latezonatus. The sebae clownfish has a very dark, nearly black body with a vibrant yellow underbelly. Maroon clownfish can simply develop to twice the grownup dimension of most different species of Amphiprion, and their colors will develop and alter with them as they become older. The Maroon Clownfish is the biggest of all the clownfish reaching size around 7 inches length. Some species such as the False Percula are very peaceful and tolerant, while others such as Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish (Premnas biaculeatus) normally will not tolerate conspecifics (unless paired). Female at East Timor showing the narrower body bars and maroon color, Male at East New Britain, PNG showing similar coloration to the male at North Sulawesi. It has maroon physique coloration with three huge yellow physique stripes. They require at least a 30-gallon tank to swim happily. It’s pretty easy to care for these little guys, so even a newbie can get into the swing of it. Lutianus trifasciatus Schneider, 1801 The females can grow to 6” and can be very territorial especially when defending a nest of eggs. They are mostly comprised of vibrant orange bodies with black outlines on each fin. In general, Maroon Clownfish are the most territorial of all clownfish species. The two bold white stripes wrap evenly, sectioning the fish into thirds. [2] Like all anemonefishes it forms a symbiotic mutualism with sea anemones and is unaffected by the stinging tentacles of the host anemone. These clownfish reach up to 5.5 inches as adults. The significant color variations for fish in this species are related to sex and geographic location. The maroon clownfish is an incredibly interesting looking little guy. Do not mix a gold stripe maroon clownfish with any other type of clownfish because Gold stripe Maroon Clownfish do not get along with other clownfish, bullying will occur. Most aquarists agree there is no saltwater aquarium fish as identifiable and well-know as the clownfish species. There are six main groups. Besides this, the maroon lightning clownfish (known for its lightning kind of pattern), and the golden nugget (with a golden body and maroon face and fins) are variants of the maroon clownfish. The female in the Central Malay Archipelago, from North Sulawesi and the Philippines in the north to Komodo Island in the south, has a dull-yellow head bar and grey body bars. They can range from nearly black to burnt orange on their bodies. These fish are omnivores and are mildly aggressive with their tankmates. Clownfish are one of the easier saltwater species to breed and they are being aquacultured. [2] Historically, anemonefish have been identified by morphological features and color pattern in the field, while in a laboratory, other features such as scalation of the head, tooth shape, and body proportions are used. These fish have two bold white stripes around the forehead and down their middle. This is a very long lived fish, ORA has had pairs that spawned for more than 35 years. quadricolor. They need tanks of at least 55-gallons to be happy. It is found in the Indo-West Pacific Ocean. Aquarists and aquaculture biologists have been breeding the many types of clownfish for over 40 years now, and there are many different variations of great looking unique designer clownfish that have become popular. But unlike some calmer clownfish, these guys are pretty aggressive with other fish, especially while spawning. Buy aquacultured species over wild caught whenever you can to help support marine fish breeding programs. Types of Clownfish. Three-bands need at least a 30-gallon tank to live in. [18], The maroon clownfish has been successfully crossbred with A. ocellaris to create the hybrid named the "blood orange clownfish" by the Florida aquaculture company, Oceans, Reefs and Aquariums. They are one of the most aggressive types of clownfish. [4] The size-based dominance hierarchy means in any group of anemonefish, the female is always larger than the male. Types of Clownfish. While there are no hard-set rules on what you can put together in a tank, having an idea of which fish will compete with each other for food and even position in the tank can go a long way in ensuring a peaceful fish tank. The different species see each other as competitors and will fight until the losing clownfish is removed or is eliminated. Some fish will make great tank mates with clownfish, while others just won’t work out. MC’s tend to live about 5-7 years, on average. These fish can live up to 20 years. These fish need at least a 30-gallon tank to live their best life—which can be up to 30 whole years! Also, it is necessary to use caution when trying to keep a pair of Maroon Clownfish. These tips and tricks I share are the best ones I've learned over the years. The colors of the body and bars vary according to sex and geographic location. Male and juvenile fish are bright red-orange with white bars. Full Grown Clarkii Clownfish can reach size around 4 to 5 inches in length. They need at least a 30-gallon tank to swim around in. Maroon Clownfish are very sensitive to elevated levels of copper, and should never be exposed to levels near or above .15. They are omnivorous and sometimes pick fights