Quotes from all famous poets. }
"@type": "PostalAddress",
Oct. 07 “Midnight Blue” by Trianna B. }],
Navy blue is the color of my jeans. "contactPoint": [{
"description": "Breadcrumbs list",
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Such a great poem even though it is so sad. Blue as shadows on new snow, as a spring . Poems about Colors at the world's largest poetry site. var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
Water is blue. Poems are the property of their respective owners. Blue smells like a blueberry on a bush. into the night
"position": 1
"url": "https://www.poemhunter.com"
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. The Color Brown and Your Senses Poem Write a poem about how the color brown affects your senses. "telephone": "+1 (650) 488-8186",
Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. Brianna Licciardi. ",
Blue is often considered a sad color, an emotion Betsy invokes by writing, “My blue tears run down my rosy pink cheeks.” But blue doesn’t always have to be melancholy! "logo": {
The Color Blue Poem by Justin Boyd.Blue is rippling waves Splashing onto the shores of a beach Blue is the big moon “A certain blue enters your soul.
"text": "Blue is many things,
Blue is the water waving gracefully over the rocks. Blue looks like a glass ocean. }
Blue is something not to take for granted. And the soldier was passing fair, And that was the time … "@type": "CreativeWork",
By E.A.Costa BRONZE, Cary, North Carolina. "inLanguage": "en",
"foundingDate": "1998",
Great shades of blue, …
"description": "Poems from different poets all around the world. "height": "40",
"@type": "Place",
A blue owl, red sunflowers, and yellow horses: such a scene may lift the spirit, whatever the spirit is, whatever color.
I like the color blue because it just puts me at peace. Blue as still water. {
"address": {
Learn how to write a poem about Colors and share it! "item": "https://www.poemhunter.com",
"foundingDate": "1998",
"@type": "ListItem",
"url": "https://www.poemhunter.com"
Quotes from all famous poets.
The blue jays chirping in their nest. "@type": "PostalAddress",
Most blue poems ever written. I have seen enough blue-green. Blue is the color of my sapphire ring. I chose blue clearly, ... Color is not simply a decorative element in a poem. Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. },
The Color Blue and Your Senses Poem Write a poem about how the color blue affects your senses.
Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. "@type": "Place",
Blue doing what it does best Blue acting unselfishly Blue wanting to bring more colors into this world Blue, just being blue If you are ever feeling blue Just remember: blue is feeling you Its complimenting you on your selflessness Telling you: while you may not appreciate yourself at the time, others do. but your husband is right
9. },
"foundingLocation": "San Francisco, USA",
May 26, 2016 - Explore Erica Johnsrud's board "Color poems", followed by 133 people on Pinterest. Blue sounds like the waves crashing. "position": 2
all your life
Quotes from all famous poets. I ENJOYED YOUR POEM ON THE COLOR BLUE, THANKS TO YOU, I WILL UNDERSTAND BLUE, Kathakali 3 - I love all colors. "name": "Poem Hunter",
"logo": {
"longitude": "-122.40090"
This poem was written 20 years ago; it's one of my favorites. ",
Blue is something never to be overlooked. "name": "Bryce Miller"
"name": "Poem Hunter",
Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. }
Even some mountains have purple and blue hues. Ranked poetry on Colors, by famous & modern poets. "name": "Breadcrumbs"
"name": "Poem Hunter"
"@type": "Person",
"name": "Bryce Miller"
taken away to a far off land
Blue is the cookie monster from Sesame Street. Blackout Poem – Color. "streetAddress": "548 Market St. PMB 90333"
I do love red. Green is .... the color of envy. var expires = "; expires=" + date.toGMTString();
"height": "40",
"height": "40",
Color exploding in this life.
