It has a goatee which appears to be made from concrete. Sign up for a new account in our community. As Conkeldurr has got significant Defense and Hit Points, you need to chip away at the Special stat. This page contains Conkeldurr's Garlarian Pokedex information about it's location, stats, and Conkeldurr 64 Black & White—Noble Victories. I just stall things out and let the damage add up. Just make sure it has some bulk. Conkeldurr is a very meta-relevant Pokemon and will remain near the top of the list for generations to come. If you’re worried about Fairy types, you could switch out Counter for Poison Jab. Regice is an Ice-type with a weakness to Fire and Fighting-type attacks, so possible counters include Conkeldurr and Moltres. How To Play Against Conkeldurr Use Special Flying Type Moves. Salamence-Salamence comes in with Intimidate to cut his attack and Fighting resistance while breaking him with moves like Draco Meteor. If you are raiding Aggron, make sure you have 2-3 players. Timburr is a Fighting Pokémon. Preferably looking for mons that can also perform the function of a stealth rock setter or a hazard remover. Counter: Conkeldurr spins its pillars to counterattack an oncoming Attack, akin to the Counter Shield. Regirock, Regice, and Registeel are returning to raids in Pokémon GO in December starting with Regirock on December 12 at 6 AM local time. That being said, if you want to 100% counter Conkeldurr with it, you need the haze move. Kangaskhan is weak to Fighting. Once the move is used, a Trick Room sweeper such as Rhyperior or Conkeldurr will be brought into the battle to sweep. Weezing-He resists fighting, is slow enough for Paback not to have any serious damage, has lots of physical bulk, and has plenty of special moves/disrupting moves to wear away at Conkeldurr. Burning it (bulk up + leftovers set) will only helping it to sweep you, since it will never lost the guts ability. Charizard and Togekiss both have STAB Flying moves which can take out Conkeldurr with relative ease, usually in 1 shot if Dynamaxed. Swampert is a … Conkeldurr chunks any Pokemon that isn't a dedicated switch in, but can only hit once before its low speed and mediocre bulk forces a switch. You can also use trick with any pokemon that learns it and give him something like choice specs. Entry hazards are your friend to limit its switches and then it's a game of prediction to weather you lose 5 or 50% before it switches out. Human-Like; Hatch counter 20 Steps to hatch 5355 / 2805 Compatibility. It is vulnerable to Fairy, Flying and Psychic moves. Counters for Conkeldurr Use super effective Special attacks. I had some decent success with a Bold Chandelure (252 HP and 252 Def). Read about Conkeldurr in Pokemon Sword and Shield: Isle of Armor! Btw, Hippowdon is a stealth rock setter and has Roar which can replace haze. Saad4206969, Breeding Gender ¾ male, ¼ female Egg groups. For those that weren't, please keep answers serious. Pokémon Counters to Kyurem. For instance, when I use Sub/protect sharpedo against him. Conkeldurr 65 Black & White—Noble Victories. I have a gengar, but 9 out of 10 times it'll proct my opponent to switch in their chansey/blissey, plus getting gengar in against conk is also a problem because Conk's coverage moves have a chance to straight up OHKO the gengar that I'm using if they predict right. If we had Cresse"L"ia... ma"Y"be in next century. By using this site, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Infernape, Conkeldurr, or Breloom? The caught CP range is 1,636 – 1,714. In the Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon games, embark on an adventure as a Pokémon Trainer and catch, battle and trade all-new Pokémon on the tropical islands of the Alola Region. 252+ Atk Guts Conkeldurr Drain Punch vs. 252 HP / 0+ Def Blissey: 810-954 (223.7 - 263.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO, 252+ Atk Guts Conkeldurr Mach Punch vs. 252 HP / 0+ Def Blissey: 432-510 (119.3 - 140.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO, In case it's not clear enough- yeah I'm just joking and fooling around, Other decent checks to Conk include Chandelure, Gliscor, Jellicent, Dusclops, Reuniclus. It is vulnerable to Fairy, Flying and Psychic moves. Thick violet bands and tendons adorn its shoulders, chest, back and thighs. I see trachy's love of cofagrigus has even grown more!^^. All Out Pummeling: Conkeldurr makes fist like poses with Meltowag. Conkeldurr Italian Conkeldurr. Conkeldurr Cards Conkeldurr 67 XY. Aggron How To Beat. The Boss CP is 21,077. Conkeldurr's Sp. Kangaskhan is also a pure normal-type Pokemon, making it share the same weaknesses as Persian. You will only have issues with speedy conks (which are rare) that use facade on the switch. People come here for help or ideas, not to be given false information by people intentionally giving it, regardless of if you think it is funny. Don't give me crap because his attack is higher, since 110 base special attack is still very good. Stone Edge will give Conkeldurr good coverage for flying types. Counter with Dynamic Punch and Stone Edge are your best best for PvP. Use Ghost Types Timburr evolves into Gurdurr. Priority moves are very useful in this case. 252+ SpA Choice Specs Blissey Psychic vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Gengar: 284-336 (108.3 - 128.2%) -- guaranteed OHKO, 252+ SpA Choice Specs Blissey Ice Beam vs. 0 HP / 0- SpD Garchomp: 604-712 (169.1 - 199.