That His faith in immortality was but an in. Build me a column perfect in base and body, and I will know if the capital is true. It is wonderful how one face gone, one voice silent, alters the whole world. 3. But, morally, the unregenerate are ever distant from Him — alienated in sympathy, purpose and pursuit: "without God." What pain is to the body, sin is to the spiritual life; and just as our nervous system shrinks from the very touch or contact of pain, so the soul that is in unison with God shrinks from sin as its greatest evil, and the immediate source of all misery.4. At this point, have the children recite John 14:2 several times before playing. Build me a column perfect in base and body, and I will know if the capital is true. The proof that a man is no Christian is, that he is no missionary. IN A SPECIAL MANNER WITH THE BELIEVER. A happy life. The grave is a wall of adamant to you — they may be conscious of no distance, but to you, oh, how very far off! Poor, miserable, drunkard! The true secret and source of ministerial success.2. Jesus needed not to have a place in glory prepared for him; he had but to resume his old station, and be with his Father as he had been before. But what is the believer's life of which Christ speaks, when He says, "Ye shall live also." Now it is so with spiritual life. Happy in prosperity — happy in adversity — happy in life — happy in death — happy forever! Scripture: John 14:2–3. Clearly something is meant by "Life" which is higher than mere existence; not merely beyond animal existence, but beyond the mere existence of a spiritual being. And thus the Christian faith has brought "immortality to light." Munger. Satan will attack you, and his weapons are deadly, but you shall foil him at all points. We are "a royal priesthood. As time in the Divine mind is an eternal now, so it seems to have been with Christ. THE RENEWED LIFE. Is it probable that, true in all else, He was in fault in this one respect? And just so it must be in the anticipations of a future state. 5. A dead man does not feel. (1) We live because He lives. When the clearest eyes that ever looked on this world and into the heavens, and the keenest judgment that ever weighed human life, and the purest heart that ever throbbed with human sympathy, tells me that man is immortal, I repose on His teaching in perfect trust. (2) He is the representative of those for whom He is the Federal Head. "Ye shall live also." Life is progressive, and Spiritual life grows in likeness to Christ. THE RISEN LIFE in glory, to all eternity. To the glory of God. I cannot but think that the average Christian life of this day woefully fails in the realization of this great truth, that we are never alone, but have Jesus Christ with each of us more closely, and with more Omnipotence of influence than they had who were nearest Him upon earth. THE EVIDENCES OF THIS LIFE. He not only gave us the true law, BUT WAS HIMSELF A PERFECT ILLUSTRATION OF IMMORTALITY, and even named Himself by it — the Life. But what is the believer's life of which Christ speaks, when He says, "Ye shall live also." Luther answered, "Jesus lives; and if He did not live I would not care to live an hour." The Essential Book of Funeral Resources. Alan R. Lindberg. Science may throw no barrier in the way of belief in immortality; nature and the heart of man may suggest clear intimations of a future life; human society may demand another life to complete the suggestions and fill up the lacks of this; but, for some reason, all such proof fails to satisfy us. He comforts —(1) By showing that our Father loves us. It implies such conviction in the mind of the speaker that there is no need of proof.II. It is a great thing for us that this truth has been put into actual fact. Concerning this sentence, note —, 1. )The continued life of Christ the ground of our hopeRay Palmer, D. D.Christ lives —I. It is a great thing for us that this truth has been put into actual fact. "When Christ, who is our Life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory." That vitality must be a reality since nothing has been ever able to extinguish or destroy it. And thus we are brought to the fundamental fact that HE CONNECTED LIFE OR IMMORTALITY WITH CHARACTER. If we could find any weakness elsewhere in His teachings, there would be ground for such questions. Spurgeon. At the same time, it is true that, outside the Jewish revelation, immortality was not treated by any large number of men as anything like a certainty. A Christian is alive —1. Why Because, and in the measure, in which you have "turned away your eyes from seeing vanity." "I am alive again," "I have the keys of hell and of death." III. But what is the believer's life of which Christ speaks, when He says, "Ye shall live also." 1. When He entered on His ministry He found certain imperfect or germinal truths existing in Jewish theology. It is reason to see with the wise, and to feel with the good. We are prone to think that Christianity is a thing for the Bible, for the Sunday, for the Church merely. Life is progressive, and Spiritual life grows in likeness to Christ. The ungodly world is a world of orphans, without a father's fellowship and guidance. Jan 11, 2009. If man's spirit naturally perishes, the higher part of his nature therefore is much worse off than the chemical ingredients of his body. And this Christ is Lifegiver to all that love Him and trust Him. Scripture: John 14:15–17, John 14:25–26. The whole bearing of Christ towards death, and His treatment of it, was as one superior to it, and as having no lot nor part in it. And in Christ we have both — the human omen and the Divine promise turned into fact. Something must be joined with existence before it gets power. This truth is calculated to sustain and comfort Christians amid all the sufferings, and anxieties, and sorrows of life and death. Standing at his bedside and holding his hand in mine, I said, "Have you the joy of knowing that your sins are forgiven?" To the presence of God. IS HIS ABILITY TO HELP TO THE UTMOST. That is equivalent to Omnipresence. The great want of the Church today.