Egypt Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Report Q1 2018 Egypt Pharmaceuticals & Healthcare Report Q1 2018 BMI View: Increasing efforts from the Egyptian government to develop the national - Market research report and industry analysis - 11266628 9 – 2018 940 Task sharing in health workforce: An overview of community health worker programmes in Afghanistan, Egypt and Pakistan Rachel Folz 1 and Moazzam Ali 1Department of Reproductive Health and Research, World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland (Correspondence to: M. Ali: Court of Cassation Services ... Decision of the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt to issue local government law, Law no. endobj Our first-class exhibition, combined with high-quality accredited medical conferences, has continued to grow and bring investment and new technologies into the Sub-Saharan Africa healthcare community. %PDF-1.4 Research on health administration, healthcare systems, eHealth, patient satisfaction, healthcare marketing, medical tourism, health policy and reform. 1559 0 obj The road to recovery: Egypt’s healthcare reform. 1539 0 obj In March 2018, Egypt was hosting approximately 128,500 Syrian refugees and a further 97,221 refugees with other nationalities (who are mainly The government has made clear strides toward regaining confidence in the economy through serious and comprehensive reforms while moving steadily on advancing its political agenda. Phase 1 and phase 2 surveillance data helped to alert policymakers to the fact that HAIs and antimicrobial resistance represent a true problem in Egypt, with high burden on the Egyptian health care system. <>190 0 R]/P 1631 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> The 2014 EDHS is part of The DHS Program, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). <>206 0 R]/P 1647 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> 1578 0 obj However, much of the land is desert and only 6% of Egyptian's area is inhabited. Milk output in the Russian Federation increased to 31.5 million tonnes, an increase of 1.1 percent from 2017, as large scale dairy farms began contributing more to output, especially because of higher milk yields that was adequate to compensate reductions in the small-scale farm sector. 1575 0 obj Africa is expected to account for US$34.1 billion, equal to 29.1% of the total for healthcare for the population. Egypt’s 2014 Demographic and Health Survey recorded a globally unprecedented 17 percent increase in the country’s total fertility rate since 2008. 0000259354 00000 n 2014-2018, compared to 2009-2013 HEALTHCARE SPENDING 5.4% The expected annual average growth in healthcare spending between 2018 and 2022 holding ourselves to the highest ethical standards Being part of the solution on pricing and access addressing global health challenges Being a responsible citizen . <>246 0 R]/P 1688 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> <> 1554 0 obj Health services in Egypt are currently managed, financed, and provided by agencies in all three sectors of the economy—government, parastatal, and private. <>244 0 R]/P 1686 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> <>194 0 R]/P 1635 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> L���>$��g|뙦�Vū�~ֻg?m�G�}����T�\��y�H(!Ψ�(���[,0yn��/����x�d�'���[���D��T����F8��̿b�Lr i�׮O�AL��r���+oYu�d�j3}���X*"�� �#b�i�'@g�؄�~^| 1��P#kG"U�F"�1$�1�T߰� u�jR USAID/Cairo was the main contributor of funding for the survey. /Lang (en-US) Mahmoud Fathi Mahmoud Abdalrahman Nassar 329 0 obj Published by AmCham Egypt’s Business Studies & Analysis Center (BSAC), the Industry Insight series tracks trends and developments in diverse sectors including Banking, Energy, ICT, Real Estate and Tourism, among others, as well as their effect on the Egyptian economy. With proper implementation, we stress that if medical institutions comply with international standards (which the Universal Heal The Industry Insight is distributed to all AmCham members and is available without charge for the wider business community. Home All Journals International Journal of Healthcare Management List of Issues Volume 13, Issue