For comparison, there is no alternative way to farm finisher salvage., without spending. I think this is not an attempt to monetize the DR release, but an attempt to further monetize the entire game, slipped in with the Darth Revan release. That way I'm basically buying half or progressing at 2x f2p rate. Yeah, I didn't mind supporting the devs, coz they created a mobile game I want (or wanted?) So my recommendation when it comes to ships is to farm the characters that I’ve recommended. I'll probably do Revan and then stop actively trying to G13 someone. If you have no characters shards to farm then using resets and energy on kryo is the way to go. Mk 7 Kyrotech Shock Prod Prototype Salvage Light Side Battles: 7-B. They farm hard nodes and buy gear from all the different shops. I'm backing off from spending though I did drop a few bucks recently to get 7* Padme with minimal preparation (g10 Nute ftw, having it easy actually got me to spend a bit since it was so achievable, I was ready to get 5* and wait). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Swgoh relic guide Monica Rambeau is the daughter of Maria Rambeau. Mods can be acquired through Mod Battles, Mod Challenges, and the Mod Store. But if other folks are getting significantly less, maybe these are even less worth farming than they seemed. Press J to jump to the feed. A day of farming for shards will net you 6 shards, which would cost 480 in crystals to buy from crystals. Now if they drop a new meta team, and each member needs 2 or 3 of those pieces, thats a whole lotta crystals or a whole lotta time to get them geared up. They made G12/G13 farming easier, which is great for end game players. It's more around 10% from what I have experienced. SWGOH.LIFE is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. I agree completely. This is where the value of time comes in. The core of where you’re gonna farm ships is Galactic War and the Fleet Store. Hey there! Don't add another, just use one of the ones we don't use much. It will also always, always be slower to farm gear/shards rather than spend crystals. Character farming should be your main priority in the game but there are some ways you can get ships as well. I consider myself as a dolphin, but I whaled out on Bastila Shan when she got into the game, and I also spent a lot on Carth and Juhani coz I really hated the JKR meta, and I wanted a change. When a character reaches Gear 13 the Scavenger will unlock and allow players to exchange pieces of gear for scrap materials. SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Farming Mod Farming. They are running out of ways to power creep so now we just have money creep. But energy is required for shard farming, therefore your roster is depth is negatively impacted. Its twice as efficient to farm the shards and buy the kryotechs with crystals if you need to farm characters using your energy. This makes the math a little easier because it means each piece costs 45 energy, and it makes sense from a game design perspective that each of the three daily bonus energy quests would provide a single piece of salvage. I think they know people have gone into hoard mode. 04 Apr. I just think they're trying to drain crystals from hoarders. Probably spent about 600 over past 2 years which isn't much but it is at the same time. Relics greatly increase the stats of characters and can take a while to max so maximizing the use of gear used to create them is very important. As far as farming goes, this means that if you devote all of your free daily energy including the quest energy (a total of 375) to farming the Kryotech pieces you can expect to average 8 1/3 pieces everyday. Still waiting on Malak to return, so I don't really have an option to G13 him anytime soon. This looks like a way for CG to add a 2800 – 5600 crystal tax on gearing new characters for most players. If you’re farming on 16 or 12 energy nodes, you get even more, but we’ll stay conservative with how many shards you average a day. I farmed the first 50 pieces before doing some math and realizing I was better off buying them. Read: They clearly think we are stupid to fall for such a pathetic explanation and justification. Yeah, at discord, but sample size is smaller: At least I thought that, but I was fucking wrong. Lake Guntersville, Alabama. Posts like these are the reason this sub is great. SWGOH.GG; Gear; Mk 7 Kyrotech Shock Prod; Galactic Challenges Gear Raids Scavenger Shard Shipments Events Quests Light Side Battles Dark Side Battles Squad Cantina Battles Fleet Battles Mod Battles Database Navigation Mk 7 Kyrotech Shock Prod; Cost: 10,000 Required Level: 67 Mk VII. ... 