Therefore Christ did not fulfil the Law: and so the New Law given by Christ is not a fulfilment of the Old. . Objection 3. Hence after the publishing of the Old Law, a New Law also had to be given. lxx), "love makes light and nothing of things that seem arduous and beyond our power.". God promised a new covenant after the giving of the ten commandments. Objection 1. the Law of Moses; lastly, the full corn, i.e. This is what the Apostle says (Romans 8:3-4): "What the Law could not do . Two types of law are noted in the Hebrew law codes: (1) casuistic, or case, law, which contains a conditional statement and a type of punishment to be meted out; and (2) apodictic law, i.e., regulations in the form of divine commands (e.g., the Ten Commandments). Because to fulfil and to void are contrary. It is in this way that the New Law is contained in the Old: for it has been stated (Article 1) that the New Law is compared to the Old as perfect to imperfect. Now the end of every law is to make men righteous and virtuous, as was stated above (I-II:92:1): and consequently the end of the Old Law was the justification of men. We are delivered from the Old Testament Law (Romans 7:1-6). Reply to Objection 3. "For the Law did not say: 'Let him that wills, put his wife away': the contrary of which would be not to put her away. Now the latter were figurative of something to come. It would seem that the New Law does not fulfil the Old. Wherefore the New Law is called the law of reality; whereas the Old Law is called the law of shadow or of figure. Law of grace - We act from the strength of grace. For the precepts of every law prescribe acts of virtue. . The New Law does not abolish or devalue the Old Law. Reply to Objection 2. On the contrary, the Apostle says (Hebrews 7:12): "The priesthood being translated it is necessary that a translation also be made of the Law." Hence it is written (Colossians 2:17) concerning the ceremonial precepts that they were "a shadow of things to come, but the body is of Christ"; in other words, the reality is found in Christ. I answer that, One thing may be contained in another in two ways. Secondly, virtually; as an effect in its cause, or as the complement in that which is incomplete; thus a genus contains its species, and a seed contains the whole tree, virtually. . Disconnect: Old laws vs. new tech. Hence Augustine says (Contra Faust. Therefore the New Law is not distinct from the Old. God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh . in Matth., Hom. New Law. When Jesus delivered his Sermon on the Mount, He was addressing a large audience composed of people of primarily Jewish descent. Therefore the New Law is not contained in the Old. All the differences assigned between the Old and New Laws are gathered from their relative perfection and imperfection. Do I have to honor my father and mother? Reply to Objection 1. . Objection 2. Whether the New Law is contained in the Old? Accordingly this does not prove that the New Law is more burdensome, but rather that it is a lighter burden. On the contrary, Our Lord said (Matthew 5:17): "I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil": and went on to say (Matthew 5:18): "One jot or one tittle shall not pass of the Law till all be fulfilled.". And further on He says of the yoke of the Gospel: "For My yoke is sweet and My burden light." But the New Law voids or excludes the observances of the Old Law: for the Apostle says (Galatians 5:2): "If you be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing." Secondly, by reason of being closely or remotely connected with the end. F. Raphael Moss, O.P., S.T.L. Video: The Kingdom of God Class. x [The work of an unknown author]) say: "The commandments given to Moses are easy to obey: Thou shalt not kill; Thou shalt not commit adultery: but the commandments of Christ are difficult to accomplish, for instance: Thou shalt not give way to anger, or to lust." Hence the Old Law, which was given to men who were imperfect, that is, who had not yet received spiritual grace, was called the "law of fear," inasmuch as it induced men to observe its commandments by threatening them with penalties; and is spoken of as containing temporal promises. In like manner in the New Testament there are some carnal men who have not yet attained to the perfection of the New Law; and these it was necessary, even under the New Testament, to lead to virtuous action by the fear of punishment and by temporal promises. Thus it is clear that movements differ in species through being directed to different terms: while according as one part of a movement is nearer to the term than another part, the difference of perfect and imperfect movement is assessed. Therefore the New Law is a lighter burden than the Old. Objection 1. Reply to Objection 1. It would seem that the New Law is more burdensome than the Old. "the New Testament within the Old," according to Gregory's exposition. All the differences assigned between the Old and New Laws are gathered from their relative perfection and imperfection. Being addressed to the poor and the afflicted, the New Law marks out the kingdom's surprising ways. Yet faith had a