While I know local government has been facing significant pressures, particularly arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, I hope that this increase, building as it does on a significantly improved settlement in 2020-21, enables Authorities to continue to support and deliver critical and valued local services. From 2013/14 to 2017/18 public sector pay awards were capped at an average of 1%. The local government workers have lost 22% of the value of their pay since 2009/10. The new rates for allowances, up-rated by 2.75 per cent, are set out at Annex 2. The unions would like to see the 2020/21 pay deal tackle the fall in living standards school and council workers have faced in the last decade. Find out more about cookies and how we use them. Employers have offered a 2% rise from April for over one million staff in England, Wales and Northern Ireland covered by the National Joint Council for local government services agreement. Consequently, I have made the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions (Wales) Order 2020 which gives effect to the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions (Wales) Document 2020. The Council applied the national pay award in full and employees from Grade 1 to Band J were assimilated onto the new pay spine from 1 April 2019. Included within this award there are thresholds. The Local Government Association (LGA) issued a letter to all councils in December 2017, outlining the reasoning behind breaking the (now lifted) 1% cap. Craftworkers' Pay Claim 2020. This policy was lifted in 2017 and from 2018/19 to 2020/21 the parts of the public sector that are covered by the PRBs received pay rises above 2%. But GMB national secretary Rehana Azam responded: 'The unions submitted this pay claim in the summer, well in advance of the pay anniversary. 17 April 2020. 'Kick in the teeth' Last summer (2019) Unite, UNISON and GMB – which between them have more than a million local government members – submitted the pay claim for 2020/21. The unions are presenting the pay claim to the Local Government Association this afternoon and the employers are expected to respond in the autumn. 20% since 2010 •The LGA chose not to join unions in asking the government for more funding for pay •COVID-19 has left councils with even more uncertainty about their future finances ... Craftworkers' Pay Agreement 2020-21 . UNISON local government staff accept new pay deal, local government pay – the National Joint Council (NJC), Local government pay – the National Joint Council (NJC), Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2019. Earlier this week, agreement was reached on the NJC for Local Government Services (‘Green Book’) pay award for 2020-21, effective from 1st April 2020. Pay and Rewards in Local Government ... Pay Award 2020 Information. LGS Pay 2020 – 21. Unions have rejected a “woeful” pay offer from councils, which they say would result in social worker pay being down 22.5% since 2009-10 in real terms. Chief Executive Pay 2020 – 21. The pay award will be backdated to 1 September 2020. Every year, independent pay review bodies recommend pay rises for sectors, and the government said it had accepted all of their suggestions for 2020-21. The pay deal has also been accepted on behalf of local government chief executives and chief officers. Allowances to be up-rated by the same percentage increases above. Unison, GMB and Unite submitted claims for a 10% pay rise six months ago. The circular below sets out the details. Pay agreements below. The increase is 2.75% on … LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES’ PAY AGREEMENT 2020-21 Pay Agreement has been reached between the National Employers and the NJC Trade Union Side on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2020. The three unions representing council workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have today (Wednesday) rejected the 2 per cent initial pay offer made by the local government employers. UNISON council workers have today agreed to accept a 2.75% pay offer for this year. UNISON local government staff accept new pay deal. 'We appreciate there is political uncertainty, but we would expect the employers to carry on discussions in good faith regardless.' The National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC) has agreed the new pay scales for 2020-21 to be implemented from 1 April 2020. Agreement has now been reached between the National Employers and the JNC Trade Union Side on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2020. This policy was lifted in 2017 and from 2018/19 to 2020/21 the parts of the public sector that are covered by the PRBs received pay rises above 2%. To: Chief Executives in England, Wales and N Ireland (copies for HR and Finance Directors) Members of the National Joint Council 24 August 2020. Allowances to be up-rated by the same percentage increases above. The entitlement as expressed applies to five day working patterns. £10 an hour lowest rate If accepted, this would mean that £10 an hour would be the lowest rate for council staff from this April. How to drive employee engagement within local authorities. The National Employers have issued guidance related to COVID-19: Every year, independent pay review bodies recommend pay rises for sectors, and the government said it had accepted all of their suggestions for 2020-21. Home » News » Employee Pay Award 2020-21 Employee Pay Award 2020-21 Many councils have contracts in place with their staff (even where they only have one employee, i.e. NATIONAL SALARY AWARD. Agreement has now been reached between the National Employers and the JNC Trade Union Side on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2020. Its members voted 2:1 in favour of the pay award which will apply in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Local government has accepted a 2.75% pay increase, it has been confirmed, despite objections from Unite. The NJC has also agreed to enter into discussions on examining all options for ensuring the sector – and the NJC pay spine - can meet the challenge of the Government’s target for the National Living Wage in the coming years. Update - 12th October 2020. 