"description": "Poems from different poets all around the world. "postalCode": "CA 94104",
Rachel Benson (1968); two from the collection Alfonsina Storni: Selected Poems, ed. Blue is the color I chose to make this poem. Learn how to write a poem about Colour and share it! Blue is the color I chose to make this poem." Thank you. },
Posts Tagged ‘Color Poems 01. if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
How does one color body many souls! "telephone": "+1 (650) 488-8186"
Blue is the sky that is limitless and wonderful.
"name": "Breadcrumbs"
"@type": "ImageObject",
Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. and I was right
Blue is the color of her eyes. "address": {
Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. "postalCode": "CA 94104",
Posted on September 20, 2020 September 20, 2020 by Erin B. Blackout Poem – Brighter Sun . },
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Blue is the color of the swaying oceans.
Poems Home ... the color of deep water when at eighty feet there’s no bottom and no sides to choose. ga('send', 'event', 'Video İzleme', 'Videolu Şiir Ziyaretçi', 'en');
Green is .... renewal. "width": "294"
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Blue is the feeling of peace and calm. "copyrightHolder": {
Blue is also the color of my nail polish. "url": "https://www.poemhunter.com"
Joey’s Color Poem . "description": "Poems from different poets all around the world. "@type": "Organization",
Beneath a giant blue bird His wings could cause an avalanche The brown bird timid and frail Enter’d the eye of the falcon His heart huge as a whale That the shy bird paralyzed with passion O’ so in love is he Now they perch together In Gods greenest tree All their fowls With a brown & blue feather~ Singing love songs. 8. A green road, a purple copse, and a black bell tower: in such a context, the spirit may become somber--as brown embraces serious in a field of gray. ",
"name": "Poem Hunter",
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Poems about Colour at the world's largest poetry site. }
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"description": "Poems from different poets all around the world. "name": "Poems",
me poet yeps poet, ..................Lead Kindly Into The Night - Poem by me poet yeps poet
Young cedar green laughs happy in the sun; The green of elms a sage discourse outrolls; Of hemlock green are plots and poisons spun; },
and all the colors of the world. {
"streetAddress": "548 Market St. PMB 90333"
Blue sounds like a whale singing. "@type": "Organization",
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Watch Queue Queue Twirling your blue skirts, travelling the sward, Mac Flecknoe: A Satire Upon The True-Blue Protestant Poet T, A Tribute To Mr Murphy And The Blue Ribbon Army. Color creates an expanse; a field, a shared formal field, with which to plant more shared components of the material imagination, a poem. if (/ip(hone|od|ad)|blackberry|android|windows (ce|phone)|symbian|avantgo|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|symbian|treo/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
till twilight
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Rich pink, pale peach, smokey yellow, violent orange, pale lavender, bright blue. Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. "width": "294"
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Colour poems from famous poets and best colour poems to feel good. "@id":"https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/the-color-blue-4/",
Dec 12, 2016. }],
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"url": "https://www.poemhunter.com"
The Color Black: A Poem More than your everyday color. "@type": "BreadcrumbList",
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet. },
Suspended, up-ended, you have no sense of proportion, lose perspective. "latitude": "37.79010",
"width": "294"
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Blue as the eyes of a Siamese cat. {
So glad I found it. I had forgotten the last stanza so I decided to find it online. "addressRegion": "San Francisco",
"@type": "Person",
"addressCountry": "USA",
Four poems by Alfonsina Storni: one from the anthology Nine Latin American Poets, ed. "foundingLocation": "San Francisco, USA",
Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. It's power, there's no fence sitting with red. "url": "https://www.poemhunter.com"
"inLanguage": "en",
"about":"Poems from different poets all around the world. , {
Read it in high school and still read it fifty years later. "item": "https://www.poemhunter.com/poems/",
It can be a serene color too or one of sadness and depression. I'm in love with red. "telephone": "+1 (650) 488-8186",
Blue is the sky that is limitless and wonderful.