sup1 International Journal of Healthcare Management. <>216 0 R]/P 1658 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> Why are we positive on Egypt’s Healthcare and Pharma sectors? Author: USAID/Egypt Subject: For nearly 40 years, USAID has worked with the Egyptian people to improve healthy behaviors by supporting healthy nutrition, immunizations, and community health worker home visits essential to the health of mom and baby. 1547 0 obj CrossRef Google Scholar. <>174 0 R]/P 1615 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> > Demographics: Egypt had around 24 million people over the age of 40 in 2015, this is expected to increase to almost 55 million by 2050. ISBN 978 92 4 151052 3 Subject headings are available from WHO institutional repository The 2014 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey (2014 EDHS) was conducted on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Population by El-Zanaty and Associates. 1543 0 obj 1588 0 obj 1558 0 obj By Ministry of Health and Population, El-Zanaty and Associates. endobj vs. 97%), Egypt 2006 (43% vs. 89%) and Indonesia 2010 (53% vs. 98%). <>262 0 R]/P 1701 0 R/Pg 1692 0 R/S/Link>> APRIL 2018 Nahla Abdel-Tawab Doaa Oraby Nevine Hassanein Shatha El-Nakib CESAREAN SECTION DELIVERIES IN EGYPT: TRENDS, PRACTICES, PERCEPTIONS, AND COST. 2020-06-18T20:00:52-07:00 endobj Egypt has adopted a bold and transformative reform program to restore macroeconomic stability. 2018 summer drought that affected parts of Europe and the marginal decline of dairy herd numbers. 0000001103 00000 n endobj endobj STRATEGIC CONTEXT A. After ICPD, which took place in the middle of the 5CP, there was a stated shift in program focus to youth and NGOs, and a definite broadening of focus from FP to RH issues. /Root 329 0 R 1566 0 obj Age structure in Egypt 2009-2019 . endobj Egypt has experienced an episode of high growth in its recent path: the earlier reform push spanning mid-2004 through mid-2008 succeeded in quickly pushing up the growth rate to ~7% and sustaining it at that level for three consecutive years. 1579 0 obj <>238 0 R]/P 1680 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> %%EOF According to Egypt’s Five Year Macroeconomic Framework and Strategy (fiscal year 2014-15 through 2018-19), Egypt’s 2015-16 health budget is EGP 51.6 billion (USD 6.5 billion), which is 6.5 percent of the national budget. Through biomedical, … 0000261705 00000 n endobj 1564 0 obj Demographic and Health Survey 2014. endobj For several decades, the government has provided a subsidized healthcare system that is meant to ensure health care for those who cannot afford it. endobj Expats can also opt for insurance options that cover evacuation to a different country, with even more advanced and specialised medical care. Background Female genital mutilation is defined as all procedures that involve partial or total removal of external female genitalia, or other injuries to the female genital organs for cultural and religious purposes. Review EMHJ – Vol. conditions for new businesses reduce entrepreneurial initiatives and job creation (Egypt is 128th in the 2018 Doing Business ranking. 0000260083 00000 n Based on our knowledge, this report does not contain any untrue statements or omissions of necessary material facts that would be misleading with respect to the period covered by this report. of EU-Egypt relations and provides a number of policy recommendations on how the EU can support Egypt’s longer-term stability The study argues that the EU’s . Africa Health is an essential platform to conduct healthcare business in the continent – attracted over 10,500 attendees from all over the globe to meet with 560 exhibiting companies in 2018. 1 With an FGM prevalence of 87.2% among all women aged 15–49 in a population of nearly 95 million, Egypt has the greatest number of women and girls who have experienced FGM of any country in the world. 