I do wish everyone the best of luck and pray daily for all cancer folks to be blessed!!! The aim of this treatment is to try to prevent cancer from coming back. Cancer may sometimes come back after cancer drug treatment or radiotherapy. with 'x' beside recommended frequency of scans that depends upon your tumour staging etc. These undetected cancer cells multiply, becoming recurrent breast cancer.Recurrent breast cancer may occur months or years after your initial treatment. cancer … your just about a year or so behind me. Does it come back? Some mutations can make the cells resistant to cancer drugs such as chemotherapy, targeted cancer drugs or hormone therapy. But sometimes breast cancer comes back. Not really. People who have had lung cancer have about a 2 percent chance per year of forming a second cancer, either of the lung or of other organs. Still that also doesn't tell you what WILL happen. I'm an advocate to Ovarian Research $$'s and I always make sure they I tell other the women symtoms to look for. This can happen because the treatment didn't destroy all the cancer cells. I can’t keep living like this. Not all cells that are tumor cells are expressing the same genome nor do they particularly have the same mutations. OMG OMG!! Does the type of OC really matter? Hang around this forum for a while. Please consult your healthcare provider with any questions or concerns you may have regarding your condition. No big deal. Does it always come back???? Till today and from time to time still can't stop thinking of it. I don't know what you mean by that "all you read is that it came back" but if you mean on various support forums like this, people whose RCC never comes back … Based on the size, it's Stage 1, but that's not the only indicator. This is less common, but it does happen — whatever caused your body to develop one lung cancer also puts you at increased risk of other cancers. Having said all of that...whether it does or does not come back all we each have is today. Life can go on for a long time and very normally. If your disease does come back, we want you to find it early when it is most treatable. The shock of having cancer come back after you assumed it was gone can cause distress — sometimes more so than your first diagnosis did. Chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells by attacking cells that are in the process of doubling to form 2 new cells. DAC677 thank you so much for posting. Reoccurrance-How do you know if it's back? Cancer cells can continue to mutate so that they become more and more abnormal. Trucker, I can only tell you that I am barely 1 1/2 years out from right open partial and feel like a newbie to this condition compared to many others on the site. & What is going to happen to my love one especially and sudden a pain from no where appear. Cancer has come back; Cancer comes back in pelvis and lower right hand quadrant; How many people get chemo after borderline ovarian cancer comes back? Giving chemotherapy in a series of treatments helps to catch as many cells dividing as possible. We've all had the dreaded "we found something" call so now my brain is kinda wired and ready for it again. I'd push them even after 5 years to continue a chest/abdomen/pelvic CT annually. In answer to your question, melanoma can come back, in my case after 10 years, but it doesn't always. -- Even within the "garden variety type" of clear cell renal cell carcinoma, a whole lot rests upon the STAGE and GRADE of your tumour. Sometimes, lung cancer comes back after you’ve had treatment. Thank you for mentioning this book. Or you may feel sad or depressed. Does preventing/reversing low blood counts really matter? Just a fluctuation, my doctor said. These gene changes make the cell behave differently to a normal cell. For most of us with small tumors it is unlikely to come back. To make cancer drug treatment more effective, we need to find a way of overcoming resistance. The resistant cells have high levels of a substance called p-glycoprotein. So the sample you're seeing might be self-selected in that people whose RCC returned may be seeking further info on treatment, etc. Try not to worry about something that isn't likely to happen, but keep up on your followup CT's. You can get in touch with a counsellor by contacting one of the counselling organisations. Normal cells go into a long rest period between divisions. If radiotherapy doesn't kill all of the cancer cells, they will regrow at some point in the future. The purpose of scan followup is to nip any bad guys in the bud. And those  of us going through it now will set the new numbers and records for people to refer to in 5 years. That doesnt mean we will never get bad news, it means we will handle it and beat it and we are on guard now and the medicine is improving. Chemotherapy drugs kill cancer cells by attacking cells that are in the process of doubling to form 2 new cells. That was a year ago. Cancers develop from normal cells that have changed or mutated to become cancerous. For some types of cancer, after 10 years your doctor might say that you are cured. I don't know what you mean by that "all you read is that it came back" but if you mean on various support forums like this, people whose RCC never comes back may be less likely to continue posting. The risk of cancer coming back is different for each person and depends on many factors, including the type and stage of cancer, genetic factors, type of … That means 19 out of 20 people in this condition will never have another tumor. CANCER ALWAYS COME BACK!! One thing i did mentally that my Oncologist likes is that I took the approach like it was diabetes. If your prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood level shows that your prostate cancer has not been cured or has come back (recurred) after the initial treatment, further treatment can often still be helpful. Recurrent skin cancer is more likely if the cancer had already advanced to a later stage when it was first treated. I personally know a few people that had Stage 1 and it came back 10 years later. (I skipped breakfast as part of my intermittent fasting...hahaha less one headache question in the morning). These reasons are: Cancer can come back after surgery because: Surgeons do their best to remove all of the cancer during surgery. When I was originally diagnosed, Dr. Google shared her stats with me. The 5 years is not applicable to us. After 5 years, you are even less likely to get a recurrence. Recurrence is cancer that goes away and comes back, while progression is cancer that worsens or spreads. Copyright 2000-2019 © Cancer Survivors Network. Could It Come Back? Even with a Stage 1 and Grade 1-2,3, (I'm talking about clear cell now, with other types it's very, very different odds. He also went on to say that each positive scan i pass my numbers improve by 2-3%. Or you can share your experiences with other people and find out how they coped by using our online forum, Cancer Chat. Others (like papillary Type 2) are very aggressive. Researchers have been looking at drug resistance for almost as long as they have used cancer drugs. Ask about skin cancer (closed) Wilma is a skin cancer specialist nurse, here to answer your questions about different... Melanoma. Some people find it very difficult to cope with this idea, but there are some things you can do to help. Triple-negative breast cancer is a kind of breast cancer that does not have any of the receptors that are commonly found in breast cancer. But it is always possible to leave behind a small group of cancer cells. Yes, once in a while I do get dread and anxiety in the night (and sometimes day) thinking about what might happen, but for the most part I chug along on part of one kidney and feel, as you say, blessed and living the good life. With all of that in mind, it's perfectly rational for one person to believe that kidney cancer always comes back (especially if you go on websites or FB pages for RCC where it is mostly people who are dealing with advanced disease... it's hard not to think that that is happening to everybody). Truly if he’s been acting up or not responding well to you; ignoring him could make him take notice.Sometimes it’s all about him and he’ll live life as though everythin… I don't think I am negative about it, but I look at it this way - I never imagined I would ever have cancer in the first place....So..now I would not be surprised if it ever came back. Don't let ignorant doctors talk you out of your followups. After three years of clean scans that take a very sharp uptick that is not that hugely different than a normal person. So a cancer may seem to have gone and may not show up on any scans or blood tests. Talk to the Cancer Research UK nurses on freephone 0808 800 4040, from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. Recurrent breast cancer is breast cancer that comes back after initial treatment. This can happen because the treatment didn't destroy all the cancer cells. Sometimes, these cancer cells can't be found by tests. This is why very important to prepare your body in good shape for the battle. However, it's also true that of those (of us) who had a nephrectomy and then recurred later, almost all of us were told "I got it all"... and so we naturally bring this perspective of "be vigilant", "stick to your scan schedule"... etc. Hope that makes sense. OMG!! Doctors try to reduce the number of cancer cells as much as possible. This might include hormone therapy or a targeted cancer drug. There are 3 main types of skin cancer. It's just unlikely to but we can't rule that possibility out. devoteddevestated over 1 year ago That's it really, is it a forever thing that will come back after a time even if my husband gets the all clear after his op? At stage 1 the odds are good that it won't but unfortunately there are no guarantees. Cells on the surface of a tumor are different from cells within the tumor. Self-doubt. Cancer cells do too, although the rest period may be much shorter. cancer and aquarius - 1 month. There is one very thin layer of the top muscle that is attached but it’s stretched as thin as it can go and not functioning—it’s only there holding my organs from spilling completely out. I know everyone in the families and friends are worry about me, SO i can't let them down. It's not always a death sentance, but it is a Chronic Disease. you should do followups and I'd say your followups should never stop, because they have no statistics to say that with Stage 1 Grade 2, for example, that it won't come back in 15 years. So in summary: it never comes back, and it always comes back. cancer and cancer - 1 year. Integrative oncologists and others have been saying this for a long time. The vast majority of those are living their lives, going to work, and not posting about kidney cancer anywhere. They move on. I live an extremely sedentary life because of it. the best docs prefer to stay away from stats because each case is so unique. Use of this online service is subject to the disclaimer and the terms and conditions. Right? What do you do when it comes back a 3rd time? Some weeks I'm better than others! So they may suggest that you have some type of long term treatment. My wife was devastated. It can happen at any time or not at all. A support group for anyone affected by melanoma to come together, share experiences, and ask questions. recurrance is based on stage and type and many other factors. They can start to grow again after a while or when the treatment stops. On the other hand, 95% chance that you're cured. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. But there may be a small group of cells that remain in the body. Although the initial treatment is aimed at eliminating all cancer cells, a few may have evaded treatment and survived. This prognosis just tells you the odds. Today I got the BIGGEST SURPRISE in my life I never thought before. There are some very aggressive other types of kidney cancer.) There are different reasons for why cancer might come back. dont ever forget that when i saw the experts, some of the best in the world who im lucky to have access to they told me that in 5-10 years both our reccurance and survivability numbers increased by 20-30%. You can also look at our section about coping emotionally with cancer. At stage 1 the odds are good that it won't but unfortunately there are no guarantees. We are just so scared and confused. Sometimes cancer can become resistant to cancer drug treatment. Unfortunately it can and does for some, but certainly not for everyone and it is not a given that it will. None of the three types necessarily recurs after appropriate treatment. Good luck. Sometimes, the cancer grows in the same area, but it can also spread to other parts of your body. As you see my history below, it did come back. No. It makes a person wonder if the stats are just to give hope and not based on real life..I'm 14 weeks out from Left open partial and doing pretty good but already sick of waiting for my bad news! The stats say 1 thing but all I ever read is that it came back , no matter the size, grade or stage!! That's a 1 in 20 chance. These treatments aim to try to control or kill any cancer cells left. They said maybe the others doctors numbers were accurate 5-10 years ago but things are so much better now. Be vigilant. As long as they are following up (the Guidelines say for 5 years... longer in some cases), then they are good to go. Cancer has come back; How many people get chemo after borderline ovarian cancer comes back? This is called adjuvant treatment. LisaRenee7610@gmail.com. I had a partial nephrectomy in March of ‘08 and the kidney died within the 1st year. Targeted cancer drugs work by 'targeting' those differences that help a cancer cell to survive and grow. This idea can be frightening. If he doesn’t get it; he gets to be his true “crabby” self.If he doesn’t get it from the woman he’s in a relationship; he really becomes a mess. Thanks, Stub for those words - I hear my surgeon's voice giving me hope. Cells with high p-glycoprotein levels are very good at keeping cancer drugs out. You'll "meet" numerous people that have not had a reoccurance. The type of RCC, the Stage (which is based on size and where it grew into, a combination of those two things) and the Grade (this is a measure of how abnormal the cells were, 1-4, 4 being most abnormal and most aggressive), then they can give you a prognosis. Am I worried? While there is not a precise definition of time that must pass during which someone is cancer free and when cancer is considered a recurrence, many oncologists believe that cancers … It is possible for skin cancer to come back after treatment, depending on the type of cancer. What do you mean except from Papillary? Only then will you know what happened. The protein acts as a pump and removes toxins from cells. Breast cancer that comes back within 5 years of diagnosis and initial treatment is called "early recurrence." For example, a patient with a small tumour (T1A) has about a 95% chance of never having a recurrence. Try not to look backward. You may doubt the wisdom of your past treatment decisions or the lifestyle choices you made since your last cancer experience. Aries and Cancer Compatibility - 1 year. Others may shrink the cancer or control it for some months or years. If breast cancer comes back If the breast cancer comes back in the same breast it's called local recurrence. Patients with negative margins and great post op pathologies have reoccurrances and others with positive margins do not. The best way forward is to stay on top of the information... keep to your appointments, and remember that your case might be a bit different than the ones you've been reading about. The front door may have three kinds of locks, called receptors— One is for the female hormone estrogen. This page tells you about how cancer can sometimes come back after treatment. This can happen weeks, months, or even years after remission." Those numbers fall quite a bit for the larger tumours (>7 cm) and particularly if they are High GRADE (more aggressive). There's nothing in RCC studies that show you can completely stop worrying about it after 5 years (like there is in some breast and other cancers). Some types (e.g., chromophobe) hardly ever metastasize. Depending on the particular brand of RCC as well as factors related to the size and location of the RCC, there are different statistics for return. You can phone the Cancer Research UK nurses if you would like to talk to someone outside your own friends and family. P-glycoprotein is a protein found in cell walls. Finally, a little hope. Even if doctors tell you that they are 95% certain your cancer has gone for good, you may find it very upsetting that no one can say for sure that you're cured. The stats say that it comes back in less than 5% of cases. I had a 1.7cm lesion that was diagnosed as chromophobe. Instead, focus on your current situation and what you need to do now to move forward. Does the feeling ever come back? The extra treatment might be chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy or a targeted cancer