(J. It is —1. And the Greeks had an especial word to describe the true life of man, his highest spiritual energy. – Paradise (Luke 23:43). III. His life proves that He has done all that is necessary in order to secure life for them. Death was no leap in the dark to Him; it was simply a door leading into another mansion of God's great house. John 14:2-3: “In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. eye, that hears through the ear, that feels through the touch, that enables me to walk, to speak, and to hold converse with society around me. 4. The proof that a man is no Christian is, that he is no missionary. IV. )The continued life of Christ the ground of our hopeRay Palmer, D. D.Christ lives —I. The life of the believer is the same in nature as Christ's; the same in duration. II. THE WORLD'S BLINDNESS. The birth of the first child was a prelude to the gospel. We are called upon to live of ourselves, that would be death; but we have life and all things in union with Him.(C. The response is the advent of Christ. It is, however, to the new development of life which accompanied and followed the resurrection that our Lord refers. All that we know is, that there is some principle within that looks through the. As time in the Divine mind is an eternal now, so it seems to have been with Christ. If one tells me ninety-nine truths, I will trust him in the hundredth, especially if it is involved in those before. When our Lord was upon earth He communicated His Life to men, by coming in contact with them. That it will go on forever is a matter of course, but it is not the important feature of the truth.IV. Where then is loneliness? v. 11-14 The Distinctions Of That City – Heaven is lit by the glory of God Himself. We cannot read it in the pages of a book, whether of nature or inspiration. When our nearest and dearest are taken from us, how consoling to think the great God our Saviour lives! He is the Creator, and the life of Adam and Eve after the fall depended entirely on the promise of the Redeemer. Taking his hand from mine he pushed it under the pillow and bringing out a bottle of brandy he held it with his trembling hand, saying, "This is my joy." He will indeed bow his head in obedience to the physical laws of the humanity He shares, but already He enters the gates of Paradise, not alone but leading a penitent child of humanity by the hand. Not physical; for in God we live and move, etc. For a young mother God's Love Is Deep John 14:2-7 (This sermon was delivered at the funeral of a young mother who committed suicide. All that we know is, that there is some principle within that looks through the. We’re going to get a body like Jesus’! The patronage of princes may make a rich or a renowned Church. I seem speaking to them because they are holding the very same converse within the veil. (A)I go to prepare a place for you. WHAT CHRIST'S WORDS DO MEAN. Loneliness. But the Saviour's unending life is full of terror to His enemies because He ever lives. It is the same in the reason for which it is bestowed. The fact that there are millions of Christians who live by faith in Him under the dispensation of the Spirit, proves the reality of His life, of its continuance and power. If we could find any weakness elsewhere in His teachings, there would be ground for such questions. The birth of the first child was a prelude to the gospel. Whatever it be to you now, this gay world will leave you utterly "comfortless." One noble act suggests another: one great sacrifice for truth or duty prompts another. IN ALL THE STRENGTH AND TENDERNESS OF HIS AFFECTIONS. He is their Surety, Representative, Covenant Head. Therefore He cheers them with this assurance. So Jesus comforts us when we are burdened by giving us strength to bear it. III. He never slumbers nor sleeps; He has all power in heaven and on earth; He is Head over all things to the Church. Every reference to God's house in Scripture is to His house on the earth. When our nearest and dearest are taken from us, how consoling to think the great God our Saviour lives! Life has the power of assimilation. 2. Only He who could say, "I will come to you" as none other comes, as He came to Martha and Mary at Bethany; only He can say, "I will not leave you comfortless.". The removal of the penalty which fell upon our race for Adam's sin. Christ got it, because He wrought out the perfect, everlasting righteousness; we get it, because by faith we have received that righteousness. Something must be joined with existence before it gets power.3. is the question with the worldling; but the Christian says, "Lift Thou upon us the light of Thy countenance."3. John Piper Dec 21, 2008 131 Shares Sermon. To the favour of God. No matter how many you may have around you, or how kind, you are thrown hack into your own thoughts which circle about one, and that one is gone, and it is a perfect solitude. "When Christ, who is our Life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory." Life is an internal principle originating outward and visible characteristics. These free inductive notes are intended as supplement to your own study, not … He Knew What Was in Man. All systems, hierarchies, and empires shall be dissolved; but the man that has the life of God in his heart has the immortality of God as his prerogative. The birth of the first child was a prelude to the gospel. What God creates God loves, and what God loves God loves everlastingly. The Lord bestows security upon the least of His people as well as upon the greatest. (John 16:14; Romans 8:9; 2 Corinthians 5:17). (3) To keep up close communion with Christ. IN A SPECIAL MANNER WITH THE BELIEVER. And with these longings they believed that they would then exist after all when this life was over. (4) We who have spiritual life are one with Christ Jesus. When our nearest and dearest are taken from us, how consoling to think the great God our Saviour lives! The birth of the first child was a prelude to the gospel. It begins in us by the working of the same mighty power. If the Head has life the members cannot see corruption. THE REASON FOR THE SECURITY OF THE SPIRITUAL LIFE. It begins in us by the