Some people suggest two infantry platoons and two artillery, with some support companies on the side. I looked up forums for the best division layout in an atempt to save manpower, however I didn't really find a satisfactory answer. The ideal template will be 6/7 MOT, 2 LSPART and 1 LTD for speed, like a motorized version of leg infantry. Not as many attacks as the 14-4, but can continue fighting for longer and take less damage because of its higher org, breakthrough, hardness, and armor. Support AT is one of the absolute worst support companies. 1. share. Both of these doctrines are at or near the very end of their trees, thus your recon value is usually equal to your recon batallion's level with values between 1 and 7 with an … Superior firepower. All this assumes your opponent is using purely soft divisions. The division template system is one of the key mechanics of Hearts of Iron IV. But there's only so much you can do with a single support company. As CorpseFool pointed out to me, SPAA didn't get their +50% soft attack commented out the way all the rest of the armor variants did, back when soft attacks got nerfed in 1.5. The composition of each division is specified by its division template. That's double the combined total of the pair of 7-2. The ability to upgrade reliability on tank variants contribute to losing less materiel to attrition. So this is the first blow for this shooter. This is a good general template, but against Germany you could add support anti tank, which would help a fair bit. Dispersed Support is straight up worse than Integrated Support if you have any amount of support companies. Really to maximize Superior Firepower (and Integrated Support in particular), you want both the ART and RART to maximize soft attack. Español - Latinoamérica (Spanish - Latin America). … Heavy fighters and tactical bombers are incredibly useful for Japan, not only as Kamikazes but as ground attack vehicles in the large airzones of Asia. What, using just what you learned above would make this division better? Even MBTs provide more attacks per width at higher techs than artillery do, though lower than SPGs. If you are good at micro, go left side grand battle plan, if you are not go superior firepower. They are too much in the middle. And they also provide a load of breakthrough, hard attack and piercing. Unpierced armor gives +40% average org damage dealt and -50% org and strength damage taken. It gives softattack to all divisions and increases infantry org. Continue this thread level 1. Grand Battleplan. Type the name of a command into the search bar to instantly search our database of 172 HOI4 commands for the most recent version of the game on Steam (PC). Another common division design is simple: 7 … This is not a good template. Faster to build, easier to supply, better terrain bonuses … 1 div with 40 will attacking better than 2 divs with 20 from one province. Concentration of attacks is key for attacking. 7x: Infantry: 90 days: 2x: Artillery: 120 days: 1x: Support Artillery: IC Cost 644. Naval technology: 1.8 Research technologies that unlock new ship types and classes, as well as submarine and improve transports for … Thread starter Secret Master; Start date Aug 8, 2016; Menu Crusader Kings III Available Now! Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. RART is expensive, but it adds about 10% soft attack with full doctrine. 7/2 and 14/4 are outright weak. But it's a good complement to armored divisions against infantry. This can e… Best division layout for Superior Firepower Doctrine? Compare your 114.8* attacks to a 5-0's 110 defense. Concerning your division template, this doctrine goes quite well will artillery forces. Understand the generations of divisions, from early to late war, in HOI4. Shock and Awe may give +10% soft attack to artillery, but it's worse than Airland Battle which gives +10% soft attack and +20% … So a single 14-4 is worth double on offense than a pair of 7-2. By spending 100 Army experience the research speed can be increased by 100%. It's more expensive (about 1800 MIC), but packs a punch with 495 soft attack (also assuming 1940 doctrine). the hoi4 strategy guide will show templates, support companies you need, what is the difference and much more. Research time example: And they provide armor. Yayınlanma Tarihi: 5 ay önce; today's hoi4 tutorial im going over how to make tank divisions templates, im covering everything you need to know in this hearts of iron 4 tutorial or hoi4 guide to make the best tank division template based on your hoi4 strategy. Land Doctrine (superior firepower – see next section for more details) ... Like I say, having artillery in your division templates, air superiority and waiting for the Axis manpower to deplete is the key to success whilst using this strategy. The best we've seen so far. Click on the name of a command to visit its command page, on which you can find more help including examples. In my honest opinion, Mobile Warfare and Superior Firepower are two of the best land doctrines in the game. Dispersed Support is straight up worse than Integrated Support if you have any amount of support companies. Offensive and defensive … The division template system is one of the key mechanics of Hearts of Iron IV. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Generally for pushing tanks are the go to with some motor infantry or cav for backup. In my honest opinion mobile warfare and superior firepower are two of the best land doctrines in the game. That's less damage, right? It will only cripple You. Let's say you pick superior firepower for your doctrine. There is no niche that artillery fill that couldn't be filled better by something else. Not some few additional attacks. It would land 9.45*1.4 = 13.23 attacks against the 5-0. While the 14-4 lands with 11+40.4 = 51.4 attacks. Best used with artilery in your division template. You lose org, defense, and hp ratios for some soft attack. You have an early choice between frontline art … I like those for defense, or I'll trade the engineers for recon if I'm attacking. Or even more if you spend xp on the gun. All following doctrines researches have 382 days. They wont get much better and supplying more than 100 5-brigade units is a lot easier than 100 6-brigades ones. What soft of diviosn templates and tatics do you perform? All rights reserved. (You didn't actually take SF, that should be 114.8 attacks with just the opening tech. And air attack. I looked up forums for the best division layout in an atempt to save manpower, however I didn't really find a satisfactory answer. General of the Army Original Poster 3 years … What about it? 14/4 does not even break a single regular 20W infantry. You sacrifice some ORG and defense, but gain breakthrough plus a little bit of hard attack. Sum of: And while the upfront cost is greater, it actually costs you less overall due to the reduced damage you will be taking because of the increased breakthrough and hardness, as well as the armor bonus and more hp. 1. Division templates can be created and modified by the player using spending army If you're defending against infantry, you don't need the extra attacks, you were going to win anyway. And they provide more armor than SPGs. 6 7 motorised 2 medium spgs 10 11 medium tanks for anti infantry death stack. I can never seem to break thru. A division is 1 basic unit depicted on the map during gameplay. It is pure garbage and this time I'm not being facetious. Higher attacks contribute to battles being over sooner, causing you to take fewer losses. Initial costs are misleading. Here is my full post on 8/8 and how to use it. Not an artillery doctrine. Artillery make you even worse at dealing with tanks than infantry are. Then I would recommend three different infantry designs: (1) Light Infantry - 10INF + Support ART Compared to the rest of the world's countries, the option to have a total of 6 slots is almost unique.The Democratic path of the National Focus Tree ends with Scientist Haven. This has made superior firepower the most ideal doctorine for a infantry heavy army. Finally, I use a 7 MOT/2 LSPART2 division (with upgraded armor) to complement my armored divisions (i.e., follow behind them to help secure the supply lines) during an encirclement. You're going to want more than one template. It is only affected by 2 things: whether you have support battalions & whether you have Shock&Awe research of the Superior Firepower doctrine or Infiltration in Depth of the Grand Battleplan doctrine. It has 160 soft attack. It is a good choice for those of the nations that have high manpower, because this doctrine excludes mass use of infantry divisions and focuses on gradual clearing of the territory that can be later seized by infantry. Flags level 2. This is especially good a solution in battle with opponent with superior firepower. \n 6. Thats the general consensus on the best possible template, although there have been arguments over the heavy tank however, some stating that a heavy tank destroyer is far superior. This template has a combat width of 44 however, so you will need a field marshal with the 'offensive doctrine' trait to lower the width down to 40. Division templates can be created and modified by the player using spending army experience. Artillery are bad and you should feel bad for using them. Attack concentration is king. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. 3 years ago. Recommended Division Templates. 6. share. Best division layout for Superior Firepower Doctrine? Sum of: Airland Battle SHSPAA with medium designer get over 20.5 attacks per width. Edit: You could also decolonise and use colonial 40-width pure infantry templates. They don't provide very many attacks per width. ~ 6 divisions of infantry, optimally one AT or TD (can be omitted), then the rest ART or SP-ART or the rocket equivalent up to a division size of 40. I also think rocket artillery is also more soft attack and breakthrough. The USA starts in 1936 with four research slots, and can acquire two more slots from its National Focuses - Scientist Haven and either American Institute of Sciences or Scientific Research & Development Office. All other research speed modifiers are added to this. As we discussed above, fewer better divisions are typically worth more than many worse divisions. Width-40 division templates have a way better ratio of supply-equipment-per-front-line-batallion and, due to having more fire-power bundled in a single unit and the soft attack versus defence mechanics, they perform superior when attacking other "soft" divisions with less width because they stack up huge amounts of soft attack more often than a larger number of … Press J to jump to the feed. Though not as much of those last two as TDs. 1 x Cavalry Division 1.2. I have used only the opener and no other techs for all of the following). SPGs will always concentrate attacks better than equivalent tech line artillery. (11+44.36)*1.4 = 77.504 attacks land. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Industry (concentrated – not much land) Land Doctrine (mobile … 40 will also work but not as consistently as 20. Delta. What about a 13-4-1? It's not the cheapest division (2100 MIC), but part of that is negated if you upgrade your light tanks to LSPART. Land Doctrine (Superior Firepower – see my recommended military tactics below) Infantry equipment and support companies (engineer and recon companies very useful) Division Templates: This is a new feature I’ve added to my HOI4 nation guides, which will be updated onto my previous guides on the Soviet Union and German Reich. Compared to blitzkrieg, you end up with less org for motorized as most org gain is for leg inf only. One of the most used focuses in multiplayer. Support artillery is good. And then a full complement of support companies. You get decent soft attack (221) to go along with decent enough defense, especially considering that you'll have an armor advantage against more infantry as well as 27% hardness. The Polish Army in 1936 was fairly large. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, One side gives more powerful line artillery battalions, the other improves support companies. This doctrine is all about damage. Hoi4 Resource Gain Efficiency Superior Firepower. Meaning that against our 5-0, it will land (11+20)*1.4 = 43.4 attacks. This has 220.9 attacks. Focus on both you hard attack and soft attack damage output with this doctrine. Or more if you upgrade the gun. Key Features of Nitro PDF Pro 10 Crack: You can easily Edit images insert, resize, rotate, crop, flip, replace, arrange, delete, and extract. You could make infantry division with more artillery In them versus this one. I use this one but I feel like I'm always bogged down when fighting Germany. Some people suggest two infantry platoons and two artillery, with some support companies on the side. Shock and Awe may give +10% soft attack to artillery, but it's worse than Airland Battle which gives +10% soft attack and +20% hard attack to MBTs and SPGs. In addition to complementing my armored divisions during encirclements, having a small army of motorized infantry can also be helpful to have in reserve to reinforce your line(s) as needed. He's talking about the branch in the Superior Firepower doctrine. ? The strategy here mainly hinges on war of attrition and destroying the enemy supply lines. This was successfully practiced by the French during the First Indochina War at the Battle of Nà Sản, but a subsequent attempt to replicate this at Dien Bien Phu led to decisive defeat. 5 x Infantry Divisions wit… Main bonuses in this doctrine are connected with submarines and lightweight ships. 7x: Infantry: 90 days: 2x: Artillery: 120 days: 1x: Support Artillery: IC Cost 644. This is the generic "expensive" hold the line units not too great for breakthrough but okay for pushing. Note that these artillery battalions were equipped with 75mm guns, thus having far less firepower than all other nations., New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Let me count the ways. Report Save. Aerial warfare. Dec 24, 2016 @ 7:24pm Superior firepower is an allrounder doctrine. Attacks above enemy defense deal 4x damage of those below. And since they're only 1 width apiece, they provide not insignificant soft attack per width. Is this any good? With 1940 tech, this division will give you base 411 soft attack at a cost of about 1600 MIC, which is about twice what a 10/0 division costs. Combining the two above points we get 19-1. SHSPAA by themselves will provide more attacks per width (17.25) than max tech line artillery with Shock and Awe (17) because there's never any reason to take Integrated Support. The CSA gets any tech that USA has fully researched when it breaks away, so to be as gamey as possible, research all your techs until you are 1 day from finishing them, and then switch to another. < > Showing 1-2 of 2 comments . Neither will pierce and both have horrendous hard attack and breakthrough. Even support AA is better, because while it also isn't going to be piercing anything with more than light armor, it at least provides you with a cheap source of air attack. Anti-Fort bonus US and other countries of Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio on the gun there. A infantry heavy army with a single regular 20W infantry: you could make infantry division with more artillery them! Unit hoi4 superior firepower template forts since ART gets a 10 % anti-fort bonus it more! And MBTs than you do n't provide very many attacks per width at techs... One template higher attacks contribute to battles being over sooner, causing you to take fewer losses a solution battle! 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