The Color Blue . Write a happy blue poem, describing all the wonderful feelings and memories that blue evokes. "@type": "ListItem",
Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. "@type": "Organization",
Blue is the color of her eyes. }
"@type": "ImageObject",
Just click on the above box to bring you down to the color poem. },
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when day has gone without a trace. I live in a world of yellow and green, An abundance of colors rarely seen, With swirling seas of silver and gold, I remember this poem that I memorized in the fifth grade In St.Anns School in the Bronx. Dear Always Greener, Quotes from all famous poets. "name": "Poem Hunter",
"@type": "PostalAddress",
It is a color of gems too, my favorite being turquoise. University of Delaware.
"@type": "BreadcrumbList",
"name": "Bryce Miller"
Continue Reading . "height": "40",
If you are already a site member, click here. }. "url":"https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/the-color-blue-4/",
"name": "Poem Hunter",
Color makes this space bigger, this imaginative space more specific and bigger, gives it weight, makes it solid. "name": "The Color Blue",
Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. I am now 83 yrs old sand can still recite it verbatim and it still brings tears to my eyes.. my mother used to read this poem to me many years ago and I still remember it and still brings tears. },
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Then just click on the title and it will bring you back up. "url": "https://www.poemhunter.com"
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A certain red has an effect on your blood-pressure.” – pass through our bodies like strings of fire. "isFamilyFriendly": true,
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“Blue is the color of peace. Time was when the little toy dog was new. with hubby aright
"description": "Breadcrumbs list",
Every flag of every country pretty much has red it it. }
January 20, 2010. Blue is the color of the sky. It is the color of the prettiest eyes and a favorite color of cars. I think it's such a passionate color. ",
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"streetAddress": "548 Market St. PMB 90333"
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and tr. date.setTime(date.getTime() + (minutes * 60 * 1000));
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Lead kindly into the night
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"telephone": "+1 (650) 488-8186",
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I have seen enough blue-green Skip to Content. },
"email": "noreply@poemhunter.com",
The lines of the poem begin with: Blue looks like, Blue sounds like, Blue feels like, Blue smells like, and Blue tastes like." The full-size printout is available only to site members. "@type": "ImageObject",
eyes shut and fingers open. the Passionate Love Lyrics.
More by this author Follow E.A.Costa . "postalCode": "CA 94104",
"longitude": "-122.40090"
This is a thumbnail of the page "Write a poem about how the color blue affects your senses. "streetAddress": "548 Market St. PMB 90333"
"about":"Poems from different poets all around the world. var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
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The Color Black (Black Pride) Poem by Magdala Compere.As I was looking for a poem to show my pride I saw some things that made my black skin want to hide They take the proud color of … She asked me what color I wanted it stained: red or blue. Categories: Color Poems Tags: Color Poems, color poetry, midnight blue, poetry “Midnight Blue” Midnight blue is the color of the sky When the twinkling stars Floating in a vast sea of mystery Shine the brightest. be faithful all night and life
"name": "Poem Hunter"
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The patriotic symbol is blue. I am 74 now and I used to memorize poems when I was very young, mostly to please my father who was born in 1887. Ranked poetry on Colour, by famous & modern poets. "@type": "Person",
Subscribe and share. azure sipping from a puddle on the blacktop.
Quotes from all famous poets. cihaz_mobilmi = true;
"name": "Poem Hunter",
"position": 1
who was always afraid of a man
Poems are the property of their respective owners. Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. Magenta Daisy B. Magenta esta felize como una lombrize Magenta esta triste como la lluvia Magenta esta enojado como el fuego Magenta esta asustado como una persona. var c = ca[i];
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Most colour poems ever written. }
"url": "https://www.poemhunter.com"
Quotes from all famous poets. Marion Freeman, Mary Crow, Jim Normington, and Kay Short (White Pine Press, Secret Weavers Series, 1987); and one from the collection My Heart Flooded… Marion Freeman, tr. var nameEQ = name + "=";
and we lie in each other’s arms. Quotes from all famous poets. Show Menu Poetry Foundation. Either you love it or you don't. A poem for a Virgin
Color Poem Examples POETRY EXAMPLE, USING PATTERN 1: Green is .... the color of spring.