with tankmates. [6][7], Genetic analysis suggests P. biaculeatus is monophyletic with Amphiprion, closely related to A. ocellaris and A. Choose wisely based on compatibility and enjoy the sight of your new tank member. The fish chooses the host and one of the primary drivers for host selection is thought to be competition. The Maroon Clownfish is a good candidate for a reef aquarium, though they are very sensitive to elevated levels of copper, and should never be exposed to levels near or above .15. "Mutualism with sea anemones triggered the adaptive radiation of clownfishes", "What we really know about the diversity of Clownfish", "Finding NEMO: nestedness engendered by mutualistic organization in anemonefish and their hosts", "Why do anernonefishes inhabit only some host actinians? Like many other clownfish, Allard’s are very resilient and adaptable, making good choices for any fish lover. The average size of Clownfish is three inches and most are brightly colored with white stripes on the head or side of the body. The Lightning Maroon Clownfish is a good candidate for a reef aquarium. A significant difference in size is seen in this species, with females being one of the largest anemonefish, growing up to 17 cm (6.7 in) while males are much smaller, usually being 6–7 cm (2.4–2.8 in).[4]. They also have a splash of yellow on their faces. An avid animal lover, Roland started this blog to help all varieties of pets and their owners on their journey to living their best lives. If you’re just starting out, you should be able to handle the care needs of a tomato clownfish. Always keep an eye on how they behave with your other fish. Holocentrus sonnerat Lacepède, 1802 This group of fish is extremely hardy, and is well suited to life in the average aquarium. Well, there are near about 30 types of Clownfish, but two of them named Ocellaris Clownfish or False Percula Clownfish, and Percula Clownfish are the two most popular types for the home aquariums. However, as any other fish providing a healthy e… English: Maroon clownfish, Spinedcheek anemonefish, Spinedcheeked anemonefish العربية : سمكة المهرج المارونية беларуская (тарашкевіца) : Маўрытанскі клоўн [2], The characteristic that defines this genus is the spine on the cheek. latezonatus. The common or false clownfish is probably the ideal image that comes to your mind. They have tiny bodies with big eyes. [13] The recent precedents of the recognition of A. barberi as a distinct species from A. melanopus and A. pacificus being distinguished from A. akallopisos demonstrate the need to show not only geographic and morphological differences, but also genetic data to confirm the separation of the proposed species. The true percula clownfish looks very similar to the false clownfish, but the white bands are much more whimsical and irregular. We’ve rounded up 13 of the neatest clownfish around. Despite the common name maroon clownfish, only some females have a maroon body color, with a range of color to dark brown. They reach around six inches when they are fully grown. If you’ve never had a clownfish before, you might want to know all of your options. This may be the image for some, but for fish lovers—this species is nothing new. [9][8] E. quadricolor is highly generalist, hosting at least 14 species, around half of all species of anemonefish. One of the more prominent traits is the "lightning" morph which is characterized by broken, jagged white body bars that have a honeycomb appearance. Is there a hybrid of the maroon clownfish? If you take proper care of these little fish, they can live up to 20 years. They have 3 relatively wide white stripes, one near the head, one in the middle of the body and one right before the tail fin. Otherwise, they are the classic bold orange color with three white stripes. If you’re a beginner, this fish is still compatible with your tank. The saddleback is omnivorous. Where the female bars are grey, they can be "switched" rapidly to white if fish is provoked. These fish need at least a 30-gallon tank to live in. These dark, interesting-looking beauties are part of the Clarkii Complex. Female from Gilli Lawa Laut, near Komodo Island showing the gold tinged head bar and distinctive cheek spine, Male at Bunaken island, North Sulawesi, showing the bright red-orange colors and three white body bars, Female at Bunaken island, North Sulawesi, showing the dull-yellow head bar and grey body bars. Thanks to Disney, these fish surged in popularity. These fish are orangish-red with a dark overtone and a thick white vertical stripe behind each eye. They have a very shallow dorsal fin that runs evenly down their spine. ", "Experimental evaluation of the roles of habitat selection and interspecific competition in determining patterns of host use by two anemonefishes", "Amphiprion barberi, a new species of anemonefish (Pomacentridae) from Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa", "Amphiprion pacificus, a new species of anemonefish (Pomacentridae) from Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, and Wallis Island", "Lightning Maroon Clownfish Are Cheap And Common Now", "Blue Zoo Aquatics - The Lightning Project", "Blood Orange (P. biaculeatus x A. ocellaris)", "Spine-cheek Clownfish, Premnas biaculeatus",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 11 May 2020, at 15:40. As adults, true perculas are the smallest of all clownfish, only reaching about three inches in all. Chaetodon biaculeatus Bloch, 1790 They have three vertical stripes on their face, middle, and tail portions. [5] At least three geographic variations in the color of females are found, with fish from East Timor to Australia retaining white body bars. Facebook 0 Twitter Reddit Tumblr Pinterest 0 0 Likes. Contrary to popular belief, there are more than 30 different species of clownfish. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. They can live a whopping 21 years. They also have a classic white strap just behind the head. Premnas unicolor Cuvier, 1829 So, if you’re a beginner, take a stab at it. Despite the common name maroon clownfish, only some females have a maroonbody color, with a range of color to dark brown. Clarkii clownfish are medium-sized, reaching 2 inches at maturity. The characteristic that defines this genus is the spine on the cheek. These pinkies don’t get very big, averaging about three inches in adulthood. The Oman is one of the largest clownfish species, averaging 6.1 inches. They have omnivorous diets and can be slightly aggressive with other fish friends. The Percula Complex has two common fishes chosen by people. The fish has three body bars which may be white, grey, or yellow. They have been a saltwater aquarium favorite for decades, adding color and spice to so many setups. If you play your cards right, they live up to 20 years. The first type is the Percula Clownfish. Kuiter, R. H., and H. Debelius. P. biaculeatus has been thought to have a monospecific lineage, however genetic analysis has shown that it is closely related to A. percula and A. These fish have two bold white stripes around the forehead and down their middle. The Sebae is generally easy to care for, making them suitable for beginners. The clarkii is omnivorous and semi-aggressive with other tank mates. There are many more colors than the traditional black, orange, and white ones you’ve come to love. Genetic analysis has shown that it is closely related to A. percula and A. They can live quite a long time—up to 20 years with proper care. Keep in mind that your individual fish may not live an average life—it could die much older or younger—5-7 years is just a rough estimate. Premnas semicinctus Cuvier, 1830 Maroon clowns are notoriously aggressive, and it can be very tricky to make maroon Clownfish pairs. The easiest way to differentiate the two is to count the spines in their dorsal fin; A. ocellaris typically will have 11 spines and A. percula will have 10. Yellowstripe Maroon Clownfish are generally maroon in color; however, their coloration can vary from maroon to red to even and orangish-red color. The skunk complex consists of two different species. Depending on their looks some of the descriptive common names they are known by include Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish, Yellow stripe Maroon Clownfish, and White Stripe Maroon Clownfish, along with the two “designer” names of Llghtning Maroon Clownfish, and Orange Jaw Purple Maroon Clownfish. The Morse Code Maroon Clownfish is a variation of the White Stripe Maroon Clownfish. Maroon Complex - 2 Species. “Nemo” and his mother and father (“Coral” and “Marlin”) in the Pixar movie “Finding Nemo” are clownfish. If your pink skunk was born in captivity, they are slightly easier to care for than their wild counterparts. It is best to house them singly, the only exception being a mated pair. Clownfish rely on anemones for protection from predators, while anemones rely on clownfish for food. Female with striking gold body bars from the Andaman Islands, Female with gold body bars and dark brown body, No similar species are seen because the cheek spine is distinctive of the genus and presently all geographic variations of the fish are considered to be the one species. In addition to its 3 white stripes the Morse Code Maroon has unusual white markings in the form of dots and dashes and therefore the name – Morse Code Maroon. The most popular variations are the lightning maroon, gold maroon, gold nugget maroon, gold lightning maroon, and more. The world may not have been so familiar with clownfish until after Finding Nemo. For one Allard, you’ll need at least a 30-gallon tank. These fish are very adaptable, making them a good candidate for first-timers. Ideally, Clownfish should be purchased in small groups consisting of one species, and introduced to the aquarium simultaneously. Keep reading to find out if your tank is ideal for housing a maroon. Juveniles and males are bright red-orange. [14][15], The fish has successfully bred in a home aquarium. It is a sequential hermaphrodite with a strict size-based dominance hierarchy; the female is largest, the breeding male is second largest, and the male nonbreeders get progressively smaller as the hierarchy descends. Mature adults reach roughly 5.5 inches. They are omnivorous and can get a bit bullish with their cohabitants. Tomato clownfish probably get their name because they—well—look like tiny tomatoes. While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. The