237 votes, 22 comments. Go nuts. The peer to peer support community for media production professionals. After Effects CS6 Keyboard Shortcuts. 1. Sometimes, it helps to break out of that path dependency. Alternatively, if the layer selected is a Light, then this will increase the Intensity property. First of all, if you want to find the timeline, press Ctrl+F or Cmd+F for iOS. (It’s usually found under the Esc key and also has the ~ tilde symbol on it.) Scale and reposition selected layers to fit composition Ctrl+Alt+F Command+Option+F Scale and reposition selected layers to fit composition width, preserving image aspect ratio for each layer Ctrl+Alt+Shift+H Command+Option+Shift+H Scale and reposition selected layers to fit composition height, preserving image aspect ratio for each layer As a new tutorial from School of Motion declares, "Keyboard shortcuts aren't sexy, but they can shave literally days off of your motion graphic projects." Check AE help for more. On Win use the ALT key with the property shortcut key. But it’s not unusual to change a comp with custom settings, particularly its frame size. Shortcut: Option + APSRT It can get tedious, clicking on the diamond icon or stopwatch spacebar every time you want to add a keyframe. If you want to dig a little deeper then check out our 30 Essential Keyboard Shortcuts in After Effects article. Fortunately, After Effects has some helpful shortcut to quickly reveal (or hide) common properties on your layers. Hold down Alt to switch off all Solo layers except for the one you want. Just bear in mind that it works off the anchor point of the selected asset, so elements like text will not be visually centered. does every keyboard have it?? I realized that it is not alt+t/a/p/etc. Modify Scale, constrained to footage frame aspect ratio. Archiware P5 Archive Supports LTFS 1/26/2021! 2. go to file->scripts->scale composition. this question may be stupid but i cant seem to find out how to do it is there a keyboard shortcut for making a keyframe when on an attribute? Promotion Producer KCRG-TV. but alt+shift+[the_needed_key]. If you need to remind yourself what does what, or prefer to bake a custom set that works the way you do, then you’ll find it all here. And similarly, this shortcut lets you nudge the opacity of the selected layer up and down by ten percent. This blog relies on people like you to step in and add your voice. This is where you’ll find properties for color management, timecode, PAR, frame rate, etc. On Win use the ALT key with the property shortcut key. I’ve tried to steer away from four-key finger wrangles, but I use this one regularly as it applies the most recent effect to the selected layer(s). Send us an email: blog at frame.io if you have an idea for a post or want to write one yourself. Just be aware that the behavior of Alt+] has always been to leave a single frame after the CTI position, which has caught me out more than once. Reveal or hide Scale property of a layer(s) — S. Bonus tip: Hold Shift and P, A, R, T, and/or S to reveal or hide multiple properties of a layer(s) Composition, Timeline and Work Area After Effects Keyboard Shortcuts. The keyboard shortcut for setting a position keyframe is option-p on a mac; i think it’s control-p on a windows machine. Working on implementing these keyboard shortcuts is going to make you a faster animator inside of After Effects. If you hold down Alt while you drag a file from the Project panel and drop it onto a layer in the Timeline panel, it’ll replace the existing asset with your new one. Modify Scale, constrained to Footage Frame aspect ratio. These are shortcuts for After Effects CC on OS […] 3. select "new comp width" and change it from 1080 to 1920 and click "scale". The Hand button will center and re-size the current composition in the Composition panel. But the most important part is that all your existing effects and keyframes will be maintained. The Rotate button will reset the primary Rotation property of the selected layer to zero. I’m confident that you’ll find something new in here, regardless of your experience level. So now that this is active, when I press the “S” key, for example, scale shows up. You’ll already know Ctrl+F as the Find shortcut. After Effects has lots of shortcuts. I am tired of clicking the little yellow dot! One is placed at the beginni… I was confused too but just happened to figure it out. We hope this helps sharpen your After Effects ninja skills! This will center your selected asset (s) to the frame. (And don’t forget the F2 key for deselect all.). This is particularly common if you work remotely, as you miss out on the over-the-shoulder tips that happen in a collaborative workspace. I know that if I am on an attribute and then click the yellow dot and then progress down my timeline and then change the atttribute it will automatically make a keyframe. Obviously, you don’t need to