However, it is resisted by Ghost types, Tyranitar, Metagross and Ground types. Its ridiculously high 349 Attack stat combined with the best Ghost type moveset dishes out damage that is only rivaled by Shadow Mewtwo. By … Gym battle/Raid video overload starting today! Collection Challenges 2021-01-17. However, it should only be used if the raid boss has Focus Blast or Sludge Bomb, since one Shadow Ball would easily KO, even from full health. Gengar’s Raid Boss CP is 21207 and its stats are as follows: Advertisement HP: 3000 ATK: 201.48 […] Mega Gengar can be duoed, but it can also be difficult as it requires top-tier counters such as itself + Ghost types, Mega Houndoom + Dark types, or Psystrike Mewtwo. Sludge Bomb is a two bar move that is very difficult to dodge. This monumental event in Pokémon GO... Kyogre is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon Go, being a member of the Weather Trio with Groudon and Rayquaza. Nidorino and Gengar Raid Day has … Mega Gengar Raid Guide for Pokemon GO. /r/TheSilphRoad. Breaking News It is possible to solo this raid if you are level 35+ and have a very good set of counter Pokémon. Mega Gengar is a dual Ghost and Poison-type Pokémon, making it weak to Psychic, Ghost, Dark and Ground-type attacks. You can find the best counters overall to defeat Mega Gengar in the infographic and article and use our customizable … 3,227. Tier. Update January 19th, 2021: Kyogre and Groudon are back in raids! Do not enter the raid unless you have proper movesets. Gengar will know the moves Lick Ghost and Psychic Psychic on catch, and both Gengar and Nidorino will be wearing party hats with a shiny chance. If you take a deeper look at Gengar’s fast moves, you’ll soon realize that they’re not that different in a raid environment. The safest way to achieve the duo is to use Psystrike Mewtwo against Focus Blast, or Mega Gengar + Ghost types against Focus Blast. Hardcore: Experts only! How nostalgic. It should only be used if the raid boss has Focus Blast though, since Shadow Ball is an easy KO from full health and even Sludge Bomb does huge damage on top of being difficult to dodge. Sludge Bomb is resisted by Ground types, Ghost types, Tyranitar and Metagross, making those the best options against that charge move. Gengar is a Ghost & Poison Pokémon. Gengar Raid Counter Guide. Learn all about the Max CP, Base Stats, Recommended move, Type Strength & Weakness, Rating & Climate Boost for Gengar in Pokemon Go! Mega Gengar is a mega raid boss in Pokémon GO. Duo shenanigans aside, 3-5 trainers with strong counters should be able to take down Mega Gengar without too much trouble, regardless of weather. In this guide, we’re covering best Gengar counters for both Tier difficulties, and the best strategies to defeat it. Gengar: No.095→ Onix: Pokemon Go Featured Article. Login to see your custom results! Psystrike Mewtwo is here to show that it is the king of Psychic types. Mega Houndoom and Darkrai take more than 50% damage from just one Shadow Ball. Pokémon Go: Mega Gengar Mega Raid Guide Spooky season is bringing an extra spooky Mega Pokémon to Pokémon Go! The charge move Mega Gengar has in the raid battle also plays a huge factor in a duo, if not the biggest factor, since it can one hit KO almost all of its counters if it has the right charge move. Dedicated, focused and loving Pokémon GO. Please obey all local restrictions on travel and gatherings when raiding. Mega Evolution has lastly arrived in Pokémon Go and with it, Mega Raids! Release History: 10/23/2020-11/03/2020 Mega Gengar will be available as both a raid boss and can also be obtained via a special quest line on 10/25/2020. Roselia Confirmed for February 2021 Community Day 2021-01-13. These are some of the most challenging Raids yet, but we … Gengar solo raids can be completed around Level 30. The Pokemon Go Gengar Special Raid Challenge is an exclusive themed raid available for just one day.. A focus blast Gengar can ruin a Tyranitar for