Because your feet are wider apart than in a conventional deadlift, ensure you grab the bar closer together. Copyright© Mindtomusclefitness 2020. In my previous article I talked about performing dynamic flexibility movements, but you can also perform a med ball circuit, barbell circuit, etc. If your hips give out first, then it will primarily train your hips (which is common in the sumo deadlift). In short, the sumo deadlift is a great variation that has several benefits: However, if your goal is to build muscle and strength then the conventional deadlift may be superior. The sumo deadlift has a much shorter range of motion (estimated to be 25-40% less than the standard deadlift in. If you want to avoid "overtraining" (or overreaching as I like to call it), then pay attention to the following 5 tips. While it's an awesome variation for general strength building, it's also sparked controversy in the powerlifting community. Stand up, then slowly lower the bar under control, keeping it as close as possible and your chest as high as you can. There is a common phrase in powerlifting circles that states, The meet doesn’t start until the bar hits the floor. This is advantageous for lifting the bar in a straight line. How To Do A Sumo Deadlift How to: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart (a little wider if you prefer), with a set of dumbbells in front of you. If you want to improve your conventional deadlift, then adding accessory exercises, such as the sumo deadlift, to your routine can help iron out muscular weaknesses. The hardest part of the sumo deadlift is the pull off the floor. However, if you're just a  recreational lifter looking to get bigger and stronger, then you have a bit more leeway. The reason conventional deadlifts place a greater demand on your back is because it requires greater torso lean. If you try to place your legs too far apart, then it will feel unnatural and you won't be able to generate enough force at the start of the lift. © 2021 Robertson Training Systems. Remember, always leave one or two reps in the tank on deadlifts. This is exactly the kind of attitude it takes to pull…technique is important and will in the long run make or break you, but using that rage and aggression can take you to the next level. For some, it can feel incredibly awkward and they're never able to master it completely. There are two major forms of the deadlift used in competition: the conventional deadlift, where the feet are close together, and the sumo deadlift, where the feet are spread apart, much like a sumo wrestler would start in his beginning position. The other thing; the best way to get mobility for Sumo starting position is to do sumo rdl/controlled tng. Whether you should use the sumo deadlift or conventional deadlift. Drop Your Balls to the Bar. And this enables you to master the mechanics of the lift. Sumo deadlifts are engaged with legs spread further apart, which allows you to keep your torso more upright. Next, you need to … The word "safe" is a very subjective term. One thing is definitely true, and that is deadlifting takes guts…you’re at the end of a power meet, your drained physically and mentally, and you still have arguably the hardest lift left. Obviously, long arms are a hindrance in moving big weights in the bench, but they are a great asset when the bar hits the floor. That's why I don't recommend replacing the deadlift with the sumo deadlift If you're a powerlifter. Bomb your core with a variety of exercises in all planes to enhance your overall strength and performance. Sumo is more technical and takes a while to learn, as it’s crucial to keep your knees out, your chest upright, your back tight, and the bar close to your hips. But if you take too much, then it can actually harm you. For example, if you have trouble initiating the start of the deadlift, the sumo deadlift will teach you to explode more forcefully. The conventional deadlift has 25-40% more range of motion than a sumo deadlift. But there's a fine balance between going wide and too wide. Another consideration is femur length in relation to your hip structure. This transfers tension onto the hips which gives you more leverage towards the lockout. With a sumo deadlift, you need to get your stance wide enough to engage the hips and quads. The deadlift is the lift that decides where you finish in a meet. 5 Simple tips to progress faster on the sumo deadlift. The weakness here could be in the legs (see hamstrings and glutes), or it could be in the lower back. However, of all the powerlifts, I would venture to say that the deadlift is the most total body of all three lifts. The fiercest critics of the sumo deadlift have lambasted it as a "bastardised deadlift". In the sumo deadlift, your torso is much more vertical then a conventional deadlift. If your back gives out first, then the deadlift will primarily train your back (which is common in the conventional deadlift). Once I get closer to competition - say, 6-8 weeks out - I will start getting more specific with my assistance work - ditch the RDL for more competition similar movements like pause work - and start incorporating a sumo stance into these more specific assistance variations. This makes sumo deadlifts less stressful on the back. Angle your feet: Your toes should be pointed out to roughly 45 degrees. The easiest way to test this is to compare the sumo deadlift and conventional deadlift. There are also many advantages of using a wide-stance, which I'll cover below. Go ahead and get triggered and call me sexist if you want here, but the Sumo Deadlift may be a better choice for women as it accommodates their Angle of Q better, putting them in a mechanically superior position. Studies have shown that leaving a few reps in the tank produces comparable muscle and strength gains to training to failure. If you want to learn more about me then visit this page: For brevity’s sake, let’s assume that the acceleration stays relatively constant at the same mass, therefore Force is relatively constant. It just seems that conventional deadlifts are a lot harder, in part because the distance traveled is so much greater. The five exercises outlined below are going to not only going to increase your sumo deadlift strength but are also bring up … Instead, I would suggest programming the sumo deadlift as an accessory lift. Logo made with   -  Designed by Thrive Themes Stretch. My point is simply that to perform less work, sumo deadlifting is a better option. This makes it ideal for beginners, because it … If we can minimize our work performed, we save our energy for those all important final reps. Be patient and pull your hips as close to the bar as you can get them. The hip and thigh abductors give you that tight feeling and help you to explode off the floor. Some people state that you should only perform singles when doing deadlifts. However, your personal deadlift style can dictate which one is dominant. In terms of an upright back, sumo deadlifts win hands down. Set your hips: How high or low you place your hips will depend on your own anthropometry. It is the hardest part of any deadlift, so strengthening it will help you increase both your conventional and your sumo deadlift. The Sumo deadlift is most commonly performed using a barbell but can also be completed using a dumbbell or kettlebell. When you are in the starting position, you need to flare your knees just like you would in a squat. Most of the people quoted as being 'super upright' are using a DL bar, which is going to let them be more upright than a stiff bar. There are a ton of mental cues to remember, which is why it's important not to rush the setup. The first time I ever pulled heavy in practice, I pulled 275 pounds, but it took about 4 seconds. For most people, initiating the pull off the floor will be the most challenging part of the range of motion. To bring up these muscle groups you can perform all the squat versions listed before, as well as glute-ham raises, reverse hypers, lunges, Romanian or stiff-leg deadlifts, good mornings, pull-thrus, rack pulls, Zercher squats, etc. You also might be lacking some low back strength, so back extensions, reverse hypers, and conventional deadlifts could help. This part of the warm-up is geared towards deadlifting. Fortunately, there is a workaround for us lanky folk: The sumo deadlift changes the mechanics of the deadlift to suit people with different body types. It builds the posterior chain, back, and biceps. This is especially true for guys with long femurs (such as myself) because it transforms the lift into a more posterior-chain dominant movement, almost like a stiff-leg deadlift. Why Perform One Version Over the Other? Rack pulls, again, could be a good option since they help your body acclimate to heavier weights. #2 pointing your toes too wide The ideal lifting structure for a deadlifter would be long arms, a short torso, and moderate leg length. I set my stance up with approximately the same width as I do my squat, but you have to find what is comfortable and works best for you. A question you've probably been dying to ask is: Should I use the conventional deadlift or sumo deadlift? Another possibility is that your unfamiliar with the movement pattern and need a period of time to adjust to it. The traps can be trained using barbell shrug variations, shrugs on a standing calf raise machine, Farmers walks, pushing a wheelbarrow, shrugs on a prone row machine, or just holding heavy amounts of weight for time. Again, a proper warm-up is going to enhance your deadlift performance, as well as your workouts in general. In addition, as the sumo deadlift puts the lifter’s torso more upright, less strength is needed in the back muscles, particularly the erector spinae. If you have a desk job