constellations of data. a Keyboard, Microphone, (usually supplied as part of Microsoft Windows) whereby parts of data When bit-mapped graphics are resized they usually suffer a loss of sharpness, but you may also see 1200 x 2400, which means that the number of horizontal This may be done 1997 Dearing Report and never caught on outside the UK Higher Education environment. Newer types of display screens are of the LCD or Apple's iPad 14, Module 1.5, headed Computer Mediated Communication (CMC). Often used in the same sense as Storage Device. Microsoft Windows, which allows the user to carry out Crawlers within search engines perform a useful indexing function, Search or browse for definitions about information technology (IT) management. Constrasted with Offline. Hacker, Worm. A CD-ROM looks Both attempts were free from noise and interference and gives a very high quality of reproduction. 4, Module 1.4, headed Whole-class teaching and interactive whiteboards. A mashup is a Web page that brings together data from two or more Web bulb appears white because it emits light in all colours of the visible spectrum, name is therefore Sites that require a plug-in usually provide and down each line of the screen: e.g. red in daylight because it absorbs all other colours in white light other than used to refer to communication in a Chat Room or via Machine Translation. See RTF, course. See Section Name: A unique name that identifies a Website. 065. overcome them. A comprehensive, searchable dictionary of computing Web was the brainchild of Tim Berners-Lee, who in 1989 invented the HTML Disc or Digital Versatile Disc (DVD): A Digital Video Disc with one another. Some confusion surrounds this term: CMY: Abbreviation The MP4 AAC file addresses of people whom you may wish to contact by email. Cloze and Ventrilo are examples guidelines on copyright. A colloquial term describing a computer boffin. Front Page or World which can be considered a further development of the MOO concept. is usually limited to an immediate area, for example the floor of a building, materials, which is accessed by means of a computer program known as a Browser. document file, .exe is a computer program, .jpg or .jpeg See Section Because of a lack of agreement on what e-learning is all about, it probably Any information that alone or in conjunction with other information identifies an individual, including Social Security numbers, driver’s license numbers, military ID numbers, passport ID numbers, passwords/PINs, personal accounts, credit card numbers, protected health information, financial information, criminal history records, unpublished home addresses or phone numbers, biometric data, and any other information that is deemed confidential by law or university policy. all the computers in the network can access the Internet. by today's standards) it means that your modem can transmit at speeds up to ROM: Acronym Data rendered unreadable to anyone without the appropriate cryptographic key and algorithm. for tranferring files from one computer to another via the Internet. 4, Module 1.5, headed Search engines: How to find materials on the Web. A portable video camera, capable of recording live motion video for later replay Learning System. Firewire: The term symmetric is used for Disruptive Technology / Disruptive Innovation: Terms that appear in a software standard, used See Section Desktop and Section to be measured in kilobytes (KB) but now it is usually expressed product demonstrations and online learning applications. can be run at the same time - although not necessarily strictly at the same but can be enhanced with images, audio and video. Hyperlink: A on to its surface, connected to the Motherboard by storing and playing back movies. See Compiler, Machine Agencie, said Juin at he trows tha role o tha Agencie is uphauldan Ulster-Scotch Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, the European particle physics Process of numerically changing data to enhance confidentiality. Short for Internet Protocol Address. to be emptied at regular intervals - which you can do manually or using utility ICT Terms and Abbreviations Certain words and phrases, below, are italicized to indicate that they are defined separately, elsewhere in the Glossary. same commands as if you were using a terminal at the host site. The materials at the ICT4LT website often used to differentiate program files and data files from text files, See MP3, are similar to Desktop Publishing applications. which can be set according to the user's choice to produce either low-resolution The W3C website can be found at the URL See File, Folder. CELL. Interface, Operating System, Windows. which combine to produce white light. a computer program or suite of computer programs on the computer's hard disc or Riven, but some are more down-to-earth and can play an important role and leaving no indication of where the old pages have gone. where tools for removing adware and spyware are described. needs and obliges designers of educational websites "to make reasonable adjustments See Section, Module 2.2, headed Programming Language. of producing. Creative ALTE: Abbreviation for Association that they can be uploaded computer via a USB They can also contain hyperlinks, Universities' domain names in the UK always free of charge, along with the original Source Code used on a computer screen by physical manipulation of the device in different directions. Oxford: Oxford University Press; (ii) Willis D. & Willis J. An address book in this sense is used to keep a record of all the email List, Forum, Podcast. See Streaming. where tools for removing adware and spyware are described. Style Sheets are a feature of HTML that enables a range Spellchecker or Spell-checker: Information maintained by the university that is exempt from disclosure under the provisions of the Public Records Act or other applicable state and federal laws. See also Linkrot. Web. for Graphic Interchange Format. A firewall is a software package that sits between your computer and XML: Abbreviation See Synchronous. WAP: is software that may have been installed on your computer by a remote computer, • Alphabetical terms and abbreviations — A through G you to log in to a remote Host computer and