working of the same mighty power. If they perish, they perish altogether. It is not otherwise in morals. LIFE PRESERVED. III. He can "give power to the faint, and to them that have no power He increaseth strength." If God should allow you to be sorely tried your spirit shall still maintain its holy life, and you shall prove it so by blessing and magnifying God, notwithstanding all. Many people think that if they build up a tower of riches they will be happy. With the soul, whether as a thinking or feeling power, we can never say that it has exhausted itself. "We shall be like Him."III. It implies such conviction in the mind of the speaker that there is no need of proof.II. Still another distinction must be made; we do not accept immortality because Jesus, the wise young Jew, wove it into His precepts, but because the Christ, the Son of God and of man — Humanity revealing Deity — makes it a part of that order of human history best named as the reconciliation of the world to God. Cumming, D. D.1. ", 4. Is not this evidence of a Divine presence — of a Divine power? When He entered on His ministry He found certain imperfect or germinal truths existing in Jewish theology. 1. If there be God's life in man's heart, there must be God's holiness in man's conduct. 3. And I owe the success of my boyhood to the consciousness of her beloved presence. Conclusion: A true and satisfying sense of immortality cannot be taken second hand. "Because" —. III. To the tree the fruit is not the cause of life, but the result of it, and to the life of the Christian, good works bear the same relationship, they are its outgrowth, not its root. H. The true secret and source of ministerial success. 1. Help us continue to create Bible study resources by supporting Study and Obey for as little as $1..fusion-button.button-2{width:auto}Support. Life has the power of assimilation. Life is communicative. "When Christ, who is our Life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with Him in glory." Why was it that they did not follow the example of John's disciples, and dissolve and disappear, and say, "The game is up." 2. The mere fact that I shall live tomorrow does not sensibly move me. 3. tense form of a prevailing superstition?" HE DOES NOT THINK OF IT AS A FUTURE, BUT AS A PRESENT FACT. Human nature is crowded with hints and omens of it, but prophecy does not convince till it is fulfilled. His life proves that He has done all that is necessary in order to secure life for them. "The Father hath given to Him to have life in Himself; so that He quickeneth whom He will." If we really believed this, how all burdens and cares would be lightened, how all perplexities would begin to smooth themselves out, and how sorrows and joys and everything would be changed in their aspect. 3. His memory, his affections, his way of thinking and feeling, are all his own: they are not transferable. And this spiritual life lays hold upon all the elements of nutriment, as these are laid up in Christ, found in the oracles of truth, and at the communion table.3. Thus, in Christ, we have the light of two worlds thrown upon human destiny. He found a doctrine of sin and righteousness turning upon external conduct; He transferred it to the heart and spirit. Read another emphasis on that "you." A Christian is alive —. Brown, D. D.)The Christian's life forceL. – A better country (Hebrews 11:16). THE EVIDENCES OF THIS LIFE. Man lives at the Pole, as he lives below the Line. The Church is His bride. Undoubtedly, as the body moves towards decay it inflicts something of its weakness upon its spiritual companion. Eloquence and orthodoxy may make a convinced or an enlightened, but they cannot make a living Church.I. He feels no need of examining the evidences or balancing proofs. And this spiritual life lays hold upon all the elements of nutriment, as these are laid up in Christ, found in the oracles of truth, and at the communion table.3. He can "give power to the faint, and to them that have no power He increaseth strength." They would not come to Him that they might have life.4. THERE ARE CERTAIN POINTS TO WHICH THIS LIFE SPECIALLY REFERS. But if the imagination can take in these vast tracts of time, ten millions years hence we shall still exist, each one with his memory, will, and conscious contact, separate from all other beings in our eternal resting place. Because He continues to live, His disciples shall continue to live also. 1. If the cup of life is full, there is little sense of past or future; the present is enough. 1. Munger. Sermon Application Questions: Sermon Title: Sermon Text May 28, 2017: The Church Is a Family: Ephesians 1:3-14; 2:13, 18-19 May 21, 2017 Ignorance, Self-righteousness, or Faith? This is the heart of the consolation that, howsoever the "foolish senses" may have to speak of an absent Christ, we may rejoice in the certainty that He is with all those that love Him, and all the more because of the withdrawal of the earthly manifestation Which has served its purpose. 1. O. Thompson.Christ is the basis of —I. Note the manifest implication of absolute Divinity. Place the Christian in the palace with Pharaoh, or in the dungeon with Joseph, and he can breathe the atmosphere of the one just as he can the other. Still another distinction must be made; we do not accept immortality because Jesus, the wise young Jew, wove it into His precepts, but because the Christ, the Son of God and of man — Humanity revealing Deity — makes it a part of that order of human history best named as the reconciliation of the world to God.III. Otherwise, I would have told you. The true distinction between the Church and the world.4. (John Milne. Separation. But as a moral teacher He stands at the head, unimpeachable in the minutest particular. `` be not weary in well-doing '' is the Head, unimpeachable in the:! It must be joined with existence before it gets power.3 re going to get a body like Jesus!. Both — the human omen and the life of the truth part in preparing that place and... At death. in immortality was but an in future life the human omen and the resists... 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