Works as a Remaster. Working, but the game is to slow as a Remaster. Working/Saving correctly as iso in Remaster Launcher. Freezes after choosing "New Game" in the main menu, haven't tried loading a PSP save to see if it works. Slowdowns if run as a Remaster, mostly fine if run as a mini. Works as a Remaster, but most graphics are corrupted. Crashes after the first cut-scene when you start a new game. Gundam Battle Assault.PBP Some versions work flawlessly. It's possible to get the game running with a resigned eboot as a remaster. First levels playable without glitches, save OK - Tested as ISO. I can't help you with game-related issues- you'll have to do some research into your problem with your search engine of choice; it isn't a portable app issue, it's a ePSXe issue, so perhaps their forums would have a better answer? Running the European PAL version as a mini reduces the problem. On gamesave screen, persistently says, "Memory Stick Duo not found. The game freezes if you enter the Options menu. Mounted iso using ManaGunZ and tried to load with PSP launcher, but end up with a black screen. If launched as a remaster, the fps will be lower. Command & Conquer - GDI Disc.PBP (Play The PS2 Version For PS3 it works fine), Black screen. Packages created as Remaster or Minis will work but certain movie files will be corrupted due to file size limitations, is possible to skip said movies. (Play The Remastered Trilogy Version for PS3 Part as God of War Origins Collection.). The Mission 9-6-4 is bugged, when defeating Great Malboro the game will freeze, cannot complete the Missions 9-6-5 and 9-6-6 (Minerva). VOUT_RESOLUTION_MODE = 0 Manual saving only. Works as a Remaster. Game runs faster than normal making combos hard to do. Tekken 2.PBP PS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - Freezes on boot, What Did I Do to Deserve This, My Lord! Wonderswan and Wonderswan Color Updated DeSmuME Portable (2014-01-31). Works as a Remaster. Vigilante 8 - 2nd Offense.PBP MegaMan X4.PBP No issues or glitches at all. Sonic Wings Arcade.PBP Freezes. 2.PBP I'm just working out some final touches with the installer, then they're good to go. Moto Racer 2.PBP Final Fantasy II - 20th Anniversary Edition. Can't add letters in name only numbers, game locks up after character creation. Load/save still not working even with "tmp" fixes, you can load and save an injected game save. - helps with some of the framerate drops. Needs Remaster method. Work with remaster and mini, minor issues, save OK. Also works when turned into Remaster pkg. PAL Copy works USA does not. Character shadows are grey (alpha bug). SAVEDATA_USE_PS3_SAVE = 1 Codename - Tenka.PBP Go to the bottom-left corner of the first bell tower. Freezes as Remaster as well. Works fine as a Remaster without any additional settings. Black screen after minis logo. Croc - Legend of the Gobbos.PBP Player name can be only entered as digits when a New Game is started. Works as a Remaster. There are big graphical errors witch make it unplayable. Just press X to continue. Works as Mini without using compression. May rarely get stuck at "Loading...". Works as a Remaster. Black Screen during gameplay. Disney's Hercules.PBP Gets to the menu to choose Original or Remastered then freezes on loading screen after one is selected. Frames are not smooth. Compression Used: No; SAV temp Fix Applied: No; -- Undub also works. Can add only numbers in Character creation. Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side Premium: 3rd Story (English Patched). No problems as Remaster. RockMan 6 - Shijou Saidai no Tatakai!! Gundam Battle Assault 2.PBP Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on Фахівці Служби порятунку Хмельницької області під час рейдів пояснюють мешканцям міст та селищ, чим небезпечна неміцна крига та закликають бути обережними на річках, ставках та озерах. Enough of the menus and gameplay are in English for it to be playable. Menus have flicker but ingame is fine. None. Slow in FMV SOTN does not load. Minis does not work as well. Works as a Remaster. Project64 Portable: plays Nintendo64 games. Atari 2600 After Minis logo, hangs with a black screen. Make your own EBOOT.PBP, Re-sign EBOOT.BIN & 0-out ALLDATA.EBN (unneed install data). Works flawlessly. Tested English patched version. Users Online: 111. Works perfectly without using compression, game doesn't act right compressed. Tested as a Remaster with English fan translation vBeta4 patch applied. As remaster, stuck on loading screen. Almost all of these are in the beta stage or listed as development test, but they seem to work just fine. Useful or Interesting Components Black Screen. Remastered is too slow. I have created an older version of ZSNES (1.42), as the one posted (1.51) does not support Netplay. Black textures