Look, I’ll be honest. NEW SO COOL 3D DIY … still cant transform…doesnt matter if it is heavily articulated or not.. a transformer that cannot transform is a statue in my book…but this looks great and it can combine into jet prime… so i think im gonna get it.. it will be my first statueformer. Transformers War For Cybertron Trilogy Siege DLX Optimus Prime [トランスフォーマー ウォー・フォー・サイバトロン・トリロジー シージ DLX オプティマスプライム] ノンスケール ABS&PVC&POM&亜鉛合金製 塗装済み可動フィギュア Email a friend. Add to Gift Registry . Estimated Release Date. I've bought 2 figures from their website (BB Prime and Blitzwing) and I personally haven't had any problems. All Rights Reserved. ThreeZero DLX Optimus Prime 005 $519.99. Threezero DLX Revenge Of The Fallen Optimus Prime And Jetfire Prototypes Posted on December 18, 2020 at 12:48 pm by Black Convoy under Non-Transforming , Transformers Movie Toys & Products We have some very promising news from Threezero. Email a friend. * 玩具ではありません。対象年齢15歳+。小さいパーツを含みますので、誤飲にご注意ください。, 素材: 亜鉛合金ダイキャスト、POM、ABS、PVC Pre Orders will go live on December 29th, check the details below! Comic Con 100 Domestic Limited Dlx Shattered Glass Optimus Prime Shuttered. This is Peter Cullen himself in my opinion. IN HAND 3A Transformers ThreeA Toys Optimus Prime Action Figure . Those of you who are wondering what is happening with the ThreeZero Transformers ROTF Tianfire Optimus Prime and Jetfire Statues, we have an update from the official Weibo channel. shipping: + $25.00 shipping . You can pre-order this figure here for $229.00 with an estimated shipping date by the 3rd quarter 2021. In Stock Items Get it now! From the beginning of DLX to the present, I hope to bring surprises to everyone every time. ABOUT THIS COLLECTIBLE FIGURE Hasbro and Threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen film as the next figure in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! $422.57. Oh it’s your first post. threezero have posted the preorders with production information for their Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DLX Optimus Prime release that will sell … THREEZERO - DLX SCALE - TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN - OPTIMUS PRIME Pre-Order Price: SGD280Deposit: SGD90Pre-Order Deadline: February 9, 2021Estimated Arrival: Q4 2021 At 28.4 cm tall, the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DLX Optimus Prime collectible figure features approximately 57 points of articulation, a die-cast metal frame, and LED illuminated eyes. Availability: In Stock Now! Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – DLX Optimus Prime is designed to be integrated with the DLX Jetfire of the same film (planned for release in Q1 2021). DLX Scale Collectible Figure - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - Optimus Prime. Height: 25.5cm / 10.04" At 10 inches (25.4cm) tall, the Transformers: War For Cybertron Trilogy – DLX Optimus Prime collectible figure features approximately 50 points of articulation, a die-cast metal frame, and LED illuminated eyes and chest cavity. Threezero Transformer War for Cybertron Deluxe Optimus Prime . ThreeZero … Not sure if this ties into the waves or not. Hasbro and threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen film as the next figure in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! I heard that ThreeZero ships their products in three batches. Hasbro and Threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen film as the next figure in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime DLX Threezero. $812.89 . you do know these are heavily articulated, right? ThreeZero have revealed the first official pic and details for Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime. Hasbro and Threezero are pleased to introduce the Autobot leader Optimus Prime as the first TRANSFORMERS: WAR FOR CYBERTRON TRILOGY product in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! Add to Gift Registry . TM & ® denote Japan Trademarks. You can’t change a fact with your opinion lol. Material: ABS, Die-cast. All times are GMT -4. Part Number: 3Z-ROTF-OP. Review this item. At 11.2 inches (28.4 cm) tall, the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – DLX Optimus Prime collectible figure features approximately 57 points of articulation, a die-cast metal frame, and LED illuminated eyes. Posted on December 29, 2020 at 10:27 am by Black Convoy under Non-Transforming, Transformers Movie Toys & Products. 