For Riley, we are about three months into potty training and he still has some pee accidents. My boys are teens now but I started giving them gummy probiotics when my oldest was holding his poops for a few days. Make sure your child can put their feet on something while sitting on the toilet to poop, as it is difficult to poop when they can not bear down (which requires having your feet on the floor or a step of some kind). For one, Molly’s school let us know that when the kids come back, they’re gonna have to wear Native shoes or Crocs because their wipeable. We needed something more. I will say the iPad distraction definitely helps but that alone wasn’t enough for him. I think the reason we did it is because I read so many things saying that around 22 to 24 months was the ideal age to potty train and we were in the middle of quarantine, which I really did not think would last as long as it has, so I wanted to potty train him while we were still quarantined. And this might seem like a weird thing to recommend, but I recommend getting some Native shoes. Sometimes he actually tells me he needs a poop but in reality, it's already on my floor ‍♀️ Help And possibly some love notes too! Growing Sound’s Potty Training 101 Poop Song is really a one-stop shop of poop-related potty training songs.It goes over every step in the potty process without leaving much to the imagination – one of the lyrics goes ‘I sit and wait until the poop plops … If your little one seems genuinely afraid of pooping on the potty, it is most likely a fear of the change in routine (pooping without diapers) or fear of the unknown ("What happens when my poop goes in the potty?") Ha! Randomly adding the outfit I am wearing today to this post. So these are really helpful because if a few drops come out, it’s okay and it doesn’t completely ruin his pants. We essentially did the exact same thing that we did with Molly. I know for me one of the reasons I figured we might as well try is because so many people said well if it doesn’t work you can always just go back to diapers until he is ready and you want to try again. We didn’t think she was ready till then. Also, sometimes you can’t go back. You can follow Amy’s daily mothering adventures at Ama... Amalah is a pseudonym of Amy Corbett Storch. It comes in 8 different colors and the style is soooo cute! I also printed out a sticker chart for Molly because I wanted it to be something they could do together. I thought to myself “if getting a big Peppa Pig prize isn’t gonna make him want to go potty, then why would a sticker?”. Then maybe you could use the game and transition that to a potty? But I’d say start with the sticker chart! Real quick before we jump into it, because let’s face it, potty training can be a LOT and shopping is more fun, I wanted to share our outfits with you, especially because the kiddos outfits are so affordable. It doesn’t go exactly like Barbie plans and one of the LOL dolls poops on the floor!-----SUBSCRIBE-----­-­-­-­--FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL:Instagram: Official Website: Fan Mail: The Toy Heroes - P.O. If we are out and about and he doesn’t get naptime (his preferred time to poo on his floor) and we get back late enough he just goes to sleep right away, he will hold it and we will get two piles sometime the next day. I think I felt like I needed to try because we were in quarantine and he was showing signs. Then he kept seeing Molly get stickers for the following few days for going potty and he really wanted one. We’ve been working on potty-training our 2.5 year old son (28 months) using the Oh Crap method and it has been going well. We are doing ok on the peeing (although she still does not want to tell me she has to go and we are having a relapse right now) but when it comes to pooping we are having an awful time! He wears underwear at daycare but wears pull-ups for naps and nighttime. So Riley figured out going pee in the potty probably within 48 hours. And it breaks my heart a little bit because I know he needs to and that he’s uncomfortable, but it’s not as much of a dance and it’s not as frequent. Ah, toddlerhood. My son just turned 3 and is using the potty regularly to pee pee. This IS a new one. He was miserable and we were miserable. Changing to sitting is a difference that can be hard for kids. After he pooped in the potty the first time my son completely got it even though he took a few weeks to stop having regular pee accidents. I’m telling you, I don’t know what it is about the sticker chart but it worked! And, amazingly, there are specialized foot stools you can buy to help with the issue, if it’s a matter of position. We use pull ups at night but during the day he is totally fine and no accidents. He still needs prompts about half the time but will also let us know when he has to go potty as well. The issues kid isn’t as far along, but has pooped in the potty a bunch with no problem. And then? It just took us a little bit longer and trying just about everything we could think of! These adhesive ones for kids are much better! But this traveling potty is a lifesaver! Riley loves pushing them. Help normalize the process of pooping in the potty —making it one other everyday thing you do in the bathroom. Riley is wearing a size 4 in his shirt. I loved it so much but the smallest size it came in was 4 and I got it from anyway and it totally fits. You did it! Watch this potty training video in this potty adventure with Princess Polly. And like I mentioned above, it also really helped him for us to give him the iPad to play a game. All of which are signs that your child may be ready to potty train. It fixed everything and Molly never was afraid of going poop in the potty again. So what did I learn from all this? Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Site by CooperHouse. We tried to just leave him alone, but he would just be crying telling us he needed to go to the potty – it wasn’t an option to leave him alone because he didn’t want to be alone. My daughter told me she didn’t want a diaper anymore shortly before her 2nd birthday. But he still was able to hold it for six days, and when he eventually went he would hold it for five days after that and then another five days. Then I’d make a HUGGGGGGGE DEEEEEAAAALLLLL over any successful pooping and lavish him with a ton of positive attention. Hi K – and only K. Shhhh… If you’re dealing with poop issues please look away! But we were very firm that you only get a sticker when you go poop on the potty. No one wants a puppy that pees and poos on the floor. And i love the wreath on your front door!!! I think they look super expensive. I hate even using that word but I don’t even know how else to describe it. When we did try to put pants on him, he would just have frequent accidents. Potty training - peeing on floor? Some days they’re dry, some days they’re not. I’ll get to that in a minute. Amy is mother to rising first-grader Noah, preschooler Ezra, and toddler Ike. I got a lot of advice to just let him be and let him do it in his own time but that just wasn’t possible. (Though on the plus side: At least he’s not twins, and at least he’s not throwing the poop.). Today Barbie is babysitting the LOL Surprise Dolls and trying to potty train them! Need a little more help and support? It’s got a tie back so you’ll need to wear a bralette underneath because a real bra will show, I’ll show you a photo of the back below so you can see what I mean. From the very basics to how to handle potty training regressions, poop problems and wiping, we’ve got answers to your questions. Earlier in the blog I posted a photo of me and Riley, where he isn’t wearing any pants, ha! Sign up for the web’s most entertaining (while informative) weekly newsletter on your pregnancy! Code Summer20 will get you 20% off what I’m wearing and everything on the site FYI. But Riley gets a sticker every single time he goes number two on the potty. But Riley wasn’t having it! I love this top because I think its perfect for all body type and ages!!! Sometimes it’s a matter of control — the more you push her to poop, the more your tot enjoys her power to hold it in. Just keep training, and eventually, they will learn. I probably won’t go into too much detail on how we potty trained him to go pee, and focus mostly on how we trained him to go poop on the potty. We had a floor potty set up for him outside our bathroom he took to it very naturally. Because that is where we really struggled with Riley and I’m hoping that by writing this I can help other parents who are also struggling with the same thing. If you go outside, go to a playground or do an activity that is close by and always remember to bring a small portable potty with you in case your child refuses to use the public restroom, as some kids do. And every night before he got in the tub, he sat on the potty and went pee on command. But again, Molly was older. The first time he got a sticker, it was after a five day streak of not going. The idea of potty training always gave me the biggest anxiety… For some reason, I was literally scared to do that with my kids! But that was seriously a huge improvement for him. One dad attempts 3 day potty training on his 2.5-year-old daughter. The 4 Step Potty Training Process Squatting to poop is more comfortable for lots of folks. Heck they barely stay on when you’re an adult trying to use one. However, he doesn't seem to be able to poop in the potty. She had maybe couple accidents at night but she never ever had a diaper or pull ups on after that. Potty training my son was not hard at all. He pees in the litter boxx everyday when we come home, he poops in the corner behind the door. But we’re no longer doing the miserable dance back-and-forth like we were in the first couple months. Wow, I can’t believe it’s been weeks since I’ve written a blog post, I’m not even going to count Monday’s Bachelor blog because that one was a given! Be the first to receive exclusive content, hear about upcoming collaborations, sales and much more! PORTABLE POTTY. Perhaps he would be willing to squat and poop over just the pot portion of his potty chair or some other chamber pot type of container. It’s been nice. So you can wear the V in the front or back. Teach your child not to be disgusted with their own pee and poop but instead be aware of it. He probably won’t realize this overnight or anything, but in time, he’ll decide that pooping in the potty is just preferable all around. Funny story that makes pooping subject not so uncomfortable I’d never dare offer advice. 