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO, 252+ SpA Choice Specs Blissey Flamethrower vs. 248 HP / 8 SpD Scizor: 564-664 (164.4 - 193.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO, 252+ SpA Choice Specs Blissey Shadow Ball vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Reuniclus: 228-270 (53.7 - 63.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO, 252+ SpA Choice Specs Blissey Psychic vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Conkeldurr: 166-196 (91.7 - 108.2%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock, 252+ Atk Guts Conkeldurr Mach Punch vs. 4 HP / 252 Def Blissey: 230-272 (69.4 - 82.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery, It doesn't have to switch in when it obliterates conk with it's raw power I swear it's legit. and stall him to death. Training Base EXP 227 Effort points. For Pokemon X on the 3DS, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "conkeldurr counters". Some of the best Pokémon you can use to counter Kyurem include Metagross, Lucario, and Dialga. Cofagrigus is overall the best counter to Conk. Physically defensive Hippowdon is also good against it and sets up Stealth Rocks if that was your main goal. These Legendary Pokémon make good additions to any team and are worth catching if you can. Get to know Conkeldurr's Weakness, Stats, Location, How To Get, Where To Find in Sword Shield! It's easy! Taking it down will be a bit of a challenge, and with the right Pokémon […] Is your Crobat special based Speed Freak? When going all out, this Pokémon throws aside its concrete pillars and leaps at opponents to pummel them with its fists. Dragonite - Dragon Breath (Fast Move) + Outrage (Charge Move) For instance, when I use Sub/protect sharpedo against him. You can also counter it via special outspeed (Togekiss, gengar). Which to use? Conkeldurr's strongest moveset is Counter & Dynamic Punch and it has a Max CP of 3,337. Skarmory-This guy is a bit harder, but he's neutral to fighting, resists dark, and gets STAB from flying, so you can run a few sets like that. Explore More Cards Login Required. Def is lower than its Defense, meaning that Special moves are your best friend. Conclusion. without bulk, alakazam can ohko with psychic. Below is a list of creatures you can use as counters to Sierra in Pokémon Go during January 2021 to beat her. Conkeldurr is a bipedal sepia-colored Pokémon resembling an ogre. As for dedicated checks, Crobat and forretress do pretty well. Here's a list of Pokemon and their moves that counter Kangaskhan. will likely OHKO Conkeldurr with ease. Its nose is large and red, with its face also having a prominent brow, a wide mouth, a gray tuft on its chin, dark rings around its eyes and a bulbous feature sticking up from the back of its head. Stone Edge has decent counter-coverage and is very hard to dodge. If we had Cresselia... maybe in next century, Other decent checks to Conk "IN"clude Chandelure, Gliscor, "J"ellicent, D"U"sclops, Reuniclus. Priority moves are very useful in this case. Btw, Hippowdon is a stealth rock setter and has Roar which can replace haze. Conkeldurr is based on a buff clown-like construction worker wielding two pillars of concrete. Mine has a rash nature so I'm thinking of EV training him. I have found that Nasty-flinch-bat(Nasty plot crobat with kings rock and air slash) works but if he doesn't flinch he can kill Crobat with S-edge. These are not your only choices, but they are some of the best. Cofagrigus is a good counter for him,he can remove his ability Guts with Mummy. Compared to its high Defense and ability to handle Physical attackers, Conkeldurr doesn't fare so well against Special attacks, which can swiftly take it out. Timburr's strongest moveset is Low Kick & Brick Break and it has a Max CP of 1,315. He's even got the move Clear Smog to deal with Bulk up sets. Jirachi/Metagross-These guys have tons of defense, are neutral to dark and fighting, and can take him out pretty badly with psychic moves. That being said, if you want to 100% counter Conkeldurr with it, you need the haze move. Slowbro is definitely up there with the best Conky counters- he isn't bothered by anything Conky can do, he's slower so takes a pittance from Payback, and has STAB Psychic. Counter is generally the way to go, though Poison Jab can hit Fairy Types hard. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Know the Trick Room users. Countering Conkeldurr Special-type moves are key here. Every Pokémon that uses Trick Room will have a slightly different counter. In short, Almost anything moderately fast with high Special Attack and neutrality to Fighting, or can utilize some STAB flying can revenge kill it. Conkeldurr: Counter/Dynamic Punch: Lucario: Counter/Aura Sphere: Machamp: Counter/Dynamic Punch: Hariyama: Counter/Dynamic Punch #3: Swampert counters. If you know it doesn't have bulk up, you could counter toxic Orb abusers with a speed booster by just stalling things out with Sub/Protect and let the damage take him down. Conkeldurr 81 Black & White—Plasma Storm. The boss’s HP is 3,600. Conkeldurr's main niche lies in its Guts-boosted attacks in conjunction with Flame Orb, which allow it to cripple opposing teams with Knock Off and 2HKO defensive Pokemon like Toxapex, Clefable, and Tangrowth with Facade at the cost of taking passive damage every turn. Why is my Conkeldurr taking Life Orb damage. Pokémon Go Regice weakness and counters. How to make the best out of Conkeldurr with Sheer Force? Conkeldurr (Counter, Dynamic Punch) This will be absolutely suitable for raids, as Conkeldurr is an elite Fighting-type Pokémon and will get STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) from both of these moves. Hippowdon (Rocky Helmet) that faster than the Conkeldurr. Burning it (bulk up + leftovers set) will only helping it to sweep you, since it will never lost the guts ability. Conkeldurr is a pretty tanky Pokemon that smashes many other Pokemon into the ground. It's best used with Poison Jab for multi-type coverage. By Cofagrigus, like said, is a solid option BUT cofagrigus cant defeat Bulk up + leftovers conkeldur with stone edge (or another move without direct contact). I was thinking alakazam but with that defense Mach punch would ohko him. For more content on Pokemon Go, stay with us, here at Spiel Times. Base stat ; Conkeldurr - #534 - Serebii About "Rather than rely on force, they master moves that utilize the centrifugal force of … Cryogonal is an Ice-type Pokémon from the Unova region, and for a restricted time during raids, you have the chance to capture it in PokémonGo While it’s not a 5-star raid or a famous Pokémon, it remains a difficult foe. Conkeldurr's strongest moveset is Counter & Dynamic Punch and it has a Max CP of 3,337. Today we cover Conkeldurr in the latest and greatest Pokemon Competitive Guide! Pokemon xy what is a good nature for conkeldurr? What mons can be used to consistently counter Conkeldurr? Conkeldurr is a very bulky and offensive Pokemon, with a pretty trash speed stat. Concrete mixed by Conkeldurr is much more durable than normal concrete, even when the compositions of the two materials are the same. Fairy-type moves like Moonblast and Psychic-type moves from powerful Pokémon such as Alakazam, Gardevoir etc. Imo, Conkeldurr's perfect counter is Hippowdon (Rocky Helmet) that faster than the Conkeldurr. For real, try Swalot pain split + encore. I just stall things out and let the damage add up. You can also counter it via special outspeed (Togekiss, gengar). Guts variant hurt my teams alot what is good counter for them. Sharpedo – weak to Fairy, Bug, Electric, Grass, and Fighting. That said, it's one-bar. Rules for Competitive Assistance - Read Before Posting. If you know it doesn't have bulk up, you could counter toxic Orb abusers with a speed booster by just stalling things out with Sub/Protect and let the damage take him down. It then later flings fists if aura at the foe, then a giant blast for the final hit. Conkeldurr - Counter (Fast Move) + Dynamic Punch (Charge Move) Kangaskhan Counters. Then you can finish him with a priority move. About Rather than rely on force, they master moves that utilize the centrifugal force of spinning concrete. They will generally Dynamax it and attempt to win the fight before Trick Room wears off. Conkeldurr returns in Pokemon Sword and Shield. It’s a direct counter to Regirock, and while it may not have the best defenses, it’s a great choice to do some heavy damage. Dynamic Punch is Conkeldurr's only multi-bar move. Best Pokemon to Use Conkeldurr - Counter and Dynamic Punch; Kangaskhan. Conkeldurr is a Fighting Pokémon which evolves from Gurdurr. It is vulnerable to Fairy, Flying and Psychic moves. … Conkeldurr is a Fighting Pokémon which evolves from Gurdurr. July 9, 2020 in Competitive Assistance. Still very good mixed by Conkeldurr is a very meta-relevant Pokemon and will remain near the of. Sharpedo – weak to Fairy, Bug, Electric, Grass, and can take out Conkeldurr with force! Forretress do pretty well as Persian Pokémon make good additions to any team and are catching! 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Take out Conkeldurr with it, you agree to our Terms of use and Privacy.. Has a Max CP of 3,337 Hippowdon is a bipedal sepia-colored Pokémon resembling an ogre Edge are best... That was your main goal made from concrete fists if aura at the foe, then giant! Ohko him Punch ( Charge move ) Kangaskhan counters mons that can also it.