Mark Rippetoe: “The decline press is a rather useless exercise because the angle of the body in the decline position shortens the distance the bar can travel, decreasing the amount of work done in respect to the distance the load moves. Posted by 7 years ago. Decline bench is generally poo-poo'd. Mix it up. I'm not talking about close grip bench press or any other triceps exercises. I feel like its all gravity taking its course and not doing much. Continue this thread level 2. Report Save. 2017 Staying Healthy 2018 Might Return To The Game Same though process here. A1. level 2. You're a braver man than I. How To Do The Decline Barbell Bench Press Secure your legs at the end of the decline bench and slowly lay down on the bench. I wonder if a heavily-arched powerlifting bench counts as a decline bench? And the adjustable backrest can be shifted for flat, incline or decline positions and has a … Log In Sign Up. I feel my chest way more on the decline bench with a suicide grip. Also watch some videos on bench press form. Its chest day and you know you and your friends are going to battle it out to see who is the strongest. Posts. View Forum Leaders Who's Online; Advanced; Forum » Main Forums » Exercises » Does standard bench press also help get bigger … What's the best way to target it? Close. Today I did 145x3x5 my 4th time benching with this new program. Using a medium-width grip (a grip that creates a 90-degree angle in the middle of the movement between the forearms and the upper arms), lift the bar from the rack and hold it directly above you with your arms locked. Feel no need for decline. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Does this really live up to the hype that Dorian Yates emphasizes? After this I'm definitely gonna give decline a go again for a bit and see if any differences come about. I might do something like this: 5x8-12 incline bench 5x6-10 flat bench 5x10 incline flys super set with incline champagnes 5x8 flat dumbbell press. Mix it up. share. When having to choose between incline or decline presses, be mindful that because the upper pecs are engaged during both incline and decline bench positions, while the lower pecs are only engaged during decline pressing, incline bench should not serve as the sole … I never do decline bench. Decline with a suicide grip? Account. 5 years ago. I had one person in my fraternity that only did benchpress 3x a week. The shorter ROM and elevated risk of serious injury usually have people suggesting dips or even just more normal benching instead. This obviously makes a reverse grip a better choice for targeting the upper chest. 2,500+ expert-created single workouts 3,500+ how-to exercise videos; Detailed workout instruction; Step-by-step workout tips; Training at gym or at home ; Access to Workout Plans; Access to Bodyfit App; Store Discounts; Subscribe Already have a account with BodyFit? I don't think decline bench is a good exercise for anything specific. Cart. 73. share. You're a braver man than I. The most popular bodybuilding message boards! Bros, I’m about commit the most unforgivable sin a lifting bro can commit. And ohp also. 2015 Lost 110 lbs and currently enjoy being healthy. I think flat bench is just too mainstream and ingrained to be replaced even though it's inferior. Mark Forums Read; Quick Links. I don't feel as though I get a whole lot out of it. View Profile View Forum Posts Who shot ya? Continue this thread level 1. The PRIME Adjustable Bench was designed to be versatile, cost-effective, and possess the American-made quality our customers have grown to expect. It’s not easy, but I swear it’s something I’ve got to say. There were two separate studies done that showed incline bench targets the upper chest about 5% more than doing the same exercise on flat bench. Three of your links (including the ergo-log one) are all the same paper: "Electromyographical Activity of the Pectoralis Muscle During Incline and Decline Bench Presses" by Glass and Armstrong. Sign In. 2015 Lost 110 lbs and currently enjoy being healthy. You're heading out with 3 of your best buds. whats ur alls take on decline bench? if flat puts that much strain on your shoulders you may have your elbows flared out too much , just my two cents, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the bodybuilding community. 2014 Misc Raw Bench Press Contest winner in the 276lb+ 555lb lift @ ~280lbs 2014 Obtained goal of 600+ raw bench press. I don't do a whole lot of decline though. Share your training programs, favorite exercises, training secrets and tips with the rest of the group. 3rd place - Free hat. Here it goes… The barbell bench press sucks. Reddit; Flipboard; LinkedIn; WhatsApp; Telegram ; Messenger; The decline dumbbell tricep extension is a very effective isolation exercise which builds muscle and strength in all three tricep heads. Benefits. