Immediate recall, three and five minute delayed recall of three unrelated words To use a meteorological analogy: affect is the weather, whereas mood is the climate. • Everyone will laugh at me. MOOD Words! When you're angry, listen to something loud! Yell the lyrics and let all your emotions out. (noun) The somber mood of the painting. Affect is the emotional state prevailing at the time of the examination. Mood is the patient’s sustained, subjectively experienced emotional state over a period of time. A mood may be positive or negative, and the use of the word is as a noun. S/he can state a fact, or ask a question, or express a command or request or even a desire. Examples of positive mood included feeling "active," "alert," "attentive," "excited." • There’s no use in trying. examples of automatic thoughts or self-talk • I can’t do this. What does mood mean? During a mood swing, a person may quickly switch from feeling happy and upbeat to feeling sad, irritable, or angry. A pervading impression of an observer. Following is a list of more than 120 words to describe mood in English. - Possible descriptors: Ł Appropriateness to situation, consistency with mood, congruency with thought content. For example, if you are in a good mood, then your physiology and background thinking are operating in ways that incline you to interpret new situations positively. • I am worthy of more. • I don’t deserve to be loved. • Let me do my best. • I can deal with this problem one step at a time. Juan cries when learning of the death of his father. 'Mood' is also a descriptor of a subject, used as an interpretation by the speaker. An example of this element follows: Speech volume was normal; rate of speech was pressured with a tendency to focus on the negative circumstances surrounding his recent divorce. The lyrics don't have to relate to your feelings, but they most definitely can. • I’ll try. Examples of negative mood included feeling "irritable," "scared," "upset," "guilty." • I’ve never been able to succeed. Example of Mood Mood is a state of emotional or intellectual activity. VIII. Inappropriate Mood is … When we document mood in the MSE we split it up into two different parts: mood and affect. Here are some examples of what I would listen to: "Misery Business" - Paramore "This Is Not an Apology" - Bea Miller "Smells Like Teen Spirit" - Nirvana 4. The mood is defined as a form of the verb which describes speaker’s attitude toward his/her saying. Affect (Observed): An observed expression of inner feeling. Check out our list of words to describe mood for ideas on how to set the mood of your writing. Another name of mood is mode or modality. AFFECT AND MOOD. Mood (Patient describes in own words and rates on a scale 1-10) Affect (You describe) Type: depressed/sad, anxious, euphoric, angry; Range: full range, labile, restricted, blunted/flattened; Appropriateness to content and congruence with stated mood; Cognition Memory. A mood swing is a sudden or intense change in emotional state. • I have good ideas. Mood or tone words are words convey the author’s attitude towards a topic. Affect Definition Behavioral Example Appropriate Mood is congruent with the immediate situation. Affect is the visible reaction a person displays toward events. Mood is the underlying feeling state.