100 Mk 7 Kyrotech Shock Prod Prototype Salvage. So I bought the packs after DR kit reveal, then I was shocked when literally hours before the DR event CG announced the new gear requirement. This will still be a slightly more expensive way to obtain Mod Salvage compared to farming it from the nodes but a more convenient way to get those materials quickly. wouldn't you have to compare the cost of kyrotech vs the other farmable gear? Yeah, by introducing something harder to farm. She befriended Carol Danvers, a friend of her mother, and refused to believe the reports that Danvers had died in a mysterious plane crash. Yeah, using 50 crystlas refreshers is more efficient than buying from shippments (but not 100 cr/refresh in that case shippments win), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the SWGalaxyOfHeroes community. If your goal is to have characters ready for both potential panic farms, and gear the characters that you’ve unlocked, you’ll likely need to spend some crystals at some point. Flight of the Falcon Starting April 12th. Except you are sacrificing hard node shard farming. TL/DR: Kryotechs will take you about a week of farming per gear slot if you use your three energy refreshes every day. Assuming that these will be necessary pieces for gearing up critical characters moving forward, what does that mean as far as farming, energy and crystals go? 1 Mk 12 ArmaTek Holo Lens Prototype. Grouped for your pleasure, to optimize your cantina efficiency and your mods distribution great data. Home Star Wars GOH SWGoH 101 SWGoH 101: The Comprehensive Mod Guide SWGoH 101 Mod Guide: Mod Farming. A day of farming for Kryotech salvage will net you 8 1/3 pieces, which would cost 233 crystals to buy from shipments. There's always so much more to this game than the things I mentioned in this video. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes – Best Mod Farming Strategy. Use the force helper Use this helper to identify how long it'll take to reach 7* on a character. Except you are sacrificing hard node shard farming. The thing that really bothers me about it is the transparently stupid justification: "we did this to alleviate the stun gun/carbanti grind.". I didn't mind spending money on the game since with proper resource management you could stay at least somewhat viable even in arena. People with less than 3m GP are still working on lots of teams and Carbanti/Cuff/Stun Gun grind takes longer. Well done! Not cool! Used For; Power Cell Injector (Plasma) - Jedi Knight Anakin Used by 1 Characters Power Cell Injector (Ionic) - General Grievous ... SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. This website has a collection of useful tools and resources for people playing Star Wars™ Galaxy of Heroes (SWGOH). (Sorry for the length, TLDR at the bottom). You're getting a 32% discount on average if you use your energy on them. Post 04 Apr 23:58 on News - Thread - Direct. I completely fail to asee anything good in this addition. I absolutely understand the concept of a freemium game, and though I don't really like it, I can accept this business model. I for one had like 10 stun guns banked, but instead i had to drop 5600 crystals over a couple days to get those pieces. It's just too much... [imagine a Bro! Of course, if you’re farming these pieces you’re not getting any shards from energy nodes. TW - War 155 2021/01/18: GA - Season 14 - Week 2 2021/01/18: Coruscant Omega Battle I’m also assuming that CG is not planning to make these obtainable via one of the shops or in raids in the near future. That is utter and complete bullshit, and it pisses the hell out of me to hear lies like that passed off as an explanation. People are gonna cry if they add these as a raid reward before releasing multiple characters that need them, even though in the long run it would benefit the community greatly. Its possible these pieces are different, but I’m going to assume that they have a drop rate of 22.222% for the purposes of doing the math. If I’m reading CG’s intent correctly, then going forward most players will be forced to choose between gearing up the newest marquee characters and starring up the newest characters and ships, particularly if more characters than DR have multiple pieces required to get to G10. These pieces are purchasable in shipments for 700 crystals for 25 pieces, or 1400 crystals for 50, so it costs a total of 2800 crystals to fill a single gear slot. Now that the excitement of the Darth Revan journey is calming down a bit, let’s talk about the most significant change that CG introduced to the game last week, Kryotech gear. I'm over it. I've been farming these pieces exclusively since they came out and I'm not getting anywhere near a 22% drop rate. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Longtime players have hoarded, (or can easily get via guild/guild event/shard shops), all of the bottleneck gear for any new characters, and can take them to g12 immediately without having to expend any extra resources. First off, some assumptions. So, my conclusion: if you have ships/characters that you think you will need, focus on farming those up first, and if you do not then chase those Kryotechs. RancorRider 3 min read. If you add in the three 50 crystal refreshes (for a total of 735 energy) that would take you up to 16 1/3 pieces a day, which would get you a full piece in a little more than 6 days. You'll need to make compromises. A day of farming for shards will net you 6 shards, which would cost 480 in crystals to buy from crystals. Stats +24 Strength +5.0% Potency DR still needs carbantis and guns galore so how did this alleviate the crunch? SWGOH Farming Guide: I’ve been playing SWGOH for nearly a year and a half and I made a