This is because people want to look cute in their bikinis and they don't think they'll be doing anything too strenuous. calluses on the palms, which are often caused by strenuous activity. The civil government was carried on by consulares or praesides, while the military government was in the hands of four duces militum, who made strenuous efforts to drive out the barbarians. Christian revenged himself by executing the magnate Torben Oxe, who, on very creditable evidence, was supposed to have been Dyveke's murderer, despite the strenuous opposition of Oxe's fellow-peers; and henceforth the king lost no opportunity of depressing the nobility and raising plebeians to power. This is important because Ashtanga is a very strenuous and demanding form of yoga, and those who practice it often sweat profusely. The Co,j- The project had come to nothing owing to the oppogress oa sition of the British government and the strenuous Verona andobjection o(Prince Metternich to a course which Spain. Clowes; The Rough Riders (1899); Oliver Cromwell (1901); the following works on hunting and natural history, Hunting Trips of a Ranchman (1886), Ranch Life and Hunting Trail (1888), The Wilderness Hunter (1893), Big Game Hunting in the Rockies and on the Plains (1899; a republication of Hinting Trips of a Ranchman and The Wilderness Hunter), The Deer Family (1902), with other authors, and African Game Trails (1910); and the essays, American Ideals (2 vols., 1897) and The Strenuous Life (1900); and State Papers and Addresses (1905) and African and European Addresses (1910). Table 1: MRC Dyspnoea scale Grade Degree of breathlessness related to activities 0 Not troubled by breathlessness except on strenuous exercise. Strenuous fighting thereupon ceased. Peter himself lived among his workmen, himself the most strenuous of them all, in a small two-roomed wooden hut at Voronezh. (open, save, copy) So far, however, as it is possible to disengage one's self from this captivation, it may be said that the mingling of distinct and original vision with a singularly conscientious handling of the English language, in the sincere and wholesome self-consciousness of the strenuous artist, seems to be the central feature of Stevenson as a writer by profession. Look for units with wide, stable bases that will prevent them from tipping over during strenuous play. Follow the steep airy arete to some strenuous final moves. Some yoga routines, depending on the teacher and school, can be as strenuous as the most difficult workout, especially those called ashtanga, or power, yoga. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. After a strenuous resistance to Russian conquest, and much suffering at a later period from Kirghiz and Kalmuck raids, they now live by agriculture, either in separate villages or along with Russians. Here's the word you're looking for. If the pain is not constant, it will most likely be triggered by intercourse, ejaculation, or strenuous exercise. Overeating, tight-fitting clothes, and strenuous activity immediately after a meal should be avoided. The enemy's light guns, aided by effective searchlights, were offering a strenuous opposition to the small craft engaged on the all-important duty of clearing the channel of submerged defences. In spite of the strenuous resistance of the opposition, led by Fox, and of numerous meetings of protest held outside the walls of parliament, both bills passed into law by enormous majorities. 3. Parents should allow plenty of time for strains and sprains to heal before allowing their child to return to strenuous athletics. Gentle, no-impact and low-impact exercises that do not stress the joints and are not overly strenuous, can help even those with chronic health conditions and limited mobility to stay active. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This company makes the claim that certain ingredients deliver certain benefits that are important to athletes and people engaging in strenuous physical activities. To prevent hypoglycemia, progressively work up to strenuous activity. But the prevailing opinion is against this conjecture, and sees in these designs the work not of a strenuous student and searcher such as Darer was, but of a riper and more facile hand working in a spirit of settled routine. Skiing and snowboarding are strenuous activities that can make you hungry. This aspect of the law has created a thriving industry niche for private investigators hired by employers to videotape claimants engaging in work, sports or strenuous physical activity despite their claims of being disabled. Since skiing is a great form of physical fitness and can be strenuous, it is a good idea to get in shape before the upcoming season. Speedos may have been designed for swim racing, but they really aren't going to provide the kind of coverage needed to participate in more active sports like surf kiting, boogie boarding and other strenuous water activities. Any strenuous activity, athletic endeavors, or heavy lifting should be avoided until the symptoms completely subside, since excessive activity may cause the spleen to rupture. There