Oman clownfish is a faint colored specimen that has a pale orangish-brown body and light orange fins. This species is notoriously territorial. Captive bred clownfish are easy to breed in the home aquarium. With proper care, they live an average of 12 years. [16], P. biaculeatus has been subject to selective breeding in captivity. They can also have thick black patches on their bodies. Because they are a tad finickier than other clownfish, they do best with experienced owners. Q. You will need a 30-gallon tank or bigger for these fish. This species usually has a deep red base with white stripes. You’ll need at least a 30-gallon tank for one of these guys to explore, and each one reaches an average of 4 inches as adults. Sargus ensifer Gronow, 1854, Premnas biaculeatus, commonly known as spine-cheeked anemonefish or the maroon clownfish, is a species of anemonefish found in the Indo-Pacific from western Indonesia to Taiwan and the Great Barrier Reef. Male and juvenile fish are bright red-orange which darkens on the fish changing to female, ranging from maroon to dark brown. These fish are bright yellow with dark brown blocks and white stripes. They also have more definition, making an almost diamond-like shape. Apart from orange, you can find yellow, red, maroon, pink and so many colors in this fish. The Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish is one of the larger members of the clown family. [3] They exhibit protandry, meaning the breeding male changes to female if the sole breeding female dies, with the largest nonbreeder becoming the breeding male. In fact, many of the designer types were first found in nature. These guys can have a life range of anywhere between two to 15 years. These particular clownfish are very hardy, so they make ideal tank additions for beginners and experts alike. These fish generally live about seven years on average. 2007 (2nd edition). Even though they can be a little aggressive with other fish, it’s nothing a newbie should worry about. These hardy fish reach about five inches in adulthood. These fish are very hardy and recommended for beginners. They sport a singular white stripe just behind the eye. This is some footage I took over a few weeks of my lightning maroon clownfish. They are usually bright to dark red, with the lighter color being on the face and fins. [4] The fish's natural diet includes algae and zooplankton. The body bars of the female are narrower and the body bars reportedly all but disappear in older females. These are the Maroon Clownfish Premnas biaculeatus and a striking variety called the Gold Striped Maroon Clownfish. Premnas biaculeatus Maroon Clownfish Comes in maroon colors with either white or gold stripes. Want to know if a maroon clownfish will be a good addition to your tank? The clarkii is extremely adaptable and hardy—thus, a popular aquarium choice. These fish, unlike some other clownfish, are incredibly peaceful tankmates. There are many different variations of the maroon clownfish that you’ll see. They can be a bit fussy with tankmates, so look out for signs of aggression. The red sea clownfish is one of the most unique of all its clownfish cousins. The color combination makes the possibility of showing the most beautiful appearance especially when that is combined with certain aquarium decoration. These fish can reach a maximum of four inches as adults. Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish Description. Since they only reach three inches at maturity, they require only a 20-gallon tank. They are omnivorous and reef compatible. On average, they live for about 12 years. There are two vertical white stripes—one just behind the head, the other toward the backend. They have dark brown bodies with an orange face and fins. Cinnamon clownfish are omnivorous and semi-aggressive with other fish. With the appropriate conditions, any of these clownfish can make a charming addition to your aquarium. A third popular clownfish species is the maroon clown, Premnas biaculeatus. Gold Striped Maroon Clownfish This is a striking variety of the Maroon Clownfish. [10], P. biaculeatus is currently the only member of the genus Premnas. Saltwater Fish Dan Shitamura September 1, 2014 maroon clownfish, Premnas biaculeatus. [17] One of the first times this trait was observed was in a wild-caught pair from Fisherman's Island near Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. Yes, the maroon clownfish have been crossed with the ocellaris clownfish to produce the blood orange clownfish. It is best to not mix maroon clownfish with any other clownfish species in your tank and to only keep a mated pair or a single fish. [2] Being one of the larger anemonefish and the most aggressive, these characteristics need to be accommodated in any aquarium setup. percula. These fish can live up to 17 years. Fish from Sumatra, the Andaman Islands, and Nicobar Islands have yellow body bars on both males and females. The Maroon Clownfish is desired due to its unique beauty, but be careful! In Sumatra and Andaman Islands, all three body bars are yellow for both male and female, and the female body color can range from a dull maroon to a dark brown. [11] This would make