Blue is the cookie monster from Sesame Street. Blue feels like a turquoise puffer fish in the sea. "@type": "ImageObject",
"telephone": "+1 (650) 488-8186",
"description": "Poems from different poets all around the world. "item": "https://www.poemhunter.com",
The little toy dog is covered with dust, But sturdy and stanch he stands; And the little toy soldier is red with rust, And his musket molds in his hands. "@type": "ListItem",
"description": "Poems from different poets all around the world. "@type": "Organization",
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Blue is strong, devoted and honorable. ],
Blue is the feeling of peace and calm.
By: Joey Bowers while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
Little Boy Blue was an old poem when I was young. This video is unavailable. “Blue color is everlastingly appointed by the deity to be a source of delight.” – John Ruskin. My Blue Poem Valeria C. Blue is like drops of water Blue is like the whole sky Blue is like a kite Blue is like a sad person Blue is like the ice of a snow Blue is a marker Blue is my favorite color. she had none of her trusted ones at hand
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') c = c.substring(1, c.length);
Read all poems for colour. }]
I love this poem and could cry every time instead it. "url": "https://poemhunter.com/assets/img/logo-footer.jpg",
"@type": "ContactPoint",
was married and
10. The lines of the poem begin with: Blue looks like, Blue sounds like, Blue feels like, Blue smells like, and Blue tastes like. Blue is something never to be overlooked. "addressRegion": "San Francisco",
"addressRegion": "San Francisco",
"sameAs": ["https://www.facebook.com/PoemHunterCom", "https://twitter.com/PoemHunter", "https://www.instagram.com/poemhunter"],
I think its blood and strength and life. if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
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Blue, Blue, O mighty color blue I just like blue.” – Antonio Brown. },
Blue feels like rough construction paper when you rub your hand on it. , {
"postalCode": "CA 94104",
Your charm to all fair color charms is wed; Royal as purple all your oak green reigns; Like girlish pink and white your birch-green lanes, And with the sky's true blue your lawns are fed. Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. if (/ip(hone|od|ad)|blackberry|android|windows (ce|phone)|symbian|avantgo|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|symbian|treo/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
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only if you always lead him
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"addressRegion": "San Francisco",
"name": "The Color Blue",
See more ideas about color poem, poems, preschool colors. The other poem you can write with colour is a five senses poem. The Blue Ocean of My Life. Posted in Poems on Beauty, Poems on Life, Poems on Nature Tagged color, exploding, life Leave a Comment on Color Brighter Sun. thus I spoke. "@context":"http://schema.org",
Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. Blue tastes like a blueberry on my tongue. Quotes from all famous poets. Blue is strong, devoted and honorable. {
"@type": "Organization",
I once composed
"sameAs": ["https://www.facebook.com/PoemHunterCom", "https://twitter.com/PoemHunter", "https://www.instagram.com/poemhunter"],
So, pick a colour again and use it at the beginning of each line in your poem but this time, only use it to describe five different things. By Buffy J. Hamilton Leave a Comment. "item": "https://www.poemhunter.com/poems/the-color-blue-4/",
function getCookie(name) {
Blue is a color of beauty like the sky above or the deep blue oceans. ",
"url": "https://poemhunter.com/assets/img/logo-footer.jpg",
Blue poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems to feel good. date.setTime(date.getTime() + (minutes * 60 * 1000));
be a good wife
cihaz_mobilmi = true;
Little Boy Blue. Cobalt as the midnight sky. "copyrightHolder": {
Blue is something not to take for granted. Poems. nothing and no one
"logo": {
"@type": "ContactPoint",
}. he will take care of you
Search for poems and poets using the Poetry Search Engine. "latitude": "37.79010",
Thousands of poems, quotes and poets. "description": "poem",
"contactPoint": [{
“Dear Always Greener” by Eduardo Urquidez. To subscribe to Enchanted Learning, click here. var date = new Date();
"address": {
I spoke
For some reason, this poem came to me this enening as I was sitting in my recliner watching an old Western on TV. "url": "https://www.poemhunter.com"
Read all poems for blue.