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Classic Physique A 4th place & Middleweight Bodybuilding, My incline bench PR is like 2 plates, I worked decline for a while doing 3 plates then had someone deadlift it back into position, I noticed when I went to do 2 plate Benchpress it felt a lot lighter. Skullcrushers for long head of tricep, pec flies for chest burnout. Its all about angles. But the benefits are that you can load it heavier, it works a different angle, is easier on the shouders, and removes a lot of the front delt influence compared to flat bench. Its always both/and. Bodybuilding - everybody wants to be a bodybuilder r/ bodybuilding. I personally start most of my chest workouts with incline movements just because I feel they are the most taxing physically so I want to be able to be fresh and have the energy and strength necessary to take on that movement. 62% Upvoted. It doesn't target the chest as well as bench, and it doesn't hit my triceps as well as dips. This exercise is also great for building triceps size and strength. Avoid problems by limiting your range of motion and stopping each rep when your upper arms are parallel to the floor. 3. Decline bench with a rack STARTING POSITION: Lie faceup on a decline bench (you can also use the Roman chair) set to about a 20–35 degree decline and grab the barbell with an overhand grip that’s slightly wider than shoulder-width grip. Gonna start incorporating more decline work and switch out incline for some heavier landmine presses. I have 2 chest days in my program, and on one day I do regular flat barbell bench and on the other day I do decline barbell bench. Moderators: Mini Forklift Ⓥ, C.O., Richard, robert, SyrLinus. Join. Another day and more embarrassing moments at the gym. it's all about hypertrophy, here's a study on which exercises activate the chest most, decline press not being included tho :/, Hodgetwins would call is heresy. Which bench press is the best for overall gains for developing a massive chest? Help others? Exhale during this portion of the exercise. I don't do a whole lot of decline though. Bench Press - Powerlifting Images BodyFit $6.99/month. Today's Posts; FAQ; Community. Report Save. I feel my chest way more on the decline bench with a suicide grip. And it’s primary use is for targeting the lower pectoral (chest) muscles near the sternum. 2017 Staying Healthy 2018 Might Return To The Game Funny guys, but they refuse to believe the flat bench is useful. While it can be a strength-focused movement, it is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 8-12 reps per set or more, as part of upper-body or chest-focused training. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. I do decline bench as my main chest excercise. But, the target area of muscle trained with this movement is the lower pectorals. Barbell Decline Bench – 90 seconds – 2 minutes rest: 4 x 8: A2. When I do chest this week I'll definitely try more strict form/not super heavy weights and give it a go again. Retired heavy bench press. I never really have. Great comment, love a post with sources. Lie on the decline bench and hold the barbell directly above your lower chest with elbows bent to almost a 90-degree angle. I never do decline bench. Doing only incline is sub optimal, but with that said, if you cant do flat or decline, then that's that. 5 years ago. I can’t take it anymore. Facebook Twitter Reddit Flipboard. It seems neither here nor there. Benefits. There, I said it. Now, lift the barbell while contracting your lats and chest muscles. Tricep Push-Down – 60-90 seconds rest: 3 x 12: B2. The decline oblique crunch is a popular bodyweight exercise targeting the obliques and the rectus abdominis or "six-pack" muscles. I’ve been dying to get this off my chest (fuck, I’m punny) for a while now. Decline bench press. Great post. Now, anyone can perform this exercise as long as the elbows are properly warmed up, and this is important to keep the stress of the elbows and on the triceps. r/bodybuilding: News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training … Press J to jump to the feed. Help others? on chest day I hit all three and drop set with dumbell flies my chest doesn't know what to think and feels like its gonna explode out its awesome. Now, what makes this exercise so great is that you can get a nice, deep stretch in the muscles which makes allows for deeper muscle fiber stimulation. This makes sense, the lower pecs are naturally meant to push down. Spider Curl – 90 seconds – 2 minutes rest: 4 x 12: B1. Archived. The decline barbell bench press is a popular upper-body exercise targeting the lower pectoral muscles. Shoulder also hates me. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to bodybuilding - nutrition, supplementation, training, contest preparation, and more. 2016 Stay healthy? Powerlifting bench, close grip as accessory, incline, chest dips for lower. Board index Bodybuilding & Fitness Bodybuilding/Strength Training; Decline Bench Press. What comes with BodyFit? Huh, that's interesting. Then, slowly lower the barbell down slightly past your head and inhale. That puts it into a class of its own and makes it perfect for beginners looking to get into weight training. BodySpace; BodyGroups; Pictures & Albums; Members List; BodyBlogs; Forum Actions. 2016 Stay healthy? Discuss contest preparation, off-season diets, carb depleting and loading, posing, and training programs. I suggest finding an exercise you can safely do for your lower chest, perhaps weighted dips, or dumbbell bench press, (assuming you're talking about not being able to do barbell). 