When Windsor was lost, so was all of the precious information. [101], By the time immediately preceding the creation of the Old Horde, the Blackrocks boasted the largest, most organized, and best equipped orcish military in the world. Gradually the Orcs were driven b… One Night in Karazhan: Prince Malchezaar | Terestian Illhoof 2790 by killing King Thrór, who came to revisit the ruins of Khazad-dûm. [2] As the dust of the First War settled, Orgrim's followers scrambled to find new weapons. [13] After Gul'dan created the necromantic horrors known as the death knights, Orgrim ordered members of the Blackrock clan to keep a close watch on the undead beings; the Warchief secretly planned to destroy Gul'dan and his new soldiers after the Horde had secured victory. [2] Orgrim Doomhammer had long sought to erase the corruption that had damned his people, and when Gul'dan fell into a coma he challenged Warchief Blackhand to a mak'gora duel. The Blackrock clan continues to dictate the course of the war intimidating the lesser clans within the Horde into following Orgrim's lead. [99], The Blackrocks of the Dark Horde in Blackrock Mountain were known to celebrate the Midsummer Fire Festival. [71][72], At the Whelping Downs, the orcs chained baby dragons of various flights to the ground, preparing them for the twisted experiments of their dark master, Nefarian. [36] The black drake Kalaran deceived adventurers into helping him and sabotaging the Dark Irons in the Searing Gorge, proclaiming that the "legions of Blackrock" would soon invade and lay waste to the gorge.[37]. Sargeras | Kil'jaeden | Archimonde | Mannoroth | Tichondrius | Varimathras | Balnazzar | Mal'Ganis | Anetheron | Mephistroth | Detheroc | Xavius | Kazzak | Highlord Kruul | Lord Jaraxxus | Queen Azshara | Sironas | Giselda the Crone | Shadow Council | Burning Blade Clan, Illidan's followers However, when they discovered that the black dragonflight were the ones controlling the orcs and fueling them with rage and hostility, an adventurer was sent to warn Magistrate Solomon in Lakeshire. Female orc names as well as male orc names can be generated. Alternatively, they could still be alive and a part of the Horde following Garrosh's fall. [3][11][12], Although years of war had reduced their numbers, the Blackrock clan remained the strongest within the Horde, and they continued to dictate the course of the war, intimidating the lesser clans within the Horde into following Orgrim's lead. World of Warcraft: Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, https://wow.gamepedia.com/Blackrock_clan?oldid=5961186, Former chieftain, second Warchief of the Horde, former wielder of the, Son of Blackhand, Warchief of the Blackrock clan and the, Champion, member of the Blackrock vanguard in the, Oversaw communication with and sacrifices to the, Son of Blackhand, co-leader of the Black Tooth Grin clan, One of the Big Three in the Burning Steppes, overseer of the, Father of Orgrim, former wielder of the Doomhammer, Champion, member of the Blackrock vanguard in the Burning Steppes, Lieutenant of Gath'Ilzogg, formerly leader of the, One of the Big Three in the Burning Steppes, general of the, Niece of Broxigar and Varok, current holder of the, Mate of Blackhand and mother of his children, High Overlord of the Kor'kron, Supreme Commander of the, One of the Big Three in the Burning Steppes, leader of the warlocks, In Redridge, the leaders of each unit within the clan were known as, The Blackrock forces in Redridge are led by a. There are 4 Ogre Magi, 2 … To their allies, they are noble and honorable, following the traditions of a rediscovered past. Ultimately, the Blackrocks and their heroes were slaughtered, and Kel'Thuzad succeeded in contacting Archimonde.[23]. [42] Reginald was eventually freed and would go on to unmask Katrana Prestor as being the black dragon Onyxia, sister of Nefarian, though he paid for it with his life. [64][65][66] Shortly afteward, Colonel Troteman arrived with a large siege tank to help the Bravo Company "end this mess". Ogre: Imperator Mar'gok Disagreements over battle tactics between rival chieftains often led to infighting, and the orcs had little success with attacking large draenei settlements. A piece of artwork of a Blackrock orc in the Burning Steppes also depicts green skin rather than gray. [95] While the Blackrock orcs still swarmed in Blackrock Spire, both Troteman and Eitrigg doubted that their plans would take them anywhere Redridge any time soon. [19] The orcs were used primarily as beasts of burden and cannon fodder for the black dragonflight,[25] being known together with their allies as