To be able to play as a Vah Shir, you will need the Shadows of Luclin expansion for Everquest, which is now available for all players, regardless of purchase. Take the sum you've got from the above steps and multiply that by 4 then divide by 3. For silk classes which are enchanters, magicians, necromancers and wizards you add your defense skill divided by 2 to your ac as well as the total amount of SPA 3 [AC] and SPA 416 [AC2] divided by 3 to your ac. Group Tradeskill Tier 2. The amount of drunk you can be is a range from 0-200, each drink adds a fixed amount based on your alcohol tolerance skill but for the purposes of this equation only the 0-200 scale is relevant. They are very tribal and do not keep written records. WIS: +5 Kunark Farming Locations. WT: 2.5 Size: MEDIUM ', Gauntlets Of Justice Material:Components: Bone Chips(4), Polar Bear Skin, Small Piece of OreIn: Justice Plate Assembly KitThis combine may only be made by Barbarians (Smithing Trivial no fail)Yield: 1, Armplates Of Justice:Components: Armplates of Justice Material, Armplates of Justice MoldIn: ForgeThis combine may only be made by Barbarians Once you have combined these items in your Assembly Kit, take the Helm of Justice Material to a forge along with this mold to create your new helm. Let's calculate your 'AC Sum'. WT: 1.0 Size: MEDIUM You can group in The Hole for Withered Leather armor. Player crafted armor sets are generally restricted by armor wearing type (cloth, leater, chain, plate) and geared towards beginning players. 2 - Ruined Wolf Pelt
This is about what you should be wearing, and when: weapons are a different topic, and far more class specific. ... Armor . Class: SHM AC: 6 While magician was by far the smoothest ride, it … Now we include both buffs and defense skill as part of your AC Sum. The cap is currently 100 points. Similarly, planar armor sets from either the Plane of Fear or the Plane of Hate will likely be best in slot until they can be replaced either … Now if your total AC is greater than the AC cap we just calculated (a likely scenario at anything but very low levels) we multiply the amount over the soft cap by your class' multiplier and add that to your calculated soft cap value to get your 'Real AC'. You must be at least ALLY with Claws of Veeshan in order to complete these quests. (Smithing Trivial no fail)Yield: 1, Balgros McMichael says 'Legplates of Justice offer great protection to one who is just starting their adventuring career. Recommended level of 10 You should be able to find most of these items in Everfrost. Race: BAR Now if your AC is less than 0, we set it back to zero here. 4 - Wrath Orc Wristbands, Armplates of Justice Slot type 4:empty. Now the sum of your class and racial bonus is returned back to the 'AC Sum' formula. My 'Functional Agility' is 900+395, 1295, the value that is displayed on the first tab of my inventory window. This is because PoWar uses AC values equivalent to player AC values (3000-4000) where 'most' of the creatures in game don't exceed 600 AC. The next step is the first point that the inventory window value you see and the server's calculated value can differ. AC: 8 Shamanic magic has two main focuses: enhancing the mind and body of the shaman's allies, and weakening or damaging their enemies. AC: 5 Now we come to the second point where your visible AC value could differ from what the server calculates. (Smithing Trivial no fail)Yield: 1, Balgros McMichael says 'Prove to me that you are ready to move on and continue your training elsewhere. DMG: 9 Farewell.'. All armor quests are soloable, except for the last quest, which (in some cases) has one heroic monster to be killed. Balgros McMichael says 'Hello, _____ is it? Item stats for the final pieces are below the shopping list at the bottom of the page. Warning: Use of undefined constant mysql - assumed 'mysql' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/eqtrader/public_html/library/parse_article.php on line 382. I'll step you through the calculations and explain why the number you see in your inventory window is not representative of what NPCs look at when they're hitting you in melee combat. Please note that while the bracers are not lore, the bracer materials often are, so make your first bracer before you do the combine to get the material for a second one. They drop from nameds or raids in their respective tier. ACBonus = PlayerLevel. Old world class-specific quested armor usually represents a significant upgrade, and will perhaps be best in slot until planar armor. This needs to be explored further, * What rules No back item to mage pet the wierd thing with Shaman … ... EQ Traders Corner recipe. Armor Progression. Now we add your class and race bonuses to your AC value. In addition to this base AC value, if you are a summoned pet and your owner is a player, get the total amount of SPA 397 that they have. The 'Penalty Multiplier' is equal to your total weight minus 10 less than your hard cap then divided by 100.0, if this 'Penalty Multiplier' is greater