apply this to still assets, as these can be retimed by just dragging the in and out points of the layer. This list has been generated from the shortcut file content which can be modified as explained in this article. If you have a layer selected in the Timeline panel, this shortcut will let you select the layers above or below it. ... (I was interested in the Adobe After Effects shortcuts. If you’re in the Timeline panel, you can view the values for properties on all layers by adding a search modifier for things like scale, transparency, position, etc. If you need to adjust this, tapping A will reveal the anchor point properties for the selected layer(s). Forums › Adobe After Effects › keyboard shortcut for keyframing? Caveats apply: I’m a PC guy, so I’ll be listing my choices with the Alt / Ctrl key modifiers. Tap it again to reverse. Holding down Shift for either of these options will advance in 10-frame increments. The Shape button will create a new mask on the selected layer that corresponds to the current Shape option (Ellipse, Star, etc.). Our frustration is your gain again. I STRONGLY suggest that you look them up in AE Help. Check out the video, and see below for a list of over 30 After Effects shortcuts. 4. in the composition settings change the composition height from 1280 to … Your table helps to speed things up greatly!) Typically, at least two keyframes are used to create a change with a property’s value over time. What about a custom property, like a slider, for example? Ctrl + Alt + H Ctrl+Home. These were my favorite time-saving shortcuts, but I’m always happy to hear more. MM - All Mask Settings M – Mask Path F - Mask Feather TT - Mask Opacity General Shortcuts. Correct answer byRoei Tzoref. Reply to this Discussion! S – Scale R – Rotation Masks. By default, the After Effects Default preset is displayed. Once you’ve found the accent grave key, you can add a Ctrl modifier to it. Reset Scale to 100%. Just be aware that it will not respect aspect ratio, so keep an eye open for unwanted image stretching. Mac: Command + [ or ] PC: Control + [ or ] This is another super-useful tool. Q – Shape Tool G – Pen Tool But, if you only want to view the properties that you’ve keyframed, then tapping U will do the trick. This one opens the Interpret Footage panel for a selected file. And it doesn’t have the extra frame issue of the trim tool, so you could use it as a simpler alternative by deleting the unwanted layer it creates. My number one shortcut, simply because there isn’t a project that has ever been made where it could not be used, is the shortcuts for selecting a property from a layer without expanding it all fully. show you how it actually works. That’s why it’s there… to help, y’know? Shift-drag layer handle with Selection tool. (You might be using Ctrl+Left Cursor / Right Cursor, instead.) scale property help deselect all ... audio levels property toggle compostion & timeline panel zoom in single frames select prev layer move keyframe 1 frame early move keyframe 1 frame later select next layer safe zones rename next ... 2015 ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS CC KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS CHEAT SHEET Panels, Viewers, Workspaces, & windows SHORTCUTS Comment #1 by ganesh Apr 25, 2011 at 12:56 am Reply. For opacity, it’s option-t. When you put the clips on the timeline, they will auto-scale. I had the same problem in finding the corresposponding hotkey in Windows. Select the clips you want to automatically scale to frame size, and click Clip > Video Options > Scale to Frame Size. Truer words were never spoken. You might know it as ‘playhead’. Holding down Alt while you click on the Solo switch will turn off Solo for all layers before turning it on for only the current layer. 162k members in the AfterEffects community. A Anchor Point P Position R Rotation S Scale T Opacity. Since videos and animations are made up of frames, a keyframe is a mark (a diamond symbol in most cases) that’s created at a specific time for a specific layer property’s value. So I click on that and see the blue border around it. With a layer selected in the Timeline panel, hitting I or O will move the CTI to the beginning (in) or the end (out) of that layer. Ctrl+Shift+/ (on main keyboard) Ctrl+M. Scale to Frame Size is also available in the bin. See Mac OS Help for instructions to reassign Dashboard & Expose shortcuts. Move a Layer Up/Down. If you want to isolate a layer so that you can get a better look at what you’re working on, you just toggle the layer’s Solo switch in the Timeline panel, and you can set as many layers to Solo as you need. But is there a shortcut to make that first keyframe, so I dont have to click that yellow dot? This is an immediate way to remove all the effects from the selected layer(s). after effects scale shortcut, All right, back here in After Effects, to make this work, I need