number of mistakes when it comes to building my team. Sure, in isolation it's more efficient to use 50 crystal refreshes than buying them from shipments. That will never change. I've been playing 3 years. Grand Master Yoda is the easiest of the events to clear because Jedi are easily accessible from the start of the game. With that same energy you could be chasing down shards of the characters you need. But that did not happen, so I will play as F2P for a while from now on, and if nothing changes (or becomes even worse) I will surely quit the game, and never look back. It would be great if that happens, and it would make sense if we believe that the stated purpose of this gear, “providing some variety in highly desirable gear” is actually the driving reason behind this, but I’ve got a pessimistic view of CGs intentions with this. Besides, I'm eatng into my crystal stockpile for Malak gear up to G12 to do the Kyrotech for G13. This is going to be a case-by-case thing, but farming the gear from nodes is not a bad path to take. This is a little more expensive than a fully crafted stun gun but its comparable. Or now from the GAC shop. So you sacrifice roster depth. Very helpful statistic in the farm vs buy decision. All the data is available here:, Also promoting our data-maniacs section on HSTR community server at discord: if you’re into digging deep in different kinds of swgoh data- take a visit:), I really like the additional probabilities at the bottom showing chances of getting more than 50, 60, 70. The introduction of a gear piece that can only be obtained via energy farming or crystals is a massive change to the game’s economy and will be a major factor for all players, but particularly F2P or low spenders moving forward. He is, a very safe pick. so the conclusion is that using crystals to sim is more efficient than using crystals to buy kryo from shipments, right? Despite Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes being a collection game, where owning characters from the saga is a goal, you can't get them all quickly. I may have made the point poorly early on, but I absolutely think this was intended to make all characters more expensive moving forward, and I think it’s been in the works for a while. Do you have similar data for the finisher salvage? First of all: really appreciate the amazing SWGOH community who shared the data to make this research possible! I'll try to cover in this article why choosing droids, how they work together, how to b… Shards have a slightly more generous 33% drop rate, but are on more expensive nodes. I just simply don't want to pay to a developer team that does not content with more than a $100 payment (I bought a crystal crate before the kit reveal to help farming) for ONE freaking character in a mobile game, but want even more by placing that character behind a gear paywall as well. It appears that these pieces have the same drop rates as the other purple pieces that cost 1400 crystals for 50 (carbantis, stun guns, cuffs…) There’s been some work done in the past to track those pieces that show they have a drop rate of somewhere around 22% per attempt, . Do you hear me Capgasp, EACarrie, CG_SBCrumb ? So you sacrifice roster depth. meme here]. If you devote all of your free energy to shard farming on the 20 energy nodes you would expect to get a little over 6 shards a day, if you include the three refreshes you’d be up to 12 shards a day. SWGOH Tools and Guides. Develop your SWGOH roster and take on the most challenging content in EA / Capital Games' hit mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes It will always, always be cheaper to farm for gear/shards rather than spend crystals. That was the time when I decided to end my support. I am assuming that this was not in fact a last minute Hail Mary to further monetize the Darth Revan event, and is instead a conscious attempt on CGs part to introduce a significant new factor in the resource management portion of the game. If this is the new trend, I'm done. Sometimes I have the feeling that it's a little too much, but it's still okay. All gacha games are scams. TL;DR: Don't buy Kyrotechs with crystals, farm them on nodes. Having new stuff to farm for is good, especially for day 1 players that near have it all, but the catching up is getting harder and harder while the burnout just keeps increasing. Shards to farm characters using your energy on kryo is the way to *. Be faster know people have gone into hoard mode 's more around 10 from... - tdm00/swgoh-life-shard-gear-farming-calculator Grand Master Yoda Event for Beginners ) – 2018 in crystals to buy shards from energy nodes costing... Think we are stupid to fall for such a pathetic explanation and justification use the force helper use this to... Kryotech salvage will net you 8 1/3 pieces, which is why stun guns would have done same... Getting anywhere near a 22 % drop rate, then disable enemies with Critical Hits, guns! Sure, in isolation it 's more around 10 % from what I have experienced Kryos finishers! The Comprehensive Mod Guide: Mod farming [ imagine a Bro wrong farming him all the different shops thought,. 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