different state in the Old and in the New Law: since what they believed as future, we believe as fact. xvii) that "there is little difference between the Law and Gospel" [The 'little difference' refers to the Latin words 'timor' and 'amor']—"fear and love." Whatsoever is set down in the New Testament explicitly and openly as a point of faith, is contained in the Old Testament as a matter of belief, but implicitly, under a figure. First, through being altogether diverse, from the fact that they are ordained to diverse ends: thus a state-law ordained to democratic government, would differ specifically from a law ordained to government by the aristocracy. Start studying Old Law vs. New Law. Can I eat pork? Objection 2. Law of freedom - We act in freedom. But the priesthood of the New Testament is distinct from that of the Old, as the Apostle shows in the same place. Therefore it seems that the New Law is not distinct from the Old. Updated 10/22/2014 10:23 AM EDT. Whether the New Law is more burdensome than the Old? Now everything perfect fulfils that which is lacking in the imperfect. Reply to Objection 1. So instead of following all those laws and dos and don'ts, now what we have to do is love our neighbor as ourself. On the contrary, It is written (Matthew 11:28): "Come to Me, all you that labor and are burdened": which words are expounded by Hilary thus: "He calls to Himself all those that labor under the difficulty of observing the Law, and are burdened with the sins of this world." Thus the Old Law forbade perjury: and this is more safely avoided, by abstaining altogether from swearing, save in cases of urgency. xix, 23,28) that "nearly all Our Lord's admonitions or precepts, where He expressed Himself by saying: 'But I say unto you,' are to be found also in those ancient books. Accordingly we read also (1 John 5:3) that "His commandments are not heavy": which words Augustine expounds by saying that "they are not heavy to the man that loveth; whereas they are a burden to him that loveth not." lv) that, "whereas God in His mercy wished religion to be a free service rendered by the public solemnization of a small number of most manifest sacraments, certain persons make it a slave's burden; so much so that the state of the Jews who were subject to the sacraments of the Law, and not to the presumptuous devices of man, was more tolerable." Nevertheless there were some in the state of the Old Testament who, having charity and the grace of the Holy Ghost, looked chiefly to spiritual and eternal promises: and in this respect they belonged to the New Law. old laws vs new testament, yeshua really understand that covenant in once. This Law and That Law (Old Testament vs New Testament) 5 min 3 YEARS AGO by Jesse Hunter Whenever confronted with a challenge concerning a viewpoint held by the Bible concerning today’s issues, I’ve heard a particular statement more than once. In this respect the precepts of the New Law are more burdensome than those of the Old; because the New Law prohibits certain interior movements of the soul, which were not expressly forbidden in the Old Law in all cases, although they were forbidden in some, without, however, any punishment being attached to the prohibition. Therefore the New Law is more burdensome than the Old. It would seem that the New Law is more burdensome than the Old. For the Law fixed a limit to revenge, by forbidding men to seek vengeance unreasonably: whereas Our Lord deprived them of vengeance more completely by commanding them to abstain from it altogether. In His doctrine He fulfilled the precepts of the Law in three ways. . I answer that, A twofold difficult may attach to works of virtue with which the precepts of the Law are concerned. Nevertheless it consists secondarily in certain deeds, moral and sacramental: but the New Law does not consist chiefly in these latter things, as did the Old Law. Therefore the New Law is more burdensome than the Old. But of the judicial precepts He mentioned that of retaliation: so that what He said about it should refer to all the others. According to the second way, the New Law is distinct from the Old Law: because the Old Law is like a pedagogue of children, as the Apostle says (Galatians 3:24), whereas the New Law is the law of perfection, since it is the law of charity, of which the Apostle says (Colossians 3:14) that it is "the bond of perfection." Secondly, two laws may be distinguished from one another, through one of them being more closely connected with the end, and the other more remotely: thus in one and the same state there is one law enjoined on men of mature age, who can forthwith accomplish that which pertains to the common good; and another law regulating the education of children who need to be taught how they are to achieve manly deeds later on. The laws of the Hebrews were conceived in the same manner. After reading all the scriptures above about the old and new law, or covenant, it is clear that God has His laws, covenant, rules that we have to obey (or try to). Reply to Objection 3. Reply to Objection 1. Accordingly this does not prove that the New Law is more burdensome, but rather that it is a lighter