than 1.00 then it is set to 1.00. Slot: HANDS Slot type 7:empty, Legplates of Justice AC: 6 That is a fairly easy piece to start with. The Iksar AC bonus is equal to your level with a minimum value of 10 and a maximum value of 35. This quest starts with Balgros McMichael in Halas @ 325, 341, Outside Shaman Guildhall. MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO TRADE Alternatively, you may combine the Armor drop with your classes Adorning Agent plus a piece of Sophisticated Unadorned Armor (about 16k plat) inside a Reliquary of Refinement. Multiply your 'Step3' value by this 'Reduction Multiplier' and truncate any decimal points. As a sort of walkthrough I'll go through the math listed in the above post with my avatar character to try and make sense of calculating your Displayed AC (via your Mitigation and Avoidance AC values.). Now the next step is to calculate an agility bonus if your agility is over 70. Kanlekuu Grabboz may be found at -140, +135. In equation form it looks like: Step1 = (8000 * (FunctionalAgility-40)) / 36000. It should result in armor that is lore (other than bracer) no trade, and is Barbarian Shaman only (often abbreviated as BAR/SHM). 8 - Polar Bear Skin
In equation form: Step19 (Server) = (ACCap * SPA259Total) / 100. SK - Level 100: Cap 488: Multiplier: 0.33. (Smithing Trivial no fail)Yield: 1, Balgros McMichael says 'To craft Gauntlets of Justice, you must collect one Small Piece of Ore, four Bone Chips, and one Polar Bear Skin. (Smithing Trivial no fail)Yield: 1, Bracer Of Justice:Components: Bracer of Justice Material, Bracer of Justice MoldIn: ForgeThis combine may only be made by Barbarians Have you come to begin some [training]? Complete List of All Everquest Guides (Table of Contents) Pick the expansion that your server is currently on for all of the guides I have. ', Balgros McMichael says 'I can provide you with instructions on how to create a set of beginning [armor], fit for any Shaman of Justice. For any other classes you will add your defense skill divided by 3 and the total amount of SPA 3 and SPA 416 divided by 4 to your ac. Afterwards if your ac is less than 0, set it back to 0 again. Slot type 7:empty, Gauntlets of Justice SPA 397 is essentially just pet AC. Halls of Testing Armor MQs! Ancient tarnished chain armor is dropped randomly in the West Wing (Dragon Faction) inside the Temple of Veeshan. If you are a rogue and you are above level 30 and your 'Functional Agility' is greater than 75 you get AC bonuses! This bonus is equal to your 'Functional Agility' / 20. Luclin Guides are at the bottom of the page . It is convenient to separate armor into three sets: visible, non-visible, and jewellery. Any AC from a guild trophy item you have equipped. (Smithing Trivial no fail)Yield: 1, Legplates Of Justice:Components: Legplates of Justice Material, Legplates of Justice MoldIn: ForgeThis combine may only be made by Barbarians Race: BAR I recently started playing EQ, after having been curious about it for many years. Any AC from a tribute item you have equipped. For the Shaman Thurgadin Armor you'll need to collect Corroded Chain from Kael Drakkel, 3 gems from random velious enemies and bring it all to Terman Underbelly in Thurgadin. You gain experience!! As noted above, Iksar cannot use the shaman kunark armor … MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO TRADE One of the recently discovered races of the world, the Vah Shir do not come from Norrath, but rather the moon of Luclin. They are broken down more easily as an equation than in words: If Agility < 80: ACBonus = (LevelScaler * 1) / 4, If Agility < 85: ACBonus = (LevelScaler * 2) / 4, If Agility < 90: ACBonus = (LevelScaler * 3) / 4, If Agility < 100: ACBonus = (LevelScaler * 4) / 4, If Agility >= 100: ACBonus = (LevelScaler * 5) / 4. Your faction standing with Merchants of Halas got better. Class: SHM Take this Justice Plate Assembly Kit. Dark Basher Armor Quests (Shadowknight) - Not Implemented Spiritcharmers Armor Quests ( Shaman ) - Not Implemented Da Basher Armor Quests ( Warrior ) - Not Implemented Let me know what piece you wish to craft and I will give you instruction. If this 'Reduction Multiplier' is greater than 1.0, set it to 1.0. This calculation differs between silk classes and everyone else and is also the reason why we typically don't include the base value of AC buffs in spell descriptions, because they differ depending on the class that is looking at the buff. Class armor quests are given in Qeynos and Freeport, but are available to characters from all cities. Race: BAR Recommended level of 5 This only happens on the server and is not displayed in the inventory window however. [27] Recommended level of 10 * 2x Velium Transmogrifant Patch for feet, head, and arms. I'm only going to list the values for classes at level 100. The 'AC Soft Cap' is defined in a table for each class at each level. This includes the kunark shaman set, Jaundiced Bone. In stock: Cleric- Chest 5kr, Legs 2kr FULL SET 7kr Warrior- Chest 5kr, Legs 2kr, FULL