is the use of various pools of energy to allow strenuous exercise for long periods of time. Grandparents (Susu or Usua, Umau or Umaa) help with the less strenuous chores around the home, such as rope-making, tanning leather, carving of bee hives, three-leged 51- I experienced bigotry, intolerance and prejudice, even as so many of you have. Being a strenuous opponent of the Church of Rome, and "Whitehall lying within that parish, he stood as in the front of the battle all King James's reign.". Notwithstanding protracted and strenuous opposition on the part of the government, the House of Commons passed a resolution against the continuance of the transitional system. Despite unparalleled importations of grain by sea and rail, despite the most strenuous exertions of the government, which incurred a total expenditure on this account of 11 millions sterling, the loss of life from actual starvation and its attendant train of diseases was lamentable. 2. If your workout includes strenuous activities like running, basketball, volleyball or racquetball for example, your body is moving and jumping a lot. Iron can also be lost through strenuous exercise and heavy perspiration, poor digestion, frequent consumption of antacids, long-term illness, heavy menstrual cycles, and other causes. We still need to make strenuous There followed a day of strenuous labor for all of them. In 1835 the profession of the Christian religion was declared illegal; all worship was to cease, and all religious books were ordered to be given up. Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Strenuous" Meanings of words and phrases; Example sentences; Similar words; Translations; Other types of questions; The meaning of "Strenuous" in various phrases and sentences. Short & Simple Example Sentence For Strenuous In A Sen | Strenuous In A Sen Sentence. 21. Writing a novel under a tight deadline is a very strenuous task. exact ( 1 ) Dickens's various illustrators faced the same strenuous deadlines that he did. Of the important changes in administration and education which were ultimately carried out, Stanley, who took the principal share in drafting the report printed in 1852, was a strenuous advocate. See your doctor, however, before you incorporate a strenuous exercise regimen. Do n't plan on doing anything very strenuous that evening or the next day - your legs wo n't let you. For the renewal of its privileges in 1890 the company finally agreed to give the state $1,250,000 yearly, and despite strenuous opposition by a powerful party the legislature voted a renewal, but this measure was vetoed by the governor. 2. An easier day today to recover from the previous days strenuous treks - a total trekking distance of 10km. The first "godly band" is dated December 1557; but more important is the covenant of 1581, drawn up by John Craig in consequence of the strenuous efforts which the Roman Catholics were making to regain their hold upon Scotland, and called the King's Confession or National Covenant. In 1794 he returned to St Etienne, where, but only for a short period, he filled a municipal office; and from 1797 to 1799 he devoted himself to strenuous study, more especially of the literature and history, both ancient and modern, of Greece and Italy. The French government, anticlerical as it is at home, is the watchful and strenuous protector of the missions abroad; and it is evident that not a little political influence in foreign countries is gained thereby. Frequently half his nights were spent in reading, after the labour of his most strenuous days. 114+8 sentence examples: 1. . Its provisions practically amounted to a complete suspension of the guarantees for civil liberty, it met with the most strenuous opposition, and its final passing by the Senate (May 9) was followed by a serious crisis. The new movement was evidently anti-Assyrian, and strenuous endeavours were made to present a united front. Since the beginning of the 10th century strenuous efforts have been made to improve the sanitary condition by a new system of drainage, a better water service, the filling up of marshes wherein the malarial mosquito breeds, and in other directions. On the death of Cardinal Allen in 1594 he made strenuous efforts to be appointed his successor. Didn't feel up to anything strenuous so just gentle picking of runners, French and broad beans. in a vigorous way that uses a lot of physical or mental effort. They will keep you cool and dry during strenuous activity and remain comfortable since they feature a four way stretch. She brought into Princess Mary's strenuous, mournful, and gloomy world a quite different atmosphere, careless, lighthearted, and self-satisfied. Many of his bold and novel theories have provoked strenuous opposition, while others have met with general acceptance, except among scholars of the more conservative type. strenuous exercise for long periods of time. On sea in 1673 de Ruyter, in a series of fiercely contested battles, successfully maintained his strenuous and dogged conflict against the united English and French fleets. The exercise program is very strenuous and not for everyone. I don't feel it requires any real strenuous regimen to stay limber and flexible. That strenuous application which was one of his most remarkable gifts in manhood showed itself in his youth, and his application was backed or inspired by superior intelligence and aptness. In 1821 he was a member of the committee appointed to inquire into the causes of the agricultural distress then prevailing, and the proposed relaxation of the corn laws embodied in the report was understood to have been chiefly due to his strenuous advocacy. Not particularly strenuous, except for initial 300m climb to Southern Upland Way. Comfort is also important since lab coats are often worn for many hours at a time, often in very strenuous situations. 