the Dark Horde. Cult of the Damned: Lady Deathwhisper | Grand Widow Faerlina, Scarlet Crusade During the Third War, a faction of the clan in Lordaeron attempted to revive their old demon-worshipping traditions but were thwarted by the Alliance of Lordaeron and, later, the Scourge. [39] Since Lady Katrana Prestor refused to help, Bolvar instead empowered the adventurer as an acting deputy of Stormwind; if they managed to find proof of the black dragonflight's involvement with the Blackrock orcs, Bolvar would send military aid to Lakeshire. The Blackrock clan is a prominent orcish clan originally hailing from the caverns of Gorgrond. [62][63], The Bravo Company began closing in on the Blackrock high command in Stonewatch, but first turned their attention to the nearby army of Shadowhide gnolls and their master, Grand Magus Doane — a human traitor working for the Blackrock orcs. It can be speculated that the reason for the skin color being due to dwelling underground is still a valid explanation, but that it was a trait the Blackrocks always had due to dwelling in the caverns and mountains of Gorgrond rather than it being a trait they developed recently in Blackrock Mountain. Tides of War had previously introduced Malkorok, with no mention of any other Blackrock orcs. Notable members of the Blackrock clan include Orgrim Doomhammer, Blackhand the Destroyer, Rend Blackhand, and Maim Blackhand, among others. It can be a massive demonstration of orc strength, as evidenced by the Warsong and Blackrock Clans, or simply a tough group brought together by the actions of one individual, like the … When Arthas asked how the demon-worshipping orcs fit into the relationship between the Burning Legion and the Scourge, Kel'Thuzad explained that it was a very complicated matter, but that, simply put, the orcs no longer held any favor with the Legion. A Raider of the Sythegore Arm, and one of the most respected warriors in the Horde, Blackhand became the renowned chieftain of the powerful Blackrock clan on Draenor. [74][75] After heroes dealt with the whelpers, rescued the dragon whelps, gathered several supplies from the surrounding areas and obtained several reagents from Gorzeeki, they journeyed with Keeshan and Ariok to Chiselgrip to rendezvous with Troteman and Eitrigg and seek the aid of the Thorium Brotherhood (killing a number of Blackrock forces in the Black Tooth Hovel along the way). It contains four high-level instances: Blackrock Depths Molten Core Blackrock Spire Blackwing Lair 1 Geography 1.1 Subregions 1.2 Dungeons 1.3 Regions adjacent to Blackrock … Blackhand was impressed with the results and ordered that his young sons, Dal'rend and Maim, be granted the same treatment. [99] On Draenor, the clan studied the earth around them, developing their knowledge of metallurgy and smithing. While many of them thought it was just luck, the reality was different. Blood Elves: Kael'thas Sunstrider | Overseer Theredis | Sharth Voldoun Gul'dan met with Blackhand and promised that if he took up the mantle of Warchief, his shaman would wield power again, his soldiers would become mightier than the other clans and he himself would be remembered as the greatest orc leader to ever live. Goblins: Trade Prince Gallywix | Candy Cane | Chip Endale These plans were described by the Horde as an act of "blind aggression" and by Ariok as being for no reason other than blind territorialism. In the end, the clans unanimously voted for Blackhand as their Warchief. Surtruk was born in Blackrock Mountain some time after the Fall of Stormwind. Barbarians, Orgrim DoomhammerJubei'ThosRend BlackhandMalkorok. [91] The second package contained several sleeping flamekin — a brand of fire demon which, to the untrained eye, would look identical to warlock imps — and was delivered to the Skull Warren, a cave where the warlocks of the Blackrock clan often practiced their magic. Headquarters However, Keeshan managed to leap into the dragon's mouth as the heavily wounded Darkblaze began flying out across Lake Everstill. The Alliance Orgrim ended the contest when he crushed Blackhand's skull with the Doomhammer, after which he was declared the new Warchief of the Horde and chieftain of the Blackrock clan. C'thun | Yogg-Saron | N'Zoth | Y'Shaarj | G'huun [33] King Magni was not personally concerned by the Blackrocks. [113] However, Warlords of Draenor, the Blackhand webcomic and a piece of artwork in Chronicle Volume 2 all depict the Blackrock orcs as having already had gray skin on Draenor, long before coming to dwell in Blackrock Mountain on Azeroth, implying that the origin of the skin color has been retconned. In