2020 NJC Pay Award. UNISON … Staff in the local government sector voted two to one (66%) in favour of the 2020/21 pay award, which will apply to England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The three trade unions have now all confirmed that they are to consult their members on the final pay offer of 2.75 per cent made by the employers’ side in April. The claim put to the employers' side of the National joint Committee for Local Government Services, agreed by the three main unions, Unison, Unite and the GMB, covers around 1.4 million employees throughout England, Wales and Northern Ireland. A copy of the circular can be found here. Local government 'must have parity' with NHS on pay 20 November 2020 The chairman of the LGA’s Community Wellbeing Board says the hard work of the sector during the pandemic must be recognised as the chancellor moves to put a squeeze on public sector salaries. In 2020-21, local authorities will receive nearly £4.5 billion from the Welsh Government in core revenue funding and non-domestic rates to spend on delivering key services. Sophie Goodchild M: 07767 325595 E: s.goodchild@unison.co.uk Staff in the local government sector voted two to one (66%) in favour of the 2020/21 pay award, which will apply to England, Wales and Northern Ireland. UNISON council workers have today agreed to accept a 2.75% pay offer for this year. 20 November 2020 The chairman of the LGA’s Community Wellbeing Board says the hard work of the sector during the pandemic must be recognised as the chancellor moves to put a squeeze on public sector salaries. 2020/21 – an increase of 3 per cent. The biggest local government union has branded a delay to talks over their 10% pay claim 'a huge disappointment'.. Unison head of local government Jon Richards questioned why negotiations for a pay package for 1.4 million local authority workers could not start immediately. Its members voted 2:1 in favour of the pay award which will apply in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Today’s announcement shows the benefit and continuation of the Welsh Government gaining responsibility for these powers. The union’s national joint council committee accepted the offer from employers, but said it fell far short of the 10% claim and did not properly reward key workers for their exceptional contributions throughout the pandemic. Due to the introduction of the national pay spine in 2019, SCP start at SCP 1 and the highest is SCP 41. From 2013/14 to 2017/18 public sector pay awards were capped at an average of 1%. Our claim is for: The Local Government Association has made it clear that it will not approach the UK government to request any further money for local government pay. Pay agreements below. Care workers should be paid the same as people doing the equivalent job in the NHS, a charity has said. LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND SCHOOLS PAY AWARD 2020/21 FAQs What are Spinal Column Points and how do they relate to me? 2.1 National Pay Agreement a. The NJC payscales, which are local government payscales resulting from negotiations between the employer and trade union sides of the National Joint Council, have been agreed for the 2020/21 year. 16th June 2020. We have today received an update from UNISON’s NJC Committee on the NJC (Green Book) Pay Award for 2020-21. UNISON NJC Pay 2020-21 What is the NJC? Update - 12th October 2020. The claim is for:-A 10% pay rise … LGS Pay 2020 – 21. Local Government Pay Deal Agreed ... (NJC), UNITE accepts the collective majority of the other unions and the pay award will now be implemented. As a worker in local government or a school your pay and other terms and conditions are determined by a negotiating body; the National Joint Council (NJC) . Under the agreement, staff with less than five years’ service will also see their holiday rise from 21 days a year to 22. Where a pay rise for 2020/21 is announced after the start of the financial year, the award will be backdated. Staff in the local government sector voted two to one (66%) in favour of the 2020/21 pay award, which will apply to England, Wales and Northern Ireland. They are employed in the public, voluntary and private sectors. Earlier this week, agreement was reached on the NJC for Local Government Services (‘Green Book’) pay award for 2020-21, effective from 1st April 2020. The NALC EMPLOYMENT BRIEFING E01-20 lists the new pay scales for clerks and other employees employed under the terms of the model contract including SCPs 50 and above. Trade unions have criticised employers for failing to make a pay offer to local government staff yet. Last summer (2019) Unite, UNISON and GMB – which between them have more than a million local government members – submitted the pay claim for 2020/21. Key factors determining the 2020/21 pay award 2.1 Average pay awards This year, departments are able to make average pay awards within the range of 1.5% to 2.5%. We shared with you the final pay offer made by The NJC for Local Government Services Employers’ side in respect of 2020/21 in our latest news item of 16th April 2020.. In considering the proposed claim for 2020/21, … The government said nurses and healthcare assistants are covered by a three-year pay deal agreed in 2018. Local government pay award. Craftworkers' Pay Agreement 2020-21 . City and Guilds Science Laboratory Technician’s Certificate Allowance: City and Guilds Laboratory Technician’s Advanced Certificate Allowance: Paragraph 32 London Weighting and Fringe Area Allowances £ Per Annum, Paragraph 35 Standby Duty Allowance - Social Workers (1)(a)(i) Allowance - Per Session, Section 1 Paragraph 3 London and Fringe Area Allowances £ Per Annum, Local Government Association company number 11177145, Local Government Services Pay Agreement 2020-21, 24 August 2020, Membership and services for councils and councillors, Licences, regulations and trading standards. Unison staff in the local government sector voted two to one (66%) in favour of the 2020/21 pay award, which will apply to England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Unite members voted to reject the pay offer; UNISON and GMB members voted to accept. 