Hey Everyone! The turning point in their friendship came when they went to city. (c) be sure Describe in brief how grandmother spent half-an-hour with the sparrows. Now she spent most of her time at the spinning wheel. What was ‘the last sign’ of physical contact between the author and the grandmother? The Portrait of a Lady Class 11 Questions and Answers. shuffle, stride, waddle, swagger, trudge, slog. She realized the value of education and did not let the author miss school. ... 30 seconds . “This was the turning point in our friendship.” What was the turning point? Why was the grandmother distressed by the education imparted in the city school? His grandfather looked very old. She sat in the verandah. The author’s grandmother was not pretty but to the author she was a beautiful woman an embodiment of serenity and contentment. They took no notice of them. The Portrait of a lady is the first chapter of English Textbook Hornbill, for Class XI, Prescribed by CBSE. After sometime, her lips stopped moving. The grandmother woke him up each morning, bathed him, dressed him and got him ready for school. He wore a big turban. Answer: the demands of the situation? The Portrait of a Lady is written by. They did not chirrup. Unlike village school there was no teaching about God and scriptures. Answer: (c) not even sentimental What was the happiest moment of the day for the grandmother? She was distressed to learn that her grandson was being taught music. Answer: We have compiled NCERT MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 1 The Portrait of a Lady with Answers Pdf free download. Answer: The narrator would learn alphabet and morning prayer at school. cbsencertanswers is a all in one solution fopr cbse students for their ,ncert solutions,extra questions and answers,sample questions ,grammar,notes,on demend assigmnment,online classes on english,mathematics,social science .science,bengali, computer etc. Answer The grandmother told the family that her end was near. The turning point in their friendship came when they went to city. Answer: What did people say? Three ways in which the author’s grandmother spent her days after he grew up. Answer: She was like the winter landscape in the mountains, serene and content. Ans. Jan 18, 2021 - Short & Long Answer Question - The Portrait of Lady Class 11 Notes | EduRev is made by best teachers of Class 11. To him, it was like one of the myths and fables she told him. He is still active and smart. Her lips were always moving in a silent prayer. Other members of the family would taunt me as granny’s watch dog. She was a pious and a religious lady who was always telling beads of her rosary and her lips constantly moved in inaudible prayer. My grandmother is about 65. Question 16. How did the narrator’s grandfather appear in the portrait? Practicing these The Portrait of a Lady Class 11 English MCQs Questions with Answers really effective to improve your basics and learn all … In the city, they shared a common bedroom. ... 30 seconds . She was a deeply religious lady. All these talk of their homecoming after winning a battle. Gradually the author and the grandmother saw less of each other and their friendship was broken. In the city, when she could not move out, she took to feeding sparrows that came and perched on her legs, shoulders, and head. The grandmother herself was not formally educated but was serious about the author’s education. Her face was a criss-cross of wrinkles. Answer: Talk with your family members about elderly people who you have been intimately connected with and are not there with you now. Question 2: Infer their meaning from the context My grandmother is a bit fat and small. Hundreds of sparrows would gather there. She was short, fat and slightly bent. She had great affection for her grandson. In the afternoon, he would enquire what we had been taught at the school. Question 4: The author’s grandmother was a religious person. Question 3: Question 6. All these things distanced the narrator from his grandmother. “That was a turning point in our friendship.” What was the turning point? He was completely dependent on her. The Portrait of a Lady Long Answer Type Questions. Answer: She wanted to make up for the time last evening when she had not prayed to God. On her way back from school, she would feed the village dogs with stale chapattis. They took no notice of the bread crumbs thrown to them. Her silver locks lay scattered untidily over her pale, puckered face, and her lips constantly moved in an inaudible prayer. Answer: Free PDF download of Important Questions with solutions for CBSE Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 1 - The Portrait of a Lady prepared by expert English teachers from latest edition of CBSE(NCERT) books. She visits the temple every morning. She loved her grandson. She could read the scriptures. Answer: The turning point in the friendship arrived when they shifted to the city. She went to the temple and read the scriptures. CBSE Class 11 Biology NCERT Solutions She thought it was not meant for decent people and gentlefolk. She was a strong woman with strong beliefs. She woke him, got him ready and took him to school. When the author was still young, his parents left for the city leaving him to the care of his grandmother. She used to wake me up in the morning and prepared me for school. Mention the three phases of the author’s relationship with his grandmother before he left the country to study abroad. Was the distancing deliberate or due to Answer: She didn’t like English school as there was no teaching of God and scriptures. The grandson’s learning music in school made her unhappy as she felt it was not meant for the gentle folk. Answer: Q. The Portrait of a lady by Khushwant Singh DRAFT. When the grandmother was taken ill, the doctor felt it was mild fever and would go. She visited the temple every morning and read scriptures. She was a pious soul, who cared for the family, and even dogs and sparrows; her death was mourned by all including the sparrows. 11th grade. Kushwant Singh. Answer: Have you known someone like the author’s grandmother? CBSE Class 11 Accountancy NCERT Solutions More Resources For Class 11 So, I think the author and his grandmother used to talk in their mother tongue—in this case Panjabi. Question 1: Answer: The common link of their friendship was gradually snapped. Question 9. In the evening she celebrated his homecoming by singing songs and beating an old drum. Answer: How does the author react to the idea of the grandmother being young at a point of time and playing games? The narrator couldn’t even imagine her being young. Class 11 English Hornbill Notes Chapter 1 The Portrait of A Lady. In the city, she could not accompany him to school as he went by the school bus. Why did the author think that to be the last physical contact? Even then he has some surprise checks. When he came back she would ask him what the teacher had taught him. Give examples in support of your answer. Elementary education was given in village school. When the author’s mother threw some breadcrumbs for them, they took no notice of the breadcrumbs. When they settled in the city, they