example, but at the same time it just makes the already godly Mewtwo and frail Gengar that much better. Best Kyogre counters... Groudon is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, being a member of the Weather Trio with Rayquaza and Kyogre. No matter if you try to solo Gengar or raid with friends, keep in mind that Gengar is dual typed: ghost and poison. Mega Houndoom + Dark types can also achieve the duo against Shadow Ball, but even a resisted Shadow Ball does a ton of damage due to Mega Gengar’s crazy high Attack stat. Pokémon. With 2.5x HP and higher stats, Tier 4 Gengar has far fewer options viable for a duo. It's time for Gengar Raid Day in 'Pokémon GO', and you might want to try soloing the thing if you're so inclined. While the Gengar you catch from a raid will have Lick and Psychic, the expectation is that the ones you battle will have their usual moves. Sucker Punch is the weakest fast move since it lacks STAB (same type attack bonus), but it is still super effective against Psychic types and Ghost types. Last but not least, Ground types can duo it against Sludge Bomb, but Sunny weather is mandatory. © 2016 – 2021 Pokémon GO Hub | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Dedicated, focused and loving Pokémon GO. … The event last from Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.... Pokémon GO Hub is the biggest Pokémon GO news site, publishing several informative guides, analysis, and news articles every month. Gengar will have two new exclusive moves: Lick and Psychic, but are they worth keeping? Here are some good counters to try to take thing down on your own or with friends. By Liam Martin. Dark types are best used against Shadow Ball since they resist it. Migliori attaccanti Migliori difensori Lista dei Pokémon ordinata per PL Mosse PVP stats list. Pokebattler's Gengar raid counters guide is designed to help you beat Gengar with your best counters. Its best counters are strong Dark types, Psychic types, Ghost types and Ground types such as Mega Houndoom, Darkrai, Mewtwo, Metagross, itself, Chandelure, Giratina-Origin, Groudon, Excadrill, Rhyperior, Garchomp and Landorus. PvP Stat Product Calculator 2021-01-13. Mega Houndoom is the strongest Dark type currently in the game. 3 Pokemon List 4 Trainer Battle Resource List 5 Best Attackers by Type 6 Comprehensive DPS/TDO Spreadsheet 7 Ultra League PVP Tier List 8 Raid Boss List 9 Master League PVP Tier List 10 Pokemon GO IV Calculator ↑ Gengar steals the spotlight in a Special Raid Challenge!. All of them are dangerous against your Mewtwo and Gengar teams, where they deal Super Effective damage, but you will likely keep Gengar energy capped for the better part of the encounter, so it doesn’t really matter that much. Soloing a Machamp, Gengar & the easy Electabuzz. Mega Gengar can have the following moves in a raid battle and when captured as its base form: Focus Blast is the easiest charge move overall, since it’s a one bar move and makes Psychic types and Ghost types much better counters. Calcolatore IV Calcolatore evoluzione Calcolatore probabilità di cattura PidgeyCalc CP Calculator Pokémon Manager Trading map. Not only that, it’s a two bar move, meaning Mega Gengar will use it frequently in battle. 29 years old. Dejan Kacurov Follow on Twitter February 26, 2020 Last Updated: February 28, 2020. FleeceKing and LaurenLolly have been reported as the first 2 people in the world to achieve Level 50! To celebrate the spookiest holiday of the year, the Shadow Pokémon's Mega Evolution will be … If you are rather poor on the counters above, there are some other options for you, including: Gengar is notorious for its varied move pool, with moves like Shadow Ball and Focus Blast eliminating certain counters in their respective match ups. A Mewtwo, even if you only had Psychic, is going to be infinitely better than any counter on the list. Gengar's strongest moveset is Lick & Shadow Ball and it has a Max CP of 2,878. A whole new class of Raids, Mega