A Meeting of Minds, After the Maximals returned to Cybertron, Blackarachia was trying to persuade Silverbolt that it was all right for them to resume their romance after Megatron's apparent death, when they were attacked by a strange zombie-like creature. Motorarm Chapter, Following the Great Transformation, Blackarachnia and the other surviving Maximals listened to Cheetor explain that Rhinox's spark was not gone for good, but lost in another universe. Beast Wars Sourcebook #1, In Primax 208.06 Zeta, the machinations of the Starscream from Primax 206.15 Gamma resulted in the local Predacons defeating the Maximals, prompting the Vok to attempt to sterilize their experiment. Two megacycles later, the army of the Resistance was still fighting to survive in the ruins of the High Pavilion. To view the various feats Blackarachnia can accomplish throughout gameplay in Predacon Mode, it is told on the. Tangled Web, When Dinobot attempted to defect back to the Predacons, Blackarachnia suggested he prove himself by fighting with Quickstrike. ITEMS FROM A NON Smoking, and PET FREE HOME! Optimus Primal, resurrected by Primus, arrived to rescue the prisoners of the Cauldron, and with help from Silverbolt and Trailbreaker, its captives were set free. All hope of shutting the Vehicons down was lost. To her shock, they discovered that the mastermind behind the cleansing of Cybertron was none other than Megatron. Hidetoshi Nakamur… Figure is complete with instructions in excellent shape, and may have only very minor play/storage wear. Blackarachnia was irritated by Rattrap's uselessness, but Cheetor asserted that they had to cover for their friend. It wasn't, and so it was "sidelined". Eventually, Silverbolt convinces her to defect to the Maximals but she never truly reforms - once back on Cybertron, she works as a double-agent between the Maximal and Tripre… Forbidden Fruit After another mission was fouled up by Rattrap's antics during Optimus's convalescence from reformatting Nightscream, the remaining Maximals discussed what they needed to do about Rattrap. While the other Maximals went to get a mole drone, Blackarachnia stayed behind to look after Nightscream, only to be infected by him and temporarily lose her own sanity. Safe Spaces. Transformers Beast Wars Transmetals Optimus Primal Maximal Action Figure Loose ... Transformers War for Cybertron Kingdom Deluxe Cheetor Warpath Blackarachnia Trex. Following the Quantum surge, Blackarachnia was one of the few Transformers not to be upgraded into a Transmetal. Lio Convoy was prepared to activate their last K-Class, Ro-Tor, and destroy the entire planet to stop the Vehicons when Administrator Eject arrived with intelligence on the Vehicons' home base, the Grand Mal of Nova Cronum. He often clashes with f… Unlike most characters, however, her design underwent the smallest change. Transformers Beast Wars Beast Generations Mook Review. Fallout Blackarachnia and Nightscream tried unsuccessfully to infiltrate the head. 63, A native of Eukaris, Blackarachnia was a member of the Fateweaver tribe, a small group of Transformers who specialized in the art of prophecy and fortune-telling. She sneaked off to the spaceport to consult the records of their arrival and was followed by Rattrap. Silverbolt and Blackarachnia were successfully able to fend Cybertropolis from Quintesson invaders. Ain't No Rat, They awoke, affected by a Transwarp agitator planted on the shuttle by a new team of Predacons hiding on Earth. Only Cheetor, Dinobot II, and Blackarachnia were explicitly described as Transmetals 2. Under his tender ministrations, her spark was transferred from her Lowtech body into that of her Transcendent Technomorph counterpart, with the authorities of Axiom Nexus none the wiser. Other Voices, Part 1 As Tarantulas worked to turn the stasis pod into an escape ship, Blackarachnia turned on him, intending to use the pod herself. He is the leader of the Predacons in Beast Wars and later of the Vehicons in Beast Machines. ">Sorry no refunds, so please feel free to ask questions before purchasing or bidding if … Together, the two battled an alien plant monster only to have it join the Maximals, fought two new Vehicons, and went up against strange zombies created by Megatron's depolarized Spark. Distraught, Silverbolt took off to avenge her death, blinded by rage. After Silverbolt inadvertently spread a new, Megatron-enhanced version of the old Hate Plague, causing dissension in the ranks, he blamed himself, but she and the other Maximals were supportive. Survivor When Tankor gained control of the Key to Vector Sigma and "infected" Nightscream and the new orchard with the Key, Blackarachnia quickly found that the organic goop they'd just discovered was a cure to the technomatter. Posted on November 14, 2019 at 12:54 pm by Black Convoy under Beast Wars, Transformers Masterpiece. Actually I was expecting Tigerhawk since the check for this one (well, eCheck) cleared only three days ago. Trying a different tactic, Lio Convoy claimed to have seen the light, and expressed a desire to join his "brother". Bonus Edition Vol. With harmony restored, Silverbolt and Blackarachnia were finally able to be together. Often pessimistic