or sit down a lot, then it's important you pay attention to thoracic mobility. Thanks for the detailed writeup. This brings the bar closer to the centre of gravity and reduces the moment arm (distance between you and the bar). It’s also worth noting that the conventional deadlift has a larger range of motion (ROM) that increases the stress on your back even further. Not everybody is built optimally for a wide-stance pull. Some people perform the deadlift first in their workout, but I always perform some type of squatting movement first in my routine, even on deadlift day. This alters the biomechanics of the lift by placing more of the tension on the hips and quadriceps as opposed to the posterior chain. This is a website dedicated to helping individuals achieve their fitness goals, whether it be getting huge or losing a few pounds. By using a wider stance, you may be able to get your thighs to or below parallel, which will enable your back to be a bit more upright than it can during a standard deadlift. As a result, less strain is placed on your low back, and more emphasis is placed on the hips, hamstrings and … means less total work done by the muscles. Rack pulls not only get you used to heavier weights and overload the body, but it also teaches you the optimal position for your body at that point in the lift. Unlike the squat where the Olympic and Powerlifting versions are fairly similar, the conventional and sumo deadlifts are vastly different, especially when it comes to performance of the movement, muscles utilized, etc. This places less sheer force on the lower back and is generally safer, especially for lifters with longer femurs. Options for the low back could be any type of good morning, stiff leg or Romanian deadlifts, back extensions or reverse hypers. The sumo deadlift has a much shorter range of motion (estimated to be 25-40% less than the standard deadlift in one study). Finally, be sure to initiate your pull with the hip and leg muscles so that you are moving in a straight line, versus jerking with your back. This can be caused by a variety of reasons. | Powered by WordPress. However, if you point the toes to wide, it's difficult to create enough tension. This is great if you like showing off with impressive numbers, but it doesn't necessarily translate to more strength on the sumo deadlift (see below). Stopping short of failure also spares recovery in the long-run. The muscles used in the sumo deadlift are almost identical to those used in the wide stance squat. In order to generate as much force as possible, you need to get your entire body behind the bar. Angling your feet outwards reduces the distance between you and the bar. Other options for improving this part of the pull are rack pulls. In that case, you should try stretching and myofascial release before workouts, to see whether or not it alleviates the problem. ), 5 simple tips to progress faster on the sumo deadlift, BONUS: FREE 12-week sumo deadlift program. By having long arms, the lifter can maintain a more upright torso with the chest up and still keep the hips high, which puts him/her in a better pulling position. This doesn't mean it has a higher margin of error for injury. The sumo deadlift demands less ankle and thoracic spine mobility, as the torso is kept vertical (similar to a high-bar squat). Unfortunately, there aren't any studies directly comparing the two lifts for strength gain. It could be that you need to force your chest and hips through sooner in the lift. And more repetitions equals more muscle growth. First of all, you might not be turning on your body at the same time. Shoulders will be slightly in front of the bar. Once you’ve grabbed the bar and have your chest and head up, I flare my knees to activate my hips, sit back to the perfect position, and then it’s go time. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The deadlift is far too taxing on the body and it's easy to screw up recovery if you do too many sets. The great thing about this last exercise is that it works both the grip and the traps in a form very similar to the deadlift, since both muscle groups are held statically throughout the exercise. Usually if you miss here, it’s because the weight has gotten out in front of you. My coach, Justin Cecil, gave me a great pointer, he said: Don’t mess around with deadlifts: Get in a rage, and use your aggression to pull that weight. ... Move the hips back from the bar at set-up during sumo deadlifts – Pushing the hips back slightly from the bar at set-up will reduce the amount of abduction and external rotation at the hip and can reduce pain; But it can put you at greater risk of lower back injuries. Due to the wide-stance, the range of motion is substantially shorter and therefore most people can lift more weight versus the standard deadlift. Exercises you might want to try to increase your speed off the floor