When … The Dutch Defense is a Queen’s Pawn Opening beginning with the moves 1. d4 f5. One combative approach is the pawn sacrifice 2. Sign up today to receive your FREE Move-by-Move Guide to Chess Thinking pdf! Nfe5 c5, the “bad” bishop isn’t so bad after all since the long diagonal will likely open up, and the game is roughly equal. 0-0 Bd7, white often plays 7. b3: This is a common plan against the “Stonewall” pawn structure. Bf4 Bf4 11. gf4 Qh6 12. e3 Ndf6 13. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. 0-0-0 Bh6+ 11. f4 0-0. Don’t forget to sign up in the box below – I’ll send you a free “Move by Move Guide to Chess Thinking” and make sure you never miss new content. Chess Games – Dutch Defense: Stonewall. Nc2 b6 12. This gives Black a great amount of space and control of e4, at the expense of a certain weakness of the dark-squares. The Dutch Defense is a very active defense in chess against the Queen pawn opening. Quick Jump Package gives you a solid foundation.You save $50.-(Discount!) Black has scored quite well in this line! Qa3 Rfd8 20. cb5 cb5 21. A possible example is 1. d4 f5 2. g3 Nf6 3. This defence creates a very tactical and dynamic game for both sides of the board, and is definitely one of the more tactical and aggressive replies to the Queen's pawn opening from white. Flip Board: Press F-Key (or click e7 or d2 on top) Select a game: Click on grey bar. Black’s main idea here is to just play a simple pawn structure and develop its pieces naturally. Thanks for reading! A possible example is 1. d4 f5 2. g3 Nf6 3. This fianchetto set-up from white is quite popular against the Dutch Defense. These cookies do not store any personal information. Get Beginners Package. What you will learn: The Stonewall Dutch including and excluding b6 … Additionally, unlike other Dutch Defense Courses, you will have the opportunity to learn in-depth about every important Dutch variation, which you can use to decide what kind of Dutch player, you want to be! The Chess Tempo Chess Database provides over two million searchable chess games. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Bg2 e6 4. With the move f5 Black wants to control e4 to place a knight there later on in the game. However the Dutch is seldom played in top level chess nowadays as it is suspected to be not quite sound. While this DVD covers most of the best lines for black, FM Valeri Lilov explores in more detail the Classical Stonewall with Be7, as well as the Modern Stonewall with Bd6. Dutch Defense. Nce1! But black has permanently weakened the e5 square, which could find itself home to a white knight later in the game. 1.d4 f5 2.e4 fxe4 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Bg5 Leningrad System. Please wait for the Games to be Loaded from our Database. (called: Fianchetto). The Stonewall variation is the safest option in the Dutch Defense and the simplest to play. Chess Courses and Packages created by Grandmaster Smirnov!These
How to beat the Dutch (as White) (Bird) Chess Opening? Dutch Defense: Stonewall. If you’re looking for a hard-fought battle, the Dutch Defense might be for you. This chess opening is playable for Black, but it is very static and not played at top level chess. But this opening move weakens the black kingside and does not develop a piece. Black stops white from expanding on the queenside with b4, and intends to head for the weakened c5 square with their knight. Qd4 Ng6 7. Black may try to rectify this with the maneuver …Bd7-e8-h5 in the middlegame, but this takes three moves! In this article, we’ll examine some of the popular continuations and variations of the Dutch Defense and consider options for both players. Ng3 g6 10. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The main ones are the Stonewall, the Classical and the Leningrad. Modern Variation Gruenfeld vs Carlos Torre, 1925 (A90) Dutch, 13 moves, 0-1. Explores the Dutch Defence opening (ECO A94). In the Stonewall variation of the Dutch Defense, black plays …d5 in the opening and secures a tight grip of the e4 square. 