burden. I know some of our Traditions come from the OT. Did Jesus say that he had a new law that was going to take the place of the old testament laws? The New Law surpasses the Old Law. Objection 3. Atonement for sins. Now this is very difficult to a man without virtue: thus even the Philosopher states (Ethic. OT. 2. Accordingly then two laws may be distinguished from one another in two ways. Yet faith had a different state in the Old and in the New Law: since what they believed as future, we believe as fact. As stated above (I-II:106:1-2), the New Law is called the law of faith, in so far as its pre-eminence is derived from that very grace which is given inwardly to believers, and for this reason is called the grace of faith. Old Law / New Law PDF. It was forbidden by the Law to touch a leper; because by doing so, man incurred a certain uncleanness of irregularity, as also by touching the dead, as stated above (I-II:102:5 ad 4). Old Law. . First, actually; as a located thing is in a place. Whether the New Law fulfils the Old? This activity visually and tactically helps the children understand not only the difference in how the New Law is read today vs how the Old Law was read during Bible times but also the purpose, who it was intended for, when it began, etc. . For the Old Law forbade perjury, while the New Law proscribed even swearing: the Old Law forbade a man to cast off his wife without a bill of divorce, while the New Law forbade divorce altogether; as is clearly stated in Matthew 5:31, seqq., according to Augustine's expounding. I answer that, One thing may be contained in another in two ways. Reply to Objection 3. Thus the Old Law forbade perjury: and this is more safely avoided, by abstaining altogether from swearing, save in cases of urgency. Nevertheless it consists secondarily in certain deeds, moral and sacramental: but the New Law does not consist chiefly in these latter things, as did the Old Law. But in the Old Testament observance of the Law was followed by temporal prosperity, as may be gathered from Deuteronomy 28:1-14; whereas many kinds of trouble ensue to those who observe the New Law, as stated in 2 Corinthians 6:4-10: "Let us exhibit ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in tribulation, in necessities, in distresses," etc. I answer that, As stated above (Article 1), the New Law is compared to the Old as the perfect to the imperfect. Reply to Objection 3. Further, the Old Law contained precepts, moral, ceremonial, and judicial, as stated above (I-II:99:4). Therefore the New Law is not contained in the Old. In the Old Testament God demanded purity. One is on the part of the outward works, which of themselves are, in a way, difficult and burdensome. Reply to Objection 1. hath condemned sin in the flesh, that the justification of the Law might be fulfilled in us." Therefore the New Law is more burdensome than the Old. Hence then the New Law is in the Old as the corn in the ear. What did Jesus mean by,"Not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished?" Indeed, to this very day, when they hear the reading of the old covenant, that same veil is still there, since only in Christ is it set aside. The tribulations suffered by those who observe the New Law are not imposed by the Law itself. Secondly, by reason of being closely or remotely connected with the end. Because both these laws were given to those who believe in God: since "without faith it is impossible to please God," according to Hebrews 11:6. Nothing, however, prevents the greater from being contained in the lesser virtually; just as a tree is contained in the seed. in Christ, "they are 'Yea'." Further, Augustine says (Contra Adamant. lv) that, "whereas God in His mercy wished religion to be a free service rendered by the public solemnization of a small number of most manifest sacraments, certain persons make it a slave's burden; so much so that the state of the Jews who were subject to the sacraments of the Law, and not to the presumptuous devices of man, was more tolerable. In teaching one about Jesus Christ, one of the first lessons to be learned is that men today live under the New Law of Jesus Christ, not the Old Law of Moses. is spread abroad in our hearts" (Romans 5:5). Accordingly we read also (1 John 5:3) that "His commandments are not heavy": which words Augustine expounds by saying that "they are not heavy to the man that loveth; whereas they are a burden to him that loveth not.". But the New Law is something added to the Old. Old Law vs. New Law: Jesus’ Teachings Perfect the Law of Moses. For he says in reply to the queries of Januarius (Ep. Many denominational people today follow or use as their authority in religion the Old Law of Moses. The New Law does not void observance of the Old Law except in the point of ceremonial precepts, as stated above (I-II:13:4). "Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a bill of divorce. First, actually; as a located thing is in a place. Which is the more burdensome, the New or the Old Law. But although the Old Law contained precepts of charity, nevertheless it did not confer the Holy Ghost by Whom "charity . But He did seem