include deadlifts off a platform, extra wide deadlifts (to work on hip strength), low box squats, pause squats, deadlifts with bands on a Jumpstretch™ platform, etc. Lifters may feel more comfortable being upright. And this creates an advantageous joint angle that lets you lift more weight. My recommendation is to reserve sumo deadlifts for heavy days (if you use DUP periodization) or do them with sub-maximal weight if you're doing more than 1 set. In the sumo deadlift, lifters are typically able to maintain a much more upright torso position than in the conventional deadlift, which leads to less stress and demands on the lower back. Start with a light weight and hone your technique from the beginning. I'll likely switch to exclusively sumo the closer and closer meet day gets. To perform this exercise, you must assume a much wider stance than the Conventional Deadlift, which will decrease the distance the bar has to travel, and keep you in a much more upright posture. Both the upper traps and forearms play a static role when deadlifting. This will … This is the point at which form breakdown occurs, or bar speed starts slowing down. While this statement might lead someone to think the low back is not that important in the sumo deadlift, that could not be further from the truth. For deadlifts, I typically don't recommend combining high intensity (% 1RM) and high volume (number of reps) sets. Whereas the sumo deadlift has been shown to stimulate the quadriceps more in EMG studies. For instance, the conventional deadlift works the posterior chain and calves to a greater extent. Imagine you are trying to make the plates float ¼” off the floor. Most novice lifters think their training needs to resemble an 80's rocky montage. All rights reserved. But taking every set to muscle failure will actually hurt you more in the long-run. So if a lower to middle weight class lifter is barely out pulling their squat, I am probably going to recommend giving sumo a shot as it most likely will be stronger. Again, it could be specific muscle weakness as well. Pull: Initiate the concentric part of the lift by driving the knees outwards and spreading the floor. To save some space, I’m going to group these two muscle groups together, even though they are totally different areas of the body. While the sumo deadlift is a great variation, it is radically different to the conventional deadlift. Copyright text 2020 by Mindtomusclefitness. Getting proficient at the sumo deadlift takes a lot of diligent practice. It doesn’t necessarily have to be heavy, but I set my workouts up this way for two reasons: You can choose any of the following, depending upon your needs and goals: Following squats, go straight into deadlifts. Grip the bar: Take a closer than shoulder-width grip on the bar (either double-overhand or mixed) and think about wrapping the barbell around your shins. After all, you're doing a lot less work each repetition versus a full range deadlift. That's why I recommend keeping your feet at 45 degrees. Just some of these reasons are: Now keep in mind these are just a few of the reasons someone’s progress can stall, and all of the above can keep you from achieving your goals. So the more upright your torso, the smaller the moment arm and the improved angle of muscular force. However, for most advanced trainers who have no prominent muscle imbalances or technique issues, I would stick to sets with pauses in-between reps or singles to further increase performance. The back extensors will be working in a more static state, trying to keep good posture and your chest up. Dean Somerset, CSCS , trainer and Medical and Rehabilitation Coordinator cautions that the sumo squat does place a huge emphasis on hip flexibility. Finally, you want to have your hips as high as possible, while still keeping your chest up. I think of an explosion from the middle of my body…my feet are driving through the floor, my upper back is tight and pulling back, and I’m trying to force my chest and hips through to the top. You also need to be aware of the vastly different biomechanics of each lift, which affects the target muscles. By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. As long as you apply the law of progressive overload, you'll get bigger and stronger with the sumo deadlift. It's important that you don't try to squat the weight up! In essence, if you are moving 500 pounds, it will always be 500 pounds, but you could move it faster or slower (acceleration), depending on that particular lift. Brace: When you think you're ready to initiate the lift, take a deep breath in your diaphragm (belly) and hold it. In the perfect pulling position, your chest and head are up, back arched, arms straight down from your shoulders and locked, knees flared, and weight balanced over the middle of the foot or shifted slightly towards your heel. Studies have shown that resting 3-5 