SET 7kr Monk- Chest 3kr, Legs 1kr, FULL SET 4kr Bard- Legs 2kr Shaman- Chest 3kr, Legs 2kr, FULL SET 5kr Enchanter- Chest 3kr, Legs 1kr, FULL SET 4kr You must provide your own gems! There is some anti-twinking code in place that states that if you are below level 50 and the ac value we've calculated up to this point exceeds 25 + 6 times your level, cap your AC at 25 + 6 times your level. Tier 1 - Ice Woven Armor Progression. Shamans are a strange class in Everquest. Return here for Displayed AC calculation. Now we go back to the amount of 'Shield AC' that was calculated earlier in the function and add that to this newly calculated AC cap. To create the wearable armor pieces, you must simply combine the proper Subsumption / Transmogrificant along with your class specific emblem inside the Muhbis container. The final reward for the quest is a weapon to go along with your new set of armor. Shamans are primarily a magic-using class, able to wear chain armor and wield blunt weapons and spears. Tier 1 - Abstruse Be a part of a thriving community and continue your adventures in the world of Norrath. ', Armplates Of Justice Material:Components: Patch of Gnoll Fur, Polar Bear Skin(2), Small Piece of Ore(2)In: Justice Plate Assembly KitThis combine may only be made by Barbarians Slot: ARMS Race: BAR Approx location: 130, 650. This calculation uses float math so decimals are in play: If your drunkenness value divided by 2 (let's call it 'Value') is greater than 20.0 then you have a 'Reduction Multiplier' equal to 110 minus 'Value' divided by 100.0. WIS: +4 HP: +10 MANA: +15 As a Shaman playing Everquest, your main purpose is to sustain your group and/or raid by providing slows, cures, heals and buffs that can be used on a defensive or aggressive stance. MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO TRADE SPA 259 is primarily obtained through Combat Stability but there is a small additional amount granted via Physical Enhancement. Below the quest walk-through is a shopping list of ingredients you will need to collect to obtain a full set of armor. STA: +5 WIS: +3 HP: +15 MANA: +10 However it's not entirely relevant because this step only occurs if you are an NPC. AC: 14 Your penalty is multiplied by 4 then divided by 3 then multiplied by this 'Penalty Multiplier'. You'll need to make the containers to make the armor pieces each armor slot. Recommended level of 10 One danger are the Snow Orc Troopers. Some pieces are better than others. Alternatively, you may combine the Armor drop with your classes Adorning Agent plus a piece of Sophisticated Unadorned Armor (about 16k plat) inside a Reliquary of Refinement. SV COLD: +5 Mitigation AC: 3413 [Value returned by 'ac compute' function on the server]. Tier 1 - Scale Touched Ally CoV faction required. Tier 1 - Snowbound This is about what you should be wearing, and when: weapons are a different topic, and far more class specific. Bring the three gems and armor piece back and in exchange, you'll receive your reward, experience and faction. 1 - Patch Of Gnoll Fur
Kunark Leveling Guides. DoT, more powerful than that of a druid, but less powerful than that of a necromancer. Now 'EQ Math' comes into play. AC: 7 Now we move onto rogues. Totemic armor quests are all soloable at your level. The way this is calculated is as follows: If your total weight is less than your (Hard Cap - 1) then your bonus starts out as (your level + 5). Alternatively, you may combine the Armor drop with your classes Adorning Agent plus a piece of Sophisticated Unadorned Armor (about 16k plat) inside a Reliquary of Refinement. Think of the 'Computed Defense' as 'Avoidance AC', it is basically how hard it is to land a hit on you. Both of these items can be purchased from Sagacious Great Jade in Stratos: Zephyr's Flight. Group Gear-=- Group Armor -=- Raid Gear-=- Raid Armor For help creating Call of the Forsaken armor, please refer to our Creating Armor page! Your faction standing with Ebon Mask got worse. As a Shaman playing Everquest, your main purpose is to sustain your group and/or raid by providing slows, cures, heals and buffs that can be used on a defensive or aggressive stance. Once you have combined these items in your Assembly Kit, take the Gauntlets of Justice Material to a forge along with this mold to create your new gauntlets. … WT: 1.5 Size: MEDIUM Velious Everquest Farming Locations. Class: SHM Terman Underbelly is found in the southeastern portion of central Thurgadin. That was the last thing that the player facing calculation does, so you can return the step18 value to the 'Displayed AC Value' function and you should get the same number you see in your inventory window if all of the math was done right. Please note that while the bracers are not lore, the bracer materials often are, so make your first bracer before you do the combine to get the material for a second one. You say, 'Hail, Kanleku Grabboz' Recommended level of 5 Does anyone have advice and tips for playing one? When you turn in the four Wrath Orc Wristbands, he says: Balgros McMichael says 'You have done well and learned much during your training. Helm As an equation: After that occurs the AC bonus is multiplied by 4 and divided by 3, because 'EQ Math'. Bring the three gems and armor piece back and in exchange, you'll receive your reward, experience and faction. To craft your Helm of Justice, you will need two Small Piece of Ore, one Gnoll Pup Scalp, and two Bone Chips. Your faction standing with Coalition of Tradefolk Underground got worse. STR: +1 HP: +5 MANA: +5 While you may think of this number as 'Real AC', it is more accurate to say that it is your 'Mitigation AC' while your 'Displayed AC' is more of an obfuscated incomplete calculation. To create the Thurgadin, Kael, and Skyshrine class armor, you must collect a few Velious gems (Dropped) and a Armor Component (Dropped). Each combination of those two data points has a 'Soft Cap' and a 'Post Cap Multiplier'. Like, what's good to do, what's best to avoid, and just how to play the class in general. Once you have combined these items in your Assembly Kit, take this Breastplate of Justice Material to a forge along with this mold to create your new breastplate. Once you have completed your breastplate, I have another [task] for you should you feel ready. Find four Wrath Orc Wristband from the Snow Orcs in Everfrost and hand them to me. The Shaman gear hypothesis . This will result in a completed wearable piece of armor for your class!. ', Helm Of Justice Material:Components: Bone Chips(2), Gnoll Pup Scalp, Small Piece of Ore(2)In: Justice Plate Assembly KitThis combine may only be made by Barbarians For reference, rank 18 of Sturdy Companion offers 3800 points of this SPA. Slot: HEAD (Smithing Trivial no fail)Yield: 1, Balgros McMichael says 'To craft Armplates of Justice, collect two Small Piece of Ore, two Polar Bear Skin, and one Patch of Gnoll Fur. What that looks like as an equation is: (1000 * (ACSum + ComputedDefense)) / (350 + 497). May The Tribunal watch over you, _____.'. Everquest Quest Information for Shaman Abysmal Armor. You might notice in Plane of War that NPCs innately mitigate melee slightly better than in other zones. Based on your class you would take the Cap value then multiply it by the total amount of SPA 259 that you have, divide by 100 then add that back to the cap value. Displayed AC: 10480 [Value displayed in inventory window], 5470 AC from all items in inventory window, 350 base shield ac + 31 shield ac from heroic strength, Armor of Wisdom rank 18 for pal/sk: 7423 + (620/4) = 7578, Rank 50 of Hero's Fortitude: 7578 + (500/4) = 7703. In equation form: Now we've successfully calculated your 'Computed Defense' value, we're halfway there (kinda)! Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 37 Slot: FEET Race: BAR Race: BAR I'll point out each location where these numbers diverge as we get to them. Your reduction is equal to your current weight minus your soft cap multiplied by 6.66667, this reduction is capped at 100.0 then your reduction is set equal to 100 minus reduction divided by 100. Your faction standing with Circle Of Unseen Hands got worse. Shaman is the one priest I seem to have difficulty wrapping my brain around as a character. Umbrae Blood Mail (Armor Set) (37) - Deathfist Citadel mastercrafted shaman set Unseen Magics (Armor Set) (67) - Quest rewards from Cloud Mount Timeline Doomseer (Armor Set) (67) - complete set drops from Named Monsters in the The Laboratory of Lord Vyemm earned it. Your 'AC Sum' is calculated with all of the following: Step2 = Sum of all of the AC stat on every piece of gear you can see in you inventory (not ammo slot. We're going to start doing things with the numbers that I don't have real answers for, but this is what happens. Unsure what class to play, i have played several classes to 51 to get a feel for their playstyle. Shaman have damage-over-time spells, a.k.a. The shaman is billed as an offensive-minded cleric according to the documentation, but that's really the druid's role. Stats for the final pieces are below the shopping list at the end of all of that, either penalty! In addition to buffs there is a shopping list at the end of all of these in... Value that is a suitable upgrade from Timorous Deep armor tribute item you have.. 2X Velium Transmogrifant Patch for chest.. for example blunt weapons and spears 's. 21 releases basically how hard it is to Land a hit on you 3800 of. 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Was last edited on 28 March 2018, at 21:43 everquest shaman armor while Druids will healing... 'Penalty Multiplier ' then multiplied by this 'Penalty Multiplier ' to collect to obtain a full set of.. Diverge as we get to them in general class at each level of Tradefolk got! The West Wing ( Dragon faction ) inside the Temple of Veeshan is defined your! Blunt weapons and spears occur with each division only going to start with and Shaman will now healing... Each combination of those two data points has a distinctive look, and jewellery class, able to wear armor...