0000264086 00000 n Our global reach in Healthcare. endobj <> 1569 0 obj Prince 12.5 ( /E 264331 /H [ 1103 1409 ] endobj July 2011 . By World Bank. /MarkInfo << /Marked true >> South Africa spends around US$700 per person, while many countries considered less developed, spend less than US$50 per person. endobj endobj 0000261812 00000 n <>164 0 R]/P 1605 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> endobj Addressing Egypt’s most pressing health priorities requires quality primary and secondary health care that is Egypt in located on the northeast corner of the African continent. Submitted on: 23 Oct, 2018. 1557 0 obj << Egypt’s healthcare market is set for a period of transformation as Egypt is attempting to achieve universal healthcare access through the implementation of a comprehensive health insurance system. uuid:2fb0e820-aea9-11b2-0a00-b0a48b20ff7f 1572 0 obj <>186 0 R]/P 1627 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> Continuing professional development in the healthcare sector in Egypt: A readiness assessment 2-1-2018 Continuing professional development in the healthcare sector in Egypt: A readiness assessment Mahmoud Fathi Mahmoud Abdalrahman Nassar Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation APA Citation Nassar, M. (2018).Continuing professional development in the healthcare sector in Egypt: A readiness assessment [Master’s thesis, … /Type /Catalog Egypt "Meanwhile, health spending per capita is forecast to reach US$117 by 2023 and US$147 by 2028, rising from US$86 in 2018." 3 (NAMRU -3) for over 20 years. endobj <>88 0 R]/P 1706 0 R/Pg 1705 0 R/S/Link>> Country Context 1. In addition, social protection schemes are being strengthened through measures related to better targeting and increased cash transfers. This and the need for data on disability limited the analysis for this indicator to six countries that participated in DHS surveys. <>182 0 R]/P 1623 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> endobj >> AppendPDF Pro 6.3 Linux 64 bit Aug 30 2019 Library 15.0.4 Submitted on: 07 Sep, 2017. endobj Egypt Digital Readiness 2018 Active Internet Users Active social Media Accounts Mobile Connections Active Mobile Social Accounts 39.7 M 35 M 95.7 M 32.8 M Source: We are social report, 2018 . 30 0 obj CDC in Egypt Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Center for Global Health The Center for Global Health and Prevention (CDC) has worked with public health institutions in Egypt in collaboration with the Naval Medical Research Unit No. <>156 0 R]/P 1597 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> USAID/Egypt's current work in the Health sector. 1555 0 obj endobj 0000259539 00000 n World Bank Group Country Survey 2016. USAID/Cairo was the main contributor of funding for the survey. 1546 0 obj %PDF-1.7 %���� By Public Opinion Research Group. 0000261002 00000 n <>204 0 R]/P 1645 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> This continuous improvement in all aspects of public health in Egypt has indeed been internationally recognized. ii The Population Council confronts critical health and development issues—from stopping the spread of HIV to improving reproductive health and ensuring that young people lead full and productive lives. This included an EGP 89.5 million (USD $5 million) grant for family planning and health research. Staging 12 live and online exhibitions, 110 conferences and reaching over 700,000 healthcare professionals, we are where the world of healthcare meets. Health Manpower - statistics & numerical data 4. Connecting an ever-growing population 3958 Office 23,118,000 Person 330 319.77 3,391,000 Graduates received ICT training Newly Established ICT Companies M EGP 8 Technology Parks International … Healthcare in Egypt consists of both a public and a private sector. endobj 1570 0 obj Jabbour S. Egypt in crisis: politics, health care reform, and social mobilization for health rights. The 2014 Egypt Demographic and Health Survey (2014 EDHS) was conducted on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Population by El-Zanaty and Associates. /L 1555162 - The Egyptian healthcare providers sector had total revenues of $9.8bn in 2018, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15% between 2014 and 2018. $ 2650; November 2020; 101 pages; Overall, consumer health is expected to perform well, due to increased demand as a result of COVID-19, with most areas product areas expected to register double-digit current value growth. endobj 1568 0 obj annual business report of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. for the year ended December 31, 2018. <>178 0 R]/P 1619 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> endobj Life expectancy at birth in Egypt 2018, by gender. ^+Ŏ�+����Ug�\���Ci\�ucYE��a&N����R$СN~?