during speed camera shot. Sega Master System, Game Gear, and SG-1000 Must load saves from in-game, it doesn't work from the title screen. Black Screen / Freeze. Or move it under Portable Games as it currently only has Minecraft listed. Graphic texture issues, otherwise playable. It took a lot of 'head-butting' so to speak, trying to almost force myself to understand. Thunder Force V.PBP Gekioh - Shooting King.PBP Cool Boarders 2.PBP SAV temp Fix Applied: No. New: FreeCAD (Sep 27, 2020). Soul Blade.PBP Some do work / some do not (conversion issues with eboot.pbp). isn't consistent/up to date across the site, and I had a bit of trouble trying to figure it out myself, but like you, I don't usually ask for help. Games play fine. Freezes, if data install is attempted or if screenshot is taken. and U.M.E. Trying to take a screenshot freezes input. Graphical errors and text do not display. DragonBall - Final Bout.PBP Tested as a Remaster with English fan translation v1.10 patch applied. Multiplayer works via WiFi. Also, very minor graphical glitches. May need an eboot fix method similar to Power Stone Collection to get it to run. Works as a Remaster, with all the problems it had on PSP (performance was bad on PSP and had random freezes). DirectX End-User Runtimes Portable: these runtimes are needed for some emulators (Dolphin, Snes9x, VBA-M MFE version) 64bit systems need both the 32bit and 64bit variants. Game loads past main menu, once in campaign the FPS GUI loads but the rest of screen is black. Graphical errors and text does not display. Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Famicom Medievil II.PBP Used untouched iso and resigned eboot.. and no compression. Вчора, 18 вересня на засіданні Державної комісії з питань техногенно-екологічної безпеки та надзвичайних ситуацій, було затверджено рішення про перегляд рівнів епідемічної небезпеки поширення covid-19. Playable as a Remaster with minor and average graphical glitches. Works as a Remaster, however, it has frame rate issues. This can also be done in other CV games that use SotN's map system, such as Aria of Sorrow. A few minor graphical glitches but is totally playable. VSYNC_OFFSET_US = 8341 Breath of Fire IV.PBP Same issue on EU ver[UCES00995]. Work as a Remaster and mini, save OK. Minor graphical issues. Transformers - Beast Wars.PBP Works as a Remaster. 2. Crispy sound as minis (eboot needs resign). SAVEDATA_USE_PS3_SAVE = 1 fixs save problem Platform 17.1.1 (Sep 09, 2020). Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver.PBP lol i used tag but it did not work why ? Works with resigned EBOOT, runs at halved speed outside of battles, and nearly double speed during battles, character sprites randomly disappear outside of battles. King of Fighters '98.PBP SaGa Frontier II.PBP I have a sample AppNamePortable set up with all the possible files and heavy commenting, so I can just change some things here and there, and refer back to other launchers. Remasters work fine. Bubble Bobble - featuring Rainbow Islands.PBP Included minis2.txt. Spider-Man.PBP ESPN Extreme Games.PBP or, Caffeine Portable: prevents computer from sleeping or going to screensaver. You're halfway there, in that if you're doing those things already yourself, you can portablize it on your own as that's all the PortableApps Launcher does- exactly what you already do. Locks up on memory card access as either Remastered or Mini. Dragon Knight 4.PBP (Play The Remastered Version for PS3 it works fine). Runs too fast as minis. Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 [Without English Patch], Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 [English Patch]. Legacy of Kain - Blood Omen.PBP (Play the PS2 version on PS3 for better compatibility and multiplayer feature). Added AntiMicro, AutoHotKey, Caffeine and minor reorganizations (2014/04/11) DragonBall Z - Ultimate Battle 22.PBP Works as a Remaster, with resign boot.bin, not eboot.bin resign. Apple II BattleTanx - Global Assault.PBP Playable (using PSP minis placeholder PKG). US release - Compression Used: No, SAV temp Fix Applied: No. Do not ask about ROM or BIOS files. However, it's impossible to interact with objects. Portable apps are great and the website is excellent! Converted this game with PSP2PS3 from an iso ripped from a real disc. AW.DISABLE_FB_TEX = 222 Lubię nowoczesny i modny design oraz oryginalne gadżety. ), Freezes. Works as a Remaster on Rebug 4.81, freeze if press SELECT or try network menu. Black Screen after game logo. Power Rangers - Time Force.PBP Works as a Remaster. English patched. Correct Minis2 settings to reduce the blue filter: Basic Bluray disc authentication procedure, Network Loading of lv1ldr and above executables, SOCOM - U.S. Navy SEALs - Fireteam Bravo 3. Crash Bandicoot.PBP MegaMan X3.PBP Tested as a remaster. Tested as as Remaster. Remasters and Minis. AW.SINGLE_BUF2 = 880 (Tested By CodedXtreme). sheriff chad bianca-quote—–leaders do not threaten,attempt to intimidate,or cause fear…..bullies do…..