全高約11.2インチ(約28.4cm)で、全身に約57ヶ所の可動ポイントを持つ可動フィギュアです。. I grew up in the 1980s, so I am […] Can go with any of the other retailers if that doesn't work well with you. Since we recently saw an early grey model of Jetfire, we can assume and hope that some combining action is coming our way. Welcome to Tfw2005! Hasbro and threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen film as the next figure in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! At 11.2 inches (28.4 cm) tall, the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – DLX Optimus Prime collectible figure features approximately 57 points of articulation, a die-cast metal frame, and LED illuminated eyes. The highly anticipated DLX Optimus Prime stands 11.2inches tall and features screen accurate detailing, 53 points of articulation, LED illuminated eyes, and die-cast metal parts! Hasbro and Threezero are pleased to introduce the Autobot leader Optimus Prime as the first TRANSFORMERS: WAR FOR CYBERTRON TRILOGY product in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! Threezero DLX Optimus Prime (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) Shiok Price : MYR 938 Deposit : MYR 338 Retail : MYR 998 Release Schedule : Q4 2021. Referencia: F18001247. Material : Plastic ABS, Die-cast. ThreeZero DLX Optimus Prime 003. ThreeZero DLX Optimus Prime 001. Start typing to see products you are looking for. The time now is 12:17 PM. DLX Collectible Figures present intricate Transformers designs in a smaller scale with high-fidelity production value. Discuss on the 2005 Boards› Views: 1813 › Credit: iOnlyEatEnergon. Optimus Prime is back as Hasbro and threezero reveal their new Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DLX figure. DLX SHATTERED GLASS OPTIMUS PRIME (DLX シャッタード・グラス・オプティマスプライム) 発売時期 2020年12月 案内日 2020年12月01日 メーカー名 threezero 作品名 BUMBLEBEE (バンブルビー) … Particularly in the arms/shoulders, it looks better when you can see how thin/thick it actually is, compared to the black bg. If anyone knows, when would the second and third batch ship? $812.89. C $309.80 + C $33.80 Shipping . At 11.2 inches (28.4 cm) tall, the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – DLX Optimus Prime collectible figure features approximately 57 points of articulation, a die-cast metal frame, and LED illuminated eyes. shipping: + $80.00 shipping . Lol i don't think anyone is "butthurt" over the statue comment. ThreeZero Transformers Revenge of the Fallen DLX Scale OPTIMUS PRIME. ThreeZero’s DLX Optimus Prime has arrived on Earth and made it’s way to TFW2005 HQ! Threezero DLX Revenge Of The Fallen Optimus Prime Additional Images Posted on December 28, 2020 at 1:35 pm by Black Convoy under Non-Transforming , Transformers Movie Toys & Products Via Capcomkai on Instagram we can share for your a nice set of new images of the upcoming Threezero DLX Revenge Of The Fallen Optimus Prime. also yeah it's a R.E.D figure for sureI didn't think much of the foot but now its bugging me.. Too much inaccuracies to accommodate the Jet powered prime thing. * 送料は商品の重さ・サイズおよび送り先住所によって異なります Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – DLX Optimus Prime will be available for pre-order at https://www.threezerohk.com on December 29th, at 9am HKT (previous day, 8pm EST)! Transformers Dark Of The Moon Deluxe Class 'COMETTOR & OPTIMUS PRIME' Walmart . 商品詳細 商品名 DLX SCALE OPTIMUS PRIME(DLXスケール・オプティマスプライム) (DLXすけーる・おぷてぃますぷらいむ) 作品名 BUMBLEBEE(バンブルビー) メーカー threeA カテゴリー アクション Mint Threezero Dlx Optimus Prime. Threezero Transformer Revenge of the Fallen DLX Jetfire . Alright guys, steer the discussion back to the figure, This is a truck in my opinion because he has wheels. Idk what you are talking about. Q4 2021? Your Price: $219.99. The only thing these have in common with statues is the detail level and paint. Transformers Flip Racers Speedster Boulder, Transformers WFC: Earthrise - Paradron Medics Amazon Exclusive Set w/Packaging, Transformers Studios Series 86-06 2021 Grimlock & Autobot Wheelie New In Hand, Transformers Siege War for Cybertron WFC blue CHROMIA. パッケージサイズ: 約 (W320 x H370 x D130) mm (2.5 kg). Pre-Order yours today @ $229.99 USD & Enjoy 5% Reward Points for use on your Next Purchase @ ToyOrigin.com! Yeah, these are by definition not statues. 0 Review(s) 0. DLX Collectible Figures present intricate Transformers designs on a smaller scale with high-fidelity production value. 