* Spain-8 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 anti-air or anti-tank. In fact that might be their only advantage, and the fact that they don't need chromium (but do need rubber which is even harder to get). 13 Soviet Armor Units including the early AT-1 tank destroyer and five SU artillery variants. Once again, the main point of this is to add armor and hardness to a division - stats that line artillery doesn't match. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 13 Soviet Armor Units including the early AT-1 tank destroyer and five SU artillery variants. 13 Soviet Armor Units including the early AT-1 tank destroyer and five SU artillery variants. The first thing that might turn you off from self-propelled brigades is the fact that they require a bit more effort to research. As with tanks, the improvements to self-propelled brigades come primarily from production of variants, rather than techs. Press J to jump to the feed. A range of tank destroyers, self propelled artillery and self propelled anti-air vehicles, including the Stug III, the Wespe and the Elefant heavy tank destroyer. Watch the whole series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-azHLkqdWyPalLO0nkawZ9b9gpso5GBhSupport me on Patreon! 13 Soviet Armor Units including the early AT-1 tank destroyer and five SU artillery variants. SP AA takes on the role of a poor man's fighter - if you can't produce enough fighters to intercept enemy air support missions, or can't construct new air bases as you advance the front line, then you should be putting some form of AA in your divisions. If you have low breakthrough, the enemy will get enough attacks on to bring down your org and force a day or so of rest, which can then be used to pin you down and redeploy the front line. One thing about motor rockets is that they scale directly with research but you don't need to make new lines every time you get a new one. How do I know what I am being bombed with (because you say TAC/CAS)? The plus side is that if you are a minor nation producing only armor to fit into a niche, you don't need to worry about researching anything in the Artillery tree. In September 1943 fourteen of those were reorganized, these are sometimes called the „light“ armored divisions, although this name is a bit misleading, because the main difference was in size and not the equipped tanks. Industrial research costs vary from 1.5 to 2.5, while artillery research costs vary from 1.0 to 2.0. In time, I broke the stalemate. Each new type of artillery researched unlocks a combat battalion and a corresponding support company that can be used to create templates in the division designer. Artillery is a technology component type and tech team specialty covering development of artillery pieces, anti-tank guns, howitzers, and other heavy weapons. Comparing those 2 options with all the oil sunken in 3 productions lines I feel I am way better off with producing normal artilery and planes / ships instead. But, I can't find the tech unlocking the self propelled artillery/AT/AA. Combining existing guns and vehicles was a quick and cost-effective way of creating self-propelled artillery, and was therefore appealing early in the war. Here is a the video shown in the stream yesterday displaying their awesomness. One thing to not discount is breakthrough. Self-propelled artillery is artillery equipped with its own propulsion system to move towards its firing position. An ERCA involves both a new projectile — the rocket-assisted XM1113 with a 40-kilometer range — and a longer barrel for the M109A7 Paladin self-propelled 155mm artillery system. SP equipment has the same production cost as the associated tank. So far for players vs AI it's a bit pointless to get them since the AI never updates their equipment, but I think in PvP where all players have their production game on point, the advantage of not having to switch lines and upgrade equipment might give you an edge. SP Art and SP AA have slightly higher supply composition and combat width, with less piercing and hard attack. I could see it being a good idea. it's the little icons in the top right corner of each tank tech - SPGs, SP AA and TDs. That's why he calls AA a poor's man fighter. Added self-propelled artillery; Added AWACS aircraft (Low IC value until rebalanced) Added reformation of Yugoslavia for all former constituents; Due to errors caused by Paradox, there will be some missing localizations. Lowered cost of heavy AA equipment by 10%. I use the free research slot to design the M11/39 tank but it won't be produced. So overall, the impact of researching self-propelled variants is not too great - you don't necessarily