1. d4 f5. Dutch Defense: General G Abramovic vs Botvinnik, 1924 (A80) Dutch, 17 moves, 0-1. Nc3. Bxf6 exf6 8. Dutch Defense: Stonewall, Botvinnik Variation - Chess Openings - Chess.com Play You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. After 6. The following line is quite instructive: 8…a5 9. In order to avoid complication in the center black usually locks it up early in the game. The Dutch Defense is an exciting opening where black breaks the symmetry from move one. Nf3 d5 5. c4 c6 The Modernised Stonewall Defence Grandmaster Milos Pavlovic was born in Belgrade in 1964 and was Yugoslav Champion in 2002. Nf3 d6 7. Modern Variation Efim Bogoljubov vs Jacques Mieses. Nevertheless, many strong players including Alexander Alekhine, Bent Larsen […] Qc2 Ne4 9. After 14. Black can’t prevent white from establishing a knight on e5, but has used the meantime to finish up development. 0-0 Qe8. Dutch Defense: Classical. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Nc3 Nbd7 8. The Dutch Defence in general creates a very dynamic and tactical game for both sides of the board … Posted by editors on Feb 19, 2013 in Chess Tactics Videos | 48 comments. Beginner Package (3 in 1)
Ba3 Bxa3 10. "For a long time, the Stonewall Variation of the Dutch Defense had the reputation of being positionally suspect. The Dutch is the first opening I learned against 1.d4, always thanks to a Chessbase DVD … It’s also an extremely effective chess opening for black against 1. d4 – representing a solid system that is very difficult for white to crack. After the exchange of bishops, white embarks on a long journey to bring the queenside knight to d3, where it eyes the weakened e5 square. From g7, this bishop will not only be a good defender of the king, but also an active piece on the long diagonal. Enter your email address to sign up for free! The Dutch Defence is a closed chess opening. 1. d4 f5. Get High Quality Chess Courses created by Grandmaster Smirnov. Give me 21 Days and I'll Show You How to Become a Dramatically Better Chess Player...Guaranteed! Click arrow circle under board to flip board. White is trying to exchange off black’s good bishop by playing Ba3, leaving black with only the “bad” bishop on c8. In the mid-nineties, grandmaster Yusupov became interested in the Stonewall. It is ideal for beginners to the game and is very simple to understand as well. The Stonewall is a system; White heads for a very specific pawn formation, rather than trying to memorize long lines of different variations. Updated 28/08/2019. Modern Stonewall Dutch This is a chess defense for Black versus 1.d4. White tries to open up the center with e2-e4 or d4-d5 and combines this with an attack at the queenside. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Black looks to control the e4-square while completely unbalancing the position. Chess Lesson: The Dutch Defence – Stonewall Variation. Now that black has castled, the dark-squared bishop can drop back to the long diagonal and kick away the white queen with …Bg7 in the near future. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The g2 bishop helps protect white’s king against black’s possible kingside aggression, and this bishop would possible be blunted by the f5 pawn if it were instead to develop to d3. - Click Here! In the Dutch Defence Back’s aim from the start is an asymmetrical position so as to disturb the balance and to aim for tactical chances in the middlegame. In the Leningrad variation of the Dutch Defense, black fianchettos the dark-squared bishop. A92 - Dutch, stonewall variation: 1. d4 f5 2. c4 Nf6 3. g3 e6 4. Dutch was never a super popular opening especially on the top level. The Dutch Defense remains a popular option for players who want to play aggressively. Stonewall Variation Keene vs J B Howson, 1965 (A95) Dutch, Stonewall, 35 moves, 1-0. While exposing the “King’s Short diagonal” by moving the f-pawn so early may seem to be a violation of Opening Principles, black may hope to seek a kingside attack later in the game with the help of this pawn. Black prepares to play …e5, when they will have a menacing kingside pawn mass. It starts with the moves: Stonewall Variation See above – Black should try to activate his dead bishop on c8 and play it to h5 and exchange it, or place it to b7 and then prepare the c-pawn push to c5. The Dutch Defence 1.d4 f5 is a Chess SetUp for Black versus 1.d4. A93: Dutch Defence: Stonewall, Botvinnik Variation: 1.d4 f5 2.c4 Nf6 3.g3 e6 4.Bg2 Be7 5.Nf3 O-O 6.O-O d5 7.b3 Explores a couple of attacking chess games in the the Dutch Defence Stonewall variation opening (ECO A95). A84 - Dutch defence, Rubinstein variation: 1. d4 f5 2. c4 e6 3. Nxe4 f5 9. 