Pawn moves are irreversible - sometimes they create long term weaknesses that can be exploited by Black. The idea with this move Nf6 is to attack the central pawn, so, White is tempted now to advance it threatening the Knight. The first player will control the central squares, but at the same time, the pawns will be too advanced, so, they are somewhat exposed. Four pawns attack is not considered the best option against Alekhine defense at the highest level. Now, Black can either capture with “e” or “c”. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The Alekhine Defense has a respectable reputation and was played by Robert Fischer, Victor Korchnoi, Vassily Ivanchuk, Shabalov, Minasian, Lev Alburt, Aronian, Adams and Nakamura. Alekhine Defense - The Dark Knight Rises teaches you to: Hammer the sidelines Zero in on the most dynamic positions, and Whets your appetite with example games As NM Tillis says, with the Alekhine you get all the breaks, and all the fun. Again, it is not easy to talk about some specific typical plans; however, we can say Black is always targeting White’s Center, and very often breaking with pawns over c5 or other points, like b6 or f6, depending on the position and the structure. “d” file is half-open for Black as “e” is half-open for White. A strange point in the game analysis by Alekhine. The Alekhine Defense is a bold choice for Black, challenging the classical chess rules from the very beginning of the game yet proving itself to be a flexible system. And write your opinion also! You will know where you are and where we are going to reach. In summary, if you can put up with the author's rather annoying commentary, this book will teach you what you need to know in order to play Alekhine's Defense. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 2 months ago. This is a debut for the gaming positions. $(selector).removeClass('rpbchessboard-chessboardAnchor').chessboard({"position":"rnbqkb1r\/pppppppp\/5n2\/8\/4P3\/8\/PPPP1PPP\/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1","flip":true,"squareSize":64,"showCoordinates":true,"colorset":"albertochueca","pieceset":"my-pieceset"}); A chess platform though to teach chess and a big group of rebels to progress together! jQuery(document).ready(function($) { 2020: “Don't resign unless you are really sure t, New challenges! the elementary of suprise take a part in it for sure, but the theory in it is pretty deep also promising black equality witch got a huge psychological effect in my opinion. But of course, Black does not have to fall for that, they can just play 5 … e6! Alekhine’s Defense In this defense Black tempts White's pawns forward to form a broad pawn centre with plans to undermine and attack the White structure later. Its popularity waxes and wanes; currently it is not very common. White's imposing mass of pawns in the center often includes pawns on c4, d4, e5, and f4 and the defense is a good choice for aggressive players. The defense of Alekhine, a brave debut that defies all the classical rules of the game at the beginning of a chess game, has evolved over time into a flexible system that allows blacks to either agree to "extreme" options, or to move to three horizontal lines. Web Forum: ChessPub Forum - Addiction to the Alekhine. Usually, the first player could want to take advantage of the better center and start some kind of attack on the Kingside. One of the main characteristics of Alekhine’s Defense is that it breaks the symmetry since move number 1, leading to unbalanced and dynamic positions. Standard Game Annotation: 1. e4 Nf6. Check this!⏬. We cannot thank Alberto enough for his dedication to teaching Kingshuk, and his commitment to the game of chess for young people. The balance and symmetry of the position is completely disturbed and only good players will be able to cope with the complexities of the position. The isolated queen pawn is good for white when there are a lot of pieces, but becomes a liability as more and more pieces are traded off. They are both fine, usually, exd6 leads to more positional play and cxd6 is probably a little sharper. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Alekhine's Defence is a hypermodern chess opening that can begin with the moves:. Knights: The Kingside Knight will invite white pawns to advance since the first move. alekhine defense. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 4 … d6 5.Nf3 Nc6 White is very slightly better, However, in this line, instead of 5.Nf3, the first player can also try this tricky development move, Hoping the Blunder 5 … dxe5?? With 1...Nf6 Black signals that he is playing to win. and get a very playable middlegame. Shipping to the United States, Canada or Mexico? For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Although once a favorite of Bobby Fischer and occasionally played by Magnus Carlsen, the lack of Alekhine Defense games at the level of elite Grandmasters today means that many lines and ideas remain untested in practice. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Alekhine: Move by Move: Learn From the Games of a World Champion, Alexander Alekhine: 4th World Chess Champion. I played the Alekhine's during my teen years and had many successes with it. Alekhine's Defense is perfect for you. Your email address will not be published. One of the main characteristics of Alekhine’s Defense is that it breaks the symmetry since move number 1, leading to unbalanced and dynamic positions. The first player has even more space but the pawns are more advanced too, which is not completely good. New Ideas in the Alekhine Defense (Batsford Chess Library) [Burgess, Graham] on This book, consisting of 16 parts and 87 chapters, not only covers the traditional Alekhine lines but also takes a comprehensive look at variations rooted firmly in the 21st century. Alekhine’s Defense is a sharp Chess Opening, named after the World Champion Alexander Alekhine, who played it for the first time at Budapest 1921. It is rather rarely seen, and probably many White players give it much less thought than other lines. If you’re in trouble – counter attack. Sometimes when we are under pressure it is very hard to make good decisions and our defense collapses. So, Alekhine’s Defense is considered a hypermodern opening, which means Black lets White get the center, but then attacks it very strongly and takes advantage of the weaknesses created by the advance of these pawns. 5.Be2 e6 6.0-0 Be7 and as it is common in Alekhine’s Defense, White is slightly better. He appears to criticize 23.Ra7, which is actually a good move, and then he offers no evaluation of the inferior move 23.Ne1. The light squares Bishop is usually traded for the Knight on f3 since this is an important defender of White’s Center. By Michael Goeller. The Alekhine Defense is a hypermodern defense against the ever so popular e4 opening from white. The best chess classes to progress as soon as possible to the next level, easily and without complications. This is more aggressive. Black can choose to head for mind-boggling complications or carefully manoeuvre across the 6th to 8th ranks, waiting for the right time to strike out at the center. Alberto´s coaching of Kingshuk has been excellent. In the position below white is in trouble. Alekhine's Defence. He analyzes my games and helps me make fewer mistakes with each tournament. I think I saw the flohr-agzamov discussed in some other thread, but what's the status of the line 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. Four pawns attack is a very aggressive approach to Alekhine Defense. A clear way and methodology. You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess diagram visualization. The statistics of the opening seem actually very good. a) 3.c4 Nb6 4.c5 Nd5 Two Pawns Attack (also known as Lasker Attack or Chase Variation). Aug-12-11 Alekhine’s Defense. Active 3 months ago. Alberto has helped me improve a lot in chess. This line is not too ambitious; however White keeps some space advantage and probably a slightly better middlegame. It is really hard to talk about one typical pawn structure since White can play too many different schemes and all of them can lead to different pawns set-ups. You must activate JavaScript to enhance chess diagram visualization. In addition to Alekhine, another early exponent of the defence was Ernst Grünfeld. Alexander Alekhine (Russian: Алекса́ндр Алекса́ндрович Але́хин, Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Alekhin; pronounced [ɐlʲɪkˈsandr ɐlʲɪkˈsandrəvʲɪtɕ ɐˈlʲexʲɪn]; October 31 [O.S. In exchange for the center control, black will look to undermine the overextended pawns from white. Defense Principle #7. October 19] 1892 – March 24, 1946) was a Russian and French chess player and the fourth World Chess Champion, a … He scored 1.5/2 points with it. Grandmaster (GM) Nick de Firmian observes of Alekhine's Defence in MCO-15 (2008), "The game immediately loses any sense of symmetry or balance, which makes the opening a good choice for aggressive fighting players." In this video, learn about the Modern Variation, which is playable all the way up to the top levels of chess. New Ideas in the Alekhine Defense (Batsford Chess Library) Tim Sawyer's The Alekhine Defense Playbook (To see the evolution of the AD and modern treatment) Timothy Taylor's Alekhine alert! i feel like if they only had 3 levels to the game and really focused on those 3 levels to make the A.I. However, from the perspective of a former Alekhine’s player, an aggressive way of meeting Alekhine’s defence is exactly what Black is aiming for - an imbalanced, double edged position in which he has more experience than his opponent. Black could also try typical breaks over e5 or c5, to undermine White’s center. Alekhine's Defence is definitly a good opening and this at all lvl why that ? This rule is especially important. If you feel comfortable with these types of position, I'd call it a good defense. As White has more space, Black should avoid passive positions and try to get the initiative and stay with it, or else the first player could start some decisive attack. DO WE TALK? White's imposing mass of pawns in the centre often includes pawns on c4, d4, e5, and f4. Here White plays the ugly and time-consuming 11 Bf4?, with predictable consequences.. Alekhine's Defence; Pirc Defence; Modern Defence; Pirc Defence. 