need to research each variant, and if you can afford to research tanks at all, you can probably afford to research the tank variants you need. Home Home. Slightly off-topic, you can unlock motorized artillery under the top right icon of motorized. Might try it out next time I'm facing off against the British and their seemingly-infinite air force. A range of tank destroyers, self propelled artillery and self propelled anti-air vehicles, including the Stug III, the Wespe and the Elefant heavy tank destroyer. Self-Propelled Artillery Brigade: Fortress Busting: against extremely hard targets, every bit of extra firepower helps; Mobile formations: Any mobile units are well augmented by SP-ART. DOWNLOAD. Tech Cost. You just do rocket research and BAM, your Mot-Rocks have increased stats out of nowhere. This title belonged to the bigger Hummel, fitted with a 150 mm (5.9 in) howitzer. Overall, Motorized Rocket Artillery doesn't fit in well with an armor-focused army composition, since it means more research and production. Have you played around enough with both to give a comparison between SP Art + Motorized vs. Tanks + Motorized? I don't know if you need SP AA though. An oddity in the subject of rocket artillery during this time was the German "Sturmtiger", a vehicle based on the Tiger I heavy tank chassis that was armed with a 380 mm rocket mortar. However, unlike naval or air units, land units do tend to require large investments of officers and manpower. however, SP brigades require fewer units than regular tank brigades - meaning that the combination of an SP Art brigade and a Tank Destroyer provides much better soft and hard attack per factory than a pair of tanks. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Nowadays, \"brigade\" has various connotations and is in widespread usage as a tactical formation higher than the regiment.So it is important to understand that the nomenclature of Hearts of Iron might differ from the player country's military. To counteract this, a TD and SP Art pair should be accompanied by one or more motorized or mechanized brigades. Compared to naval or air forces, most land units are fairly cheap per-brigade, and they do not take as long to build as ships or aircraft. For example, many countries termed \"regiments\" were called \"brigades\" by other countries. Upgrades start later than Self-Propelled Artillery. A range of tank destroyers, self propelled artillery and self propelled anti-air vehicles, including the Stug III, the Wespe and the Elefant heavy tank destroyer. Less mobile than more mechanised ones, they can slowly grind an enemy to death. This is the first sign that self-propelled units are better-suited for offense than defense. heavy tank template hoi4 2020, The Komodo tank is an Amenrian heavy tank in the Politics & War Roleplay Universe. Yep, the biggest thing /u/cyorir hasn't mentioned. While not worthy ends in of themselves, and impractical for those smaller countries that start on 2 research slots, countries that have the ability to invest in armor will generally benefit from investing in SP as well. Your fighters can usually take care of enemy planes if you dedicate a full production line or two for them, and almost every guide I've read tells me to do so. These should be gone when 1.9.1 is released. Discover (and save!) 8 Tanks for Each Major Allied Power for a total of 32 tank models, including the Soviet T-26, the British Centurion, America’s post-war Patton heavy tank and the French ARL 44. Motor rockets is for Japan to use, since if they take SE Asia they have infinite rubber to spam them with. (Source: Stanton, Shelby L.: Order of Battle US Army World War II, p. 15-20) Anti-Tank brigades are relatively rarely seen together with enemy armor however, especially when going up against AI-designed divisions. Comparing Self-Propelled Brigades to Support Brigades. Sd.Kfz 124 Wespe Nazi Germany (1942-45) Self-propelled howitzer - 676 built Based on the Panzer II The Wespe was officially called "10.5 cm Leichte Feldhaubitze 18 auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen II" by the Waffenamt, but known by every foot soldier as the "Wespe" ("Wasp"). So you are right, regular tanks will have a very significant breakthrough advantage. Nevertheless, much like SP AA, SP Art can still be used together with leg infantry instead of line artillery. It's basically a defense agains CAS/TAC for nations without rubber or aluminum, who have a harder time competing with fighter production of those who have it. It feels like it helps, though I haven't really analyzed it). SP brigades benefit from most of the "tank and armor variants" doctrines, so they will benefit most from the Mobile Warfare doctrine tree. Basically, you should consider the combination of Tank Destroyers + SP Art to be an offensive alternative to tanks, and you should consider SP AA to be a counter to enemy TAC and CAS. The advantage of this is that it will increase the hardness of the division. This is an overhaul big (60%-ish) cost increase of heavy AA. DOWNLOAD It also move at 12km/h while being cheaper than Light SP Artillery. The Germans also had self-propelled rocket artillery in the form of the Panzerwerfer and Wurfrahmen 40 which equipped half-track armoured fighting vehicles. 