and sarcastic, Rattrap is usually a survivalist, even though he always believes the Maximals are going to die. Rampage admitted that he liked her new look, but tried to kill her just the same. Forbidden Fruit Later, the group stumbled across one of Megatron's many Transformer junkyards, where the lifeless, Sparkless bodies of the cities were disposed of. However, they were both felled during battle by Obsidian and Thrust, respectively. The Autumn Megatron Festival Among his visions of things to come, Alpha Trion foresaw that something would happen to Blackarachnia. Eduaro … She intended to arrive on Earth, but instead found herself drawn back to Cybertron due to a unique but powerful energy matrix of Terran design she detected. Working by moonlight, Blackarachnia posed as a double agent. The Agenda (Part III)which included herself. Tarantulas was able to force her to take his body with her as she left the base. Terminus, Shortly after Cybertron underwent the Great Transformation, the Quintessons seized the opportunity to attack, believing that the revolutionary change would have rendered the planets' inhabitants confused and docile. Wataru Takagi- Cheetor 8. She often pondered what would have happened if she had remained on the Predacon team throughout the war. When Tarantulas discover that removal process of her core consciousness, the Predacon launch an attack on the … $5.00 shipping. After she experiments with the Transmetal Driver, Blackarachnia's core consciousness begins to crash. Still possessing her extrasensory Transmetal 2 powers including telekinesis, Blackarachnia gained several additional weapons courtesy of her new form: a long-range Venom Sniper Gun that fired system-disrupting energy bullets, a defensive riot shield that projected an electromagnetic field from its edge, and the ability to fire strong artificial webs from her grill, exhaust pipe and hands in robot mode. Their bestial natures ensued in conflict till Carly was able evolve via the Psychedevice and use her new abilities to cure both Transformers' mental issues. Blackarachnia suggested killing him outright, but Wolfang insisted on trying to arrest him. In reality, this was merely a ruse she utilized in order to lure unwitting Maximals into her darkened den, where she first paralyzed her victim with a poisonous missile. As Blackarachnia protested, she was silenced by Tankor, one of their hosts. After an argument between the pair, where Blackarachnia was enraged that Silverbolt thought she'd really been striking a deal with Dinobot instead of trying to con the villain, Optimus arrived to point out that the decision to remove the program had always been up to her. A Better Mousetrap When Scorponok's virus turned Optimus Primal into a berserker and he invaded the Predacon base, Blackarachnia and Terrorsaur battled the other Maximals as they also tried to gain entry. Condition: Unopened in original packaging- package shows some wear from storage, plastic blister shows discoloration from age (see pics). She's got eight legs, and she knows how to use them. Bad Spark, When the Predacons attacked the valley of proto-humans, Blackarachnia was teamed with Inferno. Usually You receive item that is in the photos. I ship in Mondays, Wednesdays, & Fridays. Home Soil, The Maximals would soon encounter two new Vehicon generals, Obsidian and Strika, whose gambit almost defeated them until Botanica stepped in. Many of the Beast Warriors born from those lost stasis pods had been transmetallised in neutero, though geographic interference prevented some from ever mutating to such a state. He returned, but just for a moment. Please ask questions before buying as all sales are final. By the climax of Season 2, circumstance leaves her no choice but to throw her lot in with the Maximals and reluctantly join them. Blackarachnia is a hidden playable character in the Transformers: Beast Wars Transmetals video game. Sometimes she is previously known as White Propionica, and sometimes she utilizes the aliases Venus or Elita. As they did, Blackarachnia confided to Rattrap that she'd found Silverbolt increasingly cold towards her. Blackarachnia grabbed the alien Golden Disk. 14 She would attend the unveiling of Tera-Kura's latest product, the Nightbird Shadow ninja maid robot. Seeking more power, Blackarachnia attempted to use the Transmetal driver on herself. The Agenda (Part III), Unfortunately for Megatron, Blackarachnia had originally been a Maximal protoform, and certainly wasn't willing to die for his cause. Another notable change is that, while still a strong female character, she was made less independent and was occasionally prone to, Character and fiction information for the cancelled BT-16 "Blackwidow" toy finally emerged in late 2007 with the release of. Beast Wars Kōichi Tōchika- Tigatron, Tigerhawk 9. With a heavy heart, Blackarachnia used her mandible-blaster to shoot Lio Convoy with cyber-venom before he too succumbed to the plague. She then proceeded to restrain her victim with her powerful legs, and subsequently sucked their life force dry... kinky. Double Jeopardy, She was soon assigned to a mission with Terrorsaur and Waspinator to dig under the Maximal base and use a sonic