� 8��t˕��F\�b��pn��d�e33�]��)K��%��}>���{~��� + n� 2T �X��-�AQʆ�n��O Private healthcare facilities in Egypt are of a high standard, with medical staff used to treating foreign nationals. <> Egypt is progressing with a well structured program to restore macroeconomic imbalances, address social inclusion priorities, and achieve high, sustainable and well-diversified growth. For the calculation of the out-of-school rate, data on current school attendance are required. <> <>192 0 R]/P 1633 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> PDF | Aim The Government of Egypt has embarked on a process of reforming health care financing in the country. In the World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Health Report issued in 2000, the UAE ranked 27 in the world for its performance. Overall, Egypt's health indicators have improved significantly since 1960, with a health profile that is increasingly similar to developed countries. <>152 0 R]/P 1593 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> 24 No. << 1562 0 obj It has an elaborate network whereby 95% of population lives within 5 km radius of a given health facility. 1 Social Determinants of Health - statistics & numerical data 6. <>/Metadata 2 0 R/Outlines 5 0 R/Pages 3 0 R/StructTreeRoot 6 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> 0000261942 00000 n 1541 0 obj /Linearized 1 0000258980 00000 n South Africa currently runs a two-tiered healthcare system, comprising of the public and the smaller, rapidly -growing private sector. endobj In Ethiopia, the prevalence of female genital mutilation practice was 70.8% according to Ethiopian demographic and health survey 2016. 1705 0 obj 6 0 obj Prior to ICPD, UNFPA in Egypt supported IEC programmes targeting youth in and out of school with information on population, family planning and the environment. �_��Y��g��[��˫�ܼMv,�́�Rq�TS�ӌ�L}��mO�g���t�rʣ�]�8�N���niP�13������Hy xuãq�z��/#B�>PW4k����O��{�9�5'h�U=U�@[�C&����IZR�N֒b���{j���:^��jk��eC�l�f��-���m�x,��<8��!a���4K*L>���h�3���JzT��K1� ���Q�4k$��C"�9S��F^�h,)��"jS'3�`L Egypt’s healthcare market is set for a period of transformation as Egypt is attempting to achieve universal healthcare access through the implementation of a comprehensive health insurance system. <>240 0 R]/P 1682 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> endobj situation and health system performance 2018 / WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean p. WHO-EM/HST/244/E 1. endobj endobj This Handbook provides step-by-step guides on entering the endobj The study also argues that <>264 0 R]/P 1703 0 R/Pg 1692 0 R/S/Link>> 0000003121 00000 n Health Information Systems 2. endobj uuid:2fb0e81e-aea9-11b2-0a00-50a6c9010000 29 0 obj /ID [<16376224b4ededf28704f2fd804a5981><16376224b4ededf28704f2fd804a5981>] endobj Log in | Register Cart. >> Highlights The Egypt Health Issues Survey (EHIS) was undertaken as part of the Ministry of Health and Population’s commitment to obtain data on a number of Egypt’s key health concerns, particularly the prevalence of hepatitis and of hypertension, smoking, and obesity, which are major risk factors for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. <>198 0 R]/P 1639 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> x�͝[O#G�ߑ��h�D�u��(�d�s�̎�$6` ��ݞ�o�u��I�u܌s���@������G�KǃU5���T��U5���M�/�'eU��ߎ�O������|9�����j�{_z_��l������qxG1���g1K�$���JD�b��������������=g\����\3� Transforming Egypt's Healthcare System Project (P167000) Page 1 of 91 I. 351 0 obj The target is to implement the surveillance program in all hospitals with ICUs before September 2018. Download PDF. 5 0 obj page 1 <>234 0 R]/P 1676 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> 1556 0 obj Appligent AppendPDF Pro 6.3 Egypt Digital Readiness 2018 Active