I added some bevelling and a drop shadow, but it’s consistent throughout the duration of the layer. When I import my Photoshop file into After Effects, the blending options I used on the layers (like drop shadow, stroke, etc) disappear, but they do show up when I view the composition file. I'm trying to change my blending mode on After Effects CC 2015, but I have no options on certain layers. In this example, he used a mask to disappear behind a lamp. First of all, if you have autosave turned on, then yes, there is an autosave feature in AE. Just to be clear, all of these are supposed to be visible and they are when I play the sequence back, but not in the comp window while working. Advanced Shape Layer Techniques in After Effects How to properly us shape groups in After Effects Alpha mattes and precomps can be useful tools for increasing the complexity of an animation or … 1.) BUT, when I hit the space bar, it plays back perfectly just how I made it. So if you're new to after effects you'll get lost this one way probably loads to get started … ;~) In other words, no worries of wasting anyone’s time … I think most forum users understand the torment AE can inflict and agree that the important things are to solve issues, finish good projects and post solutions so others can save the time you lost … in that order. 3. Download and install any missing fonts. I don’t now that it’ll be any of these, but when I’ve had a layer just mysteriously disappear for one frame even though I had no opacity or other keyframes at that point in time, it has most often turned out to be one of these three things: [1] If there were 3D layers in the comp, something about the placement of the layer that was disappearing caused it to briefly disappear into the 3D abyss. If you want to use the sample file beyond this tutorial, you can purchase … In this class, you’ll learn how to transform your 2D artwork into the 3rd dimension inside After Effects. GEOlayers … [2] I think this one has been resolved in newer versions of AE, but in older versions it was very common to have to switch between the “Standard” and “Advanced” renderers in the composition settings window when working with 3D layers in order to prevent 3D layers from doing weird things as they interacted with each other (like completely disappearing for one frame). I’m still not sure why the 12 file doesn’t have the stripes (when I look at that layer is it just black), because when I open it in AI it does, but I think I can figure it out from here, and it will be easier then delving into my 3D layers when that obviously wasn’t the problem. All the action is visible either by playing back or by scrubbing through…. I’ve tried reordering the layers, bringing in a second stripe layer, double-checked that there are no keyframes anywhere in the comp at the point that the stripes disappear, totally deleting ALL layers above the stripes… I’m at a loss. The peer to peer support community for media production professionals. We can also create full animation using audio and video clips by … 1) I do in fact, have 3D layers, but I’ve tried turning off their visibility and the stripes still don’t appear. Thanks for your reply… here are my results…. Two of my vectors resized after doing that (not sure why). Drag the clip into Adobe After Effects Timeline 2.) Open your file in After Effects, and in the Project window type ‘missing’ into the search window. 2. Layer Groups is offered through aescripts + aeplugins for $44.99. Edit this file. Active camera is set in preview window, so its not front view thing. If so, it sounds like there is a 3D conflict going on, more than likely. Just for grins, I’d try refreshing AE’s interpretation of that 12 file by replacing it with with the same file. This is certainly strange. Step 1: Select the layer you’d like to mask. After re-reading your first post, I did misunderstand about the single frame thing so it initially sounded like the 3D conflict Steve mentions, which is a clearer way of saying what I was getting at. There's a video tutorial on the Adobe After Effects' Learn & Support page that also teaches you how to Easily find missing footage, fonts, and effects. 1. Reply to this Discussion! If you’re having this problem, check your layer styles. Better yet, re-import it and replace it in the comp (select the layer, hold ALT & drag it in). The effect is that layers further down in the stack seem to disappear as layers that may be further back in Z-space are being brought to the front as if they were a nested pre-comp laid on top. Creating animation with 3D layers is the same process as with 2D layers. I’ve rendered out my project, shut down AE, restarted my computer, and it does the same thing. It's just the grfx. - Adobe After Effects Forum Click on the link below to watch the tutorial. Advanced Shape Layer Techniques in After Effects How to properly us shape groups in After Effects Alpha mattes and precomps can be useful tools for increasing the complexity of an animation or combining several visual elements in a complicated design, but they make your timeline messy and introduce frustrating glitches and comp failures when infinitely rasterizing precomps or making layers … Next blind troubleshooting tip: clear your cache. What's stranger is that if I turn off the precomp layer, all the shape and text layers reappear, despite the fact that they are above it. The thing that made it all work was to click on every layer to render continuously. Visit the Layer … I did this successfully before, and showed the prelim to the client, and he wanted some changes. ... How to know property names and apis to add effects to layers on After Effects? You can always go back to the old one that way. I turned off OpenGL and problem was solved. BTW, I’m working with AE 6.5 on an 8 core dual 3.2 Ghz Mac Pro. Now, I would like to make some minor changes to the actual logo animation so I enter the precomp and it looks like all but two of my layers have disappeared in the comp window. We use anonymous cookies to give you the best experience we can.Our Privacy policy | GDPR Policy, © 2021 - By CREATIVE COW LLC. Plus, I'm the creator of some of the world's most popular After Effects courses - with over 400,000 students and thousands of 5-star reviews like these: Phil Ebiner's "The Complete Guide to After Effects," is a wonderful and comprehensive course to dive into this Program, and get started with creating our own animations. Right click on the application, and choose "Show Package Contents". Besides probably upgrading AE? VISIBLE: • The first 12 frames of a precomp (a rotating shape with a stroke applied). Reply to this Discussion! 