emitter she had invented to blow a hole into the bottom. In search of something to make a power link, Blackarachnia grabbed Rattrap's tail-whip, snipping off the end and repurposing it as a power cable. Their greeting was interrupted by a series of what appeared to be fireworks. Kappei Yamaguchi- Rattrap 3. Universe CD-ROM. Blackarachnia Kingdom junto a su caballero medieval Silverbolt, y Cheetor Transmetal. Everybody Hates Metroplex. Destroying Galva Convoy didn't stop the Vehicons, unfortunately. When Sparks Fly. Wolfang found her and threatened to arrest her, but Blackarachnia countered, stating that she could end his life with a single anonymous transmission. Not in the mood, she immediately kicked his head off. Blackarachnia was killed when Megatron tricked her into destroying the Vok weapon while she was trying to escape Earth. Silverbolt refused a direct order from Optimus to shoot her, allowing her to leave and tail Waspinator instead. As they built their escape ship, he installed his own variant on the design, making it inescapable once sealed and in space. Despite lacking the vehicle modes of the previous Transme… Apocalypse, After Nightscream was snatched away by the Vehicons, the other Maximals gave pursuit. Not long afterwards, Blackarachnia assembled representatives from all four of Eukaris's tribes at the planet's spacebridge, where they encountered Cybertronian representative Rattrap. As they tried to "negotiate" the Assembly into surrendering, the Vehicon hordes finally reached Iacon. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/30Outlier Blackarachnia, however, was forced by Unicron to aid him in his efforts to destroy the Matrix of Leadership. She later joined the Maximals in Beast Wars … Federico Romano- Dinobot(Dinobot) 6. When she and Megatron came upon Fractyl, he had retrieved the armor, and was sending a small group of Maximals fleeing. Something about his heroic demeanor and the kindness he shows her makes her uneasy. Tarantulas, watching a black widow fight and devour another spider, was inspired. Their shared CNA allowed him to pass the infection into Galva Convoy with a touch. He threatened to terminate Blackarachnia, but she talked her way out of it by pointing out the simple fact that Megatron's stock of troops was sorely depleted. Windblade vol. When the Autobot shuttle crashed on Cybertron and the Maximal team was gassed, Blackarachnia's Transmetal 2 powers were stripped away from her, as were her memories. Takehito Koyasu- Optimus Primal (Convoy), Vok 2. At the start of the next Games, Blackarachnia and her team of rebels (B'Boom, Scylla, Break, Longhorn, and Retrax) stormed the stadium and overcame the Builder Override. Beast Wars Metals #1, She later teamed with Tarantulas in confronting Tigatron. Other Voices, Part 2, While attempting to escape from the Maximal base, Blackarachnia was shocked to discover that her earlier interfacing with Taratulas had resulted in a permanent mind-link between the two of them. Their crews assume indigenous animal forms to protect themselves from an overabundance of natural energy, transforming into robots to do battle. With the cyber raptors defeated, she informed Cheetor that he was a nice kid - which were two strikes against him, so don't go looking for strike three. Instead, they found themselves in another Cybertron, in Axiom Nexus. Blackarachnia led the successful siege on Fort Xern. The Search The Maximals attempted to infiltrate the Grand Mal to find the missing sparks, only to discover that Megatron was using them to fuel his great ascension. 1. Blackarachnia temporarily fled to avoid the PSP, later intending to meet Wolfang back at the Spark of Genius. Widow's Edge, While forced to act as a Decepticon, Blackarachnia's true self remained intact but submerged, struggling to overcome Unicron's control and desperate to correct the warped Binaltech timeline. "Beast Wars 10th Anniversary" version of Tarantulas, https://transformers.fandom.com/wiki/Blackarachnia_(BW)?oldid=479743, Blackarachnia was the first transformer on the show to purposefully upgrade themselves, and the only one to ever intentionally use. He was unaware that she also wanted to get done quick as she had to go work at said bar. Fighting a passionate Waspinator, the goo vanished from the both of them, and the Vehicon's minds both returned. Other Visits (Part 1) Though Blackarachnia was rendered unconscious by a blast from the alien construct that appeared, she was reactivated when Megatron took control of the construct and brought the other Predacons aboard. Beast Wars Transmetal Blackarachnia Proving Grounds, When Megatron attempted to fire his new disruptor cannon on the Maximal base, the Maximals prepared for the worst, but the cannon blew up instead. Blackarachnia's original Beast Wars card art has her wearing a spike-studded collar, while her chest seems to be leopard-spotted. Reluctantly, she agreed. I want to tell you about the Transformers! Confused, but seeing no further use for the Maximals, Blackarachnia left the base. Unfortunately they were too late to ensure the protoform obtained an arachnid beast mode, and Inferno was born. 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