From, the major points are: Use a one-pound cut (one pound of shellac flakes in one gallon of alcohol), which can be sprayed through any spray gun... Filter the dissolved mixture to remove the undissolved solids/leftover crud … You will find that water-based coatings generally spray quite nicely right out of the can with no alteration needed. This includes cleaning, de-glossing, sanding, and caulking the cabinet door panels. Since shellac dries quickly, be careful to avoid drips or blotchy areas when applying because unlike other finishes, you will likely not have time to over-brush to eliminate the blemish. The exception is oil-based finishes. You can use an electric cup gun (like the Wagner Optimus Sprayers), or you can use an airless rig. Shellac is thinned with denatured alcohol, when sprayed the alcohol is very explosive, because it becomes oxygenated. Keeping it cool will increase mixed shellac's shelf life. STEP 2: Test your mixture on a scrap wood. Print. It will degrade over time and won’t properly dry. It will merely allow you to spray less finish per pass and drop the viscosity of the finish to make it flow more easily. The idea being to lay it on thin across several sessions that will burn in to each other and amalgamate (typically you level a couple times over the course of several sessions). Shellac is my finish of choice for furniture. We also like spraying dewaxed shellac (such as Zinsser Bulls Eye SealCoat), and solvent-based lacquer. I Spraying shellac. This actually makes the problem of slow-to-harden Shellac much worse. Because it dries more slowly than any of the other types of finish, it’s quite easy to spray heavily enough to get sags and runs. Play with the gun a bit and you’ll be in charge before you know it. Companies that sell raw materials to formulators offer compounds that have low surface tension and are compatible with one or more coatings. For shellac, simply pre-flush with alcohol before spraying the shellac then flush with alcohol to clean followed by lacquer thinner before returning to spraying solvent based CV or lacquer. Use a two or three-pound cut of shellac and apply generously with long, smooth strokes. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > joe brierley PPS Craftsman Bar Member. Well, it wasn't long before the gun clogged up on me, requiring an annoying amount of time to clean it out. Ligh coats and sand between coats. Oil-based varnish, including polyurethane varnish and oil paint, can also be sprayed, of course, b We also like spraying dewaxed shellac (such as Zinsser Bulls Eye SealCoat), and solvent-based lacquer. Those are usually formulated not for spraying, but for brushing. It will merely allow you to spray less finish per pass and drop the viscosity of the finish to make it flow more easily. Handling the Gun Trees and Shrubs – Apply shellac on the exposed stumps of pruned branches to seal in the sap and stop the ends from bleeding. It is called "rubbing" alcohol because it has a smooth, almost oily, feel when rubbed on the skin. February 12, 2007 : Shellac and Alcohol Here's a little detail on thinning shellac, with a discussion of the fine points of various alcohol varieties. Use what is called a one pound cut. If a conventional sprayer is used, spray at 45-55 psi. TINTING B-I-N Shellac-Base Primer may be tinted with up to 2 ounces of universal colorant per gallon. For airless spraying use a 0.011"-0.013” tip at 800 to 1200 psi. If it still seems too thick, add up to 10 percent mineral spirits if allowed in your area. You can thin them as much as you like, since thinning will not change the coating that is formed. Re: Spraying shellac I just finished spraying shellac and WB lacquer over the last couple of weeks with the turbine. It can be ignited by a motor, fan or air conditioner, or any spark, flame. Chalk style paint is … Eventually the shellac breaks down with exposure to the elements and washes away. Here’s a trick for spraying vertical surfaces. Add 1 to 1/2 ounces of water to the mixture and stir it with the wire whisk. Here's a little detail on thinning shellac, with a discussion of the fine points of various alcohol varieties. `thinner coats are often easier to apply. OSi makes a compound called L-7602 that is an excellent surface tension reducer for shellac. Shellac is so easy to wipe on the spray routine is just not needed. Get more of our favorite DIY Dresser Makeovers here.. Get more furniture makeover ideas here!. However, there are a few scenarios in which you might find yourself thinning water-based polyurethane. The ratio of alcohol:shellac is also finicky and plays a huge roll. Brushing on shellac requires a fine, natural or china-bristle brush. Mineral spirits are often used in the world of woodworking. A 2lb cut is two pounds of shellac to a gallon of denatured alcohol. Michael Dresdner: He’s no doubt referring to Shellac Wet, which you can buy at Homestead Finishing. Understand the difference between oil- and water-based poly. When it is just right, you should get a smooth, thin, uniform finish. Thin with denatured alcohol. Use lacquer thinner to thin lacquer and denatured alcohol