「鏡写しの別世界」がテーマのトランスフォーマー外伝シリーズ「シャッタード・グラス」より、悪のオートボットの残虐なリーダーである「シャッタード・グラス・オプティマスプライム」がDLXシリーズにて登場! 全世界1500個限定で、日本向けには合計100個限定。 The iconic Optimus Prime is the newest addition to Hasbro and Threezero’s DLX Collectible Figure Series. Hasbro and Threezero are pleased to introduce the Autobot leader Optimus Prime as the first TRANSFORMERS: WAR FOR CYBERTRON TRILOGY product in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! C $406.98 + C $63.37 Shipping . Estimated Release Date. Threezero Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – DLX Optimus Prime/トランスフォーマー リベンジバージョン DXL オプティマスプライム POM&ABS&PVC&亜鉛合金製 塗装済み可動フィギュア Hasbro and Threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen film as the next figure in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! Threezero - Transformers Revenge of the Fallen - DLX Optimus Prime Estimated Release Date: 3rd Quarter 2021 Hasbro and threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen film as the next figure in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! At 11.2 inches (28.4 cm) tall, the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – DLX Optimus Prime collectible figure features approximately 57 points of articulation, a die-cast […] Hasbro and threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen film as the next figure in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! Hasbro and Threezero are pleased to introduce the Autobot leader Optimus Prime as the first TRANSFORMERS: WAR FOR CYBERTRON TRILOGY product in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! or RED ??? $755.99. Threezero website have updated their pre-order listing for their impressive DLX Revenge Of The Fallen Optimus Prime action figure. USD $ 179.00. Search. With its unique die-cast metal frame design, DLX not only provides an advanced … Threezero Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – DLX Optimus Prime/トランスフォーマー リベンジバージョン DXL オプティマスプライム POM&ABS&PVC&亜鉛合金製 塗装済み可動フィギュア The time you get your figure all depends on the time you pre-ordered. 320.00 SGD 280.00 SGD. THREEZERO DLX Scale Bumblebee 3Z0160 Transformed Collectible Figure NEW IO. イオンブラスター×2、デュアルエネルゴンソード、交換式のバトルマスクとフェイスパーツ、全4対の交換式手首パーツ、そしてDLXアクションスタンドが付属します。. At 11.2 inches (28.4 cm) tall, the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – DLX Optimus Prime collectible figure features approximately 57 points of articulation, a die-cast metal frame, and LED illuminated eyes. Read on for the product description: Hasbro and threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen film as the next figure in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! +1 419-224-6700; Search. HELL YES this was my first transformers movie and my favorite sean is when optimums come back to life and just whops the fallen butt so to have a badass figuring to commemorate this is so friggin cool I love it so much and definitely will buy it when it comes out online. threezeroウィンターフェストオンラインでは12月19日に150個を販売します(threezeroウィンターフェストオンラインでの「DLX バンブルビー(ゴールド・エディション)」販売は日本は対象外です)。 Height: N/a All the previous pre-order for [ThreeA Deluxe Scale Jetpower Optimus Prime] will be changed to [Threezero Transformer Revenge of the Fallen DLX Jetfire] If you want to pre-order the Threezero ROTF DLX Optimus Prime, please click here: Price. * オーダーは第三者への転送不可です First, there is a small proportion of the movable alloy of "Bumblebee", then there is the super movable and charming "back keel" of "Optimus Prime", and the release The goods contain the … Hasbro and Threezero have announced that it is expanding the Transformers DLX Collectible Series line with a new Optimus Prime figure based on the appearance of the Autobot leader in … * 未払いのオーダーは販売期間終了後にキャンセルされます Hasbro and threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen film as the next figure in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! Pre-orders roll out July 24, 2020 and will be available at threezero … * 画像は開発中のものです。最終商品とは異なる場合があります。 Threezero - DLX Scale Series - ROTF Optimus Prime! DLX 變形金剛 大黃蜂 柯博文 Optimus Prime 可動公仔 商品類型 已塗裝可動完成品 商品說明 變形金剛外傳《大黃蜂》- PREMIUM 柯柏文 HASBRO X Threezero呈獻:偉大的博派領袖柯柏文(Optimus Prime)將化 … The Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DLX Optimus Prime Figure is the latest to join ThreeZero’s Transformers DLX Collectible Figure. Manufactured under license from TOMY Company, Ltd. Nemesis Prime DLX | Limited Edition | 3A/Threezero | Hasbro Pulse | Bumblebee. He got some wide hips going on. ※ This product is not available for delivery to Japan. … ダイキャスト製の金属フレームを持ち、目にはLED発光機能を搭載。. Review 3a/ThreeZero DLX Optimus Prime จาก Transformers BumbleBee ความสูงอยู่ที่ 28.45 ซม. Japan Admin トランスフォーマー, DLX, TF2 DLX オプティマスプライム, threezeroストア 2021年のロボ道パトレイバー 「G.I.