6.Bxf7+ Kxf7 7.Qxd8 White wins. It continues: 4 … dxe5 is also a very interesting option for Black. For the Alekhine, three good books are: (For all the junk lines people will play against you) Rev. Another option is 2.Nc3, but this line usually transposes to other openings like Vienna Game or Four Knights once Black plays  2 … e5. I assume that some players who use the Alekhine Defense do so for its surprise value. The opening is named after Alexander Alekhine, the fourth world champion, who played it in two of his games in a tournament in Budapest, 1921. Black tempts White's pawns forward to form a broad pawn centre, with plans to undermine and attack the white structure later in the spirit of hypermodern defence. Not only he is a pawn down, but it seems like the b3 and the rest of the queen’s side will follow. Viewed 297 times 4. The Alekhine Gambit is the first of three in the Caro-Kann Defense. Can, LESSONS FOR ADULTS: BOOK “1 ON 1 LESSONS”, LESSONS FOR PRO PLAYERS: THE PRO TRAINING. Click here. As opposed to the other openings we have seen till now, Alekhine’s defense was not discovered long ago. I'm Alberto Chueca and I want to help you to improve your rating of chess to play with the level you dream. This is mainline in this position. Alberto makes chess fun and keeps challenging me with more advanced concepts every week. 1. e4 Nf6. Black immediately starts fighting against the center and developing. 1. e4 Nf6 Black looks to allow white to chase his knight all over the board with tempo gaining pawn moves that will control the center of the board. If you liked the post, help the chess community sharing this article in your social networks. However, since Black almost always plays d6, and very often there is a trade on e5 (dxe5, for example, Modern Variation with 4 … dxe5), it could help to take a look at the resulting structure: In this structure White clearly has more space and control in the center. In this line of Alekhine’s Defense, White is getting even more tempos and space in the center attacking the Knight, however, they are weakening the essential square d5, so Black Knight can take advantage of this and go there. This line continues: One more time the first player has a short advantage, but they can lose it or stay in a bad position with only one wrong step. Alekhine's Defense (1 e4 Nf6) : chess opening performance statistics, strategy and tactics, famous games, PGN download, discussion forum, and more. As a result, this opening leads to lively, often open positions with chances for both sides. Is Bg4+ good in this position in the Alekhine Defense? Alekhine did indeed play it again, scoring a very decent 66% with Black, starting with this one: F.Saemisch-A.Alekhine Budapest 1921 1 e4 Ìf6 2 e5 Ìd5 3 Ìc3 e6 8. }); Some theory and ideas in Alekhine’s Defense, Typical Pawn Structure in Alekhine’s Defense, Typical squares for Black pieces in Alekhine’s Defense, ABOUT THE AUTHOR OF THIS POST, ALBERTO CHUECA. Sideline the Alekhine Defense with 1.e4 Nf6 2.e5 Nd5 3.Nc3 Nxc3 4.bxc3 d5 5.Ba3!? The Knight could also go to g8 or e4, but Black is not getting good positions in these lines (the Knight on g8 is undeveloped and on e4 is too exposed). Join my free online masterclass, ♜ I help #chess players to improve their level quickly | #ChessCoach | #FIDE Trainer | #InternationalMaster It is considered a good variation for aggressive attack players. Download PGN of December '07 1 e4 ... games. The Alekhine Defense revolves around nf6 in response to e4. Alekhine Defense. For all other countries, click here. The mainline for White in this position, with a difference, is 2.e5. Discover The Chueca Method: The secrets of the sucess. In general, the positions are unclear but balanced. Alekhine’s Defense is a hypermodern opening from black’s perspective against 1.e4, the King’s Pawn Game. Alekhine’s Defense. Your email address will not be published. The authors have strived to write a lively work which is useful for both players with high ELO ratings and club players. Moreover, thanks to the use of modern technology and the authors' deep analysis the evaluations of many well-known lines are revised. Black can choose to head for mind-boggling complications or carefully manoeuvre across t Alekhine had a good record with this ploy . I'm preparing something BIG!! It is considered a good variation for aggressive attack players. Alekhine’s Defense is a sharp Chess Opening, named after the World Champion Alexander Alekhine, who played it for the first time at Budapest 1921. What does persuade me is that Alekhine's defense is repeatedly giving an otherwise weak Black opponent good chances to beat me. Blog  | The Rebel Alliance | Contact | Work in | Chesslang Spain Support, © Copyright IM Alberto Chueca – Chess coach | Hire my server | Privacy | Purchase conditions | Legal | Cookies, rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1. It's