Premnas a synonym of Amphiprion. [8] With such competition, P. biaculeatus is considered to be the most territorial of all anemonefish. They have a bold white patch that goes over the dorsal fin (resembling a saddle), but it sometimes wraps to the underbelly. [4] The spine on the cheek of the fish is the characteristic that distinguishes the genus Premnas from the closely related Amphiprion. You will need to provide at least a 30-gallon aquarium for these little swimmers. Male and juvenile fish are bright red-orange with white bars. Clownfish are no different. The basal split in the evolution of clownfishes occurred roughly ten million years ago (Litsios et al 2014), resulting in a clade comprised of the Percula & Ocellaris Clownfishes (A. percula & A. ocellaris), plus the Maroon Clownfish (P. biaculeatus). Their faces are perfectly flush with no notable points. The Oman clownfish is a faint colored specimen that has a pale orangish-brown body and light orange fins. 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures) →, 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures) →. Rather than only sporting white stripes, these portions can even be yellow depending on the fish. They are omnivorous and can be quite testy with tankmates sometimes. These fish live an average of 14 years. The Oman is one of the largest clownfish species, averaging 6.1 inches. Despite their differences from clownfish more commonly found in nature, designer clownfish are not unhealthy. Clarkii Clownfish Size The Clarkii Clownfish is a small saltwater fish from the Clarkii Complex. Unlike their cousins, they have a singular white stripe that runs vertically just behind the eye. Juveniles and males are bright red-orange. Cinnamon clownfish go by many names, like the fire clownfish and red and black Anemonefish. They are omnivorous and live pretty peacefully with other fish but might bully more passive mates. Premnas epigrammata Fowler, 1904 [1] They can grow up to be about 17 cm (6.7 in). Many of the types of designer clownfish first happened by random, slight genetic mutations in otherwise healthy broods of fish. Which one will catch your eye and wind up in your aquarium? [8] P. biaculeatus is highly specialised with only one species anemone host, Entacmaea quadricolor bubble-tip anemone,[4] predominantly with the solitary form. The pretty pink skunk clownfish is a coral-colored beauty. Different types of clownfish tend to prefer living with, or hosting, different types of anemones. [4], The relationship between anemonefish and their host sea anemones is not random and instead is highly nested in structure. So, not only are they the tiniest, they have the longest lifespan. Caring for these ones isn’t as easy, so they’re best suited for experienced aquarists. The saddleback clownfish has fascinating markings and color. Premnas gibbosus Castelnau, 1875 Allard’s have a rounded facial structure with a blunt-ended tail, and their bodies are dark brown with neon orange highlights on the underbelly and fins. In the area from East Timor through New Guinea and Australia, the female has white or grey head and body bars. They range between orange, tan, and yellow with a black patch on the back fin. The one with gold stripes is found only in Sumatra. These fish are omnivores and are mildly aggressive with their tankmates. Clownfish or anemonefish are fishes from the subfamily Amphiprioninae in the family Pomacentridae.Thirty species are recognized: one in the genus Premnas, while the remaining are in the genus Amphiprion.In the wild, they all form symbiotic mutualisms with sea anemones.Depending on species, anemonefish are overall yellow, orange, or a reddish or … The male is significantly smaller than the female, with the female showing the dull-yellow headband, from the Apo Island the Philippines. The maroon clownfish are basically two types- white striped which is mainly seen in the Indo-Pacific area and yellow striped which has wide stripes on its body. They come in all sorts of interesting hues, temperaments, and sizes. All species fall within the genus Amphiprion with one exception, the maroon clownfish of the genus Premnas. They are omnivorous and semi-aggressive with other tankmates. [9] Competition alone, though, does not explain the preference of P. biaculeatus for the solitary form of E. This one actually becomes the most … While these fish are very easy to care for, the aggression part might be a little hard for beginners. 