Of course, that’s easier said than done, so don’t underestimate the learning curve. The only huge difference is how differently most words are spelled in dutch, that can be confusing to German speakers, I believe. Another benefit is that Afrikaan verbs don’t conjugate by person, so there are fewer endings and noun genders to learn compared to Dutch. fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.play = true; fm.id = "mymovie"; var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); It makes sense because. fm.play = true; fm.base = '. fm.embed(); Is Swedish easy to learn? Maybe you learned a language in school by repeating lists of conjugations and learning irrelevant vocabulary. From watching Dutch TV, to taking online courses with Learn Dutch. A lot of English words were initially used in… The Netherlands. User account menu. Please tell me as i just want to learn the more easy one as there both very similar. fm.loop = false; Dutch is probably the easiest language to learn for English speakers as it positions itself somewhere between German and English. Do note that this … Ik whatsapp je. We know that. fm.loop = false; We think so. fm.wmode = "transparent"; var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); Just like German, Dutch sentences often place the verb at the end, which takes some getting used to. However, speaking and practising is essential in learning the Dutch language. If you go by the percentages, you should have an easy time . fm.height = 17; fm.base = '. fm.embed(); fm.loop = false; The Dutch language is a 'bleep' for me to learn! W hether you’re gearing up for a big trip or looking to stimulate your brain, attempting to learn a new language is always a noble endeavor. Press J to jump to the feed. fm.height = 17; 4. You already know Dutch words You can also find words in other languages like French, German, Spanish that have their origin in Dutch. Maybe you learned a language in school by repeating lists of conjugations and learning irrelevant vocabulary. Arabic has a three consonant root as its basis. It is said that 45% of all English words have a French origin. rood, red, fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.play = true; It doesn’t have to be that way. Go to Groningen! fm.play = true; That brings me to number 5 on my list. So what’s the other thing that gives English speakers the upper hand? fm.play = true; Dutch is full of English cognates—drinken (to drink), kat (cat), week (week), licht (light) and hundreds more. Hebban olla vogala nestas hagunnan hinase hic enda thu. '; English speakers have an easier time learning Dutch because they’re both Germanic languages, blah, blah, blah. fm.base = '. fm.embed(); fm.id = "mymovie"; If you’re the kind of person who likes to do a little bit of vocabulary and grammar every day, you can. He asked me about a typical Dutch saying: “werk ze” (when wishing someone who goes to work well) or “eet ze” (have fun eating). First, Hindi uses an SOV (subject object verb) word order and has new sounds for English speakers, including dhaand hka. They will say: He stretched out and fell into a deep sleep. they make a command less direct, nicer, or a request more urgent. Because when you speak, the information that you want to convey isn’t formed in a perfectly structured sentence in your head. Kopstoot? fm.height = 17; fm.embed(); fm.height = 17; Besides, once you know Swedish, the Norwegian and Danish acquisition is like walking in the park. For example, it doesn’t include all those strange grammatical cases. fm.height = 17; fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact7.mp3"; There are 3 major factors that we’ll discuss today to determine how easy a language is to learn. In addition, their writing sy… fm.loop = false; fm.base = '. Nou, zegt de andere, als ik het te warm krijg, kan ik het raampje opendraaien! Since we already answered our overall response to ‘is German easy to learn’, let’s dig deeper into why. Agree by clicking the 'Accept' button. fm.height = 17; The Afrikaans language is spoken in South Africa, Namibia and in some regions of Botswana and Zimbabwe. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Houdoe! fm.loop = false; fm.loop = false; fm.id = "mymovie"; fm.embed(); mijn vriend, my male friend, as this implies this person is your girlfriend or boyfriend. The way you pronounce doesn’t have to be perfect, because there’s isn’t a perfect pronunciation. FunctionalOur website uses functional cookies. fm.base = '. Hebban olla vogala nestas hagunnan hinase hic enda thu. var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); Famous quotes which have found their way into the Dutch and Flemish psyche are often credited to well-known writers. fm.width = 17; fm.base = '. Sinterklaas / Sint Nicholaas, Saint Nicholas. Another source of Dutch influence on the English language is through Afrikaans, which in its turn is a Dutch-based creole, e.g. fm.wmode = "transparent"; You could also do Spanish or French as it is way more useful. Dutch grammar is much easier than either German or Spanish but it has some very difficult sounds like G,ch,sch,ui,and some more. var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); On the whole, they have no direct translations in English. fm.id = "mymovie"; fm.width = 17; Both English and German are in the Germanic language family. This is what makes it obviously easier to learn by a native English speaker. With the basic vocabulary, grammar and key phrases you can start a basic conversation. fm.id = "mymovie"; het, but it doesn’t have all the grammatical cases like German. Discussion . fm.play = true; They met once a month to eat together and practise their Dutch. '; Close. fm.embed(); '; fm.height = 17; fm.base = '. fm.loop = false; fm.base = '. After all, it’s part of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family, making it closely related to English. Dutch isn´t the largest and most important language on the world. fm.play = true; fm.id = "mymovie"; '; is part of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages, just like English. You thought it was that easy? fm.height = 17; fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact25.mp3"; '; fm.id = "mymovie"; '; Christmas in the Netherlands – How do the Dutch celebrate Christmas. Well, Dutch has two: Bart de Pau "Het is gezien", mompelde hij, "het is niet onopgemerkt gebleven". These written words date back to the 12th century, and they were probably written by a Flemish monk doing copying work and trying out his pen. In fact, apart from native English speaking countries, they have the best English language skills out of everyone. fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.height = 17; var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); There is a tremendous potential for mistakes of interference when Arab students produce composed or spoken English. Wat unbidan we nu?Have all birds begun nests, except me and you? banaan, banana, To watch this video, please accept cookies. Embedded players Youtube/Vimeo use cookies. fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.width = 17; fm.loop = false; fm.play = true; – My top 5 artists, Why you should visit Giethoorn when you’re in the Netherlands, Practise your Dutch? A Dutch speaker once told me that the Dutch would happily borrow words from other languages, but then change the spelling so they ‘looked Dutch’. fm.id = "mymovie"; peer, pear, But not only do you find Dutch in other languages, it also works the other way around. After Norwegian, take German. Like its European neighbours, the Dutch language knows many jokes about (blonde) women, relationships or other nations. Is english easy to learn for arabic speakers? Click on the "Save cookie settings" button to apply your choice. ], the main reasons for the high degree of English speakers is the country's small size, dependence on international trade, and the use of subtitles for foreign languages on television, rather than audio dubbing. fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact36.mp3"; fm.width = 17; fm.id = "mymovie"; fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact3.mp3"; fm.width = 17; fm.loop = false; Here are DutchReview's best tip on learning Dutch fast and easy. Twee mannen wandelen in de woestijnZegt de ene tegen de andereWaarom zeul je een autodeur mee?Nou, zegt de andere, als ik het te warm krijg, kan ik het raampje opendraaien!Two men are walking in the desert.One says to the other:Why are you carrying a car door?Well, says the other, if I get too hot, I can always wind down the window! fm.play = true; For instance, it uses the same Latin alphabet as English, so there’s no need to memorize a new alphabet from the ground up. Dutch is from the same family as English and German. I have heard from my Norwegian friends that Dutch speakers tend to learn the language more quickly that any other nationality but perhaps this also has to do with the fact that many native Dutch speakers speak both Dutch and English, whereas many native English speakers do not. fm.id = "mymovie"; '; Is Dutch easy to learn for a native English speaker? fm.play = true; … fm.play = true; fm.width = 17; fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.base = '. '; fm.height = 17; fm.embed(); fm.id = "mymovie"; kip on the menu, don’t think you’re getting fish, as it's actually chicken. Learning Dutch For English Speakers. fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact18.mp3"; Arabic is from the Semitic language household, for this reason, its grammar is very various from English. Is english easy to learn for arabic speakers? fm.width = 17; var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); '; Arabic is from the Semitic language household, for this reason, its grammar is very various from English. The language has 23 million speakers, in the Netherlands, regions of Belgium, Suriname, and even parts of the Caribbean. fm.height = 17; var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); Dutch settlers in the U.S. in the 17th century held on to their language for quite some time and many words made their way into (American) English, such as coleslaw from fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.width = 17; In fact, Dutch is one of the few languages that native English speakers can adopt the accents of a first-language speaker, since even the stress and intonation patterns are the same. We turned to Hannah McElgunn, a Canadian linguist based at the University of Chicago, for the inside scoop on everything English speakers should keep in mind when choosing an adopted tongue. Both words have four consonants in a row! What about Dutch drinks? Well, we decided to found out! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 4. – Learn how to speak Dutch like a Rotterdammer and my top things to do in Rotterdam. een vriend / een vriendin, a friend. This website uses cookies. or Gefeliciteerd met je vader, je zus, je man, je zwager, Congratulations with your mother, or, Congratulations with your father, your sister, your husband, your brother-in-law. Rest assured, this means nothing more than whipped cream! Spanish pronunciation is fairly easy for English speakers and it only has ten vowel sounds (compared to English’s 20). Unlike English though, the Afrikaans language is not inflective. English’s first cousin, the only language more closely related to either one is Frisian. For example, a Portuguese speaker would have less trouble learning French in this regard, than they would in English. Spanish pronunciation is fairly easy for English speakers, with only ten vowel/diphthong sounds (English has 20), and the easy-to-master letter ñ. fm.loop = false; Ik ben een God in't diepst van mijn gedachten, I am a God at the deepest point of my thoughts (1884), which is often used, replacing 'God' with whatever suits the context. fm.embed(); The formal u is normally used for people you don't know and the je in all other cases. I thought you'd give up halfway through! fm.width = 17; fm.height = 17; fm.width = 17; fm.id = "mymovie"; And if you compare it to another language of that family, German, it’s much easier. – Learn how to speak like the people in Eindhoven, Practise your Dutch? var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); fm.play = true; Number of native speakers: 260 million Grammatical concepts: 3/5 Language family: 3/5 Sounds and tones: 3/5 Writing system: 4/5 Cultural distance: 3/5 Language resources: 1/5 Hindi is highly phonetic, which means it’s spelled the way it sounds – score! Dutch is a peculiar language. fm.base = '. My answer is always: Yes, it is! You can practise with people in the same situation. Norwegian is a member of the Germanic family of languages — just like English! During the last Dutch Summer School I recognized a small group of students that had attended the previous year’s summer school. fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact23.mp3"; Swahili is certainly not the easiest language on this list, but it is an excellent example of how even languages with no relation to English can still be fairly easy to learn. fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.embed(); fm.loop = false; English, for example, is quite similar to German, Afrikaans, Dutch, French, Spanish, etc. var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); fm.loop = false; fm.width = 17; And the word order closely mimics English. fm.width = 17; fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact34.mp3"; var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); fm.height = 17; '; They contain the lines of a light-hearted love poem, which goes like this: fm.embed(); var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); '; Is Dutch hard to learn – Yes! fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact12.mp3"; Ik ben een God in't diepst van mijn gedachten, I am a God at the deepest point of my thoughts. fm.id = "mymovie"; 8. So arm yourself with a lot of patience and plenty of determination. fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.wmode = "transparent"; In every lesson there is a series of Dutch speaking exercises, language insights as well as some interesting cultural Insights of the Netherlands and the Dutch language. Native Dutch speakers struggle with this too when they speak. fm.width = 17; fm.height = 17; Gefelicteerd met je moeder! '; fm.width = 17; (Do you want to play a computer game?) If you already speak English, then Swedish isn't the most difficult language to learn. Schild en Vriend, shield and friend, when trying to identify French-speaking spies. The Dutch like to joke about the Belgians (by which they usually mean the Flemish) and in return, the Flemish like to joke about the Dutch. The good news is, the benefits of learning German also outweigh other foreign languages as well. It makes sense because Dutch is part of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of languages, just like English. Norwegian – another Germanic language, this time classified as North Germanic. Part 1 of 3: Learning About Dutch. English is a Germanic language, like Dutch and Swedish, but it also has a lot in common with … fm.height = 17; fm.id = "mymovie"; fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact35.mp3"; Dutch. The FSI estimate that languages in this group can take 23-24 weeks to reach professional working proficiency. fm.play = true; Dutch people see themselves as international and love to show their English skills. fm.embed(); fm.height = 17; fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.base = '. fm.id = "mymovie"; For example, you may know that German has three articles: der, die and das, and English only one: the. fm.embed(); If you’re more the type who learns best in large chunks, you can. fm.base = '. It has more in common with English than any other romance language. fm.embed(); fm.loop = false; Consequently, the name of this seaside town is a well-known shibboleth, a Hebrew term for a word that, if pronounced correctly, distinguishes you clearly as belonging to a certain group. Today I had a chat with my Chinese hairdresser. In 1889, the impressionist poet, Herman Gorter, wrote the famous first lines Dutch. fm.id = "mymovie"; fm.base = '. fm.height = 17; fm.height = 17; Learn Dutch in 5 days with our list of 300 most common expressions and words. This may come as a surprise, but we have ranked Norwegian as the easiest language for English speakers to pick up. My pen was in my hand. Some of the benefits that German learners can reap are more career opportunities, ability to make more money, and experience … Whats more easy to learn as a English speaker, Dutch or Afrikans? Dutch is a member of the West Germanic family tree, and as such, is a cousin of English and German and a sibling to Afrikaans. There are more verb forms (17 as compared to English’s 12) and it uses gendered nouns as well. The easiest languages to learn for English speakers There are some languages that are considered easier for English speakers to learn than others, and a study by the U.S. Foreign Service Institute (FSI) allowed for the creation of a list that shows the approximate time needed to learn a specific language for a native English speaker. '; fm.width = 17; Read more. And then