50- “Andre Bernard Buruch once observed, “I was the son of an immigrant. His son, Dirk IV., was one of the most enterprising of his warlike and strenuous race. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Some engineering samples have been put through strenuous tests. These gentle, non-jarring activities may be a welcome change from the more strenuous activities during the week. He rarely does anything more strenuous than changing the channels on Past fifty he looked, but still capable of the strenuous life a herder. Tycho's labours were both more strenuous and more effective. Some of the teams have adapted the sports into less strenuous versions such as senior tee-ball and balloon volleyball. Some of the days are quite long, and the walking feels more strenuous at altitude. These trips will require some hiking, but they are not normally as strenuous as some adventures. His speeches are lmost the one monument of the struggle on which a lover of english greatness can look back with pride and a sense of wort ness, such as a churchman feels when he reads Bossuet, or an A glican when he turns over the pages of Taylor or of Hooker. antonyms. In the northern Colonies, for example the promotional efforts the Anglican Church met with strenuous resistance. a n v d [adjective] 0. Remove the ring when using harsh chemicals, doing strenuous chores, or playing sports to avoid damaging the ring. A provisional draft of a treaty had already been drawn up before the demise of Frederick Henry, and afterwards, despite the strenuous opposition of the new prince of Orange (who, under the Acte de Survivance, had inherited all his father's offices and dignities) and of two of the provinces, Zeeland and Utrecht, the negotiations were by the powerful support of the States of Holland and of the majority of the States-General, quickly brought to a successful issue. What's the noun for strenuous? IT in English Search Usages Definitions Synonyms Translations Pronunciations Images Toggle filters. Reference to the articles on Logic, Metaphysics, &c., will show that subsequent criticism, however much it has owed by way of stimulus to Mill's strenuous rationalism, has been able to point to much that is inconsistent, inadequate and even superficial in his writings. In the first county council elections for Carnarvonshire he played a strenuous part on the Radical side, and was chosen an alderman; and in 1890, at a by-election for Carnarvon Boroughs, he was returned to parliament by a majority of 18 over a strong Conservative opponent. These trips were strenuous, and the couple did not enjoy them. For Performance: Fubar uses proteins to prompt the body to produce more insulin after strenuous physical activity, which may help with overall performance. Hunter Dunn, Miss J. Now go away. In order to be in the military, one must be prepared for strenuous activity. sentence examples. Though no man was ever more free from anything like the egoism of the intellectual coxcomb, yet he abounded in that active self-confidence and self-assertion which is natural in men who are conscious of great powers, and strenuous in promoting great causes. This means that during a more strenuous workout, you may end up getting very sweaty. Examples of Strenuous in a sentence. Avoid strenuous exercise immediately after a meal. But they are courageous and loyal to their chiefs and tribe, and for short periods are capable of much strenuous exertion. 2. Her lean body handled the strenuous task easily. This is probably one of the very best things you can do to combat stress, and the good news is that it doesn't have to be anything too strenuous. He was a strenuous advocate of the abolition of the House of Lords (see 20.845, 846); at the time of the Parnell Commission he had much to do with the unmasking of Pigott; and he was a member of the inquiry into the Jameson Raid, his hostility to Mr. Chamberlain being as pronounced as against Lord Rosebery when the latter became leader of the Liberal party. 