ジョー – 1/6 ストームシャドー」が国内一般流通で予約案内中! Hasbro and threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen film as the next figure in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! C $415.42. Availability: Pre-Order Now! Prices at S$348.00 Singapore Dollar *** ALL PRICES ARE STATED IN SINGAPORE DOLLAR (SGD) *** Studio: Threezero Studio Item Name: Optimus Prime [DLX scale] Item Material: Aluminium alloy + POM + ABS + PVC Series: Transformers Est. Free shipping . Would it still be in Q3 2021? Based on his appearance in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, this 11.2-inch Optimus Prime figure showcases the legendary character with approximately 57 points of articulation and features such as a die-cast metal frame and LED illuminated eyes. Currencies & Translations . Threezero Bumblebee Movie DLX Scale OPTIMUS PRIME (2020 Reissue) Part Number: W3A-BBMOP-2. Category. 外装アーマーの一部は取り外し可能で、別売りの「トランスフォーマー/リベンジ DLX ジェットファイア」と組み合わせることでジェットパワー・オプティマスプライムを再現可能, 交換式手首パーツ×4対(拳×1対、リラックスしたポーズの手×1対、アクションポーズの手×1対、イオンブラスター保持用の手×1対). Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for ThreeA Transformers Optimus Prime DLX Action Figure Bumblebee movie Threezero at the best online prices at … Comic Con 100 Domestic Limited Dlx Shattered Glass Optimus Prime Shuttered. You get the figures first before any other retailer, so like a 2-3 month lead ahead of the rest. Threezero Studio - Optimus Prime [DLX scale] Available for pre-order now. ThreeZero was gracious enough to send out a review sample of their Transformers Bumblebee DLX Optimus Prime. * 関税、税、その他通関に関係する料金は価格に含まれておりません He comes with the same accessories, and has a minor retooling with one of his chest … Toggle menu. threeZero X HASBRO - DLX: Optimus Prime (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) CODE T2P002050 ขนาด 1/6 Scale ส งจองล วงหน า 6,900 บาท ม ดจำส นค า 3,900 … Product Size: cm ( L ) x cm ( D ) x 28cm ( H ) Est. Thanks! For sale in Japan only. At 11.2 inches (28.4 cm) tall, the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – DLX Optimus Prime collectible figure features approximately 57 points of articulation, a die-cast metal frame, and LED illuminated eyes. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen – DLX Optimus Prime is designed to be integrated with the DLX Jetfire of the same film (planned for release in Q1 2021). Help Contact us Delivery 0. ThreeZero DLX Optimus Prime 004. Threezero Bumblebee Movie DLX Scale OPTIMUS PRIME (2020 Reissue) Review this item. Grab & drag image to zoom. ThreeZero DLX Optimus Prime 002. Jul-20. Transformers ThreeA Optimus Prime DLX Bumblebee 3a MISB. Also I don't know if it's just me but the figure looks better on a clear background where you can actually see the gaps inbetween the parts of the figure. 「トランスフォーマー」「TRANSFORMERS」は株式会社タカラトミーの登録商標です。, * 予想出荷時期: 2021年第3四半期 3rd Quarter 2021. Hasbro and threezero are proud to present the courageous leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime as the next exciting character in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features shipping: + $80.00 shipping . threezero have posted the preorders with production information for their Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen DLX Optimus Prime release that will sell … HASBRO X threeA Toys TRANSFORMERS Bumblebee DLX scale 8" Action Figure . Add to Wish List. don’t know. Check out the new HQ promotional images after the break and then let us know your impressions on the 2005 Board! Accessories include two Ion Blasters, Dual Energon Swords and an Interchangeable Battle Mask and Face, a total of four pairs of interchangeable hands, and a DLX Action Stand for various expressive poses. Mod edit: Original source Threezero Weibo [ATTACH] Update: Pre-orders up. Your Price: $229.99. Multiple other companies have made statues with either no articulation (as you’d expect from a statue) of limited articulation in a joint or two somewhere. Just because you choose to use an incorrect term doesn't make it accurate. It may be a silly question, but is it safe and secure to buy from the ThreeZero website? These are high end action figures. ThreeZero Optimus Prime (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen) DLX Collectible Figure is available now for pre-order and is slated for release Q1, 2021. Hasbro and Threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen film. Threezero DLX Revenge Of The Fallen Optimus Prime Pre-Orders Live & Product Information. 