2. Unless there’s some sort of magic Autosave like in FCP that I am not aware of? If I make all the 2d layers 3d then they show up again. A layer might even disappear entirely behind another one. Above it has been explained how we can group layers in Adobe After Effects software. It is a fundamentally simple feature with many uses. The first in a series aimed at helping beginners learn the program, this article will review key parts of the After Effects interface and show you how to begin a project, open a composition and create layers … Conclusion – Group Layers in After Effects. Can anyone give me any suggestions? Here’s a breakdown of what IS visible and what ISN’T in case that help someone diagnose the problem…. Scrub the Y position for the Resolve Precomp layer until the bottom of the sign disappears off the bottom of the Composition panel. Click on Missing Footage, Missing Fonts, or Missing Effects. Right click on the time line and select "Time" --> "Freeze Frame" The problem layer is called corner Pre-comp 1. Don’t worry… this is supposed to happen. When I scrub through manually, I can’t see any of the action that I’ve created. 1. But remember that when working with these complex compositions you’ll find that it's usually beneficial to add … I’m always hesitant to do updates in the middle of a project, but I’ve done this one and it didn’t fix the problem. Mask out the lamp and the right side of the frame in the frozen layer, and now, when your subject moves past that mask, they will disappear. Orthographic views in Ae (like the Front view) don’t render; they are for reference only. Adobe After Effects Layers Disappear? Even if everything is COMPLETELY still, some layers like to flick in and out of others...making them disappear for a few seconds. After Effects :: 3D Layer Disappears In CS6 Aug 17, 2013. I hope someone can help me figure out why the layer disappears. While this layer is 3d the area around is just shows the composition background and the rest of the 2d layers behind hit are no longer visible. Step 3: Apply Effects to Adjustment Layer Take your animation skills to the next level by learning all about 3D layers, cameras, and lights in Adobe After Effects. Ah! Your flat artwork will become alive in space, giving it depth and energy. And it can definitely be used to great effect when working in complex compositions. Set the X Rotation to a value of -90 and click its stopwatch to set a keyframe. Proper white balance on music videos with multiple cams? By using masks and freeze frame, you can make people or objects disappear. 3. I hadn’t even realized I switched views. 3) I was hoping Open GL might be a fix but when I turned it off, nothing changed. Has anyone heard of something like this? But remember that when working with … Layer styles have the same effect on 3D renders as, say, a 2D layer or an adjustment layer: layers above that layer are rendered on top of the layers below it, no matter their respective positions in 3D space. When I import my Photoshop file into After Effects, the blending options I used on the layers (like drop shadow, stroke, etc) disappear, but they do show up when I view the composition file. Similarly, as Steve suggested, maybe it’s the PSD so you might try the same on it. Well, my 12 file for some reason isn’t showing the stripes, so when 11 ended, which happened to be the same frame that the psd file came in, the stripes dissappeared. No, AE is not pranking you. The layers with any applied affect such as a fill, disappears during the zoom and then re-apears afterwards? Check the 3D position and see if something else is coming in or moving to a 3D position at the same time that might be causing your problem. Good suggestion though! ……..looking back at it I would say thats the reason I had similar problems a while ago — if I reset everything it reappeared …. How do I change it so all of my I know I could apply each blending option permanently in Photoshop, but is there another way to just make it show up in After Effects… If i turn draft 3D on it will reappear, or if I preComp it will reappear. As you can see precomposing layers in After Effects is a pretty simple process. I just figured it out. Just double checked and none of my layers have the shy toggle enabled. (You will notice that the colour blocks also disappear - this also has a fill applied) What's strange is that if I remove the fill from one element, it fixes EVERYTHING, even the other layers with effects … Also, here’s a shot captured while the precomp is mid playback. I know it’s not for lack of power on my computer. We can also create full animation using audio and video clips by controlling frames speed and the time at which the audio and video clips should be synchronized to produce the desired clips. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 9 months ago. If you don't immediately figure out what is going on the select all the layers giving you problems and press the U key twice. I was “building” the caution tape across the screen – one stripe, then a few frames later the next, and so on, up to 12 stripes, each stripe being a separate ai file. After Effects is Adobe’s robust program for creating visual effects and motion graphics. Also, before you try anything I might suggest, duplicate your comp and make the changes in the duplicated one. Purging cache didn’t work. Try turning off all the FX for that layer…? I’m having a strange problem. For each number, the random generator produces different results. This will reveal all modified properties of the layers. Check out these articles. After Effects Project File loaded with the intended font. Open a Finder window, and go to the location of your After Effects Application. If you haven’t yet taken Intro To After Effects Part 1, you’ll want to make sure and start with that first class as we’ll be building on the lessons from part 1 in part 2. If you get a moment, post a screen shot of what you’re looking at before the layer disappears, a another of after, and I can see if I can spot anything that might be the trouble. [I’m still not sure why the 12 file doesn’t have the stripes]. I know I could apply each blending option permanently in Photoshop, but is there another way to just make it show up in After Effects? No idea how this turned out, but for anyone stumbling upon this in the future: one thing that was not mentioned in this thread was layer styles. Create a new adjustment layer (Option+Command+Y). If you don’t have it on, go turn it on now. Basically, nothing helped. Login or Sign Up, Forums › Adobe After Effects › layer disappears. It’s as if I’ve set keyframes on the opacity to take out the image – as if it were 100% one keyframe, and then 0% the next. The Case of the Disappearing Layers. The peer to peer support community for media production professionals. I am working on a comp that has lots of layers… 51 to be exact. Timeline items in Adobe After Effects disappeared. Fortunately, there’s the Guide Layer switch, which tells After Effects to only use that layer when previewing the composition it appears in, but otherwise not … Next, my precomp. As you can imagine, this makes minor changes nearly impossible as I can’t see the layers while I’m moving them around. I ran a hardware scan & it found nothing. I’ve tried restarting (both AE and my machine) and I’m pretty sure it must be a setting or something somewhere. Thank you both for your help, and I’m sorry if I wasted your time since this problem isn’t what I thought it was at all. So I don’t believe that is the case. I’m working solely with vectors drawn and imported from Illustrator. Here are a couple screen shots: First, my main comp. Does your AI file have the 3D switch turned on? To get a better view of your work area, simply change the view layout. • Four other letters from the logo AI file (of which, one just appears and does nothing, one simply fades on, one has an alpha matte which reveals it, and another scales up and rotates on). I have created a logo animation in AE, then precomposed all of the elements of the logo animation so as to keep them separate from the elements of the background animation. The playhead is in the exact same location, yet only the “N” shows. I know we need to update to a newer version of AE, but according to my boss “It’s not in the budget” and I’ve continued working with it with no problems up until now. If the AI layer did not go all the way to the end of the pre-comp, that would create the problem you describe. I’m betting that in this instance the psd layer had some sort of layer styles applied to it, likely imported with the layer from Photoshop. I have a layer of “caution tape stripes” that once it appears, it should stay on the screen for the remainder of the comp. There is an update to Ae CC 2015 that addresses a lot of preview bugs: https://blogs.adobe.com/aftereffects/2015/07/after-effects-cc-2015-13-5-1-bug-fix-update-fixes-previews.html, Walter Soyka Designer & Mad Scientist at Keen Live [link] Motion Graphics, Widescreen Events, Presentation Design, and Consulting @keenlive [twitter]   |   RenderBreak [blog]   |   Profile [LinkedIn]. The Layer Groups script for After Effects also handles Group Mattes, Isolate layers and Baking of Groups into pre-comps. I’ll keep thinking on this, and let you know if I come up with anything else. The 'Template' checkbox gets activated in Layer Options dialog box, and the box gets closed, then, the Layer name and several icons at the bottom of the Layer Panel disappear.The Layer is still there without a name, and rolling over the icons on the Layers Panel I can see the Tool Icons.Illustrator Prefs were trashed/restored using the Opt-Shift-Command restart shortcut. - Cavett Robert In this lesson you are going to learn about layer properties. [3] An OpenGL error wherein the layer wasn’t really disappearing at all … OpenGL just didn’t feel like showing that one frame. When I hit space bar again to stop playback, the layers are gone again. Conclusion – Group Layers in After Effects. While this layer is 2d then it looks normal. 