1.d4 f5 2.c4 Nf6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.Nf3 O-O White also has other ways to take on the Dutch Defense. In the Stonewall variation of the Dutch Defense, black plays …d5 in the opening and secures a tight grip of the e4 square. Dutch defense is a great attacking opening choice where black prepares king’s side attack from move one. Dutch Defense: Stonewall Variation - Chess Openings - Chess.com The Stonewall Dutch is a setup where Black creates pawn "teeth" in the center on the light squares f5, e6, d5, and c6. Search the chess games database, download games, view frequent practitioners and browse the Opening Explorer Actually the Stonewall system can be used against any chess opening other than 1.e4 and it is also an easy to learn system that does not require memorizing plays as with other openings or defenses. Stonewall Variation Keene vs R Bellin, 1981 Bg2 Be7 5. This idea will be combined with an attack on the white king at the kingside. Leningrad 1.d4 f5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 g6 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.0-0 0-0 6.c4 d6 7.Nc3 Nc6 Dutch Defense: Classical. The game may proceed 1. d4 f5 2. c4 Nf6 3. g3 g6 4. You can see who to move on color at right corner of Table at bottom. Black just plays the very specific pawn formation and develops the pieces rather than trying to memorize long lines of different variations Bg2 Bg7 5. Later on in the chess game, black will look to future his attack on white’s kingside. O-O d5. Rad1 b5 18. Previous position Dutch Defense. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Qb2 O-O 19. Chess Courses of condensed Chess Knowledge will quickly turn a weak Player into an Expert! Dutch Defense: Stonewall. jrobichess Opening Dutch defence Stonewall variation Explores the Dutch Defence opening (ECO A94). Press F11 to load the next Game. The drawback in this variation of Dutch Defense: an important weakness on e5 (notice f and d pawns are already advanced, so, they will not be able to control that square). 4…e6 is covered in the video above – the resulting position bears a surprising resemblance to a line of the French Defense! In any case, the game remains highly imbalanced! Modern Variation Bogoljubov vs Tartakower, 1924 (A90) Dutch, 65 moves, 1-0. 1929 Grandmaster Mackenzie Molner analyzes the Polish immortal where Miguel Najdorf plays the Dutch opening against mistery man Glucksberg. However, the advance of the f-pawn slightly weakens the king’s position which can become a weakness after castling short. Nc3 0-0 6. He is a well known theoretician specialising in opening theory and has written many chess books and magazine articles. Some top chess players have played it in earlier times like Alexander Alekhine, Bent Larsen and Paul Morphy. Ne5 Nd7 14. If White puts up the Stonewall formationit is called the Stonewall Attack, regardless of how Black chooses to defend against it. Black immediately creates an imbalance in the position and takes the important e4 square under control. Chess Openings – Ultimate Guide to the Openings of Chess, Sign up today to receive FREE chess guidance from a National Master. Dutch Opening, Stonewall Variation , approx. (A99) Dutch, Ilyin-Genevsky Variation with b3, 29 moves, 0-1. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Both sides have some alternative options – for example, sometimes black will play 8…Na6 immediately without playing …a5, and sometimes black will spend a tempo to play …c6 earlier in the game to discourage white from playing d5. 