Clearly, that "the LORD has bared his holy arm" means that He has performed a work that only He can perform. Deut. This other power is greater than God because it can thwart God's Law, purpose and decrees. This assumes that you accept that there is not any other power than God capable of raising the dead, or giving life. The writings in the New Testament consistently show that when the 12 apostles spread the good news (that God the Father has finally sent the messiah as He promised) and established churches throughout the Roman Empire, they exhorted the church members to worship the same God the Father as well (Example, see Romans 12-13:10 where Paul instructed the church in Rome to live in the manner pleasing to God the Father; Jesus was barely mentioned and out of focus). In summary, notice that in each of the three above cases not a single life was lost, every single life that was in danger, namely all the sons of Jacob and their families, all the followers of David and their families, and all the Jews in Esther's time, were delivered from death. It does indeed. own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. The fact that God creates ex nihilo the spiritual soul of each human person when that person is conceived implies that God cares about human beings, so that He will not allow that they be deceived in a wholly undetectable and unsurmountable way. Jesus is a God who is not recognised by Jews according to the description of God given in the Old Testament. Moreover, neither the plagues nor any other sign or wonder performed by the entity on route to Mt. Case in point: how very different Jewish interpretation of the prophetic verses commonly used by Christians to show as predicting Jesus. The empirical test exposed false claims. I have demonstrated above that both postulates J-CRELP.P1 and J-CRELP.P2 are false in the framework of the Biblical Israelite faith. For the Jews, it is the eleventh hour: but God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, offers forgiveness upon your faith in Jesus Christ and repentance back to God. In 1956 Richard A. Parker and Waldo Dubberstein published the second edition of their book on chronology calling it "Babylonian Chronology, 626 B.C. And he comforted them and spake kindly to them." 16. (Genesis 50:20,21). 1.3. And he fulfils 2 Samuel 7:13,14 - he is a descendant of King David both through his mother (Luke's Gospel) and through his adopted father (Matthew's Gospel). Jesus answered them, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” The Jews then said, “It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?” But He was speaking of the temple of His body. Well, if Jesus spoke for demons, or was a demon, then He would have been a false prophet. As she suffered having requested that the Jews of Shushan neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day and promising I also and my maidens will fast likewise (Esther 4:16) and afterwards went into the secret place to intercede for her people, so Christ also suffered and was in the grave three days and three nights before his ascension to intercede in Heaven for his people. Could you point out the Scriptures where Jesus said let's go after other gods? Now, you may finally say, this contradicts what the Jews think and thought about God! Psalms 118:22 says. And after some time dislikes her, and is desirous of parting with her, and therefore takes the following wicked method to obtain it. (The word "spirit came again" (KJV) probably means his "breathing returned to normal", his breathing had been very shallow, he was very close to death.) Another Jewish interpretation of the prophetic verses can be found here. among you, from your fellow Israelites. Jesus resurrection is prophesied in the OT to the exact day and maybe the exact hour!! [Prov.30:4; Is.9:6-7; Daniel.7:13-14; Micah.5:2]: The Messiah [Christ] is the ruler/king of God’s Kingdom. But as Isaiah 8:20 shows what is needed is to show that the resurrection, and the NT and the OT all agree together, that the NT does not contradict the OT. 10 Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away(U) from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. Do Christians believe that Jews must still follow the Mosaic law? Without the resurrection, you cannot connect Jesus to the Word. Yes, this philosophic demonstration was not needed in the Gospels, but as Christianity became more high profile among the philosophically sophisticated Gentiles, the church fathers and the monks in late antique & medieval era responded to the. Thus, because He claimed to be the divine Son of Man (and therefore claimed to be the Jewish God [but not the Father]), He was the Jewish God. When Adam and Eve sinned God promised them a Saviour, Genesis 3:15, who would bruise Satan's head but be bruised in the heel himself in the process. ARELP.C1. Catholic Apologetics and Evangelization Thursday, August 9, 2012. [1] This is the argument of the author of the letter to the Hebrews 10:1-18, especially 10:16-18. Daniel tells us the Son of Man shall come in the days of the Empire of iron, the Roman Empire (Daniel 7:13,14). 12 If you hear it said about one of the towns the Lord your God is giving you to live in 13 that troublemakers(W) have arisen among you and have led the people of their town astray, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods you have not known), 14 then you must inquire, probe and investigate it thoroughly. But he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed. Circumcision, then, should act as a reminder of how Abraham pleased God. another nation by trials, by signs and wonders and by war and by a He could spot a false prophet and a true prophet, and he certified that Jesus was a true prophet. 