Raids let you and your friends challenge a Mega Evolved Pokémon. First 2 Level 50s in the World & Level 48 Reset... Stock up with a healthy amount of Mewtwos and any combination of the above mentioned Pokémon, Do not attempt if you’re under Level 30 and your Pokémon are not decently powered up, you will just waste resources. When caught, Gengar (Mega) will be between 1566 and 1644 cp without a weather boost. As previously mentioned, the moveset that Mega Gengar has in the raid battle is usually the biggest factor in deciding what to bring against it, especially if you’re raiding with a few people. Gengar Solo raids, when it is a Tier 3, are possible and have been already achieved using the Pokémon highlighted above. It may see a mega evolution in the future, but the mechanics of which are fully speculative, so I won’t go over it here. Impossible: You need a bigger group! Gengar Raid Guide. English English 繁體中文 Deutsch Español Français Português 日本語 Italiano 한국어 Русский ไทย. The best Groudon... Pokémon GO's Unova Celebration Event celebrates Pokémon first found in the Unova region. ↑ Gengar is Tier 4 raid. Pokemon Go Gengar Raid challenge LIVE: Dates, times for next Niantic Shiny event POKEMON Go fans can capture a shiny Gengar by completing Raid battles on November 3. You can find the best counters overall to defeat Gengar in the infographic and article and use our customizable tool for … Loading... Unsubscribe from TigerGames? You get 5 free raid passes during the event. POKEMON GO MEGA GENGAR RAID COUNTERS. Mega Gengar has entered raids in Pokémon GO, and it is… well, it's a powerhouse, so be ready to have a lot of unconscious Pokémon.With this Raid … Guides Events Research. Pokémon Go has plenty of … 23 Oct 2020 0 Source: Niantic. Login to see your custom results! Tools . Maybe Gengar would have better luck without any legendaries… Premier Cup. Pokémon. Ghost types double resist Focus Blast and Psychic types (except Metagross) single resist it, making those the ideal options against that charge move. Mewtwo is likely the best Pokémon to use against Mega Gengar… Mega Gengar Today's View Research in Pokémon GO. An entire new class of Raids, … In Overcast weather, Gengar (Mega) will be between 1958 and 2055 when caught. Breaking News The best Pokemon Go Gengar counters are Shadow Mewtwo, Mega Gengar, Mewtwo, Shadow Metagross, Mega Houndoom & Shadow Tyranitar. ↑ Gastly family shiny 3D assets. Raid. The best Pokémon to use in the raid battle against Mega Gengar include Mewtwo, Origin Giratina, and Mega Houndoom. Listed below are the current Raid bosses in Pokemon GO, according to the Silph Research Group. First off, if you’re looking to duo Mega Gengar, then you might want to think twice. Be smart. Quick Links; Home; Forums; Contact; Discord; Pokédex Hub; GO Pokédex ; Sword & Shield Pokédex; Pokéarth; Databases. Pokémon GO Live. Gengar (Mega) Raid Guide Gengar (Mega)-[ Personalized Gengar (Mega) Counters] [ Gengar (Mega) Infographic] Gengar (Mega) is weak to the following types: Ground, Ghost, Psychic, Dark. A Gengar raid boss can have these Combat Power values when caught through raid encounters: A Tier 3 Gengar raid can be effectively solo’d, as outlined in our Gengar Solo Raid Guide, while you will need at least 2 (we recommend 3) players to take down a Tier 4 Gengar raid boss. Gengar Special Raid Day has been announced for next weekend! It is vulnerable to Dark, Ground, Ghost and Psychic moves. ↑ NianticHelp. Gengar is a T4 raid with 33531 CP and Nidorino is a T2 raid with 7238 CP. Gengar is currently a Boss in Tier 3 Raids and has 21,207 CP, and has previously been Raid Boss in Tier 3 and Tier 4 Raids. The charge move it has in battle should still be kept in mind, however. With all the legendary Pokemon, there’s no chance for Gengar in Master. Retrieved on 2018-10-25. The Sinnoh Region Celebration is Coming to Pokemon Go 2021-01-08. The event last from Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at 10:00 a.m.... Pokémon GO Hub is the biggest Pokémon GO news site, publishing several informative guides, analysis, and news articles every month. 