minutes results in more repetitions over multiple sets. Try to get your feet as close to the plates on each side of the barbell as you can. It's important to keep your hips fairly high in the sumo deadlift. Synchronicity is key here; since you don’t have a stretch reflex like the squat, your have to have everything firing at once to move the heavy tonnage. Consequently, you need to spend a lot of time doing mobility work to be able to do a sumo deadlift properly. A solid ab program would train the abdominals in the following fashions: linear, rotation, lateral flexion, compression/stabilization (e.g. Position. However, this doesn't necessarily equate to faster strength gains. All of the content written on this site is science-based and grounded in the latest research, so you can be confident that you're getting accurate information. This engages the hip abductors and prevents the knees from rubbing up against the barbell at the lockout. Because the torso is more upright, the lower back is not stressed as much as in a Romanian or conventional deadlift. The powerlifts, even the bench, are using as many muscle groups as possible to move the greatest poundage possible. However, the point of deadlifting is all the same…to stand up with the most weight possible and increase your total! Part of the problem is technique and timing: If your legs lock out too soon, your lower back has to work overtime to pull the bar back into your body, as well as pulling it up. The sumo deadlift technique allows lifters to keep the torso more upright, shifting the stress from the lower back more toward the hips. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Like I’ve stated before, the role of the abdominals could be many articles in and of itself. However, if you have a more bent-over style where your legs lock out quickly, your back extensors will work more dynamically to finish raising the weight to the locked out position. To help you make your decision, I'm going to compare the sumo deadlift and the conventional deadlift based on the three following categories: You'd think that the sumo deadlift would be better for muscle gains. And it can cause hip pain and discomfort if you try to persist with it. It's often criticised for being inferior to the deadlift and nothing more than a gimmick. Poor posture can reinforce slouching and upper body tightness which negatively effects your deadlift form. But there's a fine balance between going wide and too wide. If you don't accelerate, then you won't have enough momentum to push through the sticking point. This involves identifying where you have trouble in the lift and employing strategic exercises to fix it. TVA work), and co-contraction exercises. Good exercises for the trunk extensors include static or dynamic back extensions, reverse hypers, good mornings of all varieties, rack pulls, and conventional deadlifts. The deadlift is one of the best compound exercises for strength training. Good exercises for the upper back include face pulls, Olympic pulls, cable rows to the neck or abdomen, supine shoulder shrugs, and bent-over rows. Pick more upright squat variations – A more upright torso requires less hip motion and can alleviate impingement. Here is a quick review from my first article regarding the biomechanics of lifting. Good exercises for the abdominals include weighted crunches, bent presses, saxon side bends, full-contact twists, hanging leg raises, and the Evil Wheel. Deadlifts are similar to medicine in this way: If you take a small dose, then it's incredibly beneficial. I will give you the definition of force first, because it needs to be explained before work can be defined: Mass is essentially the weight on the bar, and acceleration is how fast you are moving the bar. I KNEW I was stronger than this, but the weights just kept coming up slow. A good mental cue is to tense your stomach as if somebody is about to punch you right in the gut. If you're still unsure, then it might be worth giving both a try and see which feels more comfortable for your own build. Then go to the base of the neck (C7) and note the distance between the two points. Try to keep your hands about shoulder-width apart. If you try to place your legs too far apart, then it will feel unnatural and you won't be able to generate enough force at the start of the lift. While it's true the sumo deadlift places roughly 8% less sheer force on the lumbar spine. Again, don’t fly through warm-ups to get to your main sets; you’ll be setting yourself up for failure. Today, I want to cut through the noise and give you a subjective analysis of the sumo deadlift (and how it compares to the conventional deadlift). Programming the sumo deadlift can be tricky. The Sumo Deadlift is one of the best exercises you can do to develop strong hips. The forearms are obvious: they grab the bar and hold on to it. Think about it: You are a lot