to thin shellac. All of these alcohols except rubbing alcohol will thin and clean up shellac. I like using shellac-based primer such as Zinsser BIN, but I have never sprayed it until recently. How thin you make it is a matter of personal taste and technique, but you can thin it as much as you like with no ill effects. Test the substance on scrap wood. You will find the partially tacky fog stuck to the surface will help hold the newly applied thin wet coat of varnish and prevent it from sagging. You can thin them as much as you like, since thinning will not change the coating that is formed. Best Results for Spraying Shellac? Thin this shellac by half with denatured alcohol (shellac thinner) and make adjustments from there to reach the thickness, or pound cut, … Oil Based Stains: When it comes to polyurethane, lacquer, shellac, and oil based varnish, there are several reasons why you might want to thin the stain. If your water-based polyurethane is a little older and has a thin skin formed over its surface, you may need to treat it to make it usable again. I’ll often use equal parts solvent and varnish. Learning that takes practice and observation, but it is a short learning curve. Resist the impulse to swing the gun upward at the end or beginning of the spray path, as that will leave you with insufficiently coated ends and flooding in the center. Shellac uses denatured alcohol rather than water as its carrier (and thinner, if needed). Some, but not all, shellac and lacquer formulations also come ready to spray, while others may need considerable thinning. Before spraying primer, you should have already prepped your cabinets for primer and paint. Start at lower pressure, apply some finish, raise the pressure, spray another coat on the next piece of scrap and so forth. Set the gun to the widest fan possible and move back about a foot and a half from the work. by Reader Submitted • May 4, 2004. Pull the trigger lightly, releasing only a tiny amount of finish into the air stream, so as to create a light fog. I prefer spraying, though sometimes it's just as easy to pad it on. So thin you got to get moving but works great.. New guns are only £15 off ebay and easy to clean. I shot a short video showing that I sprayed the table with 6 coats of shellac. Once the gun is set up, hold it about eight inches from the wood and keep it moving at right angles to the spray fan at all times. Leave a thick drop or two, spread the rest into a thin layer, and let it dry all night. Alternatively, you can use a sprayer to spray on shellac. Sure, thin with box store lacquer thinner. Spraying the primer saves an enormous amount of time and produces a better finish than rolling. Wear NIOSH approved respirator and provide adequate ventilation. Stick to one, or at the very most two coats per day with several hours drying time between the two. How to Thin Water Based Polyurethane for Spraying Earlier, we mentioned that oil-based polyurethane is typically the type of varnish that would be thinned with a solvent or mineral spirits. For about a hundred years, from the 1820s to the 1920s, shellac was the primary finish used (for all coats) by all small shops and factories. You can thin most varnishes with mineral spirits (paint thinner), slightly faster evaporating naphtha, or my favorite, acetone, the fastest of the three. If the sprayer's performance is not the best, add some denatured alcohol to assist in fine spraying. I too have not had good luck with spraying shellac. Do a ladder test to find the ideal air pressure to give you the best results. You can slow down the evaporation by using a slower evaporating alcohol, like Butyl Alcohol. I always start with a sealer coat of 2 lb. It will give you far better results. So what is it? Spraying BIN / Shellac. I've only sprayed zinsser bin once before when I was new to spraying. instructions when using spray equipment. Continue until all the nails have an even … In Rob Johnstone’s response to Spray Finish, he recommended using amber shellac to finish pine – which I agree with. Just put them in the alcohol, and stir several times a day, and they will eventually completely dissolve. Spraying Shellac-Based Primer. If all this isn’t enough to make you question the wisdom of using shellac as a sealer when you don’t have one of the problems mentioned, consider that shellac is a relatively difficult finish to sand. Just make sure you test first, for any finish curing issues. Rubbing alcohol is isopropyl alcohol. The exception is oil-based finishes. Just strain the shellac with a strainer while putting into the sprayer. Now chase those runs down. The advantage of flake is that is hardens much faster. When the air pressure is too low, you will get orange peel; too high and you’ll get overspray. These things can vary tremendously from brand to brand and model to model. If your brush isn't dripping, it's too dry! I shot a short video showing that I sprayed the table with 6 coats of shellac. Woodworker's Journal Adirondack Lawn Chair Plan - Reprint, Woodworker's Journal 25 Jigs and Fixtures, CD, The Way to Woodwork — Mastering the Table Saw, DVD, Civil War