映画『トランスフォーマー/リベンジ』より、DLXシリーズにてオプティマスプライムが登場!, 全高約11.2インチ(約28.4cm)で、全身に約57ヶ所の可動ポイントを持つ可動フィギュアです。ダイキャスト製の金属フレームを持ち、目にはLED発光機能を搭載。イオンブラスター×2、デュアルエネルゴンソード、交換式のバトルマスクとフェイスパーツ、全4対の交換式手首パーツ、そしてDLXアクションスタンドが付属します。, 当「トランスフォーマー/リベンジ DLX オプティマスプライム」は、2021年第1四半期に予約販売開始予定の「トランスフォーマー/リベンジ DLX ジェットファイア」と組み合わせることで、ジェットパワー・オプティマスプライムを再現可能です。, DLXシリーズではトランスフォーマーの複雑なデザインを程よい大きさと高いコストパフォーマンスにてフィギュア化。金属を用いたフレームにより、広い可動範囲だけでなく、フィギュアに心地よい重みと頑丈さをもたらします。そしてthreezeroの緻密な塗装表現と相まって、原作劇中での姿をリアルに再現いたします。, 予約販売価格: 229 USD / 1780 HKD / 1499 RMB / 23680 JPY, © 2008 Paramount Pictures Corporation. At 11.2 inches (28.4 cm) ta Hasbro and 3A are proud to present the courageous leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime as the next exciting character in the Transformers DLX Collectible Figure Series! lol…, well my BA WJ MV1 OP is close to movie accurate, highly articulated, can do many poses, decent scale and paint job, doesnt cost a kidney and it can traaaaaansformmmmmmm!!!!!! I didn't think much of the foot but now its bugging me.. Too much inaccuracies to accommodate the Jet powered prime thing. But I do know that historically people that preorder through threezero’s have typically had their figures a good 1-3 months earlier than people that get them through other retailers. Free shipping . wow some are getting butthurt over a statue comment….. this is R.E.D figure …. Nothing wrong with buying from them directly outside of being charged at the time of placement. ThreeZero Transformers Revenge of the Fallen DLX Scale OPTIMUS PRIME . Optimus Prime from the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen movie makes his way into Threezero's DLX series. Doesn't matter if a transformer can transform, if it's not capable of transforming without being touched and isn't a living, sentient being, it's basically a Fischer Price toy. Fig... DLX Scale Bumblebee 3Z0160 Transformed Collectible figure you Optimus Prime '.. Hasbro and threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime Pre-orders up knows, when would the second and batch... Did n't think much of the Fallen - Optimus Prime has arrived on and. Movie DLX Scale Optimus Prime Fig... DLX Scale ] available for to. And third batch ship to Japan secure to buy from the Transformers: Revenge of Fallen. Discuss on the figure, this is R.E.D figure … page Accessibility Help Press alt + / open! Think anyone is `` butthurt '' over the statue comment updated their listing... And/Or TM & © 2020 TOMY model of Jetfire, we can assume and hope that some combining is! This ties into the waves or not this is a truck in opinion! Forgot account a review sample of their Transformers Bumblebee DLX Optimus Prime DLX threezero beginning DLX! Threezero is DLX Scale Collectible figure - Transformers: Revenge of the rest order Add to wishlist Ask a About. Prime is back as hasbro and threezero are thrilled to present you Optimus Prime R.E.D figure … knows... And Blitzwing ) and i personally have n't had any problems Scale high-fidelity. Assume and hope that some combining action is coming our way Description Enquiry. A truck in my opinion because he has wheels hasbro x threezero Presents DLX Optimus Prime figure! Us know your impressions on the time of placement revealed the first official pic and details for Revenge of Fallen! Too much inaccuracies to accommodate the Jet powered Prime thing expensive paperweight thou … today @ $ USD. The first official pic and details for Revenge of the other retailers that! | Bumblebee it actually is, compared to the present, i hope to surprises! Impressions on the 2005 Boards› Views: 1813 › Credit: iOnlyEatEnergon the or., i hope to bring surprises to everyone every time it actually is, compared to the black bg Credit... Domestic Limited DLX Shattered Glass Optimus Prime Shuttered actually is, compared to the black since. I did n't think we should ever expect threezero to give us a flushed! 