0 1 minute read. Community Day January 2021 Guide 2021-01-15. Pokémon GO Info. Its best counters are strong Dark types, Psychic types, Ghost types and Ground types such as Mega Houndoom, Darkrai, Mewtwo, Metagross, itself, Chandelure, Giratina-Origin, Groudon, Excadrill, Rhyperior, Garchomp and Landorus.. Duo shenanigans aside, 3-5 trainers with strong counters should be able to take down Mega Gengar … Credit to for the simulation data. PvP and raid challenge enthusiast. Confusion is slightly stronger than Psycho Cut, but makes it MUCH harder to dodge any of Mega Gengar’s powerful charge moves, which makes it less practical and less useful overall. Table of Contents. 3 Pokemon List 4 Trainer Battle Resource List 5 Master League PVP Tier List 6 Ultra League PVP Tier List 7 Comprehensive DPS/TDO Spreadsheet 8 Best Attackers by Type 9 Pokemon GO Evolution/CP Calculator 10 Niantic Announces the Johto Celebration The best Pokemon Go Mega Gengar counters are Shadow Mewtwo, Mewtwo, Mega Gengar, Shadow Tyranitar, Mega Houndoom & Metagross. Meta analysis and team building strategies are my passions. Haunter: No.094. FleeceKing and LaurenLolly have been reported as the first 2 people in the world to achieve Level 50! Retrieved on 2018-11-03. Hex has one more base power than Shadow Claw and generates energy much faster, making it the deadliest fast move, especially if it’s combined with Sludge Bomb or Shadow Ball. In this guide, we’re covering best Gengar counters for both Tier difficulties, and the … Gengar counters are mostly strong Ghost, Psychic, Dark and Ground Pokemon like Shadow Ball Mewtwo, Groudon, Zen Headbutt / Psychic Metagross, Bite / Crunch Tyranitar and Psychic Latios. Pokemon Go Gengar and Nidorino Raid Day Guide, Counters, Moves and More. Gengar counters are mostly strong Ghost, Psychic, Dark and Ground Pokemon like Shadow Ball Mewtwo, Groudon, Zen Headbutt / Psychic Metagross, Bite / Crunch Tyranitar and Psychic Latios. Pokebattler's Mega Gengar raid counters guide is designed to help you beat Mega Gengar with your best counters. Gengar is a Tier 3 (or a Tier 4 during Gengar day) raid boss in Pokemon GO with 21207 boss combat power. If the Gengar you wish to mega evolve doesn’t have Lick, Shadow Claw is still very viable. Defeating Gengar in a Tier 3 Raid requires around 2-3 players, and will become easier the more players you have. Antonio started the Hub in July 2016 and hasn't had much sleep since. Gengar - Rating, Stats & Max CP; Type Strength / Weakness Chart; Recommended & Learnable Moves ; Shiny Information; Evolution & Pokedex Entry ←No.093. It also boosts allies’ Dark type moves by 40% while it’s in battle, which makes other strong Dark types such as Darkrai, Weavile, Hydreigon and Tyranitar the ideal Pokémon to use alongside it. Shadow Ball is a nightmare for everything, even Dark types. The best Groudon... Pokémon GO's Unova Celebration Event celebrates Pokémon first found in the Unova region. Celebrate Halloween with Mega Gengar Raids in Pokémon GO Mega Gengar will be replacing Mega Venusaur in Mega Raids as Pokémon GO embraces all things ghostly for Halloween. Software developer. Mega Gengar is a mega raid boss in Pokémon GO. One advantage of using Mega Gengar is it boosts the power of your allies’ Ghost type moves by 40% while it’s in battle, which makes it a fantastic partner for other strong Ghost type attackers such as Chandelure, Giratina-Origin, non-Mega Gengar and Shadow Ball Mewtwo. The best Pokémon to fight Gengar is undoubtedly Mewtwo. Best Kyogre counters... Groudon is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon GO, being a member of the Weather Trio with Rayquaza and Kyogre. Gengar possesses a dual and typing resulting in several readily available counters which include Groudon, Mewtwo, Tyranitar and Metagross. SOLANDO RAID DE GENGAR - Pokémon Go | Derrotando Raid Boss (Parte 3) TigerGames. Mega Evolution has finally arrived in Pokémon Go and with it, Mega Raids! Mega Gengar #94 (Kanto) Table of contents. It will feature Tier 4 Gengar raids, with a Gengar that … In this guide we will cover the strongest Mega Gengar counters, the best strategies on how to defeat it, and what CPs you can get when catching a strong Gengar. Mega Gengar is one of the most important Mega Evolutions in Go due to its absolutely staggering attack stat and pervasive typing, meaning this raid will be very important for many players. Pokemon GO trainers who want to takedown Mega Gengar this month can use this guide to assemble the strong counter roster for the Mega Raid. Gengar is a Tier 3 (or a Tier 4 during Gengar day) raid boss in Pokemon GO with 21207 boss combat power. Boss CP. (Technically possible and someone has achieved it.) Cancel Unsubscribe. I f you've dreamed of taking on a Raid Boss with a Mega Gengar in your party, your days of pining will soon be over! By Denny Connolly Oct 20, 2020 Share Share Tweet Email Detailing all tasks and rewards. Trainers, a new Raid Day event is going live on March 1, and for a limited time, players around the globe will have a chance to battle party hats Nidorino, Gengar in two/four-star Raids and catch their shiny forms. Let’s see how they stack up. © 2016 – 2021 Pokémon GO Hub | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Discord username: Zeroghan. Latest Content. News; Archived news; Pokédex-Red/Blue Pokédex-Gold/Silver Pokédex-Ruby/Sapphire Pokédex-Diamond/Pearl Pokédex-Black/White Pokédex-X & Y Pokédex-Sun & Moon Pokédex-Let's Go … Casian Holly. /r/TheSilphRoad. Gengar is a Level 3 Raid boss in Pokémon Go. Shadow Claw has STAB, but doesn’t generate energy very quickly. Meta Implications: Season 6.5 Changes 2021-01-13. Gengar can be caught with the following CP values: As weird as it sounds, Mega Gengar is its own best counter. Dark types notably are the only Mega Gengar counters that resist Shadow Ball (although it still does a lot of damage, even to bulky ones like Tyranitar) so keep them in mind when building your Mega Gengar Battle Parties. Pokémon Go: Mega Gengar Mega Raid Guide October 17, 2020 October 17, 2020 Kaleem Naqvi 0 Comments Mega Gengar. Hoenn Celebration Announced 2021-01-14 . Generally speaking, the best counters for it are: Mega Gengar, Mewtwo, and Giratina. This monumental event in Pokémon GO... Kyogre is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon Go, being a member of the Weather Trio with Groudon and Rayquaza. Gengar, one of the three original ghost-type Pokémon from Gen 1, is a raid boss in Pokémon Go.. Once you've defeated Gengar in a raid battle, then … The Mega Evolution of Gen I’s Ghost and Poison kind, Gengar, Mega Gengar is not simply an extremely robust Mega Pokémon, but in addition an enormous fan favourite. Movesets are everything against Gengar. It’s also fairly easy to dodge. Get ready, because Mega Gengar has the highest attack stat that we've had to fight thus far outside of Deoxys - Attack, greatly improved bulk, and a stronger moveset. As a Tier 3 boss, Gengar is a fairly easy solo. Pokemon GO trainers can now learn exactly when Mega Venusaur is being replaced by Mega Gengar and what additional Mega Candy changes are coming. Pokémon GO Info. Best Groudon... Pokémon Go s no chance for Gengar in Master, 2020 17! Some of the most challenging Raids yet, but Sunny weather is mandatory against sludge Bomb is a T4 with! Onix: Pokemon Go trainers can now learn exactly when Mega Venusaur is being by. … with all the legendary Pokemon, there ’ s no chance for Gengar in the game duo Mega and. Possesses a dual Ghost and Poison-type Pokémon, making those the best counters already using... Of 2,878 themed Raid available for just one Shadow Ball and it has Max... 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And Groudon are back in Raids No.095→ Onix: Pokemon Go Featured Article defeat it., when it the.