Officer's Chair Downloadable Plan, Ultimate Miter Saw Stand - Downloadable Plan, Woodworker's Journal September/October 2014, Solid and Plywood Cherry Darkening at Different Rates, Woodworking | Blog | Videos | Plans | How To, Order Woodworking Plans, DVDs and Supplies. You should strain it through cheesecloth first to remove any stray particles. Add one pint at a time until the consistency works well in a spray gun. Spraying Solvent and Water-based Coatings Use lacquer thinner to thin lacquer and denatured alcohol to thin shellac. If you use acetone, it may cause the finish to turn cloudy when you mix it, but it will still dry clear. The easiest way to paint a dresser is to paint it with chalk paint! This will allow you to apply it with ease. Which means dissolving one pound of shellac flakes in one gallon of alcohol. Adjust the airflow, fluid trigger and the fan shape and width. These finishes dry fast, sometimes too fast in warm temperatures to successfully brush onto large surfaces. It sprays nicely, and makes an ideal first-coat sealer because most lacquers, varnishes, and polyurethanes will stick to it. Thinning spar urethane properly will allow you to use it without achieving an uneven or bubbly finish. In Rob Johnstone’s response to Spray Finish, he recommended using amber shellac to finish pine – which I agree with. Woodworker's Journal Adirondack Lawn Chair Plan - Reprint, Woodworker's Journal 25 Jigs and Fixtures, CD, The Way to Woodwork — Mastering the Table Saw, DVD, Civil War Officer's Chair Downloadable Plan, Ultimate Miter Saw Stand - Downloadable Plan, Woodworker's Journal September/October 2014, Rubbing Out a Great Finish: Satin or Gloss, Glazing: An Easy Way to Add Color to Wood, Woodworking | Blog | Videos | Plans | How To, Order Woodworking Plans, DVDs and Supplies. How fast or slow you move depends on how much fluid is coming out per second, and that depends on how far you’ve pulled the trigger that releases finish into the air stream. Ya didn’t say what kind of project. Spray the prepared surface using wide, steady strokes to avoid running. Spraying overcomes this problem. I think Minwax is a "brushing" lacquer, so is has a retarder added making it “brushable” offering a slower dry, allowing flow out, because a brushing lacquer requires more "open time" than spray. If you are using a brush to apply shellac, make sure that you use fine synthetic bristled brush. Spray guns have specific tips on them; if the lacquer is too thick, it won't spray. Spraying oil-based polyurethane or varnish is not a huge problem on horizontal surfaces, which will flow out, but be prepared to spend a bit of time getting used to how varnish hangs on vertical surfaces. Choose a fairly small fluid tip, between 1 mm and 1.5 mm, and get a lot of scrap boards or cardboard on which to practice. You can always thin out pre-made shellac by adding denatured alcohol. Unless you thin shellac a good deal, it has a tendency to ridge at the edge of brush strokes and orange peel when sprayed. The alcohol in the shellac sterilizes the surface and the dried resin acts as a protective “scab” that prevents infection or decay. Step 6 Add the 1 1/2 to 2 cups of primer that was originally removed back to the can. The idea being to lay it on thin across several sessions that will burn in to each other and amalgamate (typically you level a couple times over the course of several sessions). It will merely allow you to spray less finish per pass and drop the viscosity of the finish to make it flow more easily. I can think of another source too--hardware and paint stores, where it is sold to thin shellac (duhhhh). If you have a lot of nooks and crannies the padding method can be a bit of a problem getting it into all those little places. swan1 | Posted in Finishing on April 10, 2007 11:10am Hello All, ... That's why you thin it so much.. start on the top and flood it on.. don't go back to touch up anything,, jus' slop 'er on! Though they do not sell to the public in small quantities, Homestead Finishing, a finish supplier, does, repackaging and selling it under the name Shellac Wet. Apply a thin Layer of Scorch Shellac Base Coat to each nail, starting at the cuticle and painting to the tip in even strokes. For thinning water-based spar urethane you can consider adding water up to 10 percent. To make them behave well through a spray gun takes some alteration, and a slightly different spraying technique. Even faster is spraying! I can apply shellac 2 ways; 1)pad it on (with a rag ball) and 2) spray it. As long as the temperature is higher than 10 degrees you should be fine. It doesn’t take much pressure to spray stain. If you must thin them, use Floetrol® rather than water. I have sprayed shellac before, with fair results, but wasn’t aware of this additive. Shellac uses denatured alcohol rather than water as its carrier (and thinner, if needed). In the 1920s shellac was replaced in factories by lacquer for two primary reasons: shellac resin (from bug secretions) is a commodity product that was going up in price as demand increased, while lacquer was going down in price; and lacquer thinner (a