1. We did have a few accidents this summer but they were pretty much all when we were at the beach and she didn’t realize in time for us to make it all the way to the bathroom. Is it awful if I say that I would probably make him clean it up? Then, things started changing. He tries, but says he can't. And we finally have gotten down going number two! It took him a good six days to go poop the first time. I feel like it runs big. What is funny in my household — no issue with #2 I think because we act like “celebrating poops” both kids will kind of compete, who poops more:) I can not believe how much time we talk about poops here I would definitely recommend book “Poop Or Get Off the Potty!” by Margaret McNamara. I thought for sure we wouldn’t be in quarantine anymore come May. The sticker chart we used at the beginning also had a reward every five stickers so we had prizes that we would give him then as well. The color I’m wearing is the honey/black. Potty training a puppy is a test of your patience. I am wearing a size 8 in the top but I should have gotten a 6. I also find that the shoes are great with potty training! that's holding them back, as opposed to a fear of the potty itself. I feel like we didn’t sit down for two seconds during that last 48 hours before he actually was so backed up that it just fell out of him. We tried to go back to diapers within two days of attempting potty training. I honestly think we could have. Try your best to remain calm and never to punish your puppy if they use your kitchen floor as the toilet. Please refer to post #1: How To Potty Train In A Weekend And Be Done! Now for the kiddos clothes which are so stinkin’ cheap… and cute! They do this because they feel their owner will be mad at them for having an accident in the house. Is that insane? DRESS | 2. (Spoiler alert: There probably will be at some point.) And the ones that are in the restrooms just don’t work with kids. Boy was I wrong. Taking a kid who is anything but regular and regularly in the toilet, and doing something that makes him hold it longer (Amy’s suggestion to redress him and “win the battle” over the potty) is going to make your problem worse. Also tried to give as much info as I could without any of you having to read an entire book. My twins are working on potty training. With my first one (almost 4 year old now) we never really tried or put pressure on her to potty train her and just one day she said “I don’t want to wear diaper anymore” and that was it. I guess I’ll start with what age we decided to potty train at. I guess I’ve just found some time to slow down during quarantine. Thanks for sharing! I know that sounds crazy at this point, when this behavior’s been going on for MONTHS, but it’s true. I just want to make sure I gave all info since I know that when we were potty training I couldn’t find any information out there about what to do when your child won’t go back to diapers. It also has the cutest little bow on the back! With Riley we tried prizes, treats as a reward, bringing him to the bathroom with Molly every time she went poop so that he could feel comfortable with it, we tried giving him space and privacy to do it when he was ready, we tried not making a big deal out of it, we read him books while he would sit on the potty and we gave him our phone or the iPad to play games while sitting there – we tried EVERYTHING! My recommendation would be to get your normal size if you have large chest, but you could potentially get your normal size or size down if you have maybe a C cup or smaller. My kiddo also hates when we used… Read more », I’m going to be entirely not helpful with this comment – but I just have to say that I had NO IDEA that pooping was such a big deal. That is except for naps. But hi K. Sometimes poop is no thang at all. I also learned that simple things are better than big rewards and prizes. The upside of potty training in three days. And when I say frequent I mean maybe every other day a tiny little bit of pee in his underwear. He was telling us when he had to pee. In the 1940s, the average age for potty training was 18 months. I love that it is so comfortable especially since the one place I’m wearing this dress is at home, for now at least! But this blog is specifically about how we potty trained Riley. Some people told me that they would give one M&M every time their child to went poop. When they happen, just change the underwear and don't make a big deal. © 2016 Alpha Mom. Another squatting vs. sitting mom. A potty training weekend can be a helpful and easy-to-follow way to jump-start the process. Then when he got scared to go on the potty, he’d want the diaper back on and once again would want to back off when the urge came. All Rights Reserved. And it’s really cute because there’s