the following years, he was the common enemy of all Dwarves. [79][80] Kaoshin proceeded to send the adventurer to call in the war kodos from the grazing lands to the south, as General Thorg'izog said that the Blackrocks would be moving into Redridge soon. Blackrock Mountain is a zone between the Burning Steppes and the Searing Gorge, linking the two regions. Of all the clans, his Blackrocks had been the most successful against the draenei, and if they led the Horde, they could impose their strict military discipline on the other orcs and use their elemental forges to create armaments and massive war machines to destroy the draenei's defenses. [17] In the aftermath of the Second War, many members of the Blackrock clan were also captured by the Alliance and placed in internment camps.[20]. Oddly enough, Morganth turned on his Blackrock cohorts shortly after the victory at Stonewatch, constructing the Tower of Ilgalar and building a small army of Shadowhide gnolls who began attacking humans and orcs alike. [103], Male orcs of the Blackrock clan never cut their hair until they came of age, at which point their head was shaved and their role in the clan's society was determined. Passive Investment. War crimes [38] As Lakeshire could not possibly survive an attack from both the Blackrock orcs and the black dragonflight, the adventurer was sent on to Stormwind City and Highlord Bolvar Fordragon to request aid. After retrieving the key to Doane's tower, the Tower of Ilgalar, from General Fangore and slaughtering the gnolls, the adventurer confronted the magus inside the tower, but Doane managed to teleport away before the hero could finish him off, mentioning "Darkblaze" in the process. Many of the orcs began using draenic clothes and robes as everyday clothing, melding the unique style into their own culture. Me scout redridge for weak alliance. [5] The first of the orc clans to master the art of shaping their namesake metal, the Blackrock preferred to wield blunt weaponry in battle to honor their ancestors. This zone is deceptively small, and appears empty when first entered. By the time of 11 years before the First War, the orcs had crushed their brutish enemies and driven most of them from Gorgrond. Through political manipulation and by stoking the embe… Hi I need some help in naming my Orc shaman as I'm kind of out of ideas. [26] Lakeshire's magistrate, Solomon, sent envoys north to Ironforge to request King Magni's aid against the Blackrock incursions. Though brutal in combat, orcs fight with a feral grace that … Kilrogg Deadeye and the Bleeding Hollow ignored them, but the Dragonmaw clan pledged their support and offered to give some of their enslaved dragons to the forces at Blackrock if they were ever needed. The Blackrock Clan is one of the oldest and most prominent orc clans ever. At that time, Orgrim was haunted by the prophecy that said that the last of the Doomhammer line would use the weapon to doom his people, and brought the hammer back to the place where it was for… Darkblaze asked the Bravo Company if they had truly believed that the orcs had the presence of mind to plan such a large-scale invasion, before declaring that they would die as an offering to Deathwing as the march upon Stormwind began. [5] A great foundry served as the ancestral home of the clan, wherein master smiths smelted and worked the impossibly hard blackrock ore that is the clan's namesake. Xi'lun considered them both to be failures and instead began his summoning ritual, saying that the Blackrocks wouldn't need foot soldiers nor dragons if they had a pit lord on their side. Lich King/Arthas Menethil | Kel'Thuzad | Anub'arak | Sindragosa | Dar'Khan Drathir | Blood-Queen Lana'thel | Ymiron | Overlord Drakuru | Arugal | Amnennar the Coldbringer | Four Horsemen | Highlord Mograine | Baron Rivendare | Ras Frostwhisper | Gothik the Harvester | Masophet the Black | Mirdoran the Fallen | Noth the Plaguebringer | Orbaz Bloodbane | Abomination Origin Kill Blademaster Genjuros. Servants: Warlord Zon'ozz | Morchokk | Yor'sahj the Unsleeping | Loken | Myzrael, Other Some orcs still hang on to the arcane practices of the past, but their time is fading. Legion and believed that the Blackrocks for having killed their father, Blackhand, among others and reached! And soon fell under the manipulation of Gul'dan over battle tactics between rival chieftains often led to,. Blackrock WARRIORS sons, Dal'rend and Maim Blackhand, and Blackrock & Roll, Too.! Of modern-day Blackrock orcs own unique orc name the Rethban caverns under the direct command of Blackrock! 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