blend of … For starters, this type of stain contains very, very toxic VOC’s that can be very dangerous… thinning the … He mentions, however, an additive that reduces surface tension and gets great results when spraying shellac. Purchase only as much as you will need for the job, as shellac has a short shelf life. It sprays nicely, and makes an ideal first-coat sealer because most lacquers, varnishes, and polyurethanes will stick to it. If you buy off-the-shelf pre-mixed shellac, always test it for drying by putting several drops on a nonporous surface. If it is too thin, the lacquer comes out as a mist that won't reform on the surface of the wood and dries rough. Hi, So I've looked at other posts and people seem to like to use the French polish method for the cabinets but I'm working on the walls and ceiling. How old is the shellac? If you already own spray equipment, take some time to familiarize yourself not only with the various gun settings, optional tips and caps and air settings, but also with how it behaves with different coatings. Discussion in 'Spray Painting' started by joe brierley, Mar 26, 2018. Use lacquer thinner to thin lacquer and denatured alcohol to thin shellac. It’s practical to make a 2lb cut for general application. I will use a 2# cut for spraying. Are ya gonna substitute shellac for lacquer? Choose the right tip for the material you are spraying, and test the spray pattern first on scrap wood or cardboard. You can thin the solvent-based spar urethane with mineral compounds by up to 20%. The good news is that shellac can be reduced with any amount of denatured alcohol to make it as thin as you like, and it can be brushed, sprayed, wiped, padded, and even dipped. The ratio of alcohol:shellac is also finicky and plays a huge roll. cut de-waxed shellac applied by rag. Methanol evaporates the quickest. Where might I find some pictures illustrating the use of winding sticks? So thin you got to get moving but works great.. New guns are only £15 off ebay and easy to clean. Mist the wood quickly with this fog, then wait about three or four minutes. However, along with these attributes, shellac has the ability to show brush strokes or lap marks, and if you apply the finish with a rag or cloth, you’ll experience drag if you move too slowly. Spraying Oil-based Varnish and Polyurethane He mentions, however, an additive that reduces surface tension and gets great results when spraying shellac. As you move the gun from side to side, keep it parallel to the wood and spray in straight lines. Shellac can be sprayed. I like the quick dry time, the easy build and the warm color that shellac adds to my work. It takes a while for the flakes to totally dissolve. By the next day, the thin layer should be dry and sandable. That way, when the solvent evaporates or “flashes off,” you will have a layer of varnish that is thin enough so it won’t sag while drying. Use a narrow/fine tip, and keep the pressure low. Discussion in 'Spray Painting' started by joe brierley, Mar 26, 2018. So what is the best and safest way to dispose of used mineral spirits? You can thin them as much as you like, since thinning will not change the coating that is formed. I get the best results using flake and regular denatured alcohol. To spray the shellac I used the standard #4 needle on the Fuji - gold cap 1.4mm. Here is how to spray paint a dresser with chalk paint!. Now come back and spray a light, even pass until the wood is just barely wet. The exception is oil-based finishes. You can thin this by separating off what you might need and add extra alcohol. The less pressure, the less overspray there will be drifting in the air. Adding a compatible low surface tension liquid to one with a high surface tension reduces the surface tension of the mixture. The shellac you buy at the paint store is almost always a three-pound cut, which is very thick for brushing or spraying. The water will cause the shellac to turn white, or “blush.” If you have access to 95-to-100 percent pure propanol or isopropyl alcohol, you could use it for thinning without a problem. The strategy is to thin the finish with a lot of fast-evaporating solvent. The difference among them is evaporation rate. Print. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > ... After a tip here I use my greco wall perfect to spray BIN.. I don't know if spraying … The usual finishes that are sprayed are lacquer, shellac and water-based finish. For WB lacquer I used the #3 needle (blue cap) which is 1mm. Pull the trigger just before the spray enters the wood and release it just after it passes the end of the board. Make sure that you coat the tip of the nail all the way to the tip of the nail. The can says it can be sprayed, so I used an HVLP gun, installed a 2.0mm tip/needle, and started spraying. I personally don't spray shellac, in part becasue of the explosion problem, and I love my shop too much to risk seeing it go up in flames. Spraying BIN / Shellac. However I make shellac from flake as it lasts longer and only make 4 ounces at a time in a 3# cut , then dilute to suit project. 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