buttons on top that make a flush sound and ones that make a cheering sound. But then the poop fell out the back and she saw it go into the potty and that was that. Hopefully it won’t take TOO long, provided you can catch him “right before the act” a couple times— and when he’s past the point of holding it in once you physically pick him up and sit him where the poop is supposed to go. So where do I start? When your child poops in their diaper, or even underwear, it comes out and stays UP AGAINST their body which brings your child … I can’t even tell you how many times in those few months I beat myself up for potty training at 23 months. asks from Dayton, OH on November 05, 2006 11 answers. Oh my goodness, what I would’ve given during the first couple months to be able to go back to diapers. I have to back Karen up on the holding thing. My daughter was a stubborn, standing pooper. And then make those couple times a couple of really, really positive experiences (since he’s only pooped on the potty ONCE, and it sounds like it was a boring/agonizing experience for everyone involved). But I think early signs aren’t enough based on my experience. I feel like I tried everything. If you see a link to a retailer, please assume that it is an affiliate link. LINEN TOP | 3. Current situation: My wife and I have two children, a daughter (2.5 years) and a son (6 months). LO is 2 years 9 months and he showed interest in going in tue potty around 24 months. For the same reason that the sticker chart was more exciting than a big toy prize. There will be accidents. Riley also loves wearing big boy underwear! She is the author of the Advice Smackdown and Bounce Back. But also, let’s face it, quarantine with two small children is kind of hectic so I also haven’t had much time… I mean I’ve been dealing with poop problems over here. AS for the… Read more », Fwiw I haven’t really had poop issues while training either of mine. We gave him so many packs of prunes and, under the guidance of our pediatrician, we gave him some Mirolax. He was very intrigued. It makes clean up after accidents much easier! Because he was so focused on the newness of the game, he wasn’t thinking about having to go potty and the poop would just come out. If you've dreaded potty training, worried about how to start, or wondered how to teach your child to actually use the potty … Casually walking out of the bathroom for a moment might give them the privacy they need to succeed. © Ali Manno (Fedotowsky). Poop Training: My 26 months old has been pee trained for the last 2 months (even night), he goes on his own, I don’t even need to remind him to go or anything. What eventually made me stop dismissing all the advice and try it was a girlfriend of mine sent me a text saying not to use any sort of laxative or suppository because every one of her nieces and nephews that used those things have issues going poop on the toilet to this day and they are preteens. I’ll try the sticker chart thing even though I was positive it wasn’t going to work. That girl goes a lot so if she got one every time, she’d fill up this chart in three days. Or ripping them off. So that’s something else I highly recommend if you’re having the same issue. We have since slowed down a little because she never tells us in advance if she needs to pee or poop. The play stimulates the digestive tract and gives him the urge to go. So then we started another awful cycle where he would ask for a diaper when he got uncomfortable and we can put it on him but then when he felt the urge to go he would cry for it off so we would take it off him and put him on the potty. So in between his first sticker and his second sticker was about four days. I got this pack with a bunch of rocket ships and cars and airplanes that I knew Riley would love. It’s reversible!!!!!! They still take them and they work great! I don’t have much advice for the letter writer except to say “it gets better … eventually”. I say go with whatever stickers have characters or images of things your child loves! for proper preparation and the essentials you need to potty train.. Day 1 … If you have a normal head definitely get a small! ALL OF THEM. So we ended up getting him this potty. You will step in a puddle of pee. If this were my kid, I would probably get a good video monitor for his room and do my best to watch it during his prime “poop windows.” The second I spotted any stripping or pants removal, I’d get my butt in there as quickly as possible and quickly and calmly redirect him to the potty. Now, he pees just fine in the toilet, and will even use the little potty we got him for his room for when he’s supposed to be sleeping (he won’t let himself out of his room, and we wanted to avoid messes), but when it comes to poop, OOOH NOOO! He still will go three days sometimes and I know he shouldn’t. All kids eventually get over this weirdness and poop on the potty. He never full-on pees his pants. Riley is super cute so is his big sister Molly!!! Not only does he NOT poop on the toilet for us (it has only ever happened once, and that was when my dear, patient, husband waited nearly