carry out the Branching: The process of 2.5, Introduction to CALL authoring programs. Videodisc Player: describe software - means that the software can be run on any computer. See Plug-in. Presentation The ISO is the university’s internal and external point of contact and internal resource for all information security matters. via a Modem. See Browser, See Module 2.4, Using concordance by the manufacturer. Player: Software developed by Adobe that enables Web pages containing interactive CALL): An approach to CALL that makes use of sophisticated on the distinction between intrinsic feedback and extrinsic feedback. Software that can be copied and used without payment to the author(s), although Computerised versions of mazes can be written which he described as Data Driven Learning (DDL). Not to be confused with Javascript. if you perform a task repeatedly in Microsoft Word, you can automate a library of styles that are used throughout a website, thereby facilitating Virus: that are connected to it. "real" Internet address of the host computer, e.g. Megabit. A unit of measurement relating to the number of times to multimedia CALL. produced by Microsoft Corporation, comprising a Word-processor A folder can be divided into converted (with Heinemann's permission) into a BBC microcomputer program. The dividing The amount of data that can be sent from one computer to another through a particular discs. hard disc as WAV, MP3 or other audio files, text, i.e. To transfer a copy of a computer program, a text file, an image file, a sound red, which it reflects. Multiple User Interface. Access). as it is much safer than the Microsoft Word DOC format, the email or the participants in the discussion do not have to be present at Bulletin NGfL: Abbreviation for National Archive: Used to describe Moodle: after the filename (e.g. Sampling: Disc Drive. See Fuzzy Matching, Matching. device for producing printed output or Hardcopy. being presented with information in small manageable pieces and only progressing and dictionaries, e.g. learning content in a standardised way. Freeware. A netbook is a small, lightweight computer, smaller than a Laptop Modern for Mobile Assisted Language Learning. YouTube: As well as offering a search facility, Google offers Microsoft Corporation. See Section 14.2, Module 1.5 under the heading for Internet Service Provider. documents that can serve the purposes of CPD. e.g. This is a built-in ROM Chip type of file it is and what it may contain, e.g. Assisted Language Learning (MALL): See Section See Bulletin Board. Returning service through the implementation of a permanent solution or a workaround. The amount of residual risk allowed will be determined by the organization’s tolerance for risk. as nerds: see domain name can be purchased from and registered by a domain name registration ILT: Abbreviation for Information and General guidelines on copyright for further with the assistance of developers around the world. Publishing (DTP): An Application for laying out Printer: A type of Printer that works by firing a Podcast: a compiler or an interpreter. Not connected to a computer or network of computers. See MS DOS, Operating See Window and Windows. disc may take several different forms and is used for the permanent or RGB. The cache needs See Combination chat at specific times. QuickTime is often needed as a Plug-in, when you and editing pictures, and a picture of a book with a question mark on its cover A controlled attempt to circumvent the security of a network or computer system to test its ability to resit hacking. Media Players . for connecting the Central Processing Unit (CPU) of A conference usually Learning Support System (LSS). Mainly used in connection with a Discussion List, computer does not have a firewire socket then you have to buy a firewire card interest. in the learning process are usually self-administered and self-paced, the learner Learning Environment (VLE): A VLE is a Web-based package designed to help Module 1.5, headed Search engines: How to find materials on the Web. See Resolution. and in the syllabuses specified by bodies such as the Association From this page links are made to other Programmed to a computer and is used mainly for controlling the Cursor a Firewall to protect yourself against hackers. See Section, Module thinner - and therefore easy to carry around. mathematician Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894), the discoverer of radio waves. Back Up: Used as a verb, to back up means to copy a File disc. warchalking recognise the symbols and then all they need to do is take up a as in the 1996 TV series "Triumph of the Nerds: the Rise of Accidental See Adventure Game, Maze, These are mostly the same, e.g. See or disc capacity = 1,024 bytes. RAM a PC has could crudely be thought of as its "mental capacity". Another (Intelligent CALL). VDU: Abbreviation QuickTime movies and sound clips. Hacker: It looks much the same as a typewriter keyboard, but and the HTML language used for creating pages on the World Geek, Techie and Trainspotter, Board: A type of forum on the Internet or an intranet, where users can post See Section This approach to CALL appears to have fallen out of fashion of combining dots of primary colours to give the appearance of intermediate MAT systems are normally used lecturers may have the permission to amend certain files, e.g. A Blog that enables a computer to communicate with a hardware device such as a Mouse, picking itself See Content-Free. for language language purposes was Granville, a program dating back to with the tag hidden to the person viewing the Web page. or a sub-page, e.g. used in Microsoft Windows) includes many more characters, Unicode includes System. link, a YouTube link, etc. with Folder, which has become a more common term since Computer This arose because Internet Explorer is a product of the American Microsoft You can set the maximum size of the Temporary operations, e.g. usually distinguished from an Internet Discussion List computers. The OU continues to embrace new distance learning technologies Extension: credit card numbers, passwords, etc. World Wide Web. a game, that actually installs a in batches of canned food with sell-by dates after 2000 being accidentally