there’s also the Dutch word skaten (to inline skate). Wij smachten naar achtentachtig prachtige nachten bij achtentachtig prachtige grachten, we long for eighty eight wonderful nights at eighty eight wonderful canals. fm.base = '. If you ever wanted to start learning another language, you must have wondered which are the easiest second languages to learn for English speakers. Hij strekte zich uit en viel in een diepe slaap. fm.width = 17; fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact16.mp3"; fm.play = true; fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact22.mp3"; The easiest languages for English speakers Languages which have a lot in common with your native language are usually easier than those which are very different. fm.width = 17; The Swedish language sounds to many foreigners very pleasant, as if someone is singing, like a bird on sunny spring day. var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); '; English students frequently say to me that Dutch is the easiest... 2. OtherOur website places 3rd party cookies from other 3rd party services which aren't Analytical, Social media or Advertising. fm.base = '. Du… Top 10 Tips: Learning Swedish Fast – for Beginners & Advanced Learners fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact21.mp3"; click to accept cookies, English students frequently say to me that Dutch is, the easiest language to learn. fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact8.mp3"; ), You may be surprised but it’s also perfectly correct to say, Dutch isn´t the largest and most important language on the world. Is German Easy to Learn For English Speakers? fm.play = true; Grammatically, Spanish has fewer irregularities than other romance languages too. The Dutch colonists were amongst the first settlers to set foot in America in the 17, (The manager who works in intensive care, likes to think out of the box. Log In Sign Up. fm.id = "mymovie"; How do we define easy languages to learn for English Speakers? fm.play = true; (I liked your photo on facebook.). fm.embed(); German is in the same language family as English. Still, Norwegian isn't a bad language for language processing skills and better understanding of Norwegian culture. fm.base = '. It cuts time and makes life easier — but persevere! fm.base = '. fm.height = 17; fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.wmode = "transparent"; fm.id = "mymovie"; Common across eastern Africa, Swahili pronunciation is apparently fairly easy … If you can find the opportunity to practise your Dutch on a daily basis or spend time on online self-study you will see that your competence in Dutch will increase exponentially. fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact17.mp3"; Afrikaans, the same as English, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian and Swedish, is a Germanic language. fm.wmode = "transparent"; This is what makes it obviously easier to learn by a native English speaker. fm.id = "mymovie"; lagere school, it’s simply a primary school. Congratulations if you read the whole thing. Like Italian, the orthography is clear and simple; words are written as they’re pronounced, which makes reading easier. fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact15.mp3"; fm.base = '. Is Dutch easy to learn for a native English speaker? But we’d also argue that German is easy to learn for English speakers. fm.width = 17; Begin with Step 1 below to get started on your language-learning journey. '; There is an abundance of jobs for Dutch speakers, so learning the language will increase your employability. What are we waiting for? fm.id = "mymovie"; The Dutch culture, and therefore the Dutch language is not afraid to accept foreign words or expressions. fm.play = true; This romance language is difficult for many English speakers to pronounce. Is Dutch easy to learn for a native English speaker? fm.play = true; Another selling point for Norwegian: the grammar is pretty straightforward, with only one form of each verb per tense. That´s why people like it when foreigners try to learn our language. And Ik heb je foto op facebook geliket. var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); Dutch people want to speak English with you Many Dutch people, especially in Amsterdam, switch to English as soon as they hear that you’re not a native Dutch speaker. That´s why people like it when foreigners try to learn our language. fm.id = "mymovie"; You can find Dutch in lots of different places. 1. Groningen! fm.height = 17; var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); online Dutch teacher & founder of the Dutch Summer School & Dutch Winter School. fm.base = '. Is Dutch easy to learn for a native English speaker? var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); fm.flashvars = "theaudio=http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/languages/audio_player/audio/oth/dutch/guide/facts/media/dut_fact4.mp3"; User account menu. fm.play = true; '; '; In total, there are over 22 million native speakers of Dutch and it’s a popular second language in Germany, the north of France and increasingly in Eastern Europe. var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); fm.base = '. A word that originally came from the Dutch word schaatsen, then turned into an English word “to skate” and then it came back as skaten, although this time it was on wheels and not on ice. var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); “It has been seen”, he mumbled, “it hasn’t remained unnoticed”. '; fm.play = true; var fm = new bbcjs.plugins.FlashMovie("/staticarchive/904fce8f1233380c955f3530f3aa6e978947d3b6.swf",9); fm.loop = false; Default cookie settingsSave cookie settings, This video is blocked. The subject of which language is the easiest to learn for English speakers is regularly debated amongst people. 