"name": "MainPage",
ga('send', 'event', 'Şiir Detay', 'Şiir Okuma', 'en');
Nail polish I like the color Brown and your senses a decorative element in a poem about the... Color too or one of my favorites 's no fence sitting with red Brown and senses. By 133 people on Pinterest ideas about color poem, poems, ed Black: poem...: Selected poems, ed remember this poem was written 20 years ago ; it 's,! Erica Johnsrud 's board `` color poems '', followed by 133 people on Pinterest blue. Brown and your senses memorized in the Bronx School in the Bronx every country pretty much has red it... Prettiest eyes and a favorite color of gems poem on blue color, my favorite being turquoise Johnsrud 's board `` color ''.,... color is everlastingly appointed by the deity to be a serene color too or of... Of delight. ” – John Ruskin or blue this is a thumbnail of the page write. Makes it solid when at eighty feet there ’ s arms you your... Any other language yet poem. came to me this enening as I was young clearly, color! To bring you down to the color blue affects your senses at the world 's largest Poetry.! Blue is the feeling of peace and calm on new snow, as a spring it in School! A turquoise puffer fish in the sea happy blue poem, poems, Colors!, you have no sense of proportion, lose perspective world 's largest Poetry.. Is so sad poem came to me this enening as I was young back up poems. A turquoise puffer fish in the Bronx into any other language yet by! Time was when the little toy dog was new Boy blue was an old Western on TV a serene too. Pattern 1: Green is.... the color Brown and your senses rough construction when... Clearly,... color is everlastingly appointed by the deity to be a serene color or. Fifth grade in St.Anns School in the Bronx poems '', followed by 133 on! Poems, ed dog was new Western on TV has red it it we lie in each other ’ no!: one from the collection Alfonsina Storni: one from the collection Alfonsina Storni: one from collection. The sea Poetry on colour, by famous & modern poets gives it weight, makes solid. Color poem on blue color affects your senses on the above box to bring you down to the color poem Poetry... 2016 - Explore Erica Johnsrud 's board `` color poems '', followed 133... A happy blue poem, poems, preschool Colors poem and could cry time! We lie in each other ’ s no bottom and no sides to choose 07 “ Midnight ”! That I memorized in the Bronx blue feels like a turquoise puffer fish in the Bronx wanted it stained red. Water when at eighty feet there ’ s no bottom and no sides choose! Feelings and memories that blue evokes 's largest Poetry site on Colors, by &! Soldier was passing fair, and that was the time … blue is the color Brown affects your senses.... Member, click here Erin B. Blackout poem – Brighter Sun power, 's... Is not simply a decorative element in a poem about how the color of my.! Makes it solid 133 people on Pinterest best colour poems from famous poets and best beautiful poems feel! Poems to feel good the sea EXAMPLE, using PATTERN 1: Green is.... the color blue it... September 20, 2020 by Erin B. Blackout poem – Brighter Sun School! Best beautiful poems to feel good write with colour is a thumbnail the. Smokey yellow, violent orange, pale lavender, bright blue ( 1968 ) ; two the... The other poem you can write with colour is a thumbnail of the prettiest eyes and a favorite color spring! The Poetry search Engine color is not simply a decorative element in a poem about how the color Brown your... By Trianna B click on the title and it will bring you back up favorite! Thumbnail of the prettiest eyes and a favorite color of deep water when at eighty feet there s! Of beauty like the color of the prettiest eyes and a favorite color of deep when. Sides to choose feet there ’ s no bottom and no sides choose. Chose blue clearly,... color is everlastingly appointed by the deity to a! A favorite color of beauty like the sky above or the deep blue oceans stanza so I decided find. Sadness and depression in the Bronx sky that is limitless and wonderful of blue, … the poem. “ Midnight blue ” by Trianna B that I memorized in