the timeline active. When you use a preset to create a comp, you probably won’t go back to change any of its basic settings like the frame size, PAR, and frame rate. Unfortunately I can't figure out what I am doing wrong here and I would like some help from experts ! On Win use the ALT key with the property shortcut key. Not a big deal, just a bit tidier. Scale and reposition selected layers to fit composition height, preserving image aspect ratio for each layer : Shortcuts: 3D layers: Note: (Mac OS) Shortcuts involving function keys F9-F12 may conflict with shortcuts used by the operating system. And, if you think that my finger-fu is weak, then feel free to challenge me in the comments below. How Frame.io Helps VICE Give All the F***s They Want, 6 LGBTQ+ Films Ahead of Their Time and Why They Are Important. This is AE’s fit to composition tool, and it’s super-useful for quickly fitting imported stills or clips to the frame size. Hope this helps! 2. And finally, you can’t really write a piece on keyboard shortcuts without including the one that brings up all the keyboard shortcuts. On Mac use the OPTION key with the property shortcut key. You should already know that the Pg Up and Pg Dn keys will advance/rewind your CTI in single-frame increments. I’m having the same problem. Double-click Rotation Tool. I am using After Effects CC 14.1 and when I want to resize Roto Brush tool (by clicking CMD + dragging my trackpad) it's not doing so.... instead it's just zooming in composition how do you change Roto Brush Tool size in After Effects for Mac ? If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably gotten comfy with your everyday After Effects shortcuts. Mac users should just swap Alt to Option and Ctrl to Cmd. On Mac use the OPTION key with the property shortcut key. Tapping the accent grave key (`) maximizes the panel beneath your mouse cursor. Active ‘if statement’ over a number of frames, Option to import from DVD player disappeared after upgrade, Automating repetitive tasks (Cross post from After Effects), Automating repetitive tasks (Goin’ crazy out there at the lake), Check field order before broadcast delivery. This article also assumes that you’re using a Latin-based keyboard with a US layout. After Effects help and inspiration the Reddit way. Modify Scale, constrained to Footage Frame aspect ratio. Simply select the footage in the project, hit the shortcut and it will automatically be added to the AE comp. When After Effects detects a non-supported keyboard, the default view is to display the U.S. English keyboard. In After Effects, you can use this in both the Project or Timeline panels, and what makes this particularly powerful is using search terms like “missing” to find missing assets, fonts and plugins. Just bear in mind that it works off the anchor point of the selected asset, so elements like text will not be visually centered. 1. select your 1080x720 composition in the project panel. One of the most useful tools to have at your disposal, Ctrl+Shift+D lets you split the selected layers at the CTI (current time indicator). And remember that you can save your preferences in the Adobe Creative Cloud so that they’re available across your machines. While we’re on the topic of resizing, if you want to nudge the scale of a selected layer up and down by 10 percent, then this lets you do just that. Still need more speed in After Effects? Ctrl + Alt + F. Scale and reposition Layers to f it Composition. After Effects Shortcuts: Timeline. For example, if you’re setting a keyframe for scale and you’re on a Mac press option + the S key, if you’re setting a keyframe for opacity on a Windows machine press Alt + the T key, etc. Adding the Alt modifier changes the default behavior to paste the assets at the CTI instead of at the beginning of the timeline. (That’s the last of the four-fingers, I promise.). (Or, if you consider yourself a shortcut sifu, score yourself based on how many of these you already know.). Similarly, Ctrl+Shift+Y opens the Properties panel for the solid or null that’s either open in the Timeline or selected in the Project panel. The accent grave key lets you maximize/restore the panel beneath your cursor. You can also press A to show Anchor Point property, L for Audio Levels property, F for Mask Feather property, M for Mask Path property, T for Opacity, P for Position property, R for Rotation and Orientation properties, S for Scale property, and E for Effects property group. Holding down Alt and dropping an asset on top of another will instantly replace it with properties intact. More importantly, it’s where you’ll find the option to loop the selected clip, rather than duplicating it on your timeline a dozen times. This will reveal all the properties for the currently selected layer(s). are the most common. Have you tried double-clicking these buttons? 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