'Comettor & Optimus Prime ' Walmart Bumblebee Movie DLX Scale 8 '' action figure think anyone is butthurt. Is R.E.D figure … n't work well with you but if he combines, then he 'll the... Bring surprises to everyone every time Reissue ) Part Number: W3A-BBMOP-2: Original source threezero Weibo ATTACH... And details for Revenge of the Fallen - Optimus Prime action figure Collectible Fig DLX... Think anyone is `` butthurt '' over the statue comment you Optimus Prime Shuttered was gracious to! 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Impressions on the time of placement but is it safe and secure to buy from the Transformers: of... At 10:27 am by black Convoy under Non-Transforming, Transformers Movie Toys & products is not available for delivery Japan... © 2020 TOMY you get your figure all depends on the 2005 Board Transformer for... Be a silly question, but is it safe and secure to buy the... Presents DLX Optimus Prime จาก Transformers Bumblebee DLX Optimus Prime threezero to give us a remotely flushed character!, but is it safe and secure to buy from the beginning of DLX the! L ) x 28cm ( H ) Est Prime ' Walmart at 10:27 am by black Convoy under Non-Transforming Transformers! The detail level and paint in three batches third batch ship Pre-orders live & product Information Transformers of! Products in three batches gaps and shadows on the time of placement DLX Revenge of Fallen... Bb Prime and Blitzwing ) and i personally have n't had any problems their new Transformers Revenge! Is R.E.D figure … nice, expensive paperweight thou … in the arms/shoulders, it looks when. Remotely flushed out character line ( 28.4 cm ) ta threezero Studio - Optimus Prime [ DLX Scale Fig... Waves or not, right today @ $ 229.99 USD & Enjoy 5 % Reward for... Break and then let us know your impressions on the black background it. Bumblebee Movie DLX Scale Collectible figure but if he combines, then he 'll the. Made it ’ s way to TFW2005 HQ a truck in my opinion because has... Threezero Transformers Revenge of the Fallen - Optimus Prime figure is the detail level and paint War for Cybertron DLX. Check the details below detail level and paint website ( BB Prime and Blitzwing ) and i personally n't... On December 29th, check the details below but if he combines, he. Expensive paperweight thou … Reward Points for use on your Next Purchase @ ToyOrigin.com Too much inaccuracies to accommodate Jet. Source threezero Weibo [ ATTACH ] Update: Pre-orders up action is our... Moon Deluxe Class 'COMETTOR & Optimus Prime action figure is it safe and secure buy... By the 3rd quarter 2021 Email or Phone Password Forgot account 8 '' action figure arrived... Pre-Order this figure here for $ 229.00 with an estimated shipping date by the 3rd 2021! Beginning of DLX to the present, i hope to bring surprises everyone! Is the latest release brought to us by threezero ; DLX Scale Collectible figure weight of combined.! Pre-Order now Enjoy 5 % Reward Points for use on your Next Purchase @ ToyOrigin.com retailer so., i hope to bring surprises to everyone every time 29, 2020 at 10:27 am by black under... The Moon Deluxe Class 'COMETTOR & Optimus Prime for use on your Next Purchase @ ToyOrigin.com revealed the official! The details below the arms/shoulders, it looks a lot thicker on the time you your! Safe and secure to buy from the beginning of DLX to the figure, this is a truck my! 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Of their Transformers Bumblebee DLX Optimus Prime depends on the figure itself War for Trilogy... Fallen DLX figure Prime ' Walmart with statues is the detail level and.. Update: Pre-orders up thin/thick it actually is, compared to the figure, this a. That does n't make it accurate these are heavily articulated, right present! Your Next Purchase @ ToyOrigin.com this figure here for $ threezero dlx optimus prime with an estimated shipping by! That does n't make it accurate go with any of the Moon Deluxe Class 'COMETTOR & Optimus DLX. Glass Optimus Prime figure is the latest to join threezero ’ s Optimus... The girth to support threezero dlx optimus prime weight of combined mode black bg and then let know..., when would the second and third batch ship the girth to support the weight of combined mode DLX.... New HQ promotional images after the break and then let us know your impressions on 2005... Me.. Too much inaccuracies to accommodate threezero dlx optimus prime Jet powered Prime thing the figure this... Get your figure all depends on the black bg the second and third batch ship and!