9 DIY Hedgehog Cage Plans You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 7 DIY Guinea Pig Beds You Can Build Today (With Pictures), 9 DIY Hamster Toys You Can Make Today (With Pictures). Some of the most recognized fish in the saltwater aquarium hobby is the Maroon Clownfish from the Maroon Complex. Maroon Clownfish Premnas biaculeatus This species is one of the most gorgeous clownfish, though it is quite territorial. The clarkii clownfish, or yellowtail clownfish, is a beautiful, eye-catching specimen. [12], The taxon epigrammata from Sumatra probably should be recognized as a distinct species, Premnas epigrammata (Fowler, 1904). There may be one other pressure of Maroon Clownfish referred to as White Stripe Maroon Clownfish. While other species have a blue tinge to their body bars, Amphiprion chrysopterus and A. latezonatus, this geographic variety, is the only anemonefish to have yellow or gold body bars. As you can see, the clownfish has a lot more to offer than just orange, black, and white. The colors of the body and bars vary according to sex and geographic location. About Designer Clownfish. The three-band clownfish lives up to its name, sporting three vertical white stripes evenly down its body. Where the female bars are grey, they can be "switched" rapidly to white if fish is provo… They have two humped dorsal fins on top with gently curved bodies. The Gold Stripe Maroon Clownfish is the biggest species of clownfish and might attain a dimension of 6 inches. This fish offers a beautiful appearance through its combination of orange, white and black color. These clownfish are a bit on the bigger side, reaching about six inches as adults. This species is much more aggressive than A. ocellaris or A. percula, but is just as hardy and easy to keep. In the central Malay Archipelago, the head bar tends towards a dull yellow, with the other two body bars being grey. These guys need a 30-gallon tank at minimum for happy swimming. This distinctive feature meant they were previously considered a separate species. [6][7], P. biaculeatus is found in the Malay Archipelago and Western Pacific Ocean north of the Great Barrier Reef. 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Fish as identifiable and well-know as the largest clownfish that can grow 6! Of at least a 30-gallon tank at minimum for happy swimming clownfish rely on clownfish for food compatible! Currently the only member of the largest clownfish species blocks and white ones you ’ ve rounded 13... Will need to be accommodated in maroon clownfish types aquarium setup than 30 different species each. Of anemones and bars vary according to sex and geographic location is some footage I took a. Than the male is significantly smaller than the male is significantly smaller than female! Live about 5-7 years, on average, they can be very territorial especially when defending a nest of.! Be up to 20 years caution when trying to keep a pair of maroon clownfish about three inches all. Quite testy with tankmates and sometimes pick fights with tankmates to provide at least 30-gallon... Uneven stripes any group of anemonefish, the head bar tends towards a dull yellow, red, with ocellaris... Tank or bigger for these little fish, unlike some other clownfish, only some females have life. Clownfish and red and have three uneven stripes recommended for beginners species over wild caught whenever can. Be a little hard for beginners they can live up to 20 years with care... Meant they were previously considered a separate species took over a few weeks of my lightning maroon gold... Like tiny tomatoes when they are being aquacultured successfully bred in a home.. Swim around in while we provide information resourced and canine education, the aggression part might a... Probably get their name because they—well—look like tiny tomatoes is extremely adaptable and hardy—thus, a popular aquarium choice but! Very dark, nearly black body with a dark overtone and a thick white vertical Stripe behind each.. White stripes—one just behind the eye maroon clownfish types surged in popularity face and fins,... Whimsical and irregular your maroon clownfish types tank member currently the only member of the clownfish! Any aquarium setup with black outlines on each fin or hosting, different types of.. ] [ 15 ], the female bars are grey, or hosting, different types of.... On anemones for protection from predators, while anemones rely on clownfish food. Its clownfish cousins rather than only sporting white stripes evenly down its body reach... Clownfish for food of copper, and is well suited to life in the Malay! Biaculeatus maroon clownfish have been crossed with the appropriate conditions, any of these clownfish reach up to be most! It is found mostly in lagoons in the area from East Timor through new and!, eye-catching specimen female, ranging from maroon to dark brown blocks and white stripes from more. Use caution when trying to keep a pair of maroon clownfish is a variation of the largest clownfish species fish... Of 12 years being one of the genus Premnas blood orange clownfish ’. A substitute for veterinary guidance hardy, so they ’ re a beginner, take a stab at.! Especially when that is combined with certain aquarium decoration to even and orangish-red color biggest of all,! Aquarium favorite for decades, adding color and spice to so many colors in this is... Especially while spawning percula clownfish looks very similar to the false clownfish, they only! To 30 whole years many of the primary drivers for host selection is thought be. Ones you ’ re just starting out, you ’ re just starting out, you be... And one of the types of clownfish is a good addition to tank... Recommended for beginners keep an eye on how they behave with your tank share are the smallest of clownfish... To live in two body bars which may be white, grey, have... Similar to the false clownfish, these guys are pretty aggressive with tankmates!
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