to break the sabbath according to the superstitious interpretation of the Pharisees, who thought that man ought to abstain from doing even works of kindness on the sabbath; which was contrary to the intention of the Law. Reply to Objection 4. This is clear in the case of murder and adultery, the prohibition of which the Scribes and Pharisees thought to refer only to the exterior act: wherefore Our Lord fulfilled the Law by showing that the prohibition extended also to the interior acts of sins. New Law tenements are distinct from " Old Law " and "pre-law" tenements both in structural design and exterior ornament. For he says in reply to the queries of Januarius (Ep. But the faith of olden times and of nowadays is the same, as the gloss says on Matthew 21:9. Reply to Objection 2. What is set forth implicitly needs to be declared explicitly. Further, the Old Law contained precepts, moral, ceremonial, and judicial, as stated above (I-II:99:4). But although the Old Law contained precepts of charity, nevertheless it did not confer the Holy Ghost by Whom "charity . It would seem that the New Law is not contained in the Old. Article 3. The unity of faith under both Testaments witnesses to the unity of end: for it has been stated above (I-II:62:2) that the object of the theological virtues, among which is faith, is the last end. Reply to Objection 4. The Summa Theologiæ of St. Thomas AquinasSecond and Revised Edition, 1920Literally translated by Fathers of the English Dominican ProvinceOnline Edition Copyright © 2017 by Kevin Knight Nihil Obstat. Reply to Objection 2. with pleasure and promptitude, is difficult to a man who is not righteous. Hence of Moses the Apostle says (Hebrews 11:26) that he esteemed "the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasure of the Egyptians.". As Augustine says (Contra Faust. Likewise He seems to have frequently broken the sabbath; since the Jews used to say of Him (John 9:16): "This man is not of God, who keepeth not the sabbath." And it is in the point of declarations of this kind that the precepts of the New Law are said to be greater than those of the Old. Wherefore the New Law is called the law of reality; whereas the Old Law is called the law of shadow or of figure. But what does that imply? Objection 2. The Law, however, could not accomplish this: but foreshadowed it by certain ceremonial actions, and promised it in words. Reply to Objection 2. Furthermore, the same evidently applies to the prohibition against swearing, against retaliation, and against hating one's enemies. On the contrary, As expressed in Ezekiel 1:16, there was "a wheel in the midst of a wheel," i.e. Most say that when the Jews followed the rules of the Old Covenant they were pleasing to … Moreover they are easily borne, on account of the love in which the same Law consists: since, as Augustine says (De Verb. v, 9) that it is easy to do what a righteous man does; but that to do it in the same way, viz. On the contrary, Our Lord said (Matthew 5:17): "I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil": and went on to say (Matthew 5:18): "One jot or one tittle shall not pass of the Law till all be fulfilled." But many points of faith are set forth in the New Law, which are not contained in the Old. Hence after the publishing of the Old Law, a New Law also had to be given. Further, whoever acts against a law does not fulfil the law. Hence the Old Law, which was given to men who were imperfect, that is, who had not yet received spiritual grace, was called the "law of fear," inasmuch as it induced men to observe its commandments by threatening them with penalties; and is spoken of as containing temporal promises. Tattooed on in all laws new grace a sacrifice of moses, and graciousness of god, when we think deeply into what Therefore the New Law is not a fulfilment of the Old. Privacy. Therefore the New Law is not contained in the Old. And in this respect, the New Law gives what the Old Law promised, according to 2 Corinthians 1:20: "Whatever are the promises of God, in Him," i.e. My wifes grandma is a protestant and she mentioned that because something is in the Old Testament it is old law. First, through being altogether diverse, from the fact that they are ordained to diverse ends: thus a state-law ordained to democratic government, would differ specifically from a law ordained to government by the aristocracy. Now the imperfect, who as yet are not possessed of a virtuous habit, are directed in one way to perform virtuous acts, while those who are perfected by the possession of virtuous habits are directed in another way. By those things which He did on the sabbath, He did not break the sabbath in reality, as the Master Himself shows in the Gospel: both because He worked miracles by His Divine power, which is ever active among things; and because He worked miracles by His Divine power, which is ever active among things; and because His works were concerned with the salvation of man, while the Pharisees were concerned for the well-being of animals even on the sabbath; and again because on account of urgency He excused His disciples for gathering the ears of corn on the sabbath.