader, whose physical strength >savage>dooku (just in strength). Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise, created by George Lucas and centered around a film series that began with the eponymous 1977 movie. Luke defeats Windu. His prime? Vader has more than enough force power feats and dueling feats to defeat Windu. Pr prime Luke defeated Vader, who defeats Windu. You have this, along with the myth, his impact in the universe, his potential etcAtatata no he does not have better dueling feats stop it your lying to yourself. That's fine with me. If Luke was transported back in time in a show, or a movie, and fought Mace Windu before order 66, do you really think you will see a Mace Windu victory on screen? How do you think he would do against prime Windu? The commandos and destroyers, certainly not. His force defense was enough to keep Sidious from winning that way, and Luke does not have force feats above Sidious. Which, Windu only has one major one anywayWindu is literally better than Luke in every single way, I don't think you belong here if you do not acknowledge the feats, skills, speed, dueling ability cause at the end of the day this is a duel, and we have the feats. Luke was a very good agile defensive fighter, who could pick up and master fighting styles just by watching them in action. Luke is simy a more powerful force user, defeated someone more powerful than Windu. Luke Skywalker is instructed at the end of ROTJ that he is to enter the hyperbolic time chamber from DBZ and live and train in there for as long as he wants to. Anakin is a master in Form V, a form focused on deflecting attacks and counterattacking though attacks! such armor is probably just a step below beskar in its resistance to lightsabers. Let's break it down Windu is faster, More durable, has a style advantage, is stronger. As far as being stronger than Anakin (if he was never crippled), that's debatable since Anakin never achieved his full potential, and Luke didn't beat him on "fair terms" (Vader was an old man, 75% machine, and was facing internal conflict). © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Mace was part of an arrogant, blind Jedi Ordi. It’s nothing that Mace or any other semi competent Jedi wouldn’t be able to do. Full potential Anakin is literally Force Jesus. I'm simply stating that Luke's character as a force user has a greater impact on the galaxy than Windu does. Prime Luke is probably beyod Yoda. But fine. It got me thinking because I don’t think we ever saw Luke’s prime, but is there any chance he could beat his father before he becomes Vader? Vader is way too strong and resilient, if Anakin can casually body Dooku than Vader who can use both the light and dark sides of the Force with better control over both sides, more sophisticated and versatile dueling than Anakin. @macattack1: of course it's a bad argument. Merry Christmas dude.Good day I won't respond to your other ludicrous posts live in your fantasy world. Obi Wan vs Anakin is the best fight besides Luke Vs Vader in Return of the Jedi. But fine. Luke was good at attacking, but everything he could have done would be blocked and counterattacked! Feats don't matter. ... Anakin learned from Yoda in his prime, he learned from Qui-Gon Jinn, and he was formally trained under Obi-Wan for over a decade. you think there are points as Vader he was stronger than himself as a Jedi? As does any other sith or Jedi in the verse. Perhaps your passive insult at my intelligence dismantles my argument and my capabilities in a debate in your mind, perhaps such a reach is cool with you, but to me it isn't. … Anakin said that Mace Windu was invisible multiple times in the ROTS novel, Anakin said that Windu was invisible and couldn't be seen in TCW, he has stood still and blaster bolts phased through him and he then teleported behind the bounty hunter and knocked her in the spine this bounty hunter stalemated Kenobi, he teleported behind Ventress and beat her while holding back in a few seconds (These feats were canon) it is just ridiculous how quick you guys forget Windu's speed, Luke would not have beaten the Emperor if you replace ROTJ Luke instead of Windu. post ROTJ Luke would be vastly superior to Vader. The B1s, likely. Star Wars clearly implies Luke is a more powerful character. Think about it, luke can't even lift an x-wing with the force. That's the point. Prime luke will most definitely be above mace. Luke defeats Windu because he's more powerful in the force. Anakin Skywalker vs Luke Skywalker? Luke was a very good agile defensive fighter, who could pick up and master fighting styles just by watching them in action. Feats aren't needed when one character simply is in a different weight class. He's fast enough to dodge point blank Dark Trooper blaster fire. He plays it safe, goin… He makes himself pass as a jedi in a secret mission (Which is true from a … You have this, along with the myth, his impact in the universe, his potential etc. @camilopezo: Palpatine>>>dark troopers. I mean for Christ sake, the guy defeated arguably a prime Vader who is beyond Vader. Imo, the EU made Luke way too OP, he was almost infallible and could defeat almost anybody he was put up against. He was turned to Darth Vader before he reached that point. Which one would win, and why? Maybe stronger in the force but the way he flies across the battle field combining the force and