21 August 2020 By Nick Golding Unison council workers have voted to accept local government's 2.75% pay offer, the union has announced this afternoon. The NJC has agreed the pay deal for 2020. In a nutshell: the 2020-21 local government pay claim. Staff in the local government sector voted two to one (66%) in favour of the 2020/21 pay award, which will apply to England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Full consolidation of the Living Wage, with Councils aiming to achieve this by March 2021. We are asking councillors to support their workforce, by putting a motion to their council to call on the Local Government Association to make urgent representations to central government to fund the claim with new money. UNISON, UNISON Centre, 130 Euston Road, London NW1 2AY. The NJC has also agreed that from 1 April 2020, minimum annual leave will increase from 21 to 22 days for employees with less than five years’ service. The update is as follows (in italics): NJC PAY 2020 In a nutshell: the 2020-21 local government pay claim In each of these three years the Scottish Local Government Living Wage will rise by the percentage uplift referred to above. The agreement, which is backdated to 1st April 2020, is for a 2.75% increase and an additional days’ leave, bringing it up to 22 days for employees with less than 5 years service, which also applies from the above date. The agreement, which was backed by a majority trade union vote at last week’s meeting of the Scottish Joint Council, will see a backdated increase of 3.5% for those earning up to £80,000 in 2018-19, followed by 3% increases in 2019-20 and 2020-21. Together they make up the national pay spine, which is what the NJC negotiates on. •The NJC negotiate local government pay for England, Northern Ireland and Cymru/Wales •Unions submit a pay claim every year •The employers respond with a pay offer UNISON NJC Pay 2020-21. Local government workers in Scotland will see their pay rise by 9.5% over three years after a new deal was struck with employers. In each of these three years the Scottish Local Government Living Wage will rise by the percentage uplift referred to above. Following cuts to local government funding, local government workers were subject to a three-year pay freeze. Key factors determining the 2020/21 pay award 2.1 Average pay awards This year, departments are able to make average pay awards within the range of 1.5% to 2.5%. Staff in the local government sector voted two to one (66%) in favour of the 2020/21 pay award, which will apply to England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Yesterday the National Employers made a final pay offer to the Trade Union Side for Local Government Services (Green Book) Craft (Red Book), CEX & Chief Officers. Further to our June update, the results of the unions’ ballots have been confirmed. Although employers have said that their offer of a 2.75% increase is final, they have also said that they will approach the government for more money for local government pay for 2020-21. The current pay offer from the NJC Employers of 2.75% offers very little by way of catch-up on years of lost earnings and falls well below what local government workers deserve. This NJC pay claim for 2020/21 and accompanying submission is made by the Joint Trade Union Side (UNISON, GMB and UNITE) to the Local Government Association. Notes to editors The government said nurses and healthcare assistants are covered by a three-year pay deal agreed in 2018. Opinion . The National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC) has agreed the new pay scales for 2020-21 to be implemented from 1 April 2020. Local government has accepted a 2.75% pay increase, it has been confirmed, despite objections from Unite. By continuing to use our website you are consenting to their use. Everyone else would receive a 10 per cent wage rise. NJC pay claim for 2020/21, having taken soundings from Regional Local Government Committees, who were asked to discuss the content of the claim in order to inform this consultation. Work will now begin on fair award for next year. Agreement has been reached between the National Employers and the NJC Trade Union Side on rates of pay applicable from 1 April 2020. NJC pay is the pay received by the vast majority of our members employed by Salford City Council, Salix Homes, Salford Community Leisure, Aspire and Schools. The circular below sets out the details. On 21 August 2020, UNISON’s NJC committee agreed to accept the pay offer for the year 2020/21, which included: a 2.75% pay increase; a one-day increase in the Green Book minimum level of annual leave; joint work on mental health The Covid-19 crisis has shown that our local authorities are an invaluable resource. E01-20 | 2020-21 NATIONAL SALARY AWARD The National Joint Council for Local Government Services (NJC) has agreed the new pay scales for 2020-21 to be implemented from 1 April 2020. We use cookies on our website to ensure you find the information you need in the simplest way. In a nutshell: the 2020-21 local government pay claim. Local Government Pay Deal Agreed ... (NJC), UNITE accepts the collective majority of the other unions and the pay award will now be implemented. Pay years vary between workforces. 12 August 2020. 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