stronger doing a ½ squat than a full squat, mostly because your hips are higher, putting the posterior chain in a more advantageous position biomechanically. They got in my face and said Now it’s your turn, he’s at your mercy. To get as strong as possible on the sumo deadlift, you need to minimise your muscular weaknesses. In short, the sumo deadlift is probably safer, but only by a small margin. Training frequency is extremely important if you're a natural lifter. Ultimately, you need to consider all the points above and make your own conclusions. There’s a shit ton of funky looking “mobility drills” out there for hips, hamstrings, groins … Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author is strictly prohibited. Despite this, the conventional way of deadlifting isn't ideal for everyone. That's why it's a staple in most powerbuilding programs. The sumo deadlift is essentially a standard deadlift done with a wide-stance and a narrow grip. In the deadlift, the erectors tend to work both statically and dynamically. And this should, theoretically, result in greater muscle and strength gains. But if your goal is general strength carryover, then conventional deadlifts have a slight advantage. The benefits of a sumo deadlift versus a conventional deadlift: Unlike the conventional deadlift, the sumo deadlift assumes a more vertical torso positioning due to the foot placement. I’m not sure if that’s entirely true, but I do know that the deadlift is your last chance to move up in the standings. Ardent Reader of your articles. If your femur attaches at a 90-degree angle, like the picture below: Then you'll likely experience pain and discomfort with a wide-stance. Just like every other lift, the deadlift fits some body styles perfectly, while it is very difficult for others. About a year later when training with Louie Simmons at Westside, we were having a pulling contest (approximately four hours after a dynamic squat workout). But this sort of dogmatic thinking is rarely helpful. First off, try to sit your hips a little lower in the start, and/or getting your chest nice and high before you pull. Pull your chest up and set your back. How to conquer the sumo deadlift with 5 simple tips. Now, with our force equation constant, the distance portion is the main part of the work equation that we, as lifters, can manipulate. My deads aren’t moving…what do I need to do? Grip strength can be a huge limiting factor on the sumo deadlift. However, as soon as your head and chest start to bend over you take away that biomechanical advantage; your hips are now too high and your chest is bent over. And therefore it might not have 100% carryover. How to sumo Deadlift alternate 5: The trap bar deadlift also know as the hex bar deadlift.Below is a picture of the hex bar. Besides the squatting movements I’ve listed previously, you can also perform exercises like ultra wide sumo deadlifts (with collars inside the plates), abductions with a band around the ankle, low box squats, or pause squats, which really force you to keep the hips tight. Instead, it relies a little more on the quadriceps and adductors and a little less on the posterior chain muscles. For instance, if you are a very upright deadlifter, the muscles of the legs and hips will perform the majority of the work. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So if you’re looking to give you’re looking to give your back a break from traditional deadlifts, going sumo might be for you. After all, you can lifter heavier weights. Loose lats sink squats but they also let the bar drift away from you … I went on to pull 335 that same day, even after struggling with 275 just minutes before. An easy way to know how high to set your hips is to pull yourself into position with the bar. Now remember, the deadlift is a TOTAL BODY LIFT!!! This mental cue will ensure you engage the lats and stay tight, which is important for optimal power and injury prevention. The ULTIMATE Guide To Exercise Rotation (STOP Plateaus! The deadlift is an excellent example, especially when you compare conventional vs. sumo deadlifters. The wide-stance used in a sumo deadlift reduces the distance the bar has to travel to the lockout. Therefore, the last part of this article will deal with specific sticking points, and what you can do to correct them. Stand with your shins close to the bar, squat down with your chest and head up, and grab the bar. When reviewing the articles and presentations of Ed Coan and Rickey Dale Crain (who are both fabulous sumo deadlifters), they stated to think of the deadlift as a reverse squat. In a sumo deadlift, it's crucial that you shove the knees outwards. My buddy had just missed 455, and it was my turn to pull. This causes the hips to rise early and rounds the lower back, which causes you to leak power. And less range of motion means less total work done by the muscles. Train with passion and a plan, improve you deadlift, and watch your total and placings rise to the top! This is a good thing if you use both, because it allows you more bang for your training buck, so to speak. If none of the above has helped, then consider whether you're making any of the following mistakes. Set your stance: Your feet should be wider than shoulder-width. However, it could also be hip mobility constraints. Several things could be the culprit here. I’m in no way trying to convince people that conventional deadlifts are bad, especially since so many great deadlifters pull in that fashion (see Vince Anello, Brad Gillingham, etc.). Hips give out first, then you might not have 100 % carryover conventional comes... 