2. Translations in context of "STRENUOUS" in english-finnish. Be prepared for summer humidity and heat by wearing plenty of sunscreen, staying hydrated, and pacing strenuous activities. "Strenuous" as an adjective that refers to requiring great effort or energy as per example: It was one of the most strenuous itinerary we ever tried. Sir Ernest Shackleton made strenuous efforts to rescue the Elephant I. Hamann seems at this time to have thought that any strenuous devotion to "bread-and-butter" studies was lowering, and accordingly gave himself entirely to reading, criticism and philological inquiries. RELATED ( 1 ) there have been significant efforts. But it was chiefly through his strenuous advocacy of the policy of defining papal infallibility at the Vatican council (1869-1870) that Manning's name obtained world-wide renown. Over time, if walking for 30 minutes becomes easy for you, you should move on to jogging or another form of more strenuous cardio. : a strenuous afternoon of hunting. The landing was effected in the face of strenuous opposition, Wolfe leading the foremost troops. This type of muscle soreness is usually experienced the day after a strenuous workout. If one school has more lax requirements for courses, they may offer a less strenuous education. 1 The New Yorker. strenuous in a sentence - 15 Lists. Strenuous definition, characterized by vigorous exertion, as action, efforts, life, etc. The total gains of all his strenuous endeavours amounted to the acquisition of a few places on the borders of Montferrat. He was able to maintain his strenuous habits of study till he reached the advanced age of seventy-two, when he was, forced, by paralysis of the optic nerve, to give up work almost. There is also in the Netherlands a small, but very strenuous socialist party, which was founded by the active propaganda of an ex-pastor Domela-Nieuwenhuis. The Additional Forces Act, passed in the teeth of a strenuous opposition, introduced the principle of a modified system of compulsion to supplement the deficiencies of the army and reserve, while the navy was largely increased. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. What was a strenuous task is now as easy as flipping the toggle switch that operates the spout. trek NOTES: A " strenuous " trek at high altitude. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. 22. The coup d'etat of that year aroused the strenuous opposition of Floquet, who had, while yet a student, given proof of his republican sympathies by taking part in the fighting of 1848. Downhill Running Many runners develop muscle soreness after strenuous workouts or races. He was elected member of the first Piedmontese parliament and was a strenuous supporter of Cavour; during the Crimean campaign he took General La Marmora's place as war minister. 3. A "strenuous and sagacious man" he rendered valuable service to both kings in their Norman wars, and Henry I. Abercromby landed from its transports in the face of a strenuous opposition from a French force entrenched on the beach. Synonyms: eagerness, earnestness, strenuosity. Use strenuous in a sentence. Avoid strenuous exercise in the evening. His life here is a strenuous one. strenuousness. No matter what your breast size, it is so important to properly protect fragile breast tissue and ligaments during strenuous exercise. The new master, however, showed no desire to be conciliatory, and as war appeared inevitable, he made strenuous efforts to secure allies, and carried on tedious negotiations with the emperor Maximilian I. TREK NOTES: A " strenuous " trek at high altitude. 2. The climb up in to the final large chamber was quite strenuous. In spite of strenuous government opposition, inspired by the authorities of the Orthodox Church, amendments were carried allowing dissident ministers to assume ecclesiastical titles and to preach, and permitting Christians to join non-Christian religions or even to describe themselves as unbelievers. Mirabeau was a strenuous advocate of the assignats. During the 19th century strenuous efforts to better the state of education were made by Bishop Strossmayer (1815-1905) and other reformers; but, although some success was achieved, only one-third of the population could read and write in 1900. Only Guienne and southern Aquitaine held Touraine out for King John, partly because they preferred a weak and distant master to such a strenuous and OU~ grasping prince as King Philip, partly because they were far more alien in blood and language to their French neighbors than were Normans or Angevins. The duke strenuously supported Osiander, and the area of the quarrel soon broadened. But These Very Digressions' Give The Book Its Intimate And Abiding Charm; For They Keep The Reader In Close Personal Touch With Every Side Of Canadian Life, With Songs And Tales And Homely Forms Of Speech, With The Best Features Of Seigniorial Times And The Strong Guidance Of An Ardent Church, With Voyageurs, Coureurs De Bois, Indians,., Soldiers, Sailors And All The Strenuous Adventurers Of A Wild, New, Giant World. The weightlifter exerted strenuous effort to lift the car off the ground. After strenuous fighting the district was cleared, and Jerusalem, taken by the sword, became the capital. Learn Ludwig. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Avoid strenuous exercise when it is very hot. The work was, however, more difficult than had been anticipated; the Mahommedans offered a strenuous resistance; military operations were attended with great difficulty in the mountainous country; 200,000 men were required, and they did not succeed in crushing the resistance till after some months of obstinate fighting. Many people find working with a prenatal yoga DVD or joining a prenatal yoga class to be a gentle way to keep exercising during pregnancy without worrying about how strenuous your activity is. They do not represent the opinions of This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. On the one hand missions were despatched to America, India, China and Japan: on the other, a strenuous attempt was made to reannex the conquests of Protestantism. The Russians offered a strenuous resistance, defending Seidnitz, Gross Dobritz and Reick with their usual steadiness, and Ney was so far advanced that several generals at the Allied headquarters suggested a counter-attack of the centre by way of Strehlen, so as to cut off the French left from Dresden. In spite of strenuous efforts, his deckhand was unable to recover him alone. Bethmann Hollweg, Lord Haldane thought, was willing to entertain the British suggestions; it was Tirpitz who behind the scenes offered a most strenuous opposition to any restrictions. The next few weeks will be strenuous and demanding. Oral products that restore fluid and electrolytes balance are better for hydrating a sick child who has been vomiting during an illness or after strenuous activity in extremely hot weather. Because I am out of shape, I … These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. The strenuous list of example sentences with strenuous. strenuous efforts were made over the four months of the project to identify all the final reports of the relevant funded research. . He gave strenuous support to the Spartans; evidently he had already then formed the design, in which he was supported by his mother, of gaining the throne for himself after the death of his father; he pretended to have stronger claims to it than his elder brother Artaxerxes, who was not born in the purple. Rolling shoulders and rubbing taut necks, the morning’s ride had been strenuous. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Strenuous efforts are required to be a success in life. Examples of Strenuously in a sentence. spite of strenuous efforts, his deckhand was unable to recover him alone. Bruges was forced after strenuous resistance to submit to the loss of its most cherished privileges in 1438, and the revolt of Ghent was quenched in the " red sea " (as it was styled) of Gavre in 1453. The suspect strenuously swore off any involvement in the crime, but his persistent denials didn’t do much to convince the detective. Take hikes that aren't quite so strenuous or as long. In later years his strenuous advocacy of the claims of the working classes, and his declaration that "every man has a right to work or to bread" led to his being denounced as a Socialist. was not merely one of defiance towards supposed hostile forces within and without the Church; it was also strenuous in pushing on the R work of internal organization and reform. There also can be slight leakage of amniotic fluid or minimal blood loss, but providing that the woman rests for a few hours afterwards and avoids strenuous activity for 24 hours afterwards, this can be kept to a minimum. Looking back on a long life of strenuous exertion, Gladstone declared that the work of preparing his proposals about the succession-duty and carrying them through Parliament was by far the most laborious task which he ever performed. To that tradition Henry's strenuous life in war and politics is a sufficient general contradiction. Instead, more adults are more likely to watch TV and otherwise avoid strenuous exercise. For fitness dancing, cheerleading, performing or just a strenuous night at the club, you need the right women's athletic dance shoes to keep your feet happy through the workout. Though always a strenuous worker in Congress, he was not the originator of any great legislative measures, and his efficiency as a law-maker is thought to have been much impaired by his personal animosities. strenuous / examples. Had Beaton confined himself to secular politics, his strenuous opposition to the plans of Henry VIII. The archbishop was a strenuous upholder of episcopal independence in the Gallican sense, and involved himself in a controversy with Rome by his endeavours to suppress the jurisdiction of the Jesuits and other religious orders within his diocese. It isn't like anything I do is all that strenuous. Yoga can help you do more than just prepare your body for the strenuous labor and delivery process; it can help you prepare your mind. If Sanballat the Horonite was really a native of the Moabite Horonaim, he finds an appropriate place by the side of Tobiah the Ammonite and Gashmu the Arabian among the strenuous opponents of Nehemiah. The watch is put through strenuous testing. Log in. Weirs, father and son, were surrounded by a posse of strenuous labor for all groups! To increase testosterone with exercise, your best bet is going to strenuous in a sentence in the,! 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