—–unquote. Works as a Remaster, but the game is too slow. Loading onto track causes game crash/freeze. Got several battles in as Remaster, no crashing, game is working fine. Unfortunately, I find the documentation for the Launcher (and Installer, the Format, etc.) Th game works slower than it should, but playable, without glitches. Problem playing FMV sequences, though this doesn't cause game to freeze and background during quicksave is messed up, R-Type Tactics 2 Operation Bitter Chocolate, works fine with pspremaster launcher on latest rebug cfw. Pandemonium!.PBP Unable to start a new game or load. RockMan 3 - Dr. Wily no Saigo!! Creates faulty savegames. /node/38241. Freezes on both discs. Then it places an icon in the lower left of the screen with the text, "UMD could not be read". There are reports of issues with vision mode. DRAWN_IMAGE_SCALE = 4 PS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - JITTERY 3D models if on surface but in mid-air, models look OK. Mahou Shojou Lyrical Nanoha As Portable: The Battle of Aces. Worked as MINI. Works without a hitch even using compression. FPS droping in race. variants. Subtitles are too fast during cutscenes, everything else is fine. Works as Remaster and as mini. Bust-A-Move '99.PBP AW.EXT_MODE = 3 Guilty Gear.PBP Bomberman.PBP Black screen after player profile selection screen. Using PrxEncrypter will yield in black screen at startup. See notes for minis2.txt. Incredible Hulk - The Pantheon Saga.PBP i just wanted to point the fact that pcsx-r runs so many different games and they works just fine on it so maybe im wrong but i can assume that it runs as much or more games than epsxe, but even so both emus looks like twins i think IN MY PERSONAL OPINION that pcsx-r is better not only by that but also by few little features that epsxe lack, as i mentioned above 1st smart thing is that when u are playing a game u press escape to quit it in epsxe u need to restart emu Playable as Remasters. MegaMan X5.PBP Chrono Trigger.PBP Instead of jumping in head-first, so to speak, I usually lay out the directories and sample files of what needs to go where (the Format), with comments telling me what needs to go in what file and where, etc. Supports loading custom made missions via savedata DLC as a singleplayer content. Occasionally save data will display incorrect information (usually, Chapter 1. Seems to be possible to eventually get past said problematic battles. Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions. Ben 10 Ultimate - Alien Cosmic Destruction. Crash Team Racing.PBP Dynasty Warriors.PBP Hangs at character select screen as Remaster. Slow, graphics issues, menu works fine but it is unplayable. R-Type Delta.PBP Starts up fine & you'll see logo, but freezes on a black screen. Stage title demo is very slow and the "Original Games" does not work. MINIS2 settings in comment. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel 2nd. Cool Boarders 3.PBP Mattel Intellivision Xfire Portable: chat, record gameplay, take screenshots, broadcast your game live all from in the game. (Play The PS2 Version For PS3 it works Fine), The game boots up fine but you cannot see anything. This page was last modified on 19 January 2021, at 22:36. Works as a Remaster. Diablo.PBP Works as a Remaster. Freezes PS3 and must soft-reset it. Medievil.PBP Ghost in the Shell.PBP Works with EBOOT resigned, but can't save. DRAWN_IMAGE_SCALE = 4 Thank you, I hadn't considered the license of the ePSXe plugins, and it seems silly of me to not have. Needs resigned eboot to be turned into a working Remaster package. Functional as Remaster but music is bugged. If turned into a pkg using PSP2PS3 etc (even with save fix enabled) the game will freeze on attempting to save. Einhander.PBP The game freezes, when the first mission starts. (Play The Remastered Version For PS3 Part as Metal Gear Solid HD Collection it works fine). Works as a Remaster. Street Fighter - The Movie.PBP Generation of Chaos: Pandora's Reflection, Genso Suikoden Tsumugareshi Hyakunen no Toki. The Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion. MDK.PBP Bloody Roar 2.PBP Runs very well, but displays a blue overlay throughout the game. Works perfectly as a Minis and as a Remaster. Remasters/Minis: Freezes on startup, soft resets [Default minis2.txt]. (Revised by CodedXtreme). Test: Work as Remaster. PS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - Won't boot and resets PS3. Remaster; must decrypt EBOOT.BIN and save a copy as BOOT.BIN, manually resign EBOOT.PBP, make replacement (zero-byte) OPNSSMP.BIN, and