being in great shape I think that’s his peak. In terms of raw strength he would easily beat Luke. And there is no way this Luke can beat Obi-Wan. The answer is unequivocally, "No." Vader isn't the beast people make him up to be (In dueling specifically) he doesn't shine in dueling Windu is much faster and has better dueling feats (I do not mind citing every single one of them against whatever dueling feats you select for Vader) Windu would defeat a suited up Vader let alone the destruction Vaapad would lay down on Vader, and the fact that Anakin basically admitted he can't compete with him. He's done nothing to suggest that his presence in the force, and his galactic impact is anything close to Luke's. Everything Luke's learned in that realm is pretty much secondhand, Yoda didn't give him much in terms of actual combat technique, but Anakin trained when Jedi teaching in that realm was at its peak. The reasons for this are simple. and he forfeit that potential due to Mustafar’s lava. Lukes latest showing only seems so impressive because it’s all hype and wank (typical new feat wank). It's all I need. @macattack1: of course it's a bad argument. and he forfeit that potential due to Mustafar’s lava. Vader defeats Windu. Because we all know damn well that if this fight were to happen somehow in canon, who wins. Now Anakin had 20 years of training and Luke Skywalker (i suppose this is the sequel Luke) didnt even finish his training and is weaker than Vader so Anakin > Vader > Luke I'm ignoring feats because the narrative tells us that a character like Luke just operates on a different scale. I'm not talking about popularity. In the EU, Luke crushed an AT-AT like a soda can just by using the Force. Wiz: That was extremely close. Feats don't matter when Luke's place in the galaxy is clear.What does this mean are you telling me that feats, the skill, the speed, the dueling feats don't matter because Luke has been in more films and books? Feats don't matter. Unless you think Windu beating a pre prime agenda driven Palpatine somehow scales him as a top tier force user. 4. share. Wiz: That was extremely close. Either Luke or Vader solo. Wow. I'm simply stating that Luke's character as a force user has a greater impact on the galaxy than Windu does. When Obi-Wan killed Darth … But he wins every time. Especially after your attitude here. That's not exactly impressive, and where's your evidence? Windu is more powerful in the force as he overpowered Sidious in the force, tossed an entire AT-TE with the force and many other amazing feats that I can't remember after being up for 20 or so hours.Windu is stronger, more powerful in the force, is a better dueler, is faster and has more speed the Luke, has a style advantage over luke and can draw on the power of the darkside while using the lightside ROTJ Luke is out matched entirely. We are talking about "who wins if they fight" not "who has more feats". As of ROTJ, Luke had the force itself at his will and was what a Skywalker Jedi was supposed to be. They utilized more types of weaponry, are faster, have shields, and shoot faster. In my opinion, I don't even think we've seen Anakin prime. It wouldn't be Windu. Also, the lowballing of dark troopers is kinda shocking. Windu is the most wanked character in Star Wars. Luke defeats Windu. His mastery of the Force was exquisite, his lightsaber technique impeccable. Cya all soon brothers. Can someone explain to me why Windu, who has no canon showings outside of defeating a wayyyy pre prime Sideous in an obviously ambiguous duel is always so wanked here? We have a classic fight with Disney Infinity 3.0 Star Wars Luke VS Anakin Toy Box Versus fight. That's fine with me. Feats dont matter when Luke's place in the galaxy is clear. Luke is simply more powerful in the force, and narratively, has a much bigger impact on the force. But against Anakin, he was simply outmatched. In his prime, Obi-Wan was one of the most skilled fighters in the galaxy. Much like Anakin willed himself to kill Dooku, Luke wills himself to beat Mace. Revenge of the Sith Anakin Skywalker vs Return of the jedi Luke Skywalker *The Battle on: Tatooine *Luke’s age: 23 (Return of the jedi) *Anakin's age: 23 (Revenge of the Sith, Pre-Dark Side) FIGHT! All these people beating off Luke... How quickly they forget the power of Mace Windu, let's take out our novels boys. Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker George Lucas said that Ben Kenobi was stronger than Vader in ANW so Young Obi-Wan > Ben Kenobi so Young Obi-Wan > Vader. Pr prime Luke defeated Vader, who defeats Windu. Windu is in the same exact state of mind/force as when he fought the Emperor in ROTS. The showings we saw in mando didn’t really add anything new to Luke’s standing. Your feats are irrelevant when dealing with this kind of story telling. That's all there is to it.I won't lie I have no clue what you mean by "simy" I can't decipher what you said into anything coherent. @camilopezo: They’re nothing that a baseline Jedi Knight couldn’t beat. He certainly wasn't at his prime in ROTJ. Darth Tenebrous is said to be a great dueler, but he has limited feats so even then we only have the word of mouth not that many feats, the same with Revan word of mouth not translating to actual feats. Let's set the basis, Windu is invisible and can't be seen that surpasses every speed feat Luke has in canon, Luke barely beat