1. d4 f5 2. g3 Nf6 3. It is true that Mikhail Botvinnik, in his youth, included the variation in his opening repertoire; but he later rejected it out of hand. Nf3 d5 5. The Dutch defence (or rather counter-attack) is much easier to play if you can confidently meet 1.d4 with 1...e6, but that's only an option if you don't fear 2.e4. Study the Dutch Defense: Stonewall, Botvinnik Variation Opening with free tools and analysis. Black's 1...f5 stakes a claim to the e4-square and envisions an attack in the middlegame on White's kingside; however, it also weakens Black's kingside some (especially the e8–h5 diagonal). Black’s light-squared bishop is also heavily restricted by all of black’s central pawns. The Stonewall Defense: Stomping White with Dutch Defense Stomping White with the Stonewall Defense – GM Eugene Perelshteyn. The Stonewall Defense is a variation of the popular Dutch Defense. Nxa3 0-0 11. The Dutch Defence is a chess opening characterised by the moves: . Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Dutch Defense: Leningrad Variation S … There are several ways for Black to arrange their pieces and pawns in the Dutch Defence. jrobichess Opening Dutch defence Stonewall variation. The Stonewall variation is the safest bet for players playing the Dutch Defence. It was played in the 1951 championship match between Mikhail Botvinnik and David Bronstein. O-O Bd6 6. c4 c6 7. The Leningrad Dutch. Kh1 Qf6 10. Nf3 O-O 6. Chess Database Usage. For the moment my theory is that the Dutch Stonewall declined in popularity because the French defence did the same. After 7…Qe7, white can renew the threat of exchanging bishops with 8. a4. The main move is 4…Nc6, and the game may continue 5. d5 Ne5 6. Use the Dutch defence as a surprize weapon as it is not quite sound and not played at top level chess. Qa6 Qh5 22. And it often leads to blocked and unflexible positions. This set up is not very flexible for Black, but Black will not get overrun at the kingside because it is highly unlikely that White will be able to organize a kingside attack due to the blocked pawn structure f5,e6,d5. The database can be searched via many criteria, including chess players, chess opening, player ratings, game result, and the year the chess game was played. Most popular in the beginning was the Stonewall variation (see above), but the Leningrad Dutch variation has become more popular nowadays where Black plays his bishop to g7. It’s nice to be able to control the e4 square (which could find itself home to a black knight after a later …Ne4), and black could seek to use their space to seek a kingside attack. Both sides will have their chances in the dynamic positions that result. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Bb7 13. Privacy Policy | Website by anchorsdesign.com. It is solid, but inflexible because the pawns in the center are more or less fixed. The Dutch Defense in chess is defined by movements 1.d4 f5 and its simplest variant, the Stonewall system, can be used by beginners to respond to queen's pawn opening 1.d4. Here, white often discourages black from playing …e5 with 8. d5 (intending to take en-passant if black plays 8…e5), but now black can change plans and play 8…a5. Nf3 d5 5. c4 c6. The other variations will be covered in future posts, but this time we will look at the basics of the Leningrad Variation. White threatens to regain the pawn by exchanging off the f6 knight and recapturing on e4. Rg1 Ne5 15. de5 Nc3 16. bc3 Bd7 17. 1.d4 f5 Staunton Gambit. Nd3 Na6. (called: Fianchetto) Some top chess players have played it in earlier times like Alexander Alekhine, Bent Larsen and Paul Morphy. Most popular in the beginning was the Stonewall variation (see above), but the Leningrad Dutch variation has become more popular nowadays where Black plays his bishop to g7. Black’s rigid pawn structure has advantages and disadvantages. Bg2 e6 4. Bg2 e6 4. e4!? The Stonewall Attack is a chess opening characterized by White (generally) playing their pawns to d4 and e3, playing Bd3, Nd2, and then playing pawns to c3 and then f4; although the moves are not always played in that order (see transposition). Belgrade in 1964 and was Yugoslav Champion in 2002 also have the option to of! Is the safest bet for players who want to play the e4-square while completely unbalancing the position center black locks! You will learn: the Dutch Defense: Stomping white with Dutch Defense: Stomping white with Dutch.... Open up the center with e2-e4 or d4-d5 and combines this with the Stonewall variation of the Leningrad variation Bird! 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