shared a common bedroom. The Portrait of a Lady Long Answer Type Questions, CBSE Class 11 Business studies NCERT Solutions, CBSE Class 11 Accountancy NCERT Solutions, Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 1 The Portrait of a Lady, NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 1, NCERT Solutions For Class 11 English Hornbill The Portrait of a Lady, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 1, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2, Periodic Classification of Elements Class 10, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 7, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 8, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 9, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 10, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 11, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 12, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 14, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 15, NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 16, CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 12, CBSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10. childhood – when he went to the village school and the grandmother helped him to get ready and went to school with him. Answer: She was short, fat and slightly bent. The common link of friendship was snapped. Describe in brief how grandmother spent half-an-hour with the sparrows. (a) make something known to someone in spoken or written words Answer: Question 15: She woke him up each morning, bathed him, dressed him, plastered his wooden slate, gave him breakfast and walked him to school where he was taught the alphabet and morning prayers. How does the author bring this out? Answer: Question 2: Ruskin Bond. The Portrait of a Lady Extra Questions and Answers Class 11 English Hornbill The Portrait of a Lady Extra Questions and Answers Short Answer Type. But his cheerful looks remind me to take heart and fight the struggle of life. There are many folk songs and poems singing of the exploits of brave warriors. Question 12. Answer: This solution contains questions, answers, images, explanations of the complete chapter 1 titled The Portrait of a Lady of English (Hornbill) taught in Class 11. He looked at least a hundred years old. Question 7: He could have only lots and lots of grandchildren. What was the happiest moment of the day for the grandmother? Question 7. While he sat in the veranda learning, the grandmother read her scriptures. Answer: Register online for English Hornbill tuition on Vedantu.com to score more marks in your examination. The odd ways in which the author’s grandmother behaved just before she died. Answer: How did the grandmother spend her day in the city? Answer: She washed his wooden slate. RD Sharma Class 11 Solutions There after, she plastered his wooden slate, gave him breakfast and walked him to school. answer choices . Answer Question 1. Answer: The writer’s grandmother was a very old woman. She looked after him. The author and his grandmother walked to the school in the village. She would repeat prayers in a sing-song manner while getting the writer ready for school. Why was the narrator’s grandmother so much allergic to music? She did not believe in the things taught at the English school. Answer: His dependence on grandmother became lesser. He felt she could age no further. He looks after the family farm and briefs the workers every morning. Question 2. Answer: She then gave him breakfast—a stale chapatti with butter and sugar. Q. The grandmother was closely attached to the narrator in his childhood. Answer: Answer: II. My elderly relatives are well versed in English and Hindi. Answer: His grandmother kissed his forehead. It was on the evening prior to her death when she felt over excited while celebrating the arrival of her grandson with songs and beatings of drum. We have provided The Portrait of a Lady Class 11 English MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well. MCQ Questions for Class 11 English with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. Her face was wrinkled. The grandmother was quite serious about the author’s education. Ruskin Bond. Why? Although she was not formally educated, she was serious about the author’s education. She got him ready for school in the morning. Yes, I agree that the author’s grandmother was a person strong in character. He believes in trusting people. Answer: Register online for English Hornbill tuition on Vedantu.com to score more marks in your examination. NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Free PDF Download (Hornbill & Snapshots) NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter wise. Perhaps she could not have looked older. Comment. The three ways in which the author’s grandmother spent her days after he grew up are: Hornbill Class 11 English Question 4: NCERT Solutions for Class 11 English Hornbill The Portrait of a Lady gives the most accurate answers to the questions that are given in the textbook. When I joined the university, I was given a separate room and our common link of closeness was finally snapped. Everybody including the sparrows mourned grandmother’s death. I feel at home greeting (d) give information to somebody. She was equally careful about my health and studies. As the years rolled by they saw less of each other. She never shooed them away. Question 26: Then they would go together to the temple school. Question 10. The author treated the stories of grandmother’s youth and beauty as fables as he had always seen her old and he found it was hard to accept that she could once be pretty and young. When the grandmother died, thousands of sparrows collected and sat in the courtyard. Some perched on her legs and shoulders. The school was attached to the temple. The narrator went to the university. The Portrait of a Lady is written by. Did their feelings for each other change? Thousands of sparrows came there. school. Question 1. MCQ Questions for Class 11 English Hornbill Chapter 1 The Portrait of a Lady with Answers. She hoped that he would learn it by heart. She served him breakfast and took him to school. Answer: She then spent her day from sunrise to sunset at her spinning wheel. She was now always busy with her spinning wheel. He was taught science and English but not taught about god. She looked like an expanse of pure white serenity. The grandmother was a kind-hearted woman. Question 20: Though not pretty, she was beautiful to the author’s perception. While he sat in the veranda learning, the grandmother sat inside the temple reading scriptures. She hated For the first time, she missed her prayers. The author’s grandmother saw him off, silently, but kissing him on his forehead, when he went abroad and celebrated his return five years later. How did the grandmother die? She took an interest in the author’s education. Answer: When the author returned after five years, she received him at the station. It was her happiest half an hour. He laid stress on good habits and character building. He presumed this as the last sign of physical contact between them. 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