8 French Armor Units including the Renault tank destroyer and the Canon de 194 self-propelled artillery. While it is generally better to use Tank Destroyers together with SP Art (see below), they can still be used alone effectively - with careful micromanagement. Self-propelled units require researching the associated tank first, then researching the self-propelled variant. SPArt is clearly not the answer for your particular situation. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Since humans live on land, all wars must ultimately concern themselves with land matters. Its not immediately obvious when or why you should use them, and most guides and comments I've seen have written them off. The Artillery technology research tree is used to unlock and improve different types of artillery. Motorized divisions are considered soft units; Because of their high speed, they are the prime targets for adding to Mechanized Divisions or Armored Divisions in a 1:2 ratio, to get the combined arms bonus. An oddity in the subject of rocket artillery during this time was the German "Sturmtiger", a vehicle based on the Tiger I heavy tank chassis that was armed with a 380 mm rocket mortar. • 19 German Armor Models: A range of tank destroyers, self propelled artillery and self propelled anti-air vehicles, including the Stug III, the Wespe and the Elefant heavy tank destroyer. In the game Hearts of Iron 4 there is an opportunity to receive various military supplies. A range of tank destroyers, self propelled artillery and self propelled anti-air vehicles, including the Stug III, the Wespe and the Elefant heavy tank destroyer. Similarly, you need to take this into consideration when choosing a doctrine. This means you can offset the higher cost of researching armor by using army experience to improve your SP brigades - this is quite a plus for larger nations that end up with 500 unused army experience when all is said and done. Self-propelled units require researching the associated tank first, then researching the self-propelled variant. 13 Soviet Armor Units including the early AT-1 tank destroyer and five SU artillery variants. 8 Tanks for Each Major Allied Power for a total of 32 tank models, including the Soviet T-26, the British Centurion, America’s post-war Patton heavy tank and the French ARL 44. The three symbols in each tank picture are from top to bottom a tank destroyer, a self-propelled artillery version and an anti-aircraft version. Another result of this approach was the M6, which combined a 37mm anti-tank gun with a Dodge ¾-ton weapons carrier. 1 Army Equipment 1.1 Airborne APC 1.2 Small Arms (Infantry Equipment) 2 External Links A list of the types of equipment used by the army, and which regiments use them. Version 02.11.19 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.7.0 - 1.7.1) While it is possible (though not advisable) to have divisions that consist entirely of tanks, the same does not apply to TD and SP Art - at least some mobile units must be used, or else the TD and SP Art must be mixed with standard tanks. 22 Japanese Armor Models: A range of every armor type, with seven different Japanese tank designs like the experimental heavy O-I tank that never went into production and a number of tank destroyers. Increased number of heavy AA equipment per battalion to 24, same as normal AA. Infantry divisions rely heavily on cheap and numerous infantry, infantry tanks & artillery. All units under Direct Fire are support brigades and they include both foot-speed and self-propelled units. In this post, I'll try to make a case for using self-propelled units, and explain how to avoid some pitfalls while using them. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There are four branches in the tree: the artillery branch, the anti-air branch, the anti-tank branch, and the rocket artillery branch. 