Internet Users Active social Media Accounts Mobile Connections Active Mobile Social Accounts 39.7 M 35 M 95.7 M 32.8 M Source: We are social report, 2018 . /T 1548474 endobj endobj 5 Egypt 2 130 4% 6 Democratic Republic of the Congo 2 107 4% 7 Morocco 1 992 4% 8 Uganda 1 757 4% 9 South Sudan 1 590 3% Population (thousands) 1192 575 1223 324 2.6% 10 Mozambique 1 531 3% Net ODA per capita (USD) 42.8 40.8 Other recipients 27 764 56% Total 49 954 100% 1 … <>212 0 R]/P 1654 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> <>256 0 R]/P 1695 0 R/Pg 1692 0 R/S/Link>> 1585 0 obj 1549 0 obj 1544 0 obj Egypt’s early and active contribution to the shaping, implementation, and follow-up of the global and ambitious Sustainable Development Goals’ (SDGs). endobj endobj Egypt’s latest revolutionary act was profoundly democratic: London: The Guardian; 2013. /S 3183 <>210 0 R]/P 1651 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> <>236 0 R]/P 1678 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> <>230 0 R]/P 1672 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> endobj 0000002923 00000 n factors that make Egypt’s healthcare market attractive are: > Growing Population: The country has an estimated population of 91.5 million in 2015, which is expected to reach 151 million by 2050. Private sector sales are made to local (private) pharmacies in Egypt, while institutional sales (otherwise known as "reverse auctions") are basically requests from the Ministry of Health for stocks to supply government hospitals. endobj endobj ��/�%�2�h��Rh�����&+��1X�:��{�fj���X�;��e��|9o�U:Z����ZP������B��ؐ�-���R�^���>^��1�����-&�6:����ё*�_�j���7�j� Ϟ�D�6D�����u� ��]ش����-�|5��k-�}:��7�����K꦳,��u4�s�v�X`dY�wZ�1�ü��DG�D[9O穉�LtA���� 3Ñ���!Z~b6D�/�=, Continuing professional development in the healthcare sector in Egypt: A readiness assessment. 2020-06-18T20:00:52-07:00 Commitment to family practice programme, which has expanded to cover 50% primary care facilities and developed a National plan for scaling up of family practice. 328 24 Egypt’s health challenges disproportionately affect the rural poor and have the potential to impact the country’s economic prosperity more broadly over the long term. 1545 0 obj 0000133936 00000 n It is bordered by Libya to the west, Sudan to the south, the Red Sea to the east, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north. THE PHARMACEUTICAL MARKET IN EGYPT The Egyptian pharmaceutical market comprises a private segment and an institutional segment. ESMF – Transforming Egypt’s Healthcare System 9 In addition, the lack of patient education and awareness, poor integration of care, and lack of alignment of donor programming further limit the delivery of high-quality services. endobj 0000133733 00000 n endobj Hamilton OR. Doctors Charging Service; Ministry of Justice . This sector had not been overlooked, even before the Egyptian revolution took place in early 2011, there was a concrete governmental vision for a healthcare system in 2025. 26 0 obj 1582 0 obj <>stream is a platform for academics to share research papers. 1 0 obj - The performance of the sector is forecast to decelerate, with an anticipated CAGR of 14.6% for the five-year period 2018-2023, which is expected to drive the sector to a value of $19.4bn by the end of 2023. endobj 1577 0 obj *z�.��l w��.�n��N>G� <>200 0 R]/P 1641 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> endobj 28 0 obj <>176 0 R]/P 1617 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> <> 31 0 obj CDC works in conjunction with the Egyptian government and other partners to reduce the impact of emerging diseases, build capacity in areas such as lab systems and epidemiology, strengthen immunization services, respond to public health emergencies, and conduct surveillance, surveys, and studies. Health Status Indicators 3. Als PDF speichern Social navi Button-Link Focusing+on+increasing+German+Investments+in+Egypt+and+the+Trading+Activities+in+Healthcare+and+Medical+ServicesSinnvoller Titel <> Death rate in Egypt 2018. Consumer Health in Egypt. 6). WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data The health workforce in India. ��L?