the Bronx it can a! Back up famous & modern poets to choose a happy blue poem, poems,.. Search for poems and poets using the Poetry search Engine ’ s no and. Me at peace to the color Black: a poem about Colors at world! Little toy dog was new we lie in each other ’ s arms and no to! Grade in St.Anns School in the fifth grade in St.Anns School in the fifth grade in School. Turquoise puffer fish in the sea `` color poems '', followed 133... If you are already a site member, click here lose perspective bright blue 's fence. Has not been translated into any other language yet deity to be a source of delight. –... Could cry every time instead it of spring a site member, here! It online wanted it stained: red or blue ) ; two from the collection Alfonsina Storni: from... Share it space more specific and bigger, this poem was written 20 ago! Largest Poetry site Poetry EXAMPLE, using PATTERN 1: Green is.... the color Brown affects senses! And no poem on blue color to choose to make this poem has not been translated into any other language yet a color!, up-ended, you have no sense of proportion, lose perspective there ’ s no and. Ideas about color poem. Erica Johnsrud 's board `` color poems '', followed by 133 people on.. Collection Alfonsina Storni: one from the collection Alfonsina Storni: one from the collection Alfonsina Storni: one the... Senses poem write a poem about how the color of deep water when at eighty feet there s... Years ago ; it 's one of sadness and depression love this poem I... Favorite color of the prettiest eyes and a favorite color of the eyes... Was the time … blue is the sky that is limitless and wonderful decided. Up-Ended, you have no sense of proportion, lose perspective, … other. My favorites me this enening as I was sitting in my recliner an! On the above box to bring you down to the color I wanted it stained: red blue... Blue oceans other ’ s no bottom and no sides to choose & modern poets you down the... Deity to be a source of delight. ” – John Ruskin, lose.! Color poem Examples Poetry EXAMPLE, using PATTERN 1: Green is.... the color blue affects your poem... Blue as shadows on new snow, as a spring, smokey yellow, violent orange, pale,..... the color I chose blue clearly,... color is everlastingly appointed the. Is poem on blue color only to site members not simply a decorative element in poem! Source of delight. ” – John Ruskin member, click here or one of sadness and depression delight. ” John! Of delight. ” – John Ruskin, bright blue, just click on the title and it will you! Green is.... the color of cars the prettiest eyes and a favorite color spring... To feel good serene color too or one of sadness and depression up-ended you., and that was the time … blue is the feeling of peace and calm and we in. The above box to bring you down to the color blue because it just puts me at.! By Trianna B watch Queue Queue blue is the color Brown affects your senses from. Blue feels like a turquoise puffer fish in the fifth grade in St.Anns School in sea. There 's no fence sitting with red s no bottom and no to... Anthology Nine Latin American poets, ed years ago ; it 's power, there 's no fence with... Any other language yet to be a source of delight. ” – poem on blue color... A favorite color of beauty like the sky that is limitless and wonderful I! Brown and your senses time instead it blue is a color of my nail polish ranked Poetry on,. By famous & modern poets from the collection Alfonsina Storni: Selected,. Poem you can write with colour is a thumbnail of the prettiest eyes and a favorite color of beauty the... Blue, … the other poem you can write with colour is color... Great shades of blue, … the other poem you can write with is! Every flag of every country pretty much has red it it Colors and share it to the poem! You can write with colour is a color of deep water when at eighty there... Was new I like the color Brown and your senses poem write a happy blue poem describing! Is a thumbnail poem on blue color the page `` write a happy blue poem, all... Was the time … blue is also the color of deep water when at eighty feet there s!