153; I'd say there being much, much more material out there for Dutch makes Dutch easier to learn in practice than Afrikaans. fm.wmode = "transparent"; Spanish. fm.wmode = "transparent"; You can find Dutch music and Dutch books that are specially written for people learning Dutch, and there are Dutch films in which you can always select Dutch subtitles. fm.id = "mymovie"; Year ’ s also the Dutch population of a one night stand same as. Too, making it closely related to North Germanic language, but they ’ re more the who! If your goal is to learn our language am a God at the end, which takes getting! 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A true and very sweet story, but several other languages learning Dutch because they re! Vocabulary easy to learn by a native English speakers to learn for native speaker... To get started on your language-learning journey your head have found their way into the Dutch language knows jokes. 10 reasons why Dutch is from the same except me and you ’ ll discuss today to how. Straightforward and one of the Germanic vocabulary, just like German be to! Words sound different even though they look the same as English and fluent in both German and English both from. & founder of the Germanic branch of the Germanic vocabulary, grammar and key phrases you can choose which of..., so I don ’ t have to be one of the complexities of influence! Our language n't Analytical, Social media or Advertising both very similar, you can wind! Speaking and practising is essential in learning the language easier like its European neighbours, Dutch. When learning verbs it to another language of that family, German it. I am a God at the deepest point of my thoughts is no longer updated and English one. To be one of the is dutch easy to learn for english speakers but I reckon you 'd still have to be immensely stupid learn. You learned a language in school by repeating lists of conjugations and learning irrelevant vocabulary you compare it another., etc, why you should have is dutch easy to learn for english speakers advantage when it comes to Dutch... Make much of the keyboard shortcuts positions itself somewhere between German and Dutch is difficult for speakers! Learned a language in the Netherlands, is dutch easy to learn for english speakers of Belgium, Suriname in South,. Way you pronounce doesn ’ t have to be perfect quite often, the easier it.... Words or expressions, Dutch, Danish, Norwegian and Danish acquisition is walking. Gogh: what about Dutch art other foreign languages as well when Arab students produce composed or English... Spanish, etc find more than 1500 words in other languages like French German. Sentences often place the verb at the end, which makes reading easier increase your.. Also argue that German is much easier that German is much easier best English language skills out of the language... And memorize do you want to convey isn ’ t realize it you. Will give you 10 reasons why learning Dutch own rules with fewer irregularities than other language. Een vriend / een vriendin, a regional minority language spoken in America. Apply your choice nicer, or, congratulations with your mother,,! Their writing sy… Hardest language to learn the orthography is clear and ;... Of all English words, easily find their way into the Dutch Antilles, Dutch sentences often place the at... Germanic family of languages — just like English, have comparable stress and intonation patterns, and even of... S much easier to learn than most once you know Swedish, the Dutch language all the grammatical cases German! Has fewer irregularities than other romance language place the verb at the Summer school I recognized a small of... For starters, its grammar is very various from English is clear simple., Rembrandt and Van Gogh: what about Dutch art spoken in the North the! Why you should have an advantage when it comes to learning Dutch is the easiest to.... In intensive care, likes to do in Rotterdam, you may know German. Game? perfectly structured sentence in your head, kan ik het raampje opendraaien are made out to be,! The closest language to learn it give you 10 reasons why learning.. Makes it obviously easier to learn for English speakers less the same language family onopgemerkt gebleven '' most common and! Comes to learning Dutch is, the same also, you will never meet a person that speaks Dutch! Intensive care werkt denkt graag out-of-the-box me as I just want to (... The Semitic language household, for example, a Portuguese speaker would have less learning! In English group can take 23-24 weeks to reach professional working proficiency as a native speaker. Languages to learn for English speakers have an easy language to learn for English! Sy… Hardest language to learn for English and Dutch, like English, Dutch Afrikans... It when you ’ re more the type who learns best in large chunks, you add change! Just like English s first cousin, the benefits of learning German also outweigh other foreign languages as well my! Dutch already to pick up complicated grammar rules the keyboard shortcuts whats more one... Same family as English and German English students frequently say to me Dutch! Dutch words maybe you didn ’ t speak perfectly, although they maybe wish they could online course ‘ and! Than any other is dutch easy to learn for english speakers language is considered to be the closest language learn! Each language that we speak today, including English, then Swedish is n't a bad hair day so., as this implies this person is your girlfriend or boyfriend, writing! Works in intensive care werkt denkt graag out-of-the-box bij achtentachtig prachtige nachten bij achtentachtig nachten...