22 Japanese Armor Models A range of every armor type, with seven different Japanese tank designs like the experimental heavy O-I tank that never went into production and a number of tank destroyers. Infantry wise, the same divisions is still good: 14 infantry, 4 artillery, with engineers, recon, logistics, sup artillery, and signal companies. Now, if you were playing an industry-heavy, manpower-light country, that couldn't afford to keep that many divisions in the field in the first place, the extra longevity and effectiveness from the SPArt would be a much bigger help. SP AA and Tank Destroyers have less soft attack. I got the game recently and thanks to all the advice I got here my Communist Brazil is doing quite good. I tried using LT SP Art+Motorized divisions in my Big Entente run and it worked spectacularly. SP Art fits the opposite niche. There are two disadvantages to Motorized Rocket Artillery in comparison to Light SP Artillery: 1) no hardness 2) motorized rocket artillery requires lots of artillery research. Armored Car Brigade: Mobile formations: A useful addition similar to SP-ART in effectiveness. Using Tank Destroyers in Combination with SP Art. 1 Description 1.1 2 Assessment 2.1 Pros 2.2 Cons 3 Gallery 4 Trivia By far the largest, most powerful tank in the Imperial Amenrian Armed Forces, it can easliy defeat any conventional vehicle, either by crushing it or with its devastating twin cannons. Equipment is a general umbrella term used to refer to the items manufactured by military factories, which are used to reinforce and supply divisions, squadrons, and air wings. German Self-Propelled Artillery Guns of the Second World War . After a long, gruelling war, final victory came in 1946. Within the terminology are the self-propelled gun, self-propelled howitzer, self-propelled mortar, and rocket artillery. Do you have Maintenance Support units in those Divisions? Cheat codes for receiving equipment for armies. In Europe, I unleashed the “Brits-krieg”: my armoured spearhead, now lavishly equipped with tanks, trucks, and self-propelled artillery, shattered the totalitarians’ lines. Nothing beats the hard attack of a Tank Destroyer, except for Anti-Tank brigades. Which tech unlocks the self propelled artillery? Cheat codes for receiving equipment for armies. ... Continue browsing in r/hoi4. SP Art, TD etc all have terrible breakthrough compared to regular tanks IIRC. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Self-Propelled Artillery Brigade; Self-Propelled Rocket Artillery Brigade; Tank Destroyer Brigade; Notes. I need it though in order to research M16 tank below it. Ver más ideas sobre tanques, vehículos militares, tanques de guerra. A range of tank destroyers, self propelled artillery and self propelled anti-air vehicles, including the Stug III, the Wespe and the Elefant heavy tank destroyer. SP AA should be used if your mobile divisions are spending most of their time fighting in areas covered by enemy TAC and CAS. 19-jul-2018 - Explora el tablero "HOI4" de TXeMa Sánchez Blazquez, que 170 personas siguen en Pinterest. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Hoisești, Hoietun, Te Hoiere, Hoilandet, Artillery of Manchukuo, Infantry weapons of Manchukuo, Military vehicles of Manchukuo, Battles involving Manchukuo. Even if I know, I would need to predeploy AA, when I could be pumping that into decent fighters. The Wespe was officially called “10.5 cm Leichte Feldhaubitze 18 auf Fahrgestell Panzerkampfwagen II” by the Waffenamt, but known by every foot soldier as the “Wespe” (“Wasp”). Higher consumption than Self-Propelled Artillery. 1 Army Equipment 1.1 Airborne APC 1.2 Small Arms (Infantry Equipment) 2 External Links A list of the types of equipment used by the army, and which regiments use them. Mechanised divisions are 'reinforced' infantry divisions, with armoured transport, assault-guns and/or self-propelled artillery … A Model is a specific military unit in Hearts of Iron. That depends on your factories and industry, so these are for 20 width in order of increasing industry, from Siam to the Soviets. Each variant has a low research cost - 0.5, which typically translates to 40 days. Despite having names like "SP Artillery," "SP AA," and "Tank Destroyer," self-propelled brigades do not improve based on research in the Artillery tab - these improvements are specific to line artillery/AA/anti-tank and support artillery/AA/anti-tank. This is an overhaul big (60%-ish) cost increase of heavy AA. To do this, use the rather complicated cheat code add_equipment [quantity] [equipment name] _equipment_ [level].Please note that you must have the appropriate technology to receive the equipment. Film Television show Game Sport ... ★ manchukuo hoi4: Add an external link to your content for free. 22 Japanese Armor Models: A range of every armor type, with seven different Japanese tank designs like the experimental heavy O-I tank that never went into production and a number of tank destroyers. In total the United States raised 16 armored division in World War 2. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. This should help to put the research cost in perspective. The main issues with support Art/AA/Anti-Tank are that they can only be used once each per division and they take up support slots which are better used by maintenance, logistics, recon, signal, or engineer companies. Press J to jump to the feed. For a country focused on developing armor, SP brigades are a viable alternative to the standard Artillery pieces. Version 02.11.19 for Hearts of Iron 4 (v1.7.0 - 1.7.1) 8 French Armor Units including the Renault tank destroyer and the Canon de 194 self-propelled artillery. While light SP Art can be researched sooner, Motorized Rocket Artillery performs quite similarly to Advanced Light SP Art when they are researched in the mid-game. A range of tank destroyers, self propelled artillery and self propelled anti-air vehicles, including the Stug III, the Wespe and the Elefant heavy tank destroyer. Entries are listed below in alphanumeric order (1-to-Z). The first thing that might turn you off from self-propelled brigades is the fact that they require a bit more effort to research. It's important to note that SP brigades only receive +20% breakthrough from Mobile Warfare doctrine whereas tanks can receive up to +60% breakthrough. In time, I broke the stalemate. Combining existing guns and vehicles was a quick and cost-effective way of creating self-propelled artillery, and was therefore appealing early in the war. SP brigades and the more advanced support brigades require more production and research than support AA/Art/AT, which makes them less viable for smaller starting nations. To do this, use the rather complicated cheat code add_equipment [quantity] [equipment name] _equipment_ [level].Please note that you must have the appropriate technology to receive the equipment. A model class is a general type of model, such as infantry or cavalry. All I can say is, different circumstances call for different tools. A model represents a specific level of technology, and can contain country-specific information such as an equipment name and unique photo. The only reason why is that I just cannot produce enough to keep the reinforcements going. Lowered cost of heavy AA equipment by 10%. Slightly nerfed org and morale of self-propelled artillery. The artillery division was intended to concentrate massive firepower during a critical stage in a battle. However, for the majors, SP brigades combined with the better support companies win out. Advanced Air Carrier Advanced Air Transport Advanced Anti-Air Artillery Brigade Advanced Anti-Tank Artillery Advanced Battlecruiser Advanced Battleship Advanced Close Air Support Aircraft Advanced Computing Machine Advanced Construction Engineering Advanced Decimetric Radar Warning Sites Advanced Decryption Device Advanced Destroyer Advanced Encryption Devices Advanced Escort … Film Television show Game Sport ... ★ manchukuo hoi4: Add an external link to your content for free. Historically the terms used in Hearts of Iron 4 had very different meanings for most of the countries. This new technology reduced the amount of resources required to deploy one artillery gun. Production calculator for HOI4. SP can also be an alternative to Artillery, as it boosts the hardness of leg divisions. More soft attack, while providing a boost to offense: Add an external link to your content free. Sport... ★ manchukuo hoi4: Add hoi4 self propelled artillery external link to your content for free to. Of heavy AA equipment by 10 % use artillery to my advantage vs bad teching infantry enemies... To enemy Armor however, for the late game, when I could be that! You should use them, and can contain country-specific information such as an name... Game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio developing Armor, SP brigades combined decent! Template hoi4 2020, the SP Art + motorized vs. tanks + motorized tanks... A battle 25 ] ww2 German engineers came up with the idea of mounting an artillery gun on of! Quick and cost-effective way of creating self-propelled artillery do you have Maintenance support units in those?... The stream yesterday displaying their awesomness a Dodge ¾-ton weapons carrier of technology and... 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Maintenance support units in those divisions unit in Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development.. Fighters or adding anti-air n't impact speed or defense, while artillery research costs vary from 1.5 2.5!