drug. Then you flip the coin. I know you have read those in advance stages.... it is REALLY frightening. Thank you for reaching out! Is it that people that are NED quit posting on different websites so they can get cancer off their minds? You might find it helpful to read more about how chemotherapy works. The great outdoops is refreshing to the soul! How do you know when cancer has come back? Their otions for dealing with those siutations are so much better today than even five years ago. You can read more about how targeted cancer drugs work. But with good diet and exercise and frequent scans and maintenance this doesnt have to define me. More often then not, when cancer comes back, its because they didn't get all the bad cells. The truth of the matter is; Cancer man is a bit of an attention whore. They aren't accurate enough to catch early RCC, particularly on the bones or small tumors in the lungs, and these are very common for places for this stuff to spread. And utmostly importantly scan on time and yearly... don't miss your checkup..... once it is back.... the only option is FIGHT BACK! 1 in 20 is still a pretty high chance of it coming back. I think all of us worry about recurrence and that fear is always in the back of our mind. Thanks to all of you for continued encouragement. I am scheduled for my first set of scans this Friday and I will not lie. Come to think of it, the middle of the night is when I'm most likely to be reading posts here, finding comfort and helpful information. There’s no way to tell if or when that will happen. It usually comes down to how much time you've been cancer-free. when pressed my first oncologist said 80% reccurrance and 50% moratility rate over ten years. They continue to give me hope. But not all the cells in a cancer divide at the same time. Adjuvant treatment can also be a course of chemotherapy or radiotherapy after surgery. The worst part for me has been that my right abdominal muscles split WIDE apart (from above my rib cage to my hip bone and from my belly button to my far right side). Talk about doom and gloom. you have to know that my tumor for a huge stage 3C tumor. This does not mean that your health care team did anything wrong. This just came in tonight in a newsletter I get. Cancer may sometimes come back after cancer drug treatment or radiotherapy. The researchers looked at the health histories of almost 3,000 women who didn't have early-stage breast cancer come back during the 5 years after diagnosis and initial treatment. Radiotherapy makes small breaks in the DNA inside the cells. For many people with pancreatic cancer, the cancer might never go away completely, or it might come back in another part of the body. The nurse piped up … My step dad had his left kidney removed when he was  50 something he then when on to live 30+ more years and it never came back on him. The national standards are probably not good enough on followups. But it is unlikely that any chemotherapy treatment kills every single cancer cell in the body. Its a condition i now have and will for the rest of my life. ... Read More You are on page . I'm not a fan of ultrasounds. Scientists have found a group of genetic mutations that they think can cause drug resistance. When cancer does come back, it’s called recurrence. But some cancers can come back many years after treatment. But not all the cells in a cancer divide at the same time. So you may find that your doctor is very unwilling to use the word 'cure', even though there is no sign that you have any cancer left. When it doubt, take a look at the Canadian Guidelines (posted on this site under Patients/Caregivers...) for Follow-up after Nephrectomy. If this cancer will (as the doctor said) "most likely come back" he would rather have a quality of life (he is sooooo healthy right now you would never know he ever even had cancer). Breast cancer can come back at any time, but most recurrences happen in the first 5 years after treatment. Cells that were resting when you had your first treatment, may be dividing when you have your next and so will be more likely to die. It's just unlikely to but we can't rule that possibility out. This means that there is no sign of cancer in your body. Generally, the more time that goes by, the less likely it is that the cancer will come back (see Survival statistics below). OOOOOOOMMMMMMMGGGGGGGG!!! My 1st set of scan are on Wednesday Feb 28th...I eat pretty well, Walk / jog as much as possible but still like to have a few beers on the weekend specially when the weather is 70 plus here in the blue Ridge mountains in Feb!!! does gullet cancer always come back? When I met with my surgical team they gave me a 95% figure for being "cured". I held on to their words like precious gems. For most people who are in this situation, each day lowers the risk of a recurrence. Have To Come Back After 7 Years NED!!!!! But I do what I need to do, enjoy life and try not to dwell on my road of life. Think of cancer cells as a house. I am so thankful I found this site and all of You! It's not likely, but personally, I don't care for everyone here who keeps saying you're cured and you don't need to worry about it anymore. I know it is REALLy a mental torture.... U worry what if ? These days, doctors are able to cure many cancers. Even though I know all of that is no guarantee that my cancer won’t come back. This is called a recurrence. Deal with the information your team gives you often then not, when cancer has come back if breast. That help a cancer completely are worry about recurrence and that 's about best... 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Look at our section about coping emotionally with cancer. look at the same area, certainly.