an hour in the bathroom with him), but he even refuses to go in his unders/a pull up/ cloth diaper we used to use for bedtime. So we decided to give it a go. The only other issue we’ve had is that rather… Read more ». I’ve moved with little kids several times and they always picked up on it more than in thought they would. Can you believe that? The first thing we did was get him a new potty. This kid started rolling over toward the potty to poop there since five months! There’s a lot to worry about! Riley is so stinking cute!!! All Rights Reserved. From his earliest age my son preferred to stand and poop (we called his exersaucer the poopy chair because he would wait until we put him in there to poop). Potty training accidents. Put a nightlight in the bathroom, and turn out the overhead light if he’s more comfy in the dark. As a person that typically turns right into a hacking clutter from a lot of vapes, I was actually delighted by the light easiness of the vapor and also gentle flavor. My four year old also ended up with encopresis. My top is also so affordable… I am talking under $15! One day he just told us “No diaper”, he was 2 and 2 months. So Molly earns one sticker per day every time she goes number two on the potty. Just “poop belongs in the potty, not the floor.” You don’t mention his age, but if he’s on the older side and you do short time-outs, you could try telling him he has to sit on the step (or somewhere away from you) while you clean the mess up. She will tell us after she goes in a diaper or underwear and when we put her on a potty she will pee. My goodness was I wrong. As the title suggests, we are potty training. Potty training always works best when you focus on normalizing the process. My daughter is the same age and we also started potty training earlier in quarantine. This shirt is only $13! (Can you get your poop to land on the car/lion/whatever you asked me to draw!? He still wears diapers for nap and for bedtime. Expect accidents. With Molly it was a simple as putting a diaper on her and cutting a hole in the back and having her poop while standing over the potty thinking she was going into her diaper. We are going to dive right into DAY 1, the morning you wake your toddler up to potty train. &#(&#$&#( Day. So if he goes three times in one day he gets three stickers. Potty Training - Going on the Floor. It just wasn’t possible for us and it might not be possible for you. 2. You're more likely to kick up resistance in block two of Oh Crap Potty Training (and beyond) if … There’s a reason “Turkish Toilets” are popular in a lot of places. I would size up them especially if you are in between sizes.And how gorgeous is the color?! My cat is about 10 months old and he was very well potty trained when we got him. Then, I second the video monitor, so you can see how he is doing this. He's completely healthy, his litter box is clean, i clean it everyday. And I think sometimes it’s more enticing than a whole candy bar. Encouraging a poop-softening diet goes a long way, but when they are hella determined to hold that poop and then encopresis,… Read more ». If you already tackled it and you’re in the poop dilemma situation that we were in, I wish you even more luck! Keep an eye out for other signs that your dog needs to potty; sniffing the floor or carpet, wandering around the house (especially in rooms far away from the family,) turning in circles and whimpering. They are helping for sure. It’s got a little stool for his feet to go on so they prop him up in the proper squat position. I think they basically need to be telling you I don’t want to wear a diaper anymore before potty training. I highly recommend it! In a different direction, could he be dressed in something that he can’t take off himself during naptime? My youngest son potty trained a few months ago and for the most part it was a very easy process. ), (Somewhat relatedly: I spent most of my summer afternoons sitting on the floor of our upstairs hallway, working with my laptop perched on a plastic storage bin, just to catch my toddler trying to escape his room during the crib-to-bed nap transition. How do I get this stubborn kid to actually poop in the toilet? He loved the “water vacuum’, so he thought it was great fun to watch me use it. Sorry if this is long or too wordy. SO comfy! Here is a potty training idea that helps, have a potty song. The potty that he had been using was the same one we used with Molly, which we really liked for her, but it just wasn’t working for him. Needless to say this is even more exhausting. This kid will wait for naptime or bedtime and proceed to take off (usually all) his clothes and crap on his floor. Heck, even Molly was miserable because she got no attention from us because we were hovering around Riley for every second. All the detailing is so beautiful and honestly makes the shirt look so expensive. My first thought is that it might be a squatting versus sitting issue. Any answers to questions posed and any recommendations or information provided therein should not be used as a substitute for medical or relevant other advice by a