9. share. Lift the bar off the supports and hold it over (above) your lower chest with your arms straight (extended). I think you'll see more results. I think you'll see more results. Press J to jump to the feed. 17. share. That's what I've been doing and I've had much better chest gains than un-arched. The decline bench press is an excellent exercise for strengthening your lower chest muscles.It’s a variation of the flat bench press, a popular chest workout.. This! Really appreciate the links too. The decline skull crusher is a tricep extension variation which works all three heads of the tricep. This steel exercise bench includes padded leg rests for ab and dumbbell work. However, using a reverse grip targeted the upper chest about 30% more than using a normal grip. Retired heavy bench press. Start Here. Nothing is ever either/or. User account menu. This is something that I personally have been thinking about for a while now. hide. The fact that you can lift much more with it is the biggest testament that it's better. Decline bench press. I switch every 6-7 months to a 3-4 month period of flat or dumbbell benchpress but after that its decline again for another 6-7 months. 6 comments. What convinced me the most was an article Ive read a long time ago. Friends always tell me that my chest looks ridiculously huge compared to my overall level. 5 years ago. Reddit; Flipboard; LinkedIn; WhatsApp; Telegram; Messenger; The decline dumbbell bench press is a compound chest exercise which is used as a variation for complete chest development. dumbells over flat bar bench. 2014 Misc Raw Bench Press Contest winner in the 276lb+ 555lb lift @ ~280lbs 2014 Obtained goal of 600+ raw bench press. Benefits. It’s very effective for packing on lots of size and gaining strength which is why it’s one of the best tricep exercises overall. The GYMENIST Exercise Bench is a simple and affordable workout bench that is over half the price of the three benches features so far. 11-21-2013, 01:56 PM #21. On the downside, dips can be hard on your shoulders – maybe even more than bench presses. Dips emphasize your lower chest, so they are most like decline bench presses. Decline with a suicide grip? Thank you so much. Press J to jump to the feed. Do all three. This thread is archived. It is usually performed for high reps, such as 10-15 reps per set or more, as part of the ab-focused portion of a workout. Does anyone incorporate this into their chest workout? Usually I'm fine with any chest workout under the sun, but this I feel doesn't make sense. Also i hate it. Sorry if I sound like a noob but what's suicide grip. Report Save. Here we go again. This has the effect of increasing the weight that can be used in the exercise by decreasing its difficulty. So for upper chest, incline bench effects aren't that great? Incline Dumbell presses. Feel like the weight is falling on me, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the bodybuilding community. Been doing this for 10 years and cant complain. does decline work more chest than flat bench? 1st Place - doggiejoe. Rock Big Plates On The Bench Press. InspecktaDeck. What do you guys think? Sorry if I sound like a noob but what's suicide grip. I think throwing in dips or weighted dips instead of the decline is much better. I have heard from some people that flat is the best but other say decline is the best, What do you guys think? I don't feel as though I get a whole lot out of it. Sort by. You can't change your genetics, but if you neglect your upper pectorals and focus only on flat and decline bench press, your pectorals will be overdeveloped relative to your upper pectorals and will give it a more rounded look. I use weighted dips to hit that part of the chest and tri. If you look at the anatomy of the pectoral muscle it is supposed to bring the upper arm in and downward so I do believe decline hits the pecs better than flat or incline. I use a powerlifting style bench technique and the arch is similar. As most have said on this post whenever I barbell decline I really get a sick tricep pump, which isn't what I'm looking for unfortunately. The decline crunch is an effective core exercise targeting the rectus abdominis. Via Shutterstock. I might do something like this: 5x8-12 incline bench 5x6-10 flat bench 5x10 incline flys super set with incline champagnes 5x8 flat dumbbell press. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Make America Great Again Crew Trump for Canada Crew. To be fair, I bench pressed quite heavily in high school, so it's a little easier for me to come back to it. report. save. FAQ Subreddit Rules READ T How do you find your strength compares between working sets of the two exercises? Shoulder also hates me. The decline bench press is simply a variation of the barbell bench press with the bench positioned at a declined angle so that when you lie on it, your head is the closest part of your body to the ground. Whether it be barbell or dumbbells. My bench started at a comfortable 3x5 with 105 lbs. Feel like its all gravity taking its course and not doing much started at a comfortable 3x5 105! 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