14. When Thus his sign should be disregarded. Definition of Revelatory Epistemological Position (RELP). To you it was Even the famous missionary Paul (a Pharisee who studied under the famous Rabbi Gamaliel) also hunted down Christians before his conversion (possibly so the land was not polluted with their "sins" which could have led to the anger of God the Father). Deuteronomy 10:7-8 Does this contradict Numbers about the separation of the Levites? Statement of the antecedent epistemological position required for Christianity. Moses said God made the world in 6 days and rested the 7th day: they believe in the Big Bang. How do you know this? So they repented, and God relented. Hebrews 5:8Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He suffered. Three determined atheists, yet all three became not just believers, but defenders of that belief. @Andrew Shanks, your summary is not correct. What the resurrection, by itself, cannot do is demonstrate that Jesus of Nazareth is that promised Messiah of the Old Testament. rev 2021.1.26.38399, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Like any library, Christianity Stack Exchange offers great information, but, Christianity Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. It is intrinsically null regarding further revelation of truths or addition/deletion/change of commandments by God Himself. I am familiar with the subject because I discussed it extensively last year with a Noahide in a forum on classical theism, and recently I consolidated and expanded my posts on the subject and published the result as part of a broader paper in [1]. How does Catholicism interpret Deuteronomy 13:1-11. Qualis SSL Scan weak cipher suites which are secure according to How do Jehovah's Witnesses respond to the charge that they are false prophets (because their end-of-the-world predictions didn't come true)? Sinai, in Mt. 1 If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and giveth thee a sign or a wonder, 2 And the sign or the wonder come to pass, whereof he spake unto thee, saying, Let us go after other gods, which thou hast not known, and let us serve them; Lewis, Josh McDowell, and Lee Strobel. If you can add to your question to show how Jesus's teaching differs from the Tanakh then that would be helpful. Psalm 16:10. He was envied by his brothers (Genesis 37:11, Matthew 27:18), the children of Israel, because he was the favourite of his father; because they envied him they sold him for 20 pieces of silver into slavery (27:28, Matthew 26:15); by this, in a figure, they killed him so that Jacob said "Joseph is without doubt rent in pieces" (37:33). Therefore, I will allot Him a portion with the great, And He will divide the booty with the strong; Because He poured out Himself to death, And was numbered with the transgressors; Yet He Himself bore the sin of many, And interceded for the transgressors.” (Is.53:10-12 = Lk.23:32-34; Jn.12:24; Phil.2:5-11). On further reflection, I believe the root cause between the diverging interpretations of Deut 13:1-5 is simply a different hermeneutics when reading the Scriptures, especially because in Judaism there is Oral Torah and other authorities which significantly changes one's reading of the same passage. All three witnesses affirmed Jesus' identity at the time he was baptized, in Matthew 3: 13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John. Because it is most illogical to think that God, having promised in the TaNaKH that He Himself would perform specific kinds of signs and wonders to show his own glory, would perform the very same specific kinds of signs and wonders to support the claims of a false prophet enticing Israel to go after false gods! J.K. McKee of Messianic Apologetics responds to three categories of questions: Tanach (OT), Apostolic Scriptures (NT), and theology/Biblical Studies. David is in a lot of trouble, his men are threatening to kill him, after he and his men return to Ziklag on the third day (1 Samuel 30:1) to discover that all their wives and children have been taken captive. For mainstream Christian denominations (including Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, mainline Protestants, and Evangelicals), Resurrection is NOT the key to Jesus's identity. iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His Thus at the transfiguration, Moses was present. The Jews wanted to stone him to death for the blasphemy of claiming divinity - that God was his father and that before Abraham turned up, Jesus (as the eternal and uncreated Word of God) was the great I AM - a title ascribed to God alone. Because it would be against divine wisdom and goodness for God to give us certainty that whatever P said and did was true and good while not giving us certainty about what P actually said and did! Now, how was it that the Jews were to test if Jesus was telling the truth about His claims of being the Son of God? Isaiah also tells us what God said to his Messiah: It is too small a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also give you to be a light to the Gentiles; that you should be my salvation to the ends of the earth (Isaiah 49:6). Kill him,] i.e., Deliver him up to the magistrate to be killed; for he bears not the sword in vain, like St Paul in a glass window, or George on a signpost. 3.2. As a result of the a priori rules above, it becomes a lot more complicated to make Christian teaching acceptable to adherents of Judaism. The burden of proof is on the one wishing to change the status quo. moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like The Paperback Bible presents the Bible by the Book and is designed to be portable, readable, and truly personal with ample margins for notations. This was a miracle that nobody could ignore, but more importantly, nobody could match. my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. We see that from the God of the Old Testament. Rather, it portrays the picture of God/YHWH as a complex Being who appeared in different forms culminating in the form of the Son of God, who is the Christ/Messiah. Must purge the evil ( N ) from among you the prophesies it! Bodily rise from the O.T [ b ] ( Z ) both its and! Arm '' means that he has given assurance ( some versions say `` proof ). 40 days they were going to be saved from danger benefit of the Levites - it is that is. 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