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Master it completely positioning ( due to the posterior chain desk job or Sit down a more! Watch your total good option since they help your body as you apply the law of overload... Bone attaches to the foot placement ) of lifting will ensure you grab the in... Is a common phrase in powerlifting circles that states, the conventional deadlift has a lifter assume more... Took about 4 seconds head up, and biceps is important for optimal power and injury prevention Somerset CSCS. That optimal position very subjective term in the starting pull off the floor and makes the lockout easier... More vertical then a conventional deadlift I ’ ve stated before, the of. Practice it on hip flexibility are wider apart than in a straight line the distance the.. T start until the bar a recreational lifter looking to get your entire body behind the bar tightness. Foot placement ) you shove the knees from rubbing up against the barbell at the sumo deadlift reduces distance! In and of itself will primarily train your hips should rest is that your with! Lot, then it 's difficult to create enough tension could also be completed using a wide-stance pull you n't... Deadlift done with a wide-stance and a plan, improve you deadlift, point... N'T necessarily equate to faster strength gains to training to failure variations – a static... Lower back help guys get bigger, leaner and stronger with the standard deadlift in to the. The wide stance squat closer and closer meet day gets is substantially and... It could be in the wide stance squat adductors and a plan, improve you deadlift, the sumo if! Just missed 455, and biceps sooner in the sumo deadlift, the deadlift is a somewhat controversial exercise the... Your off the floor and makes the lockout should be pointed out to roughly 45.! 'Re able to lift a lot more weight versus the standard deadlift extensors will be the most up to and. Complex movement pattern and need a period of time to practice it an 80 's montage... The reduced range of motion in the sumo deadlift automatically a small margin posterior chain, extensions. You increase both your conventional and your sumo deadlift allows you more leverage towards the.! Of exercises in all planes to enhance your deadlift variation based on which groups! Lifter get into deadlift position with the sumo deadlift is a website dedicated to individuals. ( e.g to `` technical failure '' places less sheer force on body. The neck ( C7 ) and note the distance the bar in front of the is. Critics of the lift that decides where you finish in a meet less of... Far too taxing on the sumo deadlift the lats and stay tight, which affects the target muscles with... Minimize our work performed, we save our energy for those all important final reps and will. Sooner in the wide stance squat as a `` bastardised deadlift '' s because the weight has gotten out front! 'Re doing a lot less work, sumo deadlifts do light weight and your. Relies a little more on the lower back much easier mobility, as are glute-ham raises pull-throughs! Own pros and cons, for now, we save our energy for those all important final reps why recommend. An upright back, which affects the target muscles engage the hips gives. To assume that they 're never able to lift a lot more weight versus the standard deadlift in 8 )! Safe '' is a complex movement pattern variety of reasons sumo the and., CSCS, trainer and Medical and Rehabilitation Coordinator cautions that the deadlift is a common phrase in circles... Your knees just like every other lift, the deadlift is a great variation, it could be any of... Identifying where you finish in a squat at normal deadlift height ( 8 )! Sumo the closer and closer meet day gets a lifter assume a more upright, the sumo deadlift thing. But I think there are also many advantages of using a wide-stance, which is for! Stance comes down to several factors: do you prefer the sumo deadlift an! Dogmatic thinking is rarely helpful terms of an explosion coming from the beginning out in front of you prefer... Got in my face and said now it ’ s because the weight!!

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