Vader while Windu beat the Emperor with ease, tanked his lightning and decimated Sidious. A lack of combat feats due to lack of material does not eliminate his obvious superiority. Under Lucas, Filoni was supposed to value each Jedi at a minimum of 20 in TCW. In the EU, Luke crushed an AT-AT like a soda can just by using the Force. Prime Luke beats mace 10/10 times with mid to high difficulty. He's also got him on lightsaber training as well. Anakin is a master in Form V, a form focused on deflecting attacks and counterattacking though attacks! And here to kick some canon ass. Prime Luke vs Prime Anakin General Discussion I was watching some clone wars today and just seeing Anakin lead the troops in battle got me thinking just how powerful he … Wiz: Even so, Luke doesn't even attack that often. Everything Luke's learned in that realm is pretty much secondhand, Yoda didn't give him much in terms of actual combat technique, but Anakin trained when Jedi teaching in that realm was at its peak. And he is. Windu loses badly to an all out prime emperor. I don't need to make a feats based argument when one character in the grand scheme of things operates on a larger more powerful scale. It's not an argument. And Lucas said Luke was what Anakin was supposed to be but he said that YEARS ago... unless you're assuming he meant ROTJ Luke is where Anakin was at full potential than I'm assuming Lucas meant Luke was at his prime in the years following the events of ROTJ where he reached master status and explored in the now Legends books/comics etc which he personally signed off on. Luke isn’t tainted by the Dark Side. ... the only real difference is that there was slightly more of it since Anakin and Obi-Wan were Jedi in their prime, while Luke in the OT was just a novice. By lure I am going to assume you meant lore. Windu overpowered Sidous quite strongly in a lock, punched multiple B2 droids and decimated them with ease, is proven to be stronger than a gundark, knocked a gundark out with a kick that is better strength feats than Luke has in the canon. Source(s): anakin skywalker luke skywalker: On a surface level, these two lines work perfectly, as Anakin (the father) and Luke (the son) are in the exact opposite situations. In new canon, Luke is clearly intended as the greatest Jedi in the galaxy. Some might say hundreds, some might say five or six. They both seem to be a relatively even match, though Vader has the upper hand in most fights. It's not an argument. I'd like to say agree to disagree, but I'm not sure I even owe you that, after this one. But he wins every time. Boomstick: Yeah! That's the point. Demonstrated the strongest feat of force power by projecting himself across the galaxy. Obi-Wan Was The First Jedi To Defeat A Sith Lord In 1,000 Years. It wouldn't be Windu.Feats don't matter that's like saying a gundark could beat Darth Nihilus because feats don't matter. Anakin had not reached his full potential by 19 B.B.Y. Luke's presence, and myth in the galaxy, as well as his role in the force, and his defeat of Vader, only to grow more powerful simply scales Luke above Mace Windu. But he jumped all over the place with that. Vader defeats Windu. However, Luke went on to be an incredibly powerful jedi - so Return of the Jedi is certainly not Luke in his actual prime - … He makes himself pass as a jedi in a secret mission (Which is true from a certain point of view). He could have tracked them down with the force and imperial intelligence, then sent in the 501st to take them out. As others have said, he was hyped to better than snoke in the force who was relative to sidious considering who smoke turned out to be. He hunted down the remaining Jedi, but there nothing saying he went around soloing them. Period. Who did Luke defeat that is more powerful than Windu, Windu is unmatched in saber skill they said this in the ROTS novel that includes Yoda, Anakin, Kenobi and everyone else Luke is not above those names in dueling. Using strictly movie/show then luke gets stomped lol. Marked the end of an era that sent the clone wars period and age of heroes out with a bang. Grandmaster Luke is BACK bois!!! I'm ignoring feats because the narrative tells us that a character like Luke just operates on a different scale. That is Anakin in his prime. We've seen just one nearly kill Din in CQC, and he stalemated Ahsoka before. @callanven: with all the lure, and impact of both characters, you really think that if they appeared on film together, or in a show together, that the writers would honestly chose portray Luke as inferior to Windu in a fight? Marked the end of an era that sent the clone wars period and age of heroes out with a bang. Windu has tanked Sidious's lightning more efficiently than Yoda without any strain (In the graphic novel version he stood there and took it) that easily surpasses all of Luke's durability feats in the canon, Windu has a style advantage, Vaapad is the most Violent, Offensive, devastating and unpredicatable style ever made Windu is faster, more durable and has a style advantage. If we are talking canon, probably Anakin, but we don’t know that much about prime Luke in canon to say yet. Full potential Anakin is literally Force Jesus. He just does. Are you kidding? Vader has more than enough force power feats and dueling feats to defeat Windu. Prime Luke is implied to be more powerful than Snoke who is implied to be relative to some versions of Sidious. Story telling is a powerful tool. He's also got him on lightsaber training as well. Luke Skywalker has to do a Marty Mcfly. Her father, Ruwee Naberrie, was a friend of Senator Onaconda Farr, who represented the solar system of Rodia in the Senate of the Galactic Republic. What did he do in the Mandalorian besides cut through some droids? If Luke was transported back in time in a show, or a movie, and fought Mace Windu before order 66, do you really think you will see a Mace Windu victory on screen?Yes. Luke isn’t tainted by the Dark Side. Luke Skywalker uses the world between worlds and accidentally ends up interrupting Padme's and Anakin's date during episode 2 and their time in Naboo. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. As far as being stronger than Anakin (if he was never crippled), that's debatable since Anakin never achieved his full potential, and Luke didn't beat him on "fair terms" (Vader was an old man, 75% machine, and was facing internal conflict). Who would win in a fight Anakin Skywalker in his prime from Revenge of the Sith before he almost died in the lava vs Luke from Return of The Jedi? 4. share. He certainly wasn't at his prime in ROTJ. Feats don't matter when one character operates on a different level with the force. Hell, honestly, Separatist Droids are probably more of a threat to Jedi. Probably Luke, but it might be just my nostalgia killing me after yesterday. Mace should win this. Obi Wan vs Anakin is the best fight besides Luke Vs Vader in Return of the Jedi. we know different metals are more or less easily cut by lightsabers, for example vader's shoulder is resistant. I'm not talking about popularity. He's also been ranked as above Palpatine in canon as a saber duelist. The childish insult towards a very obvious typo of "simply" tells me enough to end my debate with you. The feats for Luke just don't hold up Windu outclasses him for the reasons I stated in other posts. Mace bested him in combat, As others have said dark trooper mostly have durability over separatist droids but that's irrelevant against a lightsaber, If not it’s more debatable but I’d still back Luke. Luke Skywalker uses the world between worlds and accidentally ends up interrupting Padme's and Anakin's date during episode 2 and their time in Naboo. Best Sellers Gift Ideas New Releases Whole Foods Today's Deals AmazonBasics Coupons Gift Cards Customer Service Free Shipping Shopper Toolkit Registry Sell. Luke operates on a different scale than Mace Windu. In 15 years, Luke helped bring balance to the force, ended the Sith, ended the empire, and created a new Jedi philosophy. Story trumps feats. She was the younger daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie and the sister of Sola Naberrie. ... Luke is the only one who comfortably uses force powers … Team 1 Stomps KnightFall Anakin can solo tho. Luke beat him fair and square while being way less trained/powerful than E3 Anakin. Vader is way too strong and resilient, if Anakin can casually body Dooku than Vader who can use both the light and dark sides of the Force with better control over both sides, more sophisticated and versatile dueling than Anakin. Mace still wins comfortably. He never really reached his prime as he was too young/ not focused enough to reach his prime as a Jedi and then as Darth Vader he had lost of half his living tissue so he was unable to fulfill his potential. Luke has better force feats. @lord_tenebrous: That’s what I mean, I don’t think it’s anything impressive. @theemperor95: an emperor who didn't bust out any of his force powers, and an emperor who was not in his prime..that's a skill feat for Windu. Luke has better force feats.Name me any dueling feats from Vader which makes you think that he could beat Windu, name some dueling feats for Luke. Something Yoda couldn't do in 15 years. Are you trying to use a hypothetical situation of a tv show to justify Luke beating Windu when he is in fact inferior in every way and aspect of dueling? @thoromdil: That's exactly what I was thinking. This, in my opinion, makes him superior to Windu as well. The reasons for this are simple. B2s, ehh. A human female of the Naberrie family, the woman best remembered as Amidala was born Padmé Naberrie on the bountiful planet of Naboo in 46 BBY. Press J to jump to the feed. This is one of the worst arguments I've ever read. How many shooters it would take to defeat a regular Jedi depends on the writer. Ideas new Releases Whole Foods Today 's Deals AmazonBasics Coupons Gift Cards Customer Free! Who wins and counterattacked sake, the EU, Luke ca n't even think we 've seen anakin prime you! Really add anything new to Luke 's character as a force image of of! Forfeit that potential due to lack of material does not eliminate his obvious superiority and where 's evidence! 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The clone Wars period and age of heroes out with a bang could beat Mace their prime would! With you - check my other videos and be sure the subscribe and leave a STRONG like!. No way this Luke can beat Obi-Wan counterattacking though attacks enough force power feats dueling. Back to an all out prime Emperor bigger impact on the writer was good at attacking but! A character like Luke just operates on a different scale than Mace Windu hype...
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