actually a solid defense, but I don't find it useful anymore as it's too cramped for my style, although it gives you a target to attack. Actually taking with “b” is also making sense (bxc3), bringing pawns to the center. Black has several possible responses in the position. De Firmian observes, "The fashion could quickly change if some champion of the opening takes up the cause, as the results Black has obtained in practice are good." At the SuperGM level the Alekhine is only playable as a surprise weapon. rnbqkb1r/pppppppp/5n2/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq – 0 1 We have Alekhine’s Defense on the board after the moves. Moves: 1. e4 Nf6. The analysis in the section covering the Chase variation is still very good, but if you are a club player like me I recommend taking the author's emphases with a grain of salt. Of course, I could cravenly avoid the whole problem by opening 1. d4; but still, eventually, one would like to confront the problem rather than avoid it, if one could. The Alekhine Defense Playbook - Tim SawyerThe Alekhine Defense Playbook by Tim SawyerPaperback, 160 pagesAfter 1.e4 Nf6 Black is playing full contact "provocateur" chess. Usually, this Knight will be safe on b6 or sometimes d5. This store only ships to the United States, Canada or Mexico. Also, the “c”, “d” and maybe even “f” white pawns will advance very often in the next moves, to occupy the center. 14 min A radical defense, first introduced to master chess by the fourth world champion, Alexander Alekhine. It is in fact a modern opening and was only discovered in the year of 1921. There is an interesting square for White on e5. He shares interesting and creative ideas. The Alekhine Defence: Move by Move 12 N-KB3), but, oddly enough, never played it again.’ This can’t be right, since my database contains 19 Alekhine’s Defence games by the namesake. He develops a piece and attacks the White centre pawn, then retreats before the blitzing pawn. Black immediately attacks the e4 pawn with his knight, tempting White to advance all of his center pawns in the hope that they will prove over-extended. Even Alekhine may have been surprised by 23.Ne1?, as Fritz indicates White had more than 20 other moves that were superior to 23.Ne1?. Kingshuk has improved immensely in his chess games. Bishops: The dark squares Bishop can be developed over e7; however, as usually there is a pawn on d6, it can be a little passive. The Encyclopaedia of Chess Openings has four codes for Alekhine's Defence, B02 through B05: B02: 1.e4 Nf6 Carlsen used the Alekhine to beat Topalov in 2008, thanks to this game the 4...dxe5 lines against the classical variation gained a boost in popularity. Today we will look at Four Pawns Attack in Alekhine Defense. rnbqkb1r/ppp1pppp/3p4/3nP3/3P4/5N2/PPP2PPP/RNBQKB1R w KQkq - 0 1, 8/pp3ppp/2p1p3/8/2PP4/8/PP3PPP/8 w - - 0 1. var selector = '#' + "rpbchessboard-601024de2a9ce-4" + ' .rpbchessboard-chessboardAnchor'; However Carlsen doesnt trust the opening enough to play it consistently. Rooks: Very often the “e”, “d”, or “c” files are open or half-open, so in general black Rooks should go there and help with the pressure in the center. This time White is accepting doubled pawns on the Queenside for development advantage. Whites bull rush penetrates into Blacks camp, past the chessboard line of scrimmage. To begin with, let's continue our investigation of White's other most popular line, the Exchange Variation with 4 c4 Nb6 5 exd6.First up is Ivanchuk-M Carlsen, World Blitz Championship, Moscow 2007.Carlsen opts for the safer but less active reply to 5 exd6, which is 5...exd6.The e-pawn recapture occurs in all of this month's games. Although the Alekhine’s defence seems to allow “Tempo gaining moves” - those are often pawn moves. We will watch some of the best … It’s free and cost nothing . White does not get too much in this line though. The Pawn on d4 is not protected by another pawn, which means after some attack it will have to be protected by pieces, which could be a problem for White at some point. This is the most common and popular move for White in this position. The Alekhine Defense is a bold choice for Black, challenging the classical chess rules from the very beginning of the game yet proving itself to be a flexible system. Required fields are marked *, Hi! So, sometimes Black can try to develop it over the fianchetto. Again, White can choose one of the next three options: This is playable, but it does not seem to be particularly strong for White. Alekhine’s Defense . They can just play 5 … e6 5.Ba3! first player could want to help you to improve rating! This store only ships to the next level, easily and without complications an otherwise weak Black opponent good to! To teaching Kingshuk, and his commitment to the other openings we have Alekhine ’ s Defense, White accepting... Mass of pawns in the Caro-Kann Defense post, help the chess community this. 'S imposing mass of pawns in the year of 1921 around Nf6 in response e4! 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