replace each of these three in the ISO in order to get it converted and running properly. --------------------------------------------, DeSmuME Portable: plays Nintendo DS games and homebrew, Dolphin Emulator Portable: plays Wii and GameCube games, ePSXe Portable: plays Sony PlayStation games through a system of plugins, FCEUX Portable: plays NES, Famicon and Famicon Disk System games, higan Portable: supports Famicom, Super Famicom, Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance as well as Super Game Boy, BS-X Satellaview and Sufami Turbo, Kega Fusion Portable: plays Sega SG1000, SC3000, SF7000, Master System, Game Gear, Genesis/Megadrive, SVP, Pico, SegaCD/MegaCD and 32X, MAME Portable: emulates multiple Arcade machines (Newer version posted by Mancus Nemo near the bottom). Loads as remaster, but most textures not showing up during gameplay. EBOOT.PBP compressed. Krazy Ivan.PBP Freezes during loading screens and/or gameplay. Bright yellow power bar may be hard to see on some displays. No cutscenes playback. Summoning: Alucard can summon many creatures via Relic Cards, such as an assisting fairy, an elemental spear-wielding demon, a fireball-shooting bat, a soul-stealing ghost or a powerful sword. Compression Used: No, SAV temp Fix Applied: No. Machine Hunter.PBP Really speedy on menus, major random slowdowns during quests, NPC dialogues show no text. SDRAM_SIZE = 03600000 Resign eboot with seboot, pack as minis + minis2.edat settings: Will play but can't see menu & has low FPS. Game starts, but black screen when going into 3D gameplay. Though you are correct, it does sound like a plugin issue (at least for the sound problem). AUDIO.SLEEP = 421 Dangan Ronpa Kibou no Gakuen to Zetsubou no Koukousei. Fatal Fury - Wild Ambition.PBP MegaMan 8.PBP Batman Beyond - Return of the Joker.PBP S3D.ENABLE = 0 Works as a Remaster. G-Darius.PBP Fixed PKG: Use SignFakeNPExpert to make EBOOT.PBP (Only checked Auto Re-sing 02 & Fixed Keys). Create a Character on an PC Emulator or PSP and copy the save to the PS3. to fix unplayable issue but still leaves flashlight issue. Needs each game to be separated : in the iso, take out PWS1.PRX or PWS2.PRX, rename it to EBOOT.BIN, resign it with SIGN_EBOOT.BAT, and replace the original EBOOT.BIN in SYS_DIR using UMDGen.exe with the one of your game. The game seem to work fine with some black texture glitching on the sky, etc. I'm not trying to debate which emulator is better or worse, as it's a matter of opinion. Hard to play due to video lag or input lag. Black screen/unhandled exception in TargetManager log. Remaster black screen. For the most part it is working, the samples tend to get glitchy on a number of setups, and sound really bad. EBOOT needs to be signed. Works as remaster or mini, save OK. Black Screen After Minis Logo: No freeze. King of Fighters '97.PBP Freezes as mini. EBOOT resigned using PS3 Minis 2.1.2 -- also tested on English patch v1.5, PS3minis 2.1.2 - tested as both Remaster and Minis: Fails to boot and restarts PS3 on PS button > Quit Game. Works as a Remaster. Tales of Destiny.PBP Tested as Remaster and ISO. SDRAM_SIZE = 03800000 Stuck in blackscreen when switching to game proper. Playtime 0hrs) but will still save/load correctly. Overboard!.PBP Game loads to menu, but freezes before the start of each fight. lol i dont ask for help at any kind (im able to play that games so why i should need help anyway ?) Tested as a Remaster: Freezing on the black screen during the boot. Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires, PS3minis 2.1.2 Remaster - Won't boot and freezes PS3. Neo Geo Pocket Works as iso in Remaster Launcher. ZSNES, however, is pretty near finished, and I learned it absolutely hates the AppCompactor, which breaks it. Tested as a Remaster with English fan translation v1.0 patch applied. I kept looking at examples and tried to figure out why things did what they did, and what exactly had to go where. minis is no issues. Keep up the good work. Works as a Remaster. Gives a wlan error at startup and FMV doesn't work properly, but game runs fine. Transformers - Beast Wars Transmetals.PBP Runs at normal speed as Remasters. Major slowdown in both Remasters and minis mode when you start a battle. 3 levels have framerate issues, but is otherwise perfect. Then enjoy it as a remaster :) or add minis2 : ELF_PATH = disc0:/PSP_GAME/SYSDIR/EBOOT.BIN to the path/ pwsX.prx you run, easier and faster than always repacking. 1.51 ) does not affect gameplay with resign boot.bin, not EBOOT.BIN resign to a `` loading... Resets PS3 though you are correct, it 's impossible to interact with objects Haganai ).! 5 - Blues no Wana! hangs, must create your own EBOOT.PBP, Re-sign EBOOT.BIN & 0-out (... 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