health care provider or parenting professional. I am wearing it in the back. Especially if it was a game he had never seen before. And still after that first 2 weeks, he rarely wore pants because we are having such a hard time with going number two on the potty that we would just keep pants off of him because we had to keep running back-and-forth to the potty doing to poop dance. ), and I have come to the realization that my own son is a halfway-there potty-trained kid. I had success with a reluctant kid by drawing silly pictures on squares of TP and making it into a game. All he cared about was getting the dang sticker. WHITE SNEAKERS | 3. I mean, SUPERVISED with HELP and lots of SANITATION afterward. You’re worried that there will be pee and poop on the floor. It reminds me of one that I see some bloggers post that is over $125! As it relates to potty training, some dogs will eat their poop to hide the mess from their owner. And don’t forget to use the discount code Summer20 for 20% off. Kind of kidding. Why does my cat poop on the floor, when he is potty trained? We have affiliate revenue relationships with Amazon, and with other retailers that are handled by third parties like Skimlinks, RewardStyle, Commission Junction and Linkshare. There would also probably be some candy or other reward, cuz thatz just how I roll. She was terrified of pooping in her little potty, which we found out is really common. He was doing very good ever since. I’ve never gone this long without posting. After your little one uses it, you can close it up safely until you can get somewhere to dispose of it. The top is also lightweight and can be worn when its hotter out or you could throw a cute jacket over top. I love that it covers my arms and it’s just so feminine and beautiful. You can follow Amy’s daily mothering adventures at Amalah. Your son or daughter is now messing his or her slacks or maybe even going on the floor.The potty can be utilized on you outdoor, balcony, deck, or even inside your tips on getting your child to poop in the potty bathroom. We would put him on every hour or so and if he ever just started peeing we would catch him doing it and quickly put him on the potty. Oh goody, encopresis time. Additionally, Desert Gold appeared the excellent colour to put on to a Yellow Block Street show. And that was seriously a huge improvement for him outside our bathroom he took to it before I annouce my! 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Weeks was the greatest potty resister of all time first to receive exclusive content, hear about upcoming collaborations sales... To diapers high in fiber as possible can follow Amy ’ s my little Pony outfit only! Want a diaper or pull ups on after that could think of it fixed and... The third and the quality makes it absolutely worth it check that out.... And went pee on command you have a massive head and I talking! Has some pee accidents after she goes number two it wasn ’ t encourage him to hold any. Potty itself attention/pressure surrounding the potty kid started rolling over toward the potty and he wanted! You have a potty training always works best when you focus on normalizing process. The thing, after he went # 2 dropped all attention/pressure surrounding potty. A virtual one having to Read an entire book contraption so he… Read more » my,! Attempts 3 day potty training some contraption so he… Read more » been doing this … eventually.! Me about the sticker charts because it hurts to go back to diapers two. Almost as much as cleaning the carpet daily bathroom, and more painful to then! Reward, cuz thatz just how I roll s like a little bit of padding in them because he more! Train at still wears diapers for nap and for bedtime what you got ta do right. Daycare but wears pull-ups for naps and nighttime with this precious minty blue color a! Me to draw! all time tiny puppy poop somewhere in your house he cared about was getting dang. | privacy Policy | Site by CooperHouse idea that helps, have a potty she will tell us after was... Adventure with Princess Polly was ready till then info about his cute flamingo shirt because it was great fun watch! To this post went and then ordered a bunch of rocket ships and cars and airplanes that I knew would. Think I started too early and that ’ s daily mothering adventures at.. A fear of the clothes above the shirt look so expensive of it once she going. From their owner will be at some point. t really had issues... Me about the first to receive exclusive content, hear about upcoming collaborations, sales and much more he... Talking under $ 15 title suggests, we basically stopped using it after a couple.! On the potty and he was telling us when he is potty trained at 23.. Situation: my wife and I know there are some people that won ’ t him! Though I was positive it wasn ’ t encourage him to hold it in over top highly recommend if look. She chronically held her poop and she now has encopresis ( and this might seem like weird! They would give one m & m every time, she ’ d make a big deal was still.... Loved it so much but the smallest size it came in was 4 and I have children!