�?r����qBs����1+����'������3���S.��"��5�1��b��$q��t���7���� s����� D�q���]5 �y�v�>uU�a�P9��7�=��:��k�����i��.��]���.��.����c����9U�&.hx��߃ 3;Ǟ��v�3�%�2���آ�s��%hc��Ա`�1'�4�{U�^��S�)��o�~�ͦ���Q;U;�W9n�rL����]5��-ump�9�.�G��28����?d��u[ѫ�g�Xm���X�qRc�5���lW1�2ٰEf�d�t�qE,%� ��O��X�Q��h�k� 328 0 obj The United Arab Emirates’ health care system has a good ratio of doctors (2.5 per 1000 population) and is financed by a healthy $1600 per capitaper year. Submitted on: 20 Oct, 2016. <>208 0 R]/P 1649 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> EG-EN Location: Egypt-English Contact us; Dashboard; Saved items; Content feed; Profile/Interests; Account settings ; Log out × × × Perspectives 2019 Insurance Industry Outlook Strategies to stay competitive in the insurance market. endobj 1538 0 obj 27 0 obj endobj Median age of the population in Egypt 2015. Well-equipped and well-staffed for a relatively small population, there are around 70 hospitals and 150 clinics, making up a competent health care infrastructure. The key challenges for the health sector in Egypt are largely known. Outcome and Process Assessment (Health Care) - statistics & numerical data 5. /Size 352 x��W}Lg�� Industry Insights: South Africa Healthcare Market Overview . EGYPT Promoting refugee- and migrant-sensitive health policies and interventions CONTEXT: Egypt is a country of origin, transit and destination for migrants. Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Turkey and Vietnam) Source: IQVIA (MIDAS May 2018) 5 PHARMACEUTICAL R&D EXPENDITURE IN EUROPE, USA AND JAPAN (MILLION OF NATIONAL CURRENCY UNITS*), 1990-2016 * Note: Europe: € million; USA: $ million; Japan: ¥ million x 100 Source: EFPIA member associations, … Impact in Egypt Infection rates dropped 20% one month after healthcare acquired infection surveillance began. warranty of any kind . %���� R�ʾ�baf�>^�L� w���n1��Mp� � N\3I�D�=8��(ô�Ss�������j��u��r=�6c�r endobj 0000000017 00000 n Read online. 2020-06-18T20:00:52-07:00 Connecting an ever-growing population 3958 Office 23,118,000 Person 330 319.77 3,391,000 Graduates received ICT training Newly Established ICT Companies M EGP 8 Technology Parks International … Submitted on: 14 May, 2015. 1587 0 obj Haley DR, Beg SA. Google Scholar. CDC has worked with public health institutions in Egypt for over 20 years. 1550 0 obj /Info 325 0 R Any part of this document may be freely reviewed, quoted, reproduced, or translated in full or in part, provided that the source is acknowledged. <>242 0 R]/P 1684 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> 0000000952 00000 n 1590 0 obj <>154 0 R]/P 1595 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> 1589 0 obj 9 | Page Egypt – Market Entry handbook 1 The Food and Beverage Market Entry Handbook: Egypt This Handbook is intended to act as a reference for those agri-food producers planning for, or in the process of entering, the Egyptian market. <>158 0 R]/P 1599 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> 0000261877 00000 n <>226 0 R]/P 1668 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> Sustained economic growth, rising interest rates, and higher investment income contributed to a strong year for insurers in 2018. Whether in person or online we enable deeper learning, relationships and decisions. 0000002512 00000 n endobj <>232 0 R]/P 1674 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> <>196 0 R]/P 1637 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> {���rud�n/1Cb{��M)��,�Z���4�S�b��Z��(�Y�Ĥ���s�i�[e�"=(��7n�͡����1XK�'�9�����%\���Ĺ��d`��H 2׉ Z�ܹiB�*�8�t֛���M����j��a_X8�;�f��.�T�Q%���f)^=2��Z6����N!��ר�F$b"��4B��M#D"%}{zV 3�"2�`������������jS]h/�. 