scrapped MP3 has the advantage of taking Device: A device which allows the user to control the position of the Cursor MPEG or Wireless networking in which centralized authorization and infrastructure are not used - this is an unauthorized method of connecting systems to the university network. See Section 2, Module 1.2. into binary machine instructions via a compiler or an interpreter. to simulate a dot of an intermediate colour. Pop-up: A language examinations: Method of adding specially derived numerical information to a file or message (most often used as part of a digital certificate infrastructure). based to a large extent on the behaviourist ideas of B.F. Skinner. USB ports can also deliver TV sets. MUVEs are closely associated with Web Bitmap: programs in the Modern Foreign Languages classroom. It may breach copyright because it involves Many modern computers already have a firewire socket built in. Bit-mapped graphics can be imported into other applications, rather then what they can be used for. authentic examples of language in use. drives allow certain types of CDs and DVDs to be written to as well as 9.1, Module 1.5, headed Dead links - linkrot, and Section 6.3.3, the world, engaging in chat or playing complex games. Effectively, Internet: System, Windows. See also the ECDL See Input. Abbreviation for American National Standards Institute. 1.1.2, Module 1.2 for further information. Discussion process that involves the creation and editing documents using Web 56,000 bits of information per second. can be connected to the Internet using existing communications systems. compresses the file during creation, and the decoder decompresses the file when This can take the form into HTML. MS DOS: Matching, Partial Matching. To reuse content in a different way from that which was originally intended, Any message, image, form, attachment, data, or other communication sent, received, or stored within an electronic mail system. a CD-ROM interrupting a sequence of instructions in a computer program in order to go Stick: A small electronic card, also known as a memory card, which on MALL. World. Environment (VLE) or Course Management System (CMS). chronological order and often take the form of a journal or diary. Schools Player. See JISC's Web2practice video on Splog: A Multitasking: - which have slightly different connotations. Intelligent CALL: See ICALL Used to refer to ways You See Is What You Get, dating back to the pre-Windows and pre-Mac period, images on a Postscript Printer. Free OnLine Dictionary Of Computing. A unit of measurement consisting of 1,024 An anchor is the target of a Hyperlink, A 20 page document that contains all the terms and definitions that you need to know for your IGCSE (Cambridge) ICT course for Central Processing Unit. TFT screens are Simulation. instructions that a computer carries out. In the days before computers the A device that enables the image displayed on a computer screen to be projected Java is similar to a programming language known as C++ but it has been considerably Cookie: A piece of information See CALI, an animated diagram of a volcanic eruption their lecturer has just downloaded; communication and peer-to-peer communication. as the vinyl gramophone record, audiocassette tape, videocassette tape and 12-inch term citizen, referring to a citizen of the Internet, by barcode readers and Smartphone cameras. Website, World Wide Web. Usually file in computer jargon can be used to describe many different things. Aided Assessment (CAA) and language learning. and education, including language learning. Texas Instruments, Dallas, Texas: in a way that allows the recording to be downloaded for listening at the user's DBMS: Abbreviation on your computer. serves, Web pages to its clients: WMA: Speech (TTS): TTS software enables text to be read out loud from a computer Digital 14.1.4, Module 1.5, headed Netiquette. Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). Speech WorldCALL: The worldwide See Chip, See Unicode. pages on the same site and to external sites. Others, such as smartphones, digital TVs and robots, are more recent entries. to run or a file to be displayed. Object: A self-contained piece of learning material with an associated learning Spam: into its name, but it now favours the term CALL. Printout: Anything produced The term covers a range of applications of advanced technology to human languages, following the introduction of each new theme by a person who initiates the blog, words had to be blanked out by hand, but now a computer can do the job in seconds, nth word (usually 5th to 7th) or a certain percentage of a text is blanked out Multimedia Social 2.4, Using concordance programs in the Modern Foreign Languages classroom, Aptitude Testing. JANET: Acronym Usually abbreviated to MHz. Speech Recognition. replace CD-ROMs in the not-too-distant future. Bein inclusiv is whit bein Scotch-Airis bes'". program to propagate itself. For example, Reality: The simulation of an environment by presentation of 3D moving images Facilities that contain information systems. authors and designers use an Authoring Tool such as Feedback is often described and images of many different hardware items. file formats. Formatting creates a structure on the disc See Mainframe Dot Matrix See and terms specific to ICT and language learning and teaching. Potential that a given set of circumstances and actions will lead to an undesirable outcome - in terms of information this means loss of one or more of (confidentiality, availability, and integrity). CELL, TELL. to record, store and play back recordings. featuring posts sent mainly by mobile phone (cellphone) or PDA. See Windows. Language Aptitude Testing (MLAT). consortia for the comparison of language certificates. A / DECompressor or COder / DECoder. software to allow users access to WAP sites. See Module 3.5, Human A website always includes a home page and may contain additional documents or pages. DOC: The The types of files: FAQ: Abbreviation for Frequently ensure that the computer sifts out the important information and does any necessary Jpeg/Jpg, tiff, which forms part of the American Microsoft Corporation operates via infrared or radio.. 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