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That happens quite a bit when I'm teaching and there's pretty much one main culprit. continuous rasterize is not on so its not that. Archiware P5 Archive Supports LTFS 1/26/2021! Change for each Layer. ——– have had similar before when camera angle/positioning values/settings place the pre-comp layer out of sight in some way — — ie its visible from the main comp where the final result is calculated but not from inside the pre-comp because of the settings that apply there —, If this is the case it explains why it plays ok but is hard to adjust inside the precomp — in my case I suspect there was a better way of managing the project but I couldnt work it out so scrapped the file and started again, To test this theory you can reset the camera and all other values affecting the layer ( inside the pre-comp ) to see if it reappears and if it does then this is probably it …. I’m just really upset by this because, stupid me, I forgot to make a duplicate of my composition/project before making changes. You can easily draw buildings to After Effects shape layers, highlight country borders, streets, lakes, rivers, places, regions, animate driving routes, and extrude buildings. To create one, context-click in an empty area of the Timeline, and choose New > Adjustment Layer (Ctrl+Alt+Y / Command+Option+Y) (Figure 4.10). I’m betting that in this instance the psd layer had some sort of layer styles applied to it, likely imported with the layer from Photoshop. Next week I'll run a hardware test loop to see if after a bunch of times thru it gets anything. I had one layer that would appear and disappear while my camera was tracking. Adobe After Effects is a powerful application that can create Hollywood-style effects and super clean motion graphics titles and animations. If I select the stripes layer later in the timeline, the bounding box appears, but no stripes. Visit the Layer Groups page for more information on its use. Nope. And it can definitely be used to great effect when working in complex compositions. Mac OSX Version 10.10.4 27-inch iMac (Late 2013) 3.5 GHz Intel Core i7 Processor 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Memory NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB Graphics, Adobe After Effects CC 2015 Version Could this be caused by something that I’ve inadvertently toggled on/off? With this tutorial, you’ll have a complete understanding of how to use After Effects and start improving your own videos in no time. When I click on any of them in the timeline, I can see their bounding boxes, but that’s it. There are no FX in the precomp. Any help is greatly appreciated! Problem solved. This will hide everything else in the frame that isn’t beneath the mask. I have a single 3d layer in my composition. Active 4 years, 2 months ago. Download a sample file to practice with. Click the missing items to relink. Start turning effects off and resetting values until layers … What is happening? Any other advice? If your layers keep disappearing, a … 2) I have it set to Advanced Render… just for luck I tried switching to standard, but it told me I shouldn’t so I switched it back. It sounds like the addition of the Photoshop layer was the start of all of this. Only 2 of my layers have options to change the blending mode. Help, I'm lost in after effects. Find a spot in which the video has no people in it 3.) Perhaps there’s an effect that’s not happy with the number of layers, or if you’ve got the Continuously Rasterize/Collapse Transformations switch turned on for your AI layer, or something like that. I don’t know what caused it, because I made sure everything was at the same z-height (I just wanted to operate the camera to pan & zoom). To make this effect happen, simply drag a clip into your timeline, and create a new freeze frame by going to Time > Freeze Frame.Mask out the lamp and the right side of the frame in the frozen layer… Login or Sign Up, Forums › Adobe After Effects › Layers disappearing in comp window…. After a new finder window opens up, browse to the directory "Contents/Resources/" 4. I just had a two-hour head scratcher of my layer disappearing during rendering. Video Tutorial on Adobe Support. 5. After Effects Expression (if layer is a CompItem) 1. Active ‘if statement’ over a number of frames, Option to import from DVD player disappeared after upgrade, Automating repetitive tasks (Cross post from After Effects), Automating repetitive tasks (Goin’ crazy out there at the lake), Check field order before broadcast delivery. When I turn a layer into a 3D layer it disappears. Intro To After Effects Part 2 is the second of a four part series to introduce Adobe After Effects to aspiring animators and motion designers with little or no experience with the software. For those new to After Effects or anyone who hasn’t dug too deep, expressions are bits of code that you can plug into various After Effects layers that, in turn, tell the program to do certain things without you having to hand animate them. Inside the Resources directory should be a file named PresetEffects.xml. Scrub the X Rotation to see how the layer rotates in 3D space. Adobe After Effects script for importing PNG files as layers. The point where the layer “disappears” is the first frame of the next layer above the stripes… a psd file, that is cropped to the size of the layer, and that does not overlap the stripes at all (the stripes are higher up the y axis position). Next, position your adjustment layer under your ‘Fog’ layer and set the track matte to ‘Luma Matte.’ Your ‘Fog’ layer will disappear. Thanks in advance for any help.-Maryanne Layer disappears after enabling as Envirorment Layer - Creative COW's user support and discussion forum for users of Adobe After Effects. If you have chosen "random" for Appear Typ or Disappear Type, you can try different numbers here to get different random orders. Now that I’m making the changes (add a gradient to the specific layer I’m working with — I did this in AI and reloaded the footage) now it’s being quirky. Layer Groups is offered through aescripts + aeplugins for $44.99. All, if you didn ’ t render ; they are for reference.... Added some bevelling and a drop shadow, but no stripes should be a fix but when click. Scrub the X Rotation to see if After a new Finder window, and wanted. Hit the Q button to bring up the rectangle shape tool might even disappear entirely behind another one playhead in... 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