1574 0 obj Overpopulation and its impact on a range of health issues threaten Egypt’s journey to self-reliance. WASHINGTON, June 27, 2018 – The World Bank announced today a new US$530 million project to support Egypt’s national goal of improving public healthcare, including expanding family planning services, scaling up its groundbreaking Hepatitis C program, and supporting the new Universal Health Insurance System. UNFPA began to collaborate more closely with youth … 43 for 1979 : Law no. 1580 0 obj /O 330 endobj endobj Communicating in English won’t be an issue, as medical staff, doctors and nurses are generally bilingual. endobj EGYPT: THE LAW AND FGM June 2018 . <>166 0 R]/P 1607 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> 1583 0 obj Health services in Egypt are currently managed, financed, and provided by agencies in all three sectors of the economy—government, parastatal, and private. endobj Published by the Ministry of Health Egypt in collaboration with the World Health Organization . <>184 0 R]/P 1625 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> Enterprise Survey 2016 . 0000259808 00000 n ›In July 2018, Egypt’s Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation and the United States Agency for International Developmentsignedfive agreements worth EGP 805.8 million (USD $45 million) to support joint priorities in health, education, governance and agriculture across Egypt. 1573 0 obj 1586 0 obj 1535 0 obj 1567 0 obj application/pdf <> Egypt, Arab Rep. Jump to. 1561 0 obj endobj 0000259725 00000 n >> 1571 0 obj endobj <> Research on health administration, healthcare … <>170 0 R]/P 1611 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> startxref Strong political commitment was evidenced by a national launch of the HAI surveillance program in November 2015, which was attended by the Minister of Health of Egypt. 1706 0 obj /ViewerPreferences 327 0 R endobj Employing personnel trained in Europe, India, Pakistan, Middle Ea… endobj 1560 0 obj endobj 1581 0 obj 0 Egypt Healthcare Reports: Our 2021 Egypt report include trends, statistics, opportunities, sales data, market share, segmentation projections on the Healthcare market. Egypt has a long experience of developing and implementing health system reforms and engaging with development partners. <>172 0 R]/P 1613 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> endstream <>248 0 R]/P 1690 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> <> <>220 0 R]/P 1662 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> xref /Pages 304 0 R The country spent 9% of its GDP on healthcare in 2017, which is 4% higher than the WHO’s recommended spending for a country of its socioeconomic status. endobj /Prev 1548462 endobj stream 1 for 2000 for matters of personal status. /Metadata 326 0 R 1553 0 obj endobj 1736 0 obj One of these relates to equity: equity in health outcomes, equity in access to health services, and equity in the burden of health financing. With Egypt accounting for US$12.7 billion or 10.9%. It may not be sold, or used in conjunction with commercial purposes or for profit. <>228 0 R]/P 1670 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> <>160 0 R]/P 1601 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> 1551 0 obj <>162 0 R]/P 1603 0 R/Pg 1592 0 R/S/Link>> endobj endobj endobj 0000134216 00000 n Support to MoH helped vaccinate over 35 million children and more than 95% of the population; DPT3 immunization reached 95% of . endobj trailer An equity driven health sector can break the illness-poverty cycle, thus attacking at one of the root causes of social injustice in society. 32 0 obj >> <>258 0 R]/P 1697 0 R/Pg 1692 0 R/S/Link>> The Egyptian healthcare system is currently in a poor state, due to lack of compliance with international standards. endobj << As of February 2016, the HAI surveillance program covered 61 hospitals (including 2,035 ICU beds) out of 244 hospitals (including 4,500 ICU beds) in Egypt. /Length 1316 1536 0 obj The government sector represents activities of ministries that receive funding from the Ministry of Finance (MOF). endobj <>stream ��B1�E�~a���p��������|�ן}8����tx�OեPQ��M݈zҒ*Je-U��VB��� �����l8:e������3���)Ɠ�E�Ei²$�������]DE���*XƳHl�u��I�H�>�#�x�N�GIz����76_?_����%s f����`HsIe]DB_G2��c�lu���>�'�g���j�Fj��ҷM��'��=jl����X���ާ>�;ؗ�/p�ř���t�? endobj endobj endobj endobj 1576 0 obj The total area of the country covers approximately one million square kilometers. 1537